11 research outputs found

    A hypothetical model of Dobrović’s New Belgrade: A comparative analysis of the planned and current condition

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    Рад испитује улогу и могућност примене хипотетичких модела у савременој архитектонско-урбанистичкој пракси у циљу испитивања комплексног односа између планираног и реализованог. Важан сегмент рада односи се на испитивање разлога из којих долази до одступања и промена у плановима, a кроз идентификацију њихових слабих и јаких тачака, на примеру Новог Београдa. Предмет анализе представљају постојеће стање Новог Београда и прва послератна концепција Новог Београда Скица регулације Београда на левој обали Саве из 1946. године аутора архитекте Николе Добровића. Поред тога што представља иницијалну скицу, одабран план за компарацију, у морфолошком смислу, својом радијалном матрицом представља својеврстан контраст постојећој ортогоналној матрици Новог Београда и самим тим могућност испитивања две крајности исте идеје о новом центру социјалистичке државе. Основна претпоставка је да би Скица регулације Београда на левој обали Саве да је изведена, услед свог наизглед, морфолошки и идеолошки посматрано супротног карактера довела и до формирања драстично другачије слике града, нарочито у погледу функционалности, од оног којег данас познајемо. Међутим, истраживање показује да су разлике мање од очекиваних, те да се трагови првобитне концепције назиру у тренутном стању упркос одступању од исте. Методологија рада заснива се на компарацији два посматрана стања кроз дијалог квалитативних и квантитативних метода укрштањем историјско-интерпретативне анализе и просторне синтаксе, алатом за квантификовање резултата у области урбане морфологије, резултујући синтезним аналитичким цртежом тренутног и хипотетичког Добровићевог Новог Београда.The paper examines the role and possibility of applying hypothetical models in contemporary architectural and urban practice in order to examine the complex relationship between the planned and realized. An important segment of the paper refers to understanding reasons behind modifications that occur during the implementation of the plan and the identification of the plan’s weak and strong points, on the example of New Belgrade. The subject of the analysis is the current condition of New Belgrade and the first post-war conception of New Belgrade Sketch of the regulation of Belgrade on the left bank of the Sava river from 1946 by the architect Nikola Dobrović. In addition to representing the initial sketch, the sketch is chosen for the comparative analysis because, from a morphological point of view, its radial matrix represents a kind of contrast to the existing orthogonal street matrix of New Belgrade, thus opening a possibility of comparing two extremely different takes on the same idea of how the new capital city of the new socialist state should look like. The basic assumption is that if the Sketch of the regulation of Belgrade on the left bank of the Sava river had been carried out, due to its seemingly, morphologically and ideologically opposite character, it would have led to the formation of a drastically different image of the city, especially in terms of functionality, from the one we know today. However, the research shows that the differences are smaller than expected, and that traces of the original conception can be seen in the current state despite the departure from it. The methodology is based on the comparison of the two observed conditions through a dialogue of qualitative and quantitative methods by crossing a historical-interpretive approach and space syntax, a tool for quantifying results in the field of urban morphology, resulting in an analytical drawing of the current and hypothetical Dobrović’s New Belgrade

    Nova mesta – urban and architectural competition for the design of small urban spaces in Novi Sad [Exhibition: DaNS 2018]

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    Projekat predstavlja prvonagrađeno konkursno rešenje Konkursa za dizajn malih javnih prostora u Novom sadu – Nova Mesta. Raskrsnica ulica Omladinskog pokreta I Pariske komune u Novom sadu, tumači se projektom kao mesto susreta, zadržavanja, okupljanja celog komšiluka, kojim bi se višedecenijske veze koje sami stanari ponosno ističu, dodatno podržale. Ideja dnevne sobe na otvorenom (common room) , oslanja se upravo na svakodnevno okupljanje lokalnog stanovništva, kao prepoznati kvalitet lokacije. Кako dnevna soba podrazumeva mesto okupljanja, odmora i slavlja, zajednički za sve članove domaćinstva, ali i prostor izvesnog komfora i reprezentativnosti, u slučaju ovog projekta cilj je bio stvoriti prepoznatljiv mikroambijent čitavog susedstva, koji bi omogućio fleksibilnost u prihvatanju različitih funkcija u različitim vremenskim periodima i grupa korisnika različitih starosnih dobi.The project represents the first-prized competition solution of the Competition for the design of small public spaces in Novi Sad - Nova Mesta. The intersection of the Omladinskog pokreta street and Pariske komune street, in Novi Sad, is interpreted by the project as a place of meeting, detention, gathering of the entire neighborhood, which would additionally support the decades-long connections that the tenants themselves proudly point out. The idea of a common living room relies on the daily gathering of the local population, as a recognized quality of the location. As the living room means a place of gathering, rest, and celebration, common to all members of the household, but also a space of a certain comfort and representativeness, in the case of this project the goal was to create a recognizable micro ambiance of the whole neighborhood, which would allow flexibility in accepting different functions at different time periods and groups of users of different ages

