652 research outputs found

    Accounting and the welfare-state: The missing link

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    In recent years, accounting regulation has been internationalized with the extensive use and adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) by nation-states, which points at least to a formal convergence between accounting regulatory systems. However, major differences between national accounting systems persist. In this paper, it is argued that a country's accounting system is influenced by the type of the welfare-state. This allows us to see accounting in a broader social perspective. The societal attitudes influencing the accounting system are captured by using the Esping-Andersen (1990) classification of welfare states. To show that there is a connection between the typology of welfare-states and the way in which various corporate constituencies' interests are balanced, we compare Germany as an example of a conservative welfare-state and the UK as an example of a liberal welfare-state. This comparison shows that the type of welfare state exerts an influence on the system of accounting and, therefore, can be seen as an explanatory variable for persisting differences between accounting regulatory systems. -- In den letzten Jahren deuten zahlreiche Veränderungen im Bereich der nationalen Regulierung der Rechnungslegung zumindest auf eine formale Konvergenz zwischen den regulatorischen Systemen der Rechnungslegung hin. Abgeleitet werden kann dies aus der mittlerweile weitreichenden Anwendung und Einführung des internationalen Rechnungslegungsstandardwerkes IFRS durch zahlreiche Nationalstaaten. Allerdings bestehen auch weiterhin wesentliche Unterschiede zwischen nationalen Rechnungslegungssystemen fort. Mit diesem Arbeitspapier wird die Hypothese vertreten, dass das Rechungslegungssystem in einem Land und damit die Unterschiede zwischen Ländern maßgeblich durch den Typ des Wohlfahrtsstaates beeinflusst werden. Dieses erlaubt eine weitergefasste gesellschaftliche Perspektive auf den Bereich der Rechungslegungsregulierung. Die einflussnehmenden gesellschaftlichen Werte werden hierbei durch die Wohlfahrtsstaatentypologie von Esping-Andersen (1990) erfasst. In einem abschließenden Länderfallbeispiel werden Deutschland (konservativer Wohlfahrtsstaatstyp) sowie Großbritannien (liberaler Wohlfahrtsstaatstyp) miteinander verglichen. Hierbei soll gezeigt werden, dass eine Verbindung zwischen dem Typ des Wohlfahrtsstaates und der Art und Weise besteht, wie Interessen verschiedener Anspruchsgruppen des Unternehmens ausgeglichen werden. Der Vergleich zeigt, dass ein Zusammenhang zwischen dem Wohlfahrtsstaatstyp und der Rechungslegungsregulierung hergestellt werden kann. Der Wohlfahrtsstaatstyp ist dementsprechend als ein wesentlicher Erklärungsfaktor für den Fortbestand von nationalen Unterschieden in der Rechnungslegungsregulierung zu sehen.

    Accounting and the welfare-state : the missing link

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    In recent years, accounting regulation has been internationalized with the extensive use and adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) by nation-states, which points at least to a formal convergence between accounting regulatory systems. However, major differences between national accounting systems persist. In this paper, it is argued that a country’s accounting system is influenced by the type of the welfarestate. This allows us to see accounting in a broader social perspective. The societal attitudes influencing the accounting system are captured by using the Esping-Andersen (1990) classification of welfare states. To show that there is a connection between the typology of welfare-states and the way in which various corporate constituencies’ interests are balanced, we compare Germany as an example of a conservative welfare-state and the UK as an example of a liberal welfare-state. This comparison shows that the type of welfare state exerts an influence on the system of accounting and, therefore, can be seen as an explanatory variable for persisting differences between accounting regulatory systems

    Geld rast um die Welt : der Wertpapierhandel im 21. Jahrhundert

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    Kaum eine andere Industrie wurde in den vergangenen beiden Jahrzehnten so massiv durch den Einzug der Informationstechnologie geprägt wie der Wertpapierhandel. Traditionelle Geschäftsmodelle haben sich grundlegend verändert. Das klassische Börsenparkett ist nahezu vollständig elektronischen Handelsplattformen gewichen

    Extending the Golay Equation for Coupling a Gas Chromatograph to a Drift Tube IMS

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    When it comes to analyzing complex mixtures with highly sensitive ion mobility spectrometers (IMS), a pre-separation of these mixtures is often required due to chemical cross sensitivities and limitations in IMS resolving power. In most cases, gas chromatographic (GC) pre-separation is used. In contrast to typical GC detectors, such as flame ionization detectors or photo ionization detectors, an IMS can add significant dead volume to the system due to its ionization chamber. This dead volume causes memory effects and peak broadening affecting the performance of the chromatographic pre-separation. Therefore, a new but simple model has been developed to estimate the effect of additional detector dead volume and to obtain the optimal operating parameters. This model considers both geometric parameters, such as column length and column diameter, and operating parameters, such as flow rate and temperature of the gas chromatograph and IMS. In addition, the effects induced by the compressibility of the mobile phase were taken into account. In comparison to the commonly used Golay equation our model predicts increased plate heights at low and medium linear velocities. Our model has been experimentally verified using an ultra-high sensitive IMS detector in combination with capillary columns of different lengths and diameters. A UV lamp has been used for ionization due to its good linearity. The columns have been held in isotherm conditions and, additionally, they have been operated with purified air as mobile phase. For each capillary under investigation, a series of measurements with different linear drift velocities has been performed. From these experimental data, the vast difference in plate heights at low linear velocities compared to the expected values from the Golay equation can be confirmed. Despite the simplicity of our model, the predictions are in good accordance with the measurements. Thus, the GC-IMS operating parameters can be easily optimized with respect to maximum gas chromatic pre-separation

    Geographical Equity Effects Of The Homeowner Tax Subsidy

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    The purpose of this study is to provide exploratory evidence concerning the degree to which geographical cost of living differentials interact with homeownership tax incentives in affecting tax system equity. Incorporating both federal and state homeowner tax subsidies calculated using the 1991 Ernst & Young Tax Model File; the authors provide evidence concerning both horizontal and vertical equity in the system. Descriptive statistics and regression results provide findings which indicate positive and direct relationships between the homeowner tax subsidy and 1) taxpayer disposable income (increased regressivity in the tax system) and 2) taxpayer state of residence median housing values (decreased horizontal inequities between similarly situated homeowners in different states). These findings indicate that elimination of the homeowner tax subsidy accompanied by a direct subsidy would increase equity within the system. Furthermore, the findings suggest that the President’s Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform (2005) recommendation for a home credit, with a limit based on average cost of housing within a taxpayer’s area, will result in a more equitable distribution of the homeowner tax subsidy

    One-Dimensional Fuzzy Dark Matter Models: Structure Growth and Asymptotic Dynamics

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    This paper investigates the feasibility of simulating Fuzzy Dark Matter (FDM) with a reduced number of spatial dimensions. Our aim is to set up a realistic, yet numerically inexpensive, toy model in (1+1)(1+1)-dimensional space time, that - under well controlled system conditions - is capable of realizing important aspects of the full-fledged (3+1)(3+1)-FDM phenomenology by means of one-dimensional analogues. Based on the coupled, nonlinear and nonlocal (3+1)(3+1)-Schr\"odinger-Poisson equation under periodic boundary conditions, we derive two distinct one-dimensional models that differ in their transversal matter distribution and consequently in their nonlocal interaction along the single dimension of interest. We show that these discrepancies change the relaxation process of initial states as well as the asymptotic, i.e., thermalized and virialized, equilibrium state. Our investigation includes the dynamical evolution of artificial initial conditions for non-expanding space, as well as cosmological initial conditions in expanding space. The findings of this work are relevant for the interpretation of numerical simulation data modelling nonrelativistic fuzzy cold dark matter in reduced dimensions, in the quest for testing such models and for possible laboratory implementations of them.Comment: 24 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Exploring cybersecurity-related emotions and finding that they are challenging to measure

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    This paper reports on a three-part investigation into people’s perceptions of cybersecurity, based on their lived experiences. We sought thereby to reveal issues located within the Johari grid’s “Blind Spot” quadrant. We utilized research methodologies from both the Arts and Science in order firstly to identify blind spot issues, and secondly to explore their dimensions. Our investigation confirmed a number of aspects that we were indeed aware of, when it came to people’s lived cybersecurity experiences. We also identified one particular blind spot issue: widespread, but not universal, negativity towards cybersecurity. We then carried out an investigation using a recognized methodology from psychology, as a first attempt to assess the nature of this negativity and to get a sense of its roots. What our initial experiment revealed was that scoping cybersecurity-related emotions is nontrivial and will require the formulation of new measurement tools. We conclude by reporting on the challenges, to inform researchers who plan to extend the research reported in this paper

    Онтологическая функция мифа: миф как бытийная связь между "мифосом" и "логосом"

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    Показана необходимость пересмотра онтологического статуса мифа в связи с кризисом идеалов классического рационализма. Автор раскрывает смысл мифа как онтологической реальности на основе анализа взаимосвязи "мифоса" и "логоса". Выявляется роль "мифоса" в аспекте культурного смыслополагания