6 research outputs found

    Pemetaan Kedalaman Laut Menggunakan Multibeam Echosounder, (MB1) di Perairan Punggur, Kepri

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    This research was conducted in April 2018 at Punggur waters. The methods used were bathymetric and tidal survey which aimed at obtaining depth and position information in Punggur waters which play a role in supporting activities around Punggur waters. This research was done by performing generalization using the Multibeam Echosounder (MBES) System instrument. Tides know the dynamics or changes in sea level. Thus, a bathymetric and tidal survey are carried out simultaneously namely the tides in the bathymetry survey activities aiming as a reference depth field to determine the kind/type of tide and the height of sea level average MSL (Mean Sea Level) as a reference point (zero points) for elevation measurements. It is known that the Formzahl value is 1.35 so that the tide type in the waters around the port is mixed mainly diurnal tides. The corrected bathymetry measurement results with an MSL value of 1.35 meters which results in an accuracy of the depth value. This indicates that there is a change in the depth value in Punggur waters, Batam. The results showed that the depth value in Punggur waters ranged from 16 to 25 meters below sea level so that the depth or bathymetry value in these waters was not included in the continental shelf area, which explains the presence of sloping topography values.   Keywords: Bathymetry, Punggur waters, tides, Multibeam Echosounder (MBES)Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan April 2018 di perairan Punggur untuk melakukan penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode survei batimetri dan pasut bertujuan mendapatkan informasi kedalaman dan posisi di perairan Punggur yang berperan untuk mendukung aktifitas di sekitar perairan Punggur. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan melakukan pemeruman menggunakan intrumen Multibeam Echosounder (MBES) System. Pasang surut mengetahui dinamika atau perubahan permukaan laut dengan demikian maka di lakukan survei batimetri dan survei pasang surut secara bersamaan yaitu pasang surut pada kegiatan survei batimetri bertujuan sebagai bidang acuan kedalaman untuk menentukan jenis/tipe Pasut dan ketinggian muka air laut rata-rata MSL(Mean Sea Level) sebagai titik referensi (titik nol) untuk pengukuran elevasi. Nilai Formzahl diketahui nilai besaran bilangan Formzahl adalah 1,35 Sehingga tipe pasut pada Perairan sekitaran pelabuhan yaitu tipe campuran condong ganda (Mixed mainly diurnal tides). Hasil pengukuran batimetri yang telah di koreksi dengan nilai MSL 1,35 meter yang menghasilkan akurasi pada nilai kedalaman. Hal ini menunjukkan dengan adanya perubahan nilai kedalaman di perairan punggur, Batam. Hasil penelitian menunjukan nilai kedalaman di perairan punggur berkisar antara 16 sampai 25 meter di bawah permukaan laut, sehingga nilai kedalaman atau batimetri di perairan tersebut tidak termasuk berada di daerah continental shelf yang menjelaskan dengan adanya nilai topografi landai. Kata kunci:  Batimetri, Perairan Punggur, Pasang Surut, Multibeam Echosounder (MBES


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    This study aimed to observe the characteristics of sea surface temperature (SST) and wind velocity and its relation with the Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) in the waters of Batam. The data used in this study is the SPL and the wind speed in 2016 in the waters of Batam. The method used in this research is the visual analysis using the data ocean view (ODV) to look at the spatial and temporal distribution of the SPL and the wind speed in Batam waters at different seasons. The next method is a fast Fourier transform (FFT). Transitional season one that occurred in April seen the highest wind speed seen with the value of 3.9 m/s**-1 for components U. As for the V component has the highest value of -3.6 m/s**-1. Sea surface temperature (SST) Batam highs in April occurred on 19-04-2016 with a value of 304.2°C (31.05°C). West monsoon winds that occurred in January seen the highest wind speed with a value of 4.5 m/s**-1 for components U. As for the V component has the highest value of 5.2 MS m/s**-1 in the waters of Batam. . Sea surface temperature (SST) highest Batam in January occurred on 19-01-2016 with a value of 302.8°C (29.65°C). Based on the results of the FFT, wind speed and SPL in the waters of the island has a dominant 6-month period (semiannual)

    A Simple Aerial Photogrammetric Mapping System Overview and Image Acquisition Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)

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    Aerial photogrammetry is one of the Alternative technologies for more detailed data, real time, fast and cheaper. Nowadays, many photogrammetric mapping methods have used UAV / unmanned drones or drones to retrieve and record data from an object in the earth. The application of drones in the field of geospatial science today is in great demand because of its relatively easy operation and relatively affordable cost compared to satellite systems especially high - resolution satellite imagery.  This research aims to determine the stage or overview of data retrieval process with DJI Phantom 4 (multi - rotor quad - copter drone) with processing using third party software. This research also produces 2 - dimensional high resolution image data on the research area. Utilization of third party software (Agisoft PhotoScan) making it easier to acquire and process aerial photogrammetric data. The results of aerial photogrammetric recording with a flying altitude of 70 meters obtained high resolution images with a spatial resolution of 2 inches / pixels.&nbsp

    Interactive Modelling of Buildings in Google Earth and GIS: a 3D Tool for Urban Planning (Tunjuk Island, Indonesia)

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    3D modelling of buildings in Google Earth in Batam city, Indonesia is very important for knowledge about facility, infrastructure, and others.Three-dimensional (3D) visualisations are an interesting method for representing model outcomes. This research In Tunjuk island with coordinate, at Latitude: 0.984123°, and Longitude: 104.225606°, with technical terms, there are two alternative routes for implementation, and they both share the same starting stage. In (Figure 5) visible visual measurements of the master plan that has been made has a length 141.99 metre and width 54.25 metre with location at Latitude 0.984593° and Longitude 104.228073°. In (Figure 5) visible visual measurements of the master plan that has been made has a length 92.96 metre and width 135.46  metre with location at Latitude 0.984593° and Longitude 104.228073°. This paper presented a rapid visualisation tool for supporting the joint decision making in evaluation of design/renewal proposals in Batam City, Tunjuk Island, Indonesia. 3D building using Google Earth (GE) and combaining Geographic Information System (GIS) system be done officially on a sampling or auditing basis by a professional body or by researchers, or it could be done by volunteers and user groups

    A Simple Aerial Photogrammetric Mapping System Overview and Image Acquisition Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)

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    Aerial photogrammetry is one of the Alternative technologies for more detailed data, real time, fast and cheaper. Nowadays, many photogrammetric mapping methods have used UAV / unmanned drones or drones to retrieve and record data from an object in the earth. The application of drones in the field of geospatial science today is in great demand because of its relatively easy operation and relatively affordable cost compared to satellite systems especially high - resolution satellite imagery.  This research aims to determine the stage or overview of data retrieval process with DJI Phantom 4 (multi - rotor quad - copter drone) with processing using third party software. This research also produces 2 - dimensional high resolution image data on the research area. Utilization of third party software (Agisoft PhotoScan) making it easier to acquire and process aerial photogrammetric data. The results of aerial photogrammetric recording with a flying altitude of 70 meters obtained high resolution images with a spatial resolution of 2 inches / pixels