    (Middle Class) Mass Housing in Serbia Within and Beyond the Shifting Frames of Socialist Modernisation

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    In many aspects middle-class mass housing development in Serbia/Yugoslavia was unprecedented, determined by a growing and unacknowledged formation of a middle class in the context of Yugoslav socialism, and a widely proclaimed but elusive social ideal of “housing for all”. Two types of MCMH were the most prevalent in the period considered here (1945-1991): a multi-storey collective residential building, in or outside the city centre, and the individual private house, built in formal and informal or so-cold “wild”settlements. The Yugoslav housing experiment emerged mostly within the collective residential estates. The appropriation, innovation and even invention of different industrial building methods was further enhanced by excellent standards in urban planning and architectural design, exemplified in this study by selected MCMH cases in New Belgrade, Novi Sad, Bor and Subotica. Due to aging, lack of maintenance and the impoverishment of its inhabitants, the present state of this large housing stock is poor, its future uncertain, and yet, its lessons are of vital importance today. In response to what would be the lessons and contemporary implications of the Yugoslav housing experience, in this brief review we have outlined the specificities and the unique historical conditions of the emergence of middle class mass housing in Serbia.This publication is based upon work from COST Action “European Middle-Class Mass Housing” CA18137 supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology)

    Hypothetical Model of Dobrovic’s New Belgrade [46th Salon of Architecture]

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    Rad ispituje ulogu i mogućnost primene hipotetičkih modela u savremenoj arhitektonsko-urbanističkoj praksi u cilju ispitivanja kompleksnog odnosa između planiranog i realizovanog. Važan segment rada odnosi se na ispitivanje razloga iz kojih dolazi do odstupanja i promena u planovima, a kroz identifikaciju njihovih slabih i jakih tačaka, na primeru Novog Beograda. Predmet analize predstavljaju postojeće stanje Novog Beograda i prva posleratna koncepcija Novog Beograda Skica regulacije Beograda na levoj obali Save iz 1946. godine autora arhitekte Nikole Dobrovića. Pored toga što predstavlja inicijalnu skicu, odabran plan za komparaciju, u morfološkom smislu, svojom radijalnom matricom predstavlja svojevrstan kontrast postojećoj ortogonalnoj matrici Novog Beograda i samim tim mogućnost ispitivanja dve krajnosti iste ideje o novom centru socijalističke države. Osnovna pretpostavka je da bi Skica regulacije Beograda na levoj obali Save da je izvedena, usled svog naizgled, morfološki i ideološki posmatrano suprotnog karaktera dovela i do formiranja drastično drugačije slike grada, naročito u pogledu funkcionalnosti, od onog kojeg danas poznajemo. Međutim, istraživanje pokazuje da su razlike manje od očekivanih, te da se tragovi prvobitne koncepcije naziru u trenutnom stanju uprkos odstupanju od iste. Metodologija rada zasniva se na komparaciji dva posmatrana stanja kroz dijalog kvalitativnih i kvantitativnih metoda ukrštanjem istorijsko-interpretativne analize i prostorne sintakse, alatom za kvantifikovanje rezultata u oblasti urbane morfologije, rezultujući sinteznim analitičkim crtežom trenutnog i hipotetičkog Dobrovićevog Novog Beograda

    Subotica (un)built - space syntax as a tool for exploring unfinished modernisations

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    This research represents a part of a broader study on the subject of unfinished modernisations from the Yugoslav era. It raises the question of how we should deal with unfinished large-scale urban developments in the present time, given the shift from the socialist to the post-socialist or neoliberal planning paradigm that occurred in the member states after the dissolution of Yugoslavia. The selection of Subotica as the case study was motivated firstly due to an unfinished modernisation, imagined as two mass housing neighborhoods: Prozivka and Radijalac, connected by a boulevard/ pedestrian zone, that spans the width of the city and which is spontaneously developing today with no clear vision, and secondly, to introduce Subotica’s still rather unknown modern heritage to an international audience. Typically, studies on modern architecture are conducted through historical-interpretive research strategies. However, this research explores the potential for aiding historical research with simulation strategies, particularly space syntax, a set of theories and techniques for analysing spatial configurations, in order to achieve a more comprehensive research approach by adding a layer of quantifiable data to the qualitative nature of historical inquiries. The historical-interpretive aspect of the research involves analysing the origin and development of modern architecture and planning in Subotica, while the simulation research aspect applies space syntax analysis to compare the planned and realized state of Subotica’s unfinished modernization, resulting in a set of analytical drawings. The goal of this research is twofold. Firstly, it explores the potential of space syntax to implement historical urban plans in contemporary urban settings and planning practices, and secondly, for the particular case study of Subotica, it aims to determine if the city would benefit by finishing its once imagined modernisations

    Analysis of the development of modern architecture in Subotica on the examples of settlements Prozivka and Radijalac

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    Rad ispituje nastanak i razvoj moderne arhitekture za vreme socijalizma u gradovima srednje veličine na teritoriji bivše Jugoslavije kroz velike urbanističke poteze, sa akcentom na višeporodičnu stambenu arhitekturu koja predtsavlja osnovni gradivni element tih poteza i nosioca urbanizacije perioda, na primeru grada Subotice. Srednje i manje gradove karakteriše implementacija planova u postojeće gradsko tkivo kako bi se zadržao njihov karaketer u pogledu veličine i funkcionisanja, međutim zbog poleta koji je generalno obeležio struku u period socijalizma ti gradovi su neretko planirani sa istom ambicijom kao glavni gradovi bivših federativnih republika, ali sa manje resursa, zbog čega se javlja jaz između planova i njihove ralizacije. Nedovršeni urbanistički potezi socijalističkog perioda, sa današnjeg stanovišta post-socijalističkog grada postavljaju ozbiljan izazov planerima usled promene planerske paradigme, a naročito usled aktuelnog talasa zaštite modernističkog nasleđa. Morfologija Subotice, nekad dela Austro-Ugarskog Carstva, prati palanerske prakse srednje Evrope. Međutim 1950ih godina, male, jednoporodične kuće bivaju rušene kako bi se napravilo mesta za blokove socijalnog stanovanja, stvarajući konfliktnu situaciju između nove socijalističke planerske agende i istorijske ulične matrice. Istorijski dokumenti i planovi upućuju da je, u to vreme, grad težio ka tranformaciji u moderni socijalistički grad izgradnjom nekoliko modernih naselja, među kojima su najveća Prozivka i Radijalac. Osnovni metod analize je mapiranje morfoloških promena u gradskom tkivu Subotice kroz vreme kako bi se razumeo dosadašnji razvojini put i sagledavanje mogućih načina urbane regenracije i zaštite analiziranih naselja kroz analizu primera u regionu. Ovaj rad ima dvostruki cilj - da ukaže na značaj razumevanja svih etapa razvoja jednog grada kao osnov za njegovo planiranje u budućnosti, posebno u slučaju kada se na poteze nastale pod jednom planerskom paradigmom reaguje iz pozicije druge i da skrene pažnju na socijalističko nasleđe u manjim i srednjim gradovima koje je mahom zapostavljeno i upiše ga na međunarodnu mapu modernosti.This paper examines the evolution of modern architecture during socialism in medium-sized cities in former Yugoslavia through large urban area development, with an emphasis on multifamily residential architecture, which is the bearer of urbanization of the period, on the example of the city Subotica. Medium cities are characterized by the implementation of plans in the existing urban fabric in order to maintain their character in terms of size and functioning, but due to the enthusiasm that marked the socialist period, these cities were often planned with the same ambition as the former capitals, but with fewer resources, which causes a gap between plans and their realization. The unfinished urban developments, from today's point of view of the post-socialist city, pose a challenge to planners due to the change of the planning paradigm, especially due to the current wave of protection of modernist heritage. Subotica, once part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, follows the layout of Central European cities. However, in the 1950s, single-family houses were demolished to make way for socialist housing blocks, creating a conflict situation between the new socialist planning agenda and the historic urban fabric. Historical documents indicate that the city aspired to transform into a modern socialist city by building several modern settlements: Prozivka and Radijalac. The methodology consists of mapping morphological changes in the urban fabric of Subotica and of analyzing modernist examples in the region that had gone through the process of urban regeneration. This paper has two goals – pointing out the importance of understanding all stages of development of a city as a basis for its planning, especially when reacting to large urban areas developed under one planning paradigm from the position of another and to draw attention to socialist heritage of medium-sized cities and inscribe it on the international map of modernity

    Urban morphology as a consequence of transitional territories and transnational systems - Subotica in the second half of the XX century

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    This paper examines the evolution of modern architecture during socialism in medium-sized cities in former Yugoslavia through large urban area development, with an emphasis on multifamily residential architecture, which is the bearer of the urbanization of the period, on the example of the city of Subotica

    All along the Watchtowers [46th Salon of Architecture]

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    Torre Rinalda predstavlja integralni deo sistema priobalnih kula osmatračnica koje se prostiru duž obala oblasti Pulje (Puglia) u Italiji. Iako deo važnog kulturnog nasleđa Italije, kule nisu adekvatno zaštićene i revitalizovane u odnosu na savremeni trenutak njihovog postojanja. Prepoznat je neiskorišćen potencijal za povezivanje priobalnih kula osmatračnica u kulturnu rutu koja bi predstavljala svojevrsno putovanje kroz istoriju grada Leče i njegovog nasleđa. Kako bi se to ostvarilo, neophodno je identifikovati zajedničku nit između postojećeg sistema kula, koja bi mogla da služi njihovom prostornom i simboličkom povezivanju, ali i da se primeni na pojedinačne kule, bez obzira na stanje u kojem se one trenutno nalaze. Zajednička nit je prepoznata, pre svega, u nekadašnjoj funkciji sistema kula osmatračnica usmerenoj na signaliziranje upozorenja, ali i u načinu na koji je sam sistem upozorenja funkcionisao – slanjem dimnih signala danju i paljenjem vatre noću. Savremena interpretacija nekadašnje funkcije postaje okosnica projekta očuvanja i revitalizacije Torre Rinalda i njegov centralni motiv. Nekadašnja platforma za osmatranje projektom postaje vidikovac, dok se ranije korišćeni dim i vatra prevode u igru vodene pare i svetlosti, čime se čitav sistem priobalnih kula osmatračnica vizuelno i simbolički povezuje u jednistveni prostorno-programski potez, tj. rutu. Međutim, za razliku od nekadašnjih simbola opasnosti, reinterpretirani dim i vatra indikatori su vremenskih promena – vodena para pokazuje smer i brzinu vetra, a promene u boji osvetljenja nagoveštavaju sunčane ili kišne dane na moru. Sistem svetlosti i pare je zamišljen kao solarni sistem i različito postavljen unutar pojedinačnih kula u zavisnosti od stanja u kome se one nalaze: da stoji samostalno i simbolično označava svoje mesto u slučaju kada je kula u potpunosti u ruševinama ili da je integrisan u obnovljenu kulu u slučaju kada je moguće postići njen prvobitni volumen

    Architectural Identities: Japan (SAJ – Serbian Architectural Journal) [46th Salon of Architecture]

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    Tematski broj naučnog časopisa SAJ: Serbian Architectural Journal, gostujućeg urednika dr Ivana Filipovića, posvećen promociji arhitektonskih identiteta i vizuelne kulture Japana, predstavljen je u okviru 46. Salona arhitekture u Beogradu, u kategoriji "publikacije"The thematic issue of the scientific journal SAJ: Serbian Architectural Journal, by guest editor Dr. Ivan Filipović, dedicated to the promotion of architectural identities and visual culture of Japan, was presented within the 46th Salon of Architecture in Belgrade, in the "publications" categor

    Common room - Outdoor living room [1st prize]

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    “...kada ne znam šta da radim dođem tu i znam da ću naći nekoga.”COMMON ROOM - Raskrsnica ulice Omladinskog pokreta i Pariske komune je javni prostor nedefinisanog urbanog identiteta, čija pozicija, veličina i okruženje onemogućavaju jasno definisanje ovog prostora kao trga. Međutim, ono što je prepoznato kao najveći kvalitet ovog urbanog džepa je upravo ta frekventnost i svakodnevna upotreba od strane lokalnih stanara. Kako bi ovo mesto postalo prepoznatljiv mikro ambijent čitavog susedstva, a kako se ipak radi o stambenog naselju, rešenje je koncipirano kao dnevna soba na otvorenom. Dnevna soba u stanu predstavlja zajednički prostor za sve članove domaćinstva, prostor koji služi za okupljanja, za susrete, razgovore, odmor, posete, slavlja. Dnevna soba podrazumeva i izvesni nivo komfora, koji bi omogućio fleksibilnost u prihvatanju različitih funkcija u različitim vremenskim periodima i grupa korisnika različitih starosnih dobi. Dnevna soba je, takođe, reprezentativni prostor jednog stana, odnosno jedne porodice. “To je srce našeg kvarta i tu stalno ima dešavanja.” Raskrsnica, na kojoj se predložena lokacija nalazi, tumači se projektom upravo kao mesto susreta, zadržavanja i okupljanja celog komