156 research outputs found

    Enhanced heterogeneous nucleation on oxides in Al alloys by intensive shearing

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    Oxides, in liquid aluminium alloys, can cause severe difficulties during casting, contribute to the formation of cast defects and degrade the mechanical properties of cast components. In this paper, microstructural characteristics of naturally occurring oxides in the melts of commercial purity aluminium and Al-Mg binary alloys have been investigated. They are characterised by densely populated oxide particles within liquid oxide films. With intensive shearing, the particle agglomerates are dispersed into uniformly distributed individual particles. It was found that with intensive melt shearing, grain refinement of α-Al can be achieved by the dispersed oxide particles. The smaller lattice misfit between the oxide particles and the α-Al phase is characterised by a well defined crystallographic orientation relationship. And the mechanisms of grain refinement are discussed.The EPSR

    Metodi di neutralizzazione del Fe in leghe Al-Si da fonderia

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    In questo lavoro sono sistematicamente presentate le diverse tecniche utilizzate per neutralizzare gli effettideleteri prodotti dal Fe in leghe Al-Si da fonderia. Partendo dalle tecniche tradizionali di alligazione,vengono prese in considerazione le aggiunte di elementi quali Mn, Co, Be, Cr e K, i quali risultano efficacinello stabilizzare la precipitazione di una fase ? poligonale, o a scrittura cinese, con minor effetto infragilenterispetto alle lamelle di fase ?-Al5FeSi. L’utilizzo di metodi di neutralizzazione alternativi, senza cioè l’aggiuntadi elementi alliganti, in particolare i trattamenti termici di non-equilibrio e il surriscaldamento del bagnoliquido prima della colata, sembrano mostrare buoni risultati nella dissoluzione e frammentazionedella fase ?. Tali metodologie vengono descritte in termini di impatto sulle caratteristiche microstrutturali,difettologiche e meccaniche del materiale

    Sta Cast : Linee guida per la progettazione di getti in lega di alluminio

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    StaCast (New Quality and Design Standards for Aluminium Alloys Cast Products) è un progetto europeo dedicato allefonderie dell’alluminio con l’obiettivo di sviluppare una nuova classificazione dei difetti strutturali nei getti e di definiredei limiti di accettabilità di questi difetti a seconda della destinazione finale prevista. Il raggiungimento di questo obiettivoaiuterà significativamente le fonderie a ridurre il costo della non-qualità, migliorando nel contempo il loro margine dicompetitività grazie al conseguimento di importanti vantaggi, per esempio nei costi dell’energia. StaCast ha condotto unavasta indagine tra le fonderie europee per conoscere le caratteristiche principali della loro produzione, in quale misuraesse utilizzano gli Standard CEN, il bisogno di nuovi strumenti normativi riferiti ai difetti, alle proprietà meccaniche e allaprogettazione meccanica di getti in lega d’alluminio. Questo articolo presenta i principali risultati di tale indagine, che hacoinvolto circa 80 aziende, e l’impostazione dei documenti normativi che sono stati elaborati sulla Classificazione deiDifetti e sul Potenziale Meccanico di getti in lega d’alluminio


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    L’elevata velocità di solidificazione così come il trattamento di modifica allo stronzio (Sr) svolgono un ruolo fondamentale nella fonderia d’alluminio, intervenendo sulla scala microstrutturale nonché sulla morfologia e distribuzione del silicio all’interno dell’eutettico. In questo studio sono analizzati in maniera sistematica gli effetti della condizione di solidificazione e della modifica allo Sr sul livello di modifica del silicio eutettico in leghe AlSiMgTi da fonderia. Sono state predisposte differenti configurazioni di analisi termica al fine di variare la velocità di raffreddamento; i campioni ottenuti sono quindi stati analizzati metallograficamente. Gli effetti di un trattamento di modifica al sodio (Na) sono stati infine studiati sulle medesime leghe a titolo di confronto. In condizioni di lento raffreddamento, il livello di modifica in lega EN AB-42000 migliora con l’aumentare del contenuto di Sr e raggiunge valori ottimali quando la quantità di quello si situa nell’intervallo di 100-200 ppm. Simili risultati non sono ottenuti in leghe EN AB-43300 e 44000, la cui microstruttura, nonostante un contenuto più elevato di Sr (400-500 ppm), risulta solo parzialmente modificata. La modifica al Na ha mostrato il miglior grado di efficienza per tutte le leghe analizzate in condizioni di lento raffreddamento. La temperatura eutettica nelle leghe ad elevato tenore di silicio, modificate con 400 ppm di Sr, diminuisce significativamente incrementando la velocità di solidificazione, con un miglioramento del livello di modifica. Considerando i risultati ottenuti dall’analisi termica, l’efficacia del trattamento di modifica al Na e allo Sr è stata studiata su alcuni getti di ruote, colati in gravità con leghe EN AB-42000 e 44000

    Quality mapping of aluminium alloy diecastings

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    The effect of casting defects on mechanical properties was investigated for a highpressure die-cast aluminium alloy. A series of U-shaped components were cast using a fully controlled cold chamber high- pressure diecasting machine with different process parameters. Defects existed in gas and shrinkage pores as well as oxide inclusions. An X- ray equipment was used for a preliminary quality control but showed its limits in detecting defects. The castings were sectioned and tensile bars extracted from different locations in the castings in order to map the distribution of the mechanical properties. The decrease in mechanical properties correlated with the area fractions of defects revealed on the fracture surface of the tensile specimens. A quality mapping approach showed how the final properties depend on the position of the casting and the process parameters adopted

    Effects of microstructure and casting defects on the fatigue behavior of the high-pressure die-cast AlSi9Cu3(Fe) alloy

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    Abstract High-pressure die-cast (HPDC) components are being increasingly used due to good flexibility and high productivity. These aspects make HPDC suitable to produce several mass components, especially for the automotive sector. Due to the rapid filling of the die and high cooling rate, the process generally leads to the formation of a wide variety of defects, such as porosity and oxide films. Such defects might act as starting points for fatigue cracks and thus deteriorating the fatigue behavior of the casting. To this respect, the fatigue behavior of die cast aluminum alloys is an important aspect to consider when assessing the performance of complex castings for automotive applications. In the light of these aspects, the goal of this work is to describe how the microstructure affects the fatigue crack initiation and propagation. Die cast AlSi9Cu3(Fe) specimens were produced by means of a specifically designed die and the microstructure was preliminary characterized. Uniaxial fatigue tests were performed at load control with a stress ratio of R = 0.1 and at a single level of stress amplitude. After the fatigue tests, the samples were investigated to assess the propagation of the fatigue cracks; the starting points of cracks were specifically identified and the obtained data suggested how defects strongly influence the damage mechanism of the material

    Sigma phase precipitation modelling in a UNS S32760 superduplex stainless steel

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    Sigma phase precipitation is known to have detrimental effects on mechanical and corrosion propertiesin stainless steels. Accordingly, heat treatments and welding must be performed carefully. For this reason,computer models which predict the evolution of secondary phases with the temperature are very usefulfor a good planning of industrial heat treatments or welding. A semiempirical model, based on the pioneerwork of Wilson and Nilsson, describing the microstructural evolution of UNS S32760 superduplex stainlesssteels was developed. The computer model, based on the modified Johnson–Mehl–Avrami-Kolmorgorov (JMAK)type of equation, uses information from isothermal experiments of sigma-phase transformation and predictsthe transformation kinetics during a cooling process. A good agreement was found between the predicted CCTdiagramand the experimental tests

    Design and realization of an experimental cold crucible levitation melting system for light alloys

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    Thanks to their properties of ultra-lightness and high strength/weight ratio, Mg and Al alloys find increasingemploy in aerospace, automotive and biomedical applications. These alloys can be formed using all theconventional technologies used for other materials, like casting and forming. However, the mechanicalproperties of the final components are significantly influenced by the quality of the starting liquid metal.In fact, the quality of the starting liquid metal has been substantially increased in recent years, thanks to theimprovement of cleaning technologies. To this purpose, electromagnetic processing of materials has evolved asan important experimental technique in the fields of material processing, associated with applications such asshape controlling, flow driving, online detecting, controlled heat generation, inclusion removing, magneticlevitation. In particular, electromagnetic levitation, as a promising technique, can be helpful to create somenew phenomena and discoveries, especially in melting process. This work describes the design, optimizationand realization of a cold crucible levitation melting (CCLM) system for light alloys. Electromagnetic models areused and applied in FEM codes to numerical simulate the working range of the CCLM.The simulation results show good agreement with experimental data

    Correlation between microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-Si diecast engine blocks

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    In spite of weight reduction of passenger car, the cylinder block is the heaviest component among many automotive engine parts and plays a key role in fuel efficiency and the drivability of vehicles. In hypoeutectic aluminium alloys, the final mechanical properties are strictly connected to microstructural features such as the distribution, the morphology and dimensions of primary ?-Al phase and eutectic Si particles, as well as, type of iron-bearings and defects. The microstructure, in turn, depends on filling process and solidification dynamic. In this work, a HPDC 4-cylinders-inline cylinder block was exhaustively analysed and mechanical properties were correlated to microstructural features. Mechanical properties are affected by microstructure. The best values of UTS and elongation to fracture are obtained for low secondary dendrite arm spacing (SDAS) values and small and more compact eutectic Si particles. If the combined effect of ?-Al phase and eutectic Si particles is taken into account, a linear correlation between UTS and product of SDAS, equivalent diameter and aspect ratio of Si particles is observed, while the elongation to fracture shows an exponential trend, suggesting an high sensitivity on microstructural variation

    Solubilizzazione isoterma della fase sigma in un acciaio superduplex UNS S32760

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    In questo lavoro si riportano i risultati delle prove di solubilizzazione isoterma della fase sigma eseguite su unacciaio inossidabile superduplex UNS S32760. Il materiale base è stato dapprima sottoposto a trattamentiisotermi a 1173 K e poi solubilizzato a 1323 K e a 1353 K. La cinetica di solubilizzazione è stata valutataprelevando i campioni dal forno a diversi intervalli di tempo e misurando la percentuale rimanente di precipitatomediante analisi di immagine. I risultati, riportati in termini di curve, mostrano, per le diverse temperature ditrattamento, la variazione di fase sigma in funzione del tempo e della percentuale iniziale di precipitato. Infine,è stato sviluppato un modello semiempirico che descrive con buona accuratezza i dati sperimentali
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