27 research outputs found


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    Purpose. Despite the steady scientific interest in the problems of the great Patriotic war, and the feat of its specific heroes, the post-Soviet historical science often has not yet introduced previously inaccessible sources that significantly Supplement their biographical information. In particular, an attempt is made to reconstruct the biography of the Hero of the Soviet Union G.N. Chernov in the most complete way, using materials that were not previously used in scientific circulation. In addition, the author’s research on the values and lifestyle of the Chuvash Diaspora in the Altai region includes, in addition to considering the specific existence of this people in southern Siberia, and reconstructing the life path of its best representatives.Methodology. As a special way of measuring socio-cultural processes in modern science, methods of historical biography are increasingly used, including individual destinies in the context of history. The descriptive and biographical methods and the method of historicism inherent in this auxiliary historical discipline were applied.Results. For the first time in the scientific literature it is described in details the key life episodes of the only Hero of the Soviet Union in the Altai region, Chuvash by nationality, Georgiy Chernov. It has been able to establish that the Chernov family was one of those who had founded the most compact Chuvash residence in the Altai territory. The materials of the investigation on the charges against G.Chernov’s father in conspiring against the Soviet authorities have made it possible to supplement information about widespread “SR-rovsowski conspiracy” in Siberia”, mass repressions which were begun after the NKVD order № 00447. However, the presence of the repressed father didn’t prevent the social biography of Georgiy Chernov. The hero’s military path was completed with the act of heroism on August 21, 1944, which was restored from widely available materials as well as from little known recollections of his fellow soldiers.Conclusions. A retrospective review of Georgiy Chernov’s life demonstrates the disparity of the interaction of social and concrete historical factors with his personal aspirations and motives. The maximal indoctrination of the Bolshevik state can’t prevent the success of the Soviet modernization. As an evidence of it there are the fates of the representatives of the generation whose youth took place during the great Patriotic war.Цель. Несмотря на устойчивый научный интерес к проблематике Великой Отечественной войны, и подвигу ее конкретных героев, в постсоветскую историческую науку зачастую ещё не введены недоступные ранее источники, существенно дополняющие их биографические сведения. В частности, предпринимается попытка наиболее полно реконструировать биографию Героя Советского Союза Г.Н. Чернова, используя материалы, до этого не использовавшиеся в научном обороте. Кроме этого, исследование автором ценностей и образа жизни чувашской диаспоры в Алтайском крае, включает в себя, помимо рассмотрения конкретного бытования этого народа в Южной Сибири, и реконструкцию жизненного пути его лучших представителей.Метод и методология. Как особый способ измерения социально-культурных процессов в современной науке все шире используются методы исторической биографики, включающей индивидуальные судьбы в контекст истории. Применялись присущие ей описательный и биографический методы, принцип историзма.Результаты. Впервые в научной литературе детально описываются ключевые эпизоды жизни единственного в Алтайском крае Героя Советского Союза, чуваша по национальности, Г.Н. Чернова. Удалось установить, что семья Черновых была одной из тех, кто основал место наиболее компактного проживания чувашей в Алтайском крае. Материалы следственного дела по обвинению отца Г.Н. Чернова позволили дополнить сведения о широкомасштабно сфабрикованном в Сибири «эсеро-ровсовским заговоре», массовые репрессии по которому начались после известного приказа НКВД СССР № 00447. Однако наличие репрессированного родителя не помешало социальной биографии Г.Н. Чернова. Боевой путь героя, завершившийся подвигом 21 августа 1944 года, восстановлен как по материалам, находящимся в широком доступе, так и по малоизвестным воспоминаниям однополчан Г.Н. Чернова.Выводы. Ретроспективное рассмотрение жизни Г.Н. Чернова демонстрирует неоднозначность взаимодействия социальных и конкретно-исторических факторов с его личными устремлениями и мотивами. Максимальная индоктринация большевистского государства не может отменить успехов советской модернизации, о которых свидетельствуют судьбы представителей поколения, чья молодость пришлась на годы Великой Отечественной войны

    Application of Genetic Algorithms to the Solution of the Space Vehicle Reentry Trajectory Optimization Problem

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    During the atmospheric reentry of a space vehicle the heat flux at the body surface is so large that one has to solve a very complex heat protection problem for the space vehicle surface. One of the possible passive ways to reduce the heat flux at the body surface is to optimize the reentry trajectory parameters to minimize of the heat flux integral. The purpose of this report is to solve the optimization problem of the reentry trajectory into the Earth atmosphere with respect to the heat flux integral at the stagnation point of 3D blunt body. This problem is solved by means of the floating-point Genetic Algorithms (GA) via calculation of the heat flux evolution along the reentry trajectory in the framework of the non-equili- brium multicomponent thin viscous shock layer model (TVSL). The solution of this problem by Genetic Algorithms is interesting from both practical applicative and methodological points of view, because it is a very good example to demonstrate the GA efficiency for the solution of an optimization problem with a number of complex non-linear constraints. The influence of the GA parameters as well as the body geometry, the body surface catalytic activity and certain physical constraints on the optimum solution and on the algorithm arithmetical cost efficiency is investigated

    Electrophysical methods of separation of metal cations in the moving salts solution

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    The results of experiments on the excitation of the phenomenon of selective drift of solvated ions under the influence of an external "asymmetric" electric field to the circulating solution of calcium chloride and magnesium salts in a polar liquid dielectric - water are shown. The purpose of the experiments was to determine the influence of the field frequency and amplitude of the field strength on the excitation phenomenon, and the study of the operating characteristics of the testing apparatus - a dividing cell. The dependences of the separation efficiency of solvated cations from the frequency of the external field and the excitation threshold of the phenomenon from the field strength in the separation cell are defined

    A nearly complete database on the records and ecology of the rarest boreal tiger moth from 1840s to 2020

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    Global environmental changes may cause dramatic insect declines but over century-long time series of certain species’ records are rarely available for scientific research. The Menetries’ Tiger Moth (Arctia menetriesii) appears to be the most enigmatic example among boreal insects. Although it occurs throughout the entire Eurasian taiga biome, it is so rare that less than 100 specimens were recorded since its original description in 1846. Here, we present the database, which contains nearly all available information on the species’ records collected from 1840s to 2020. The data on A. menetriesii records (N = 78) through geographic regions, environments, and different timeframes are compiled and unified. The database may serve as the basis for a wide array of future research such as the distribution modeling and predictions of range shifts under climate changes. It represents a unique example of a more than century-long dataset of distributional, ecological, and phenological data designed for an exceptionally rare but widespread boreal insect, which primarily occurs in hard-to-reach, uninhabited areas of Eurasia.Peer reviewe

    Development of a method for molecular subtyping <i>Bacillus anthracis</i> using HRM PCR

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    Introduction. Bacillus anthracis is the causative agent of anthrax, a pathogen characterized by high genetic monomorphism that complicates differentiation of strains. Thus, molecular methods for pathogen typing require the improvement. The aim of the study. To select marker SNPs for new genetic groups of B. anthracis and to develop a method for their laboratory identification using HRM PCR. Materials and methods. The core genome of 222 strains of B. anthracis from the GenBank database and 66 strains from the collection of pathogenic microorganisms of the Stavropol Anti-Plague Institute was aligned using the parsnp software. A dendrogram based on 7242 core genome SNPs was built in MEGA X software. The strains for validation of the HRM method included representatives of various genetic groups. The HRM PCR reaction was performed using the "Type-it HRM PCR Kit" and "KAPA HRM FAST qPCR Kit" and a Rotor Gene DNA thermocycler with HRM function. Data analysis and visualization were performed using custom scripts in the Python and R development environments. Results and discussion. Marker SNPs for 6 genetic groups have been identified, which make it possible to determine whether strains belong to one of 7 new subclusters. Pairs of primers were selected for the loci containing them, HRM PCR parameters were optimized for discrimination of different alleles of SNP loci, and an analysis scheme was developed. Conclusion. Thus, marker SNPs were selected to determine the genetic subclusters A.Br.CEA, A.Br.STI, A.Br.Tsiankovskii, B.Br.Europe, B.Br.Siberia, B.Br.Asia, B.Br.018, and a new laboratory method was developed for molecular subtyping of B. anthracis using HRM PCR


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    The article dwells upon the issue of the quality and efficiency of higher education and presents the results of the survey which determines the readiness degree of the University teachers and management to the effective contract introduction. The contractual relationship is to be discussion based and similar to the social contract which is possible only if the upper and lower parts of the University structure will combine their efforts and effectively cooperate. The synthetic and multi-faceted socio-economic character of efficiency makes the development of practice-oriented tools for performance management of the University a burning issue


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    The article touches on the issue of meeting the students' educational needs as a crucial point in the quality of education improvement. The main consumers of educational services are students whose perceptions of the educational quality is analyzed. According to the research the primary attention of the administration have be paid to the dissatisfaction of the consumer and only then to ensure the satisfaction. The focus on the factors causing negative evaluation and dissatisfaction of students, using tactics quick fix ("quick patch") is recommended

    Excitation Frequencies of the Effects of Selective Drift of Solvated Cations in Moving Salts Solution

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    Interaction of external electric field with free and bound charges in the salt solution volume in polar dielectric fluid was considered and the equation describing ion oscillations relative to solvent molecules was obtained. Fundamental frequencies of the solvation shell relative to the ion in different approximations describing the system: ion - solvation shell were evaluated. The results of comparison with the experiment pointed out that the model, in which the solvated ion is considered as a spherical rotator formed by the solvent molecules layer bordering with the external solvation shell, is the most appropriate. It provides an opportunity of development of new technologies for extraction of rare earth elements

    Excitation Frequencies of the Effects of Selective Drift of Solvated Cations in Moving Salts Solution

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    Interaction of external electric field with free and bound charges in the salt solution volume in polar dielectric fluid was considered and the equation describing ion oscillations relative to solvent molecules was obtained. Fundamental frequencies of the solvation shell relative to the ion in different approximations describing the system: ion - solvation shell were evaluated. The results of comparison with the experiment pointed out that the model, in which the solvated ion is considered as a spherical rotator formed by the solvent molecules layer bordering with the external solvation shell, is the most appropriate. It provides an opportunity of development of new technologies for extraction of rare earth elements