1,843 research outputs found

    Rapid vaccine responses to emerging pathogens using a platform technology

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    Novavax is a clinical stage biotechnology company with a technology platform to rapidly produce recombinant nanoparticle vaccines in response to emerging pathogens. Novavax utilizes a Sf9 insect cell/baculovirus (BV) expression system to produce recombinant protein nanoparticles based on correctly folded, protein-protein oligomers in a stable formulation. Novavax has utilized this expression system in developing a respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) F-protein nanoparticle vaccine candidate, currently in a global Phase 3 clinical trial to protect infants via maternal immunization and a Phase 2 trial in older adults. Using this platform, Novavax rapidly developed vaccine candidates in response to emerging pathogens such as Ebola and MERS, and currently has a program focused on a vaccine candidate for Zika. Novavax’ proprietary saponin-based adjuvant system (Matrix-MTM) is believed to enhance the immune response by eliciting broadly neutralizing antibodies and cellular immunity. In addition, Matrix-M has been well tolerated in over 1200 humans when used with vaccine antigens. The standardization of a platform manufacturing process and analytical tools, the utilization of a flexible manufacturing system, and the rapid response enabled by the insect cell/BV expression system all accelerate the timeline from discovery to clinical trial result

    Local synchronization of resting-state dynamics encodes Gray's trait Anxiety

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    The Behavioral Inhibition System (BIS) as defined within the Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory (RST) modulates reactions to stimuli indicating aversive events. Gray’s trait Anxiety determines the extent to which stimuli activate the BIS. While studies have identified the amygdala-septo-hippocampal circuit as the key-neural substrate of this system in recent years and measures of resting-state dynamics such as randomness and local synchronization of spontaneous BOLD fluctuations have recently been linked to personality traits, the relation between resting-state dynamics and the BIS remains unexplored. In the present study, we thus examined the local synchronization of spontaneous fMRI BOLD fluctuations as measured by Regional Homogeneity (ReHo) in the hippocampus and the amygdala in twenty-seven healthy subjects. Correlation analyses showed that Gray’s trait Anxiety was significantly associated with mean ReHo in both the amygdala and the hippocampus. Specifically, Gray’s trait Anxiety explained 23% and 17% of resting-state ReHo variance in the left amygdala and the left hippocampus, respectively. In summary, we found individual differences in Gray’s trait Anxiety to be associated with ReHo in areas previously associated with BIS functioning. Specifically, higher ReHo in resting-state neural dynamics corresponded to lower sensitivity to punishment scores both in the amygdala and the hippocampus. These findings corroborate and extend recent findings relating resting-state dynamics and personality while providing first evidence linking properties of resting-state fluctuations to Gray’s BIS

    Sex recognition in brown skuas: do acoustic signals matter?

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    Bird vocalisations are often essential for sex recognition, especially in species that show little morphological sex dimorphism. Brown skuas (Catharacta antarctica lonnbergi), which exhibit uniform plumage across both sexes, emit three main calls: the long call, the alarm call and the contact call. We tested the potential for sex recognition in brown skua calls of 42 genetically sexed individuals by analysing 8-12 acoustic parameters in the temporal and frequency domains of each call type. For every call type, we failed to find sex differences in any of the acoustic parameters measured. Stepwise discriminant function analysis (DFA) revealed that sexes cannot be unambiguously classified, with increasing uncertainty of correct classification from contact calls to long calls to alarm calls. Consequently, acoustic signalling is probably not the key mechanism for sex recognition in brown skua

    Study of the Effects of Changing Physiological Conditions on Dielectric Properties of Breast Tissues

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    This paper addresses the changes in the physical characteristics (temperature and water/blood content) of breast tissue under different physiological conditions. We examined ex vivo specimens of breast tissue excised at the time of surgery to study the effects of physiological conditions on dielectric properties. We observed that the dielectric properties strongly depend on tissue physiological state. When the biological tissues undergo physiological changes, such as those due to disease or those induced by external changes such as variations in the environmental temperature, the microscopic processes deviate from their normal state and impact the overall dielectric properties. This suggests that microwave imaging might be used to monitor the physiological conditions of the body

    Study of the Effects of Changing Physiological Conditions on Dielectric Properties of Breast Tissues

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    This paper addresses the changes in the physical characteristics (temperature and water/blood content) of breast tissue under different physiological conditions. We examined ex vivo specimens of breast tissue excised at the time of surgery to study the effects of physiological conditions on dielectric properties. We observed that the dielectric properties strongly depend on tissue physiological state. When the biological tissues undergo physiological changes, such as those due to disease or those induced by external changes such as variations in the environmental temperature, the microscopic processes deviate from their normal state and impact the overall dielectric properties. This suggests that microwave imaging might be used to monitor the physiological conditions of the body

    Schema zur Ladeinfrastrukturbewertung für Elektromobilität

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    Elektromobilität verspricht eine erhöhte Lebensqualität des Nutzers in Hinblick auf emissions- und lärmärmeres Fahren. Diesen Potenzialen stehen jedoch diverse Hürden, wie z.B. kurze Reichweiten und lange Ladezeiten der Fahrzeuge entgegen. Der Aufbau einer flächendeckenden Ladeinfrastruktur zur Überwindung der Hürden wird von zum Teil konkurrierenden Interessengruppen beeinflusst. Um die Planung eines Ladeinfrastrukturlayouts zu unterstützen, existiert bereits ein agentenbasiertes Simulationsframework. Für die Bewertung des Infrastrukturlayouts aus Sicht mehrerer Stakeholder benötigt dieses Framework ein Bewertungsschema, das die Interessen der einzelnen Gruppen quantitativ abbildet. Dieser Beitrag beschreibt die Entwicklung dieses Schemas inkl. dessen Formalisierung unter Zuhilfenahme einer durchgeführten Stakeholderanalyse

    Intake of Calanus finmarchicus oil for 12 weeks improves omega-3 index in healthy older subjects engaging in an exercise programme

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    The n-3 PUFA, EPA and DHA, play an important role in human health. As the intake of EPA and DHA from the diet is often inadequate, supplementation of those fatty acids is recommended. A novel source of n-3 PUFA is Calanus finmarchicus oil (CO) which contains fatty acids mainly bound in wax esters. To date, no data are available on the effects of long-term intake of this marine oil on n-3 PUFA blood levels. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of CO on the n-3 PUFA blood levels using the omega-3 index (O3I). The data originate from a larger randomised controlled trial. For this analysis, samples from seventy-two participants (59·2 (sd 6·2) years, BMI 27·7 (sd 5·28) kg/m2) were analysed. Of those, thirty-six performed 2×/week exercise and received 2 g of CO, which provided 124 mg stearidonic acid (SDA), 109 mg EPA and 87 mg DHA daily (EXCO group), while the other group performed exercise only (EX group) and served as a control for this analysis. The O3I increased from 6·07 (sd 1·29) % at baseline to 7·37 (sd 1·10) % after 12 weeks within the EXCO group (P < 0·001), while there were no significant changes in the EX group (6·01 (sd 1·26)–6·15 (sd 1·32) %, P = 0·238). These data provide first evidence that wax ester-bound n-3 PUFA from CO can significantly increase the O3I despite relatively low EPA + DHA amounts. Further, the effects of exercise could be excluded

    Effects of Exercise Combined with a Healthy Diet or Calanus finmarchicus Oil Supplementation on Body Composition and Metabolic Markers : A Pilot Study

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    Aging is accompanied by a progressive decline in muscle mass and an increase in fat mass, which are detrimental changes associated with the development of health conditions such as type-2 diabetes mellitus or chronic low-grade inflammation. Although both exercise as well as nutritional interventions are known to be beneficial in counteracting those age-related changes, data to which extent untrained elderly people may benefit is still sparse. Therefore, a randomized, controlled, 12-week interventional trial was conducted in which 134 healthy untrained participants (96 women and 38 men, age 59.4 ± 5.6 years, body mass index (BMI) 28.4 ± 5.8 kg/m2) were allocated to one of four study groups: (1) control group with no intervention (CON); (2) 2×/week aerobic and resistance training only (EX); (3) exercise routine combined with dietary counseling in accordance with the guidelines of the German Nutrition Society (EXDC); (4) exercise routine combined with intake of 2 g/day oil from Calanus finmarchicus (EXCO). Body composition (bioelectrical impedance analysis), as well as markers of glucose metabolism and blood lipids, were analyzed at the beginning and the end of the study. The highest decreases in body fat were observed within the EXCO group (−1.70 ± 2.45 kg, p < 0.001), and the EXDC (−1.41 ± 2.13 kg, p = 0.008) group. Markers of glucose metabolism and blood lipids remained unchanged in all groups. Taken together results of this pilot study suggest that a combination of moderate exercise and intake of oil from Calanus finmarchicus or a healthy diet may promote fat loss in elderly untrained overweight participants
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