3,423 research outputs found

    Reentrant stability of BEC standing wave patterns

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    We describe standing wave patterns induced by an attractive finite-ranged external potential inside a large Bose-Einstein Condensate (BEC). As the potential depth increases, the time independent Gross-Pitaevskii equation develops pairs of solutions that have nodes in their wavefunction. We elucidate the nature of these states and study their dynamical stability. Although we study the problem in a two-dimensional BEC subject to a cylindrically symmetric square-well potential of a radius that is comparable to the coherence length of the BEC, our analysis reveals general trends, valid in two and three dimensions, independent of the symmetry of the localized potential well, and suggestive of the behavior in general, short- and large-range potentials. One set of nodal BEC wavefunctions resembles the single particle n node bound state wavefunction of the potential well, the other wavefunctions resemble the n-1 node bound-state wavefunction with a kink state pinned by the potential. The second state, though corresponding to the lower free energy value of the pair of n node BEC states, is always unstable, whereas the first can be dynamically stable in intervals of the potential well depth, implying that the standing wave BEC can evolve from a dynamically unstable to stable, and back to unstable status as the potential well is adiabatically deepened, a phenomenon that we refer to as "reentrant dynamical stability".Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures; revised discussion in Sec.

    Tinder blue, mental flu? Exploring the associations between Tinder use and well-being

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    While Tinder (i.e., a popular mobile dating app) has received quite some research attention, its effects on users’ well-being have rarely been addressed. The present study investigates the extent to which Tinder users’ compulsive use, motives, subjective online success and self-conscious social comparison are associated with their well-being (i.e., joviality, sadness, and anxiety). In total, 296 (39% females; 90% heterosexuals) emerging adults who were currently using Tinder completed an online survey. The results suggest that while using Tinder compulsively and for relationship seeking can increase joviality, they may trigger more negative than positive affect. Moreover, feeling unsuccessful on Tinder and making self-conscious social comparisons were positively associated with sadness and anxiety, and negatively associated with joviality. The results seem to imply that Tinder users need to be aware of their compulsive Tinder use, relationship seeking motive, unsuccessful feeling, and/or self-

    Cosmic rays studied with a hybrid high school detector array

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    The LORUN/NAHSA system is a pathfinder for hybrid cosmic ray research combined with education and outreach in the field of astro-particle physics. Particle detectors and radio antennae were mainly setup by students and placed on public buildings. After fully digital data acquisition, coincidence detections were selected. Three candidate events confirmed a working prototype, which can be multiplied to extend further particle detector arrays on high schools.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. Nigl, A., Timmermans, C., Schellart, P., Kuijpers, J., Falcke, H., Horneffer, A., de Vos, C. M., Koopman, Y., Pepping, H. J., Schoonderbeek, G., Cosmic rays studied with a hybrid high school detector array, Europhysics News (EPN), Vol. 38, No. 5, accepted on 22/08/200

    Superfluid transition temperature in a trapped gas of Fermi atoms with a Feshbach resonance

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    We investigate strong coupling effects on the superfluid phase transition in a gas of Fermi atoms with a Feshbach resonance. The Feshbach resonance describes a composite quasi-Boson, which can give rise to an additional pairing interaction between the Fermi atoms. This attractive interaction becomes stronger as the threshold energy of the Feshbach resonance two-particle bound state is lowered. In a recent paper, we showed that in the uniform Fermi gas, this tunable pairing interaction naturally leads to a BCS-BEC crossover of the Nozi`eres and Schmitt-Rink kind, in which the BCS-type superfluid phase transition continuously changes into the BEC-type as the threshold energy is decreased. In this paper, we extend our previous work by including the effect of a harmonic trap potential, treated within the local density approximation (LDA). We also give results for both weak and strong coupling to the Feshbach resonance. We show that the BCS-BEC crossover phenomenon strongly modifies the shape of the atomic density profile at the superfluid phase transition temperature Tc, reflecting the change of the dominant particles going from Fermi atoms to composite Bosons. In the BEC regime, these composite Bosons are shown to first appear well above Tc. We also discuss the "phase diagram" above Tc as a function of the tunable threshold energy. We introduce a characteristic temperature T* describing the effective crossover in the normal phase from a Fermi gas of atoms to a gas of stable molecules.Comment: 43 pages, 13 figures (submitted to PRA

    Performance of a GridPix detector based on the Timepix3 chip

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    A GridPix readout for a TPC based on the Timepix3 chip is developed for future applications at a linear collider. The GridPix detector consists of a gaseous drift volume read out by a single Timepix3 chip with an integrated amplification grid. Its performance is studied in a test beam with 2.5 GeV electrons. The GridPix detector detects single ionization electrons with high efficiency. The Timepix3 chip allowed for high sample rates and time walk corrections. Diffusion is found to be the dominating error on the track position measurement both in the pixel plane and in the drift direction, and systematic distortions in the pixel plane are below 10 μ\mum. Using a truncated sum, an energy loss (dE/dx) resolution of 4.1% is found for an effective track length of 1 m.Comment: To be published in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section
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