247 research outputs found

    The secondary metabolite bioinformatics portal:Computational tools to facilitate synthetic biology of secondary metabolite production

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    AbstractNatural products are among the most important sources of lead molecules for drug discovery. With the development of affordable whole-genome sequencing technologies and other ‘omics tools, the field of natural products research is currently undergoing a shift in paradigms. While, for decades, mainly analytical and chemical methods gave access to this group of compounds, nowadays genomics-based methods offer complementary approaches to find, identify and characterize such molecules. This paradigm shift also resulted in a high demand for computational tools to assist researchers in their daily work. In this context, this review gives a summary of tools and databases that currently are available to mine, identify and characterize natural product biosynthesis pathways and their producers based on ‘omics data. A web portal called Secondary Metabolite Bioinformatics Portal (SMBP at http://www.secondarymetabolites.org) is introduced to provide a one-stop catalog and links to these bioinformatics resources. In addition, an outlook is presented how the existing tools and those to be developed will influence synthetic biology approaches in the natural products field

    The evolution of genome mining in microbes – a review

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    This article reviews the development of genome mining strategies in bacteria during the last decade.</p

    Metabolic engineering with systems biology tools to optimize production of prokaryotic secondary metabolites

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    This Highlight examines current status of metabolic engineering and systems biology tools deployed for the optimal production of prokaryotic secondary metabolites.</p

    CRISPy-web:An online resource to design sgRNAs for CRISPR applications

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    CRISPR/Cas9-based genome editing has been one of the major achievements of molecular biology, allowing the targeted engineering of a wide range of genomes. The system originally evolved in prokaryotes as an adaptive immune system against bacteriophage infections. It now sees widespread application in genome engineering workflows, especially using the Streptococcus pyogenes endonuclease Cas9. To utilize Cas9, so-called single guide RNAs (sgRNAs) need to be designed for each target gene. While there are many tools available to design sgRNAs for the popular model organisms, only few tools that allow designing sgRNAs for non-model organisms exist. Here, we present CRISPy-web (http://crispy.secondarymetabolites.org/), an easy to use web tool based on CRISPy to design sgRNAs for any user-provided microbial genome. CRISPy-web allows researchers to interactively select a region of their genome of interest to scan for possible sgRNAs. After checks for potential off-target matches, the resulting sgRNA sequences are displayed graphically and can be exported to text files. All steps and information are accessible from a web browser without the requirement to install and use command line scripts

    Recent development of antiSMASH and other computational approaches to mine secondary metabolite biosynthetic gene clusters

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    Many drugs are derived from small molecules produced by microorganisms and plants, so-called natural products. Natural products have diverse chemical structures, but the biosynthetic pathways producing those compounds are often organized as biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs) and follow a highly conserved biosynthetic logic. This allows for the identification of core biosynthetic enzymes using genome mining strategies that are based on the sequence similarity of the involved enzymes/genes. However, mining for a variety of BGCs quickly approaches a complexity level where manual analyses are no longer possible and require the use of automated genome mining pipelines, such as the antiSMASH software. In this review, we discuss the principles underlying the predictions of antiSMASH and other tools and provide practical advice for their application. Furthermore, we discuss important caveats such as rule-based BGC detection, sequence and annotation quality and cluster boundary prediction, which all have to be considered while planning for, performing and analyzing the results of genome mining studies

    Phylogenetic analysis of condensation domains in NRPS sheds light on their functional evolution

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Non-ribosomal peptide synthetases (NRPSs) are large multimodular enzymes that synthesize a wide range of biologically active natural peptide compounds, of which many are pharmacologically important. Peptide bond formation is catalyzed by the Condensation (C) domain. Various functional subtypes of the C domain exist: An <sup>L</sup>C<sub>L </sub>domain catalyzes a peptide bond between two L-amino acids, a <sup>D</sup>C<sub>L </sub>domain links an L-amino acid to a growing peptide ending with a D-amino acid, a Starter C domain (first denominated and classified as a separate subtype here) acylates the first amino acid with a <it>β</it>-hydroxy-carboxylic acid (typically a <it>β</it>-hydroxyl fatty acid), and Heterocyclization (Cyc) domains catalyze both peptide bond formation and subsequent cyclization of cysteine, serine or threonine residues. The homologous Epimerization (E) domain flips the chirality of the last amino acid in the growing peptide; Dual E/C domains catalyze both epimerization and condensation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this paper, we report on the reconstruction of the phylogenetic relationship of NRPS C domain subtypes and analyze in detail the sequence motifs of recently discovered subtypes (Dual E/C, <sup>D</sup>C<sub>L </sub>and Starter domains) and their characteristic sequence differences, mutually and in comparison with <sup>L</sup>C<sub>L </sub>domains. Based on their phylogeny and the comparison of their sequence motifs, <sup>L</sup>C<sub>L </sub>and Starter domains appear to be more closely related to each other than to other subtypes, though pronounced differences in some segments of the protein account for the unequal donor substrates (amino vs. <it>β</it>-hydroxy-carboxylic acid). Furthermore, on the basis of phylogeny and the comparison of sequence motifs, we conclude that Dual E/C and <sup>D</sup>C<sub>L </sub>domains share a common ancestor. In the same way, the evolutionary origin of a C domain of unknown function in glycopeptide (GP) NRPSs can be determined to be an <sup>L</sup>C<sub>L </sub>domain. In the case of two GP C domains which are most similar to <sup>D</sup>C<sub>L </sub>but which have <sup>L</sup>C<sub>L </sub>activity, we postulate convergent evolution.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We systematize all C domain subtypes including the novel Starter C domain. With our results, it will be easier to decide the subtype of unknown C domains as we provide profile Hidden Markov Models (pHMMs) for the sequence motifs as well as for the entire sequences. The determined specificity conferring positions will be helpful for the mutation of one subtype into another, e.g. turning <sup>D</sup>C<sub>L </sub>to <sup>L</sup>C<sub>L</sub>, which can be a useful step for obtaining novel products.</p