12 research outputs found


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    There are few groups’ followers of the matrilineal system in the world but they are present in all continents, except in Europe. In Timor-Leste, the matrilineal organization social system is found among 3 ethno-linguistic groups and seems that, in spite of their resilience, some changes have been taken place in recent years due to some economic, socio and cultural changes. Two different kinship/social systems coexist in Timor-Leste, one patrilineal in force in the majority of the territory and one matrilineal in the regions with dominance of Búnaque, Tetum-Terik and Galoli ethno-linguistic groups. The idea behind this paper is to identify those features related to land that have been characterizing the matrilineal system of the Búnaque in Timor-Leste. To achieve its goals, this paper through, secondary and empirical data collected, analyses women’s reality in the Bunaque communities, relating land tenure with the gender roles performed

    A multifuncionalidade da agricultura familiar no contexto do desenvolvimento socioeconómico no Distrito de Bobonaro em Timor-Leste

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    Timor -Leste é um país pequeno que apresenta enormes deficiências, principalmente ao nível dos sectores económicos e ao nível de infra-estruturas básicas em áreas vitais como irrigação, estradas e mercados. Estas deficiências afectam a vida das comunidades rurais compostas na maioria por agricultores praticantes de uma agricultura de carácter familiar, com produtividade agrícola e rendimentos familiares baixos. A agricultura familiar exerce múltiplas funções económicas, sociais, culturais e ambientais e o problema que se coloca é em que medida esta multifuncionalidade pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento socioeconómico do distrito de Bobonaro, conhecido como um grande produtor de produtos agrícolas. Com esta dissertação pretendeu-se caracterizar a agricultura familiar em três zonas do distrito de Bobonaro, terras de montanha, terras baixas e terras costeiras, identificando os elementos de diferenciação da agricultura familiar e dentro desta entre os diversos tipos de agricultura familiar que deverão ser incluídos na formulação e aplicação das políticas agrícolas e de desenvolvimento rural. Para a concretização dos objectivos foram recolhidos dados primários através de inquérito por questionário aos agricultores do distrito de Bobonaro e de entrevistas semi-estruturadas aos chefes de sucos e extensionistas. O trabalho conclui que os níveis de rendimento e bem-estar das populações das três terras é baixo, sendo que os agricultores localizados nas terras baixas usufruem de um rendimento e bem-estar maior. Os níveis tecnológicos de produção, transformação e comercialização dos produtos agrícolas são baixos com excepção da cultura do arroz para as terras baixas e terras costeiras. Uma parte da agricultura familiar, a horta, utiliza a técnica de derrube e queima para a preparação do solo antes da plantação o que traz prejuízos ambientais e perda dos bens florestais colectados, as mulheres têm uma participação significativa ou semelhante aos homens nas diferentes tomadas de decisão e nas actividades de produção, a despeito dos seus níveis educacionais serem significativamente mais baixos; ABSTRACT: Timor-Leste is a small country with enormous problems, mainly at the economic sector level and of infra-structures in vital areas, such as irrigation, roads and markets. These situations affect the lives of rural communities composed mostly of farmers practicing a family farming, with low agricultural productivity and incomes. The family farming has several functions, namely economic, socio-cultural and environmental functions that may contribute to the socioeconomic development of the district of Bobonaro, known as a great producer of agricultural products. This dissertation aims to characterize the family farming in three areas in the district of Bobonaro, mountain areas, lowlands and coastal areas, identifying elements of differentiation for agriculture within this family farming and between different types of family farms to be included in the formulation and implementation of agricultural policies and rural development. In order to achive these objectives, primary data were collected through a survey questionnaire to farmers in the district of Bobonaro and semi-structured interviews to sucos heads and extensionists. The dissertation concludes that the levels of income and well-being of populations of the three types of land is low, and the farmers located in the lowlands enjoy an income and well-being increased. The technological levels of production, processing and marketing of agricultural products are low with the exception of rice for the lowlands and coastal lands. A part of the family farming, the vegetable garden, use the slash and burn technique for soil preparation before planting which brings environmental damage and loss of forest goods collected, women have a significant participation in the different decision-making and in production activities, regardless their educational levels are significantly lower


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    Livestock production in Timor-Leste is predominantly familiar being chickens, pigs, goats, cattle, horses, buffaloes and sheep the main species. The livestock species play very important economic and sociocultural roles for the well-being of rural households, such as food supply, source of income, asset saving, source of employment, soil fertility, livelihoods, transport, agricultural traction, agricultural diversification and sustainable agricultural production. The aim of this work was to identify and characterize the different roles that livestock and livestock species play in rural communities of Timor-Leste, highlighting the importance of animal production for the wellbeing and rural development, and relate the functions performed by livestock production with economic, social and cultural attributes of the communities. The data used in this study were collected in 2011 through a questionnaire survey in three rural communities in the district of Bobonaro -mountain area, irrigation plain and coastal zone, and were complemented with secondary dat

