4,915 research outputs found

    Degenerate fermion gas heating by hole creation

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    Loss processes that remove particles from an atom trap leave holes behind in the single particle distribution if the trapped gas is a degenerate fermion system. The appearance of holes increases the temperature and we show that the heating is (i) significant if the initial temperature is well below the Fermi temperature TFT_{F}, and (ii) increases the temperature to T≄TF/4T \geq T_{F}/4 after half of the system's lifetime, regardless of the initial temperature. The hole heating has important consequences for the prospect of observing Cooper-pairing in atom traps.Comment: to be published in PR

    The evolutionary genetics of highly divergent alleles of the mimicry locus in Papilio dardanus

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    Background: The phylogenetic history of genes underlying phenotypic diversity can offer insight into the evolutionary origin of adaptive traits. This is especially true where single genes have large phenotypic effects, for example in determining polymorphic mimicry in butterflies. Here, we characterise the evolutionary history of two candidate genes for the mimicry switch in the polymorphic Batesian mimic Papilio dardanus coding for the transcription factors engrailed and invected. Results: We show that phased haplotypes associated with the dominant morphs f. poultoni and f. planemoides are phylogenetically highly divergent, in particular at non-synonymous sites. Some non-synonymous changes are shared between the divergent alleles suggesting either convergence or a shared ancestry. Gene trees for invected do not show this pattern. Despite their great divergence, all engrailed alleles of P. dardanus were monophyletic with respect to alleles of closely related species. Phylogenetic analyses therefore reveal no evidence for introgression from other species. A McDonald-Kreitman test conducted on a population sample from South Africa confirms a significant excess of intraspecific non-synonymous diversity in P. dardanus engrailed, suggesting long-term balanced polymorphism at this locus. Conclusions: The divergence between engrailed haplotypes suggests an evolutionary history distorted by selection with multiple changes reflecting recurrent selective sweeps. The high level of intraspecific polymorphism observed is characteristic of balancing selection on this locus, as expected if the gene engrailed is under phenotypic selection for the maintenance of multiple mimetic morphs. Non-synonymous changes in key functional portions of a major transcription factor are likely to be deleterious but if maintained in a dominant allele at low frequency, heterozygosity would reduce the associated genetic load

    Schiff Theorem and the Electric Dipole Moments of Hydrogen-Like Atoms

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    The Schiff theorem is revisited in this work and the residual PP- and TT-odd electron--nucleus interaction, after the shielding takes effect, is completely specified. An application is made to the electric dipole moments of hydrogen-like atoms, whose qualitative features and systematics have important implication for realistic paramagnetic atoms.Comment: 3 pages. Contribution to PANIC05, Particles and Nuclei International Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico, Oct. 24-28, 200

    Intraspecific genetic variation in complex assemblages from mitochondrial metagenomics: comparison with DNA barcodes

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    Metagenomic shotgun sequencing, using Illumina technology, and de novo genome assembly of mixed field-collected amples of invertebrates readily produce mitochondrial genome sequences, allowing rapid identification and quantification of species diversity. However, intraspecific genetic variability present in the specimen pools is lost during mitogenome assembly, which limits the utility of ‘mitochondrial metagenomics’ for studies of population diversity. 2. Using 10 natural communities (>2600 individuals) of leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae), DNA variation in the mitochondrial cox1-5’ ‘barcode’ was compared for Sanger sequenced individuals and Illumina shotgun sequenced specimen pools. 3. Generally, only a single mitochondrial contig was assembled per species, even in the presence of intraspecific variation. Ignoring ambiguity from the use of two different assemblers, the cox1 barcode regions from these assemblies were exact nucleotide matches of a Sanger sequenced barcode in 90.7% of cases, which dropped to 76.0% in assemblies from samples with large intra and interspecific variability. Nucleotide differences between barcodes from both data types were almost exclusively in synonymous 3rd codon position, although the number of affected sites was very low, and the greatest discrepancies were correlated with poor quality of Sanger sequences. 4. Unassembled shotgun reads were also used to score single nucleotide polymorphisms and to calculate intraspecific nucleotide diversity (pi) for all available populations at each site. These values correlated with Sanger sequenced cox1 variation but were significantly higher. 5. Overall, the assemblage-focused shotgun sequencing of pooled samples produced nucleotide variation data comparable to the well-established specimen-focused Sanger approach. The findings thus extend the application of mitochondrial metagenomics of complex biodiversity samples to the estimation of diversity below the species level

    Cosmic rays studied with a hybrid high school detector array

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    The LORUN/NAHSA system is a pathfinder for hybrid cosmic ray research combined with education and outreach in the field of astro-particle physics. Particle detectors and radio antennae were mainly setup by students and placed on public buildings. After fully digital data acquisition, coincidence detections were selected. Three candidate events confirmed a working prototype, which can be multiplied to extend further particle detector arrays on high schools.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. Nigl, A., Timmermans, C., Schellart, P., Kuijpers, J., Falcke, H., Horneffer, A., de Vos, C. M., Koopman, Y., Pepping, H. J., Schoonderbeek, G., Cosmic rays studied with a hybrid high school detector array, Europhysics News (EPN), Vol. 38, No. 5, accepted on 22/08/200

    Are track recommendations dependent on schools and school boards? A study of trends in the level of track recommendations, number of double recommendations and reconsiderations in Dutch urban and rural areas

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    Track recommendations provided to students in the final grade of primary education lead the allocation to specific school tracks in secondary education in the Netherlands. Where the results of a standardised test indicate that students are able to go to a higher track level, primary schools are required to reconsider and potentially adjust the track recommendation to a higher level. The current research aimed to (1) investigate trends in the level of track recommendations, double track recommendations and reconsiderations over the years 2014–2015 to 2018–2019, (2) explore the variation in (trends of) track recommendations between Dutch primary schools and their school boards, and (3) assess the association between track recommendations and the school level variables degree of urbanisation and type of primary education. We used multilevel growth curve modelling for continuous and count data based on publicly available school-level population data regarding track recommendations and school leavers tests from 2014–2015 to 2018–2019. The number of double track recommendations has increased over the cohorts, with a slightly decreasing gap between schools in rural and urban areas. The number of reconsiderations first decreased and then increased. The differences in reconsiderations between rural and urban areas are increasing over time. An initial trend towards higher average recommendations stabilising in the later cohorts appeared with no clear pattern for degree of urbanisation. The current study adds to the existing knowledge by assessing longitudinal trends instead of cross-sectional analyses and including multiple stakeholders and factors simultaneously.</p

    Metagenome skimming of insect specimen pools: potential for comparative genomics

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    Metagenomic analyses are challenging in metazoans, but high-copy number and repeat regions can be assembled from lowcoverage sequencing by “genome skimming,” which is applied here as a new way of characterizing metagenomes obtained in an ecological or taxonomic context. Illumina shotgun sequencing on two pools of Coleoptera (beetles) of approximately 200 species each were assembled into tens of thousands of scaffolds. Repeated low-coverage sequencing recovered similar scaffold sets consistently, although approximately 70% of scaffolds could not be identified against existing genome databases. Identifiable scaffolds included mitochondrial DNA, conserved sequences with hits to expressed sequence tag and protein databases, and knownrepeatelementsof high and low complexity, includingnumerous copies ofrRNAandhistone genes.Assemblies of histones captured a diversity of gene order and primary sequence in Coleoptera. Scaffolds with similarity to multiple sites in available coleopteran genome sequences for Dendroctonus and Tribolium revealed high specificity of scaffolds to either of these genomes, in particular for high-copy number repeats. Numerous “clusters” of scaffolds mapped to the same genomic site revealed intraand/or intergenomic variation within a metagenome pool. In addition to effect of taxonomic composition of the metagenomes, the number of mapped scaffolds also revealed structural differences between the two reference genomes, although the significance of this striking finding remains unclear. Finally, apparently exogenous sequences were recovered, including potential food plants, fungal pathogens, and bacterial symbionts. The “metagenome skimming” approach is useful for capturing the genomic diversity of poorly studied, species-rich lineages and opens new prospects in environmental genomic

    Boson-Fermion coherence in a spherically symmetric harmonic trap

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    We consider the photoassociation of a low-density gas of quantum-degenerate trapped fermionic atoms into bosonic molecules in a spherically symmetric harmonic potential. For a dilute system and the photoassociation coupling energy small compared to the level separation of the trap, only those fermions in the single shell with Fermi energy are coupled to the bosonic molecular field. Introducing a collective pseudo-spin operator formalism we show that this system can then be mapped onto the Tavis-Cummings Hamiltonian of quantum optics, with an additional pairing interaction. By exact diagonalization of the Hamiltonian, we examine the ground state and low excitations of the Bose-Fermi system, and study the dynamics of the coherent coupling between atoms and molecules. In a semiclassical description of the system, the pairing interaction between fermions is shown to result in a self-trapping transition in the photoassociation, with a sudden suppression of the coherent oscillations between atoms and molecules. We also show that the full quantum dynamics of the system is dominated by quantum fluctuations in the vicinity of the self-trapping solution.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figure

    Comment on piNN Coupling from High Precision np Charge Exchange at 162 MeV

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    In this updated and expanded version of our delayed Comment we show that the np backward cross section, as presented by the Uppsala group, is seriously flawed (more than 25 sd.). The main reason is the incorrect normalization of the data. We show also that their extrapolation method, used to determine the charged piNN coupling constant, is a factor of about 10 less accurate than claimed by Ericson et al. The large extrapolation error makes the determination of the coupling constant by the Uppsala group totally uninteresting.Comment: 5 pages, latex2e with a4wide.sty. This is an updated and extended version of the Comment published in Phys. Rev. Letters 81, 5253 (1998