    The Livestock Roles in the Wellbeing of Rural Communities of Timor-Leste

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    The livestock species play very important economic and socio-cultural roles for the wellbeing of rural households, such as food supply, source of income, asset saving, source of employment, soil fertility, livelihoods, transport, agricultural traction, agricultural diversification and sustainable agricultural production. The aim of this work was to identify and characterize the different roles that livestock and livestock species play in rural communities of Timor-Leste, highlighting the importance of animal production for the wellbeing and rural development, and relate the functions performed by livestock production with economic, social and cultural attributes of the communities. The data used in this study were collected in 2011 through a questionnaire survey in three rural communities in the district of Bobonaro, namely in a mountain area, an irrigation plain and a coastal zone, and were complemented with secondary data. Livestock production in Timor-Leste is predominantly familiar being chickens, pigs, goats, cattle, horses, buffaloes and sheep the main species. Beyond the economic function, each livestock species also performs social and cultural functions


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    The livestock species play very important economic and socio-cultural roles for the wellbeing of rural households, such as food supply, source of income, asset saving, source of employment, soil fertility, livelihoods, transport, agricultural traction, agricultural diversification and sustainable agricultural production. The aim of this work was to identify and characterize the different roles that livestock and livestock species play in rural communities of Timor-Leste, highlighting the importance of animal production for the wellbeing and rural development, and relate the functions performed by livestock production with economic, social and cultural attributes of the communities. The data used in this study were collected in 2011 through a questionnaire survey in three rural communities in the district of Bobonaro -mountain area, irrigation plain and coastal zone, and were complemented with secondary data. Livestock production in Timor-Leste is predominantly familiar being chickens, pigs, goats, cattle, horses, buffaloes and sheep the main species. Beyond the economic function, each livestock species also performs social and cultural functions


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    The livestock species play very important economic and socio-cultural roles for the wellbeing of rural households, such as food supply, source of income, asset saving, source of employment, soil fertility, livelihoods, transport, agricultural traction, agricultural diversification and sustainable agricultural production. The aim of this work was to identify and characterize the different roles that livestock and livestock species play in rural communities of Timor-Leste, highlighting the importance of animal production for the wellbeing and rural development, and relate the functions performed by livestock production with economic, social and cultural attributes of the communities. The data used in this study were collected in 2011 through a questionnaire survey in three rural communities in the district of Bobonaro -mountain area, irrigation plain and coastal zone, and were complemented with secondary data. Livestock production in Timor-Leste is predominantly familiar being chickens, pigs, goats, cattle, horses, buffaloes and sheep the main species. Beyond the economic function, each livestock species also performs social and cultural function

    The Livestock Roles in the Wellbeing of Rural Communities of Timor-Leste

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    Abstract: The livestock species play very important economic and socio-cultural roles for the wellbeing of rural households, such as food supply, source of income, asset saving, source of employment, soil fertility, livelihoods, transport, agricultural traction, agricultural diversification and sustainable agricultural production. The aim of this work was to identify and characterize the different roles that livestock and livestock species play in rural communities of TimorLeste, highlighting the importance of animal production for the wellbeing and rural development, and relate the functions performed by livestock production with economic, social and cultural attributes of the communities. The data used in this study were collected in 2011 through a questionnaire survey in three rural communities in the district of Bobonaro, namely in a mountain area, an irrigation plain and a coastal zone, and were complemented with secondary data. Livestock production in Timor-Leste is predominantly familiar being chickens, pigs, goats, cattle, horses, buffaloes and sheep the main species. Beyond the economic function, each livestock species also performs social and cultural functions

    The Livestock Roles in the Wellbeing of Rural Communities of Timor-Leste

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    The livestock species play very important economic and socio-cultural roles for the wellbeing of rural households, such as food supply, source of income, asset saving, source of employment, soil fertility, livelihoods, transport, agricultural traction, agricultural diversification and sustainable agricultural production. The aim of this work was to identify and characterize the different roles that livestock and livestock species play in rural communities of Timor- Leste, highlighting the importance of animal production for the wellbeing and rural development, and relate the functions performed by livestock production with economic, social and cultural attributes of the communities. The data used in this study were collected in 2011 through a questionnaire survey in three rural communities in the district of Bobonaro, namely in a mountain area, an irrigation plain and a coastal zone, and were complemented with secondary data. Livestock production in Timor-Leste is predominantly familiar being chickens, pigs, goats, cattle, horses, buffaloes and sheep the main species. Beyond the economic function, each livestock species also performs social and cultural functions

    The role of livestock functions in the well being and development of Timor-Leste rural communities

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    The livestock species play very important economic and socio-cultural roles for the wellbeing of rural households which include food supply, source of income, asset saving, source of employment, soil fertility, livelihoods, transport, agricultural traction, agricultural diversification and sustainable agricultural production. The objective of this work was to identify and characterize the different roles that livestock species play in rural communities of Timor-Leste. Special attention was given to the socio cultural functions. The primary data used in this study was a questionnaire survey made in 2011 in three rural communities in the district of Bobonaro and as secondary source the numerous studies made about the livestock species of Timor-Leste. The results showed that livestock production and livestock species play important economic functions, as well as social and cultural roles for rural communities of Timor-Leste. Livestock species are a very important driver for the development and wellbeing of rural communities of Timor-Leste and livestock policies should incorporate not only economic but also the social and cultural roles of livestock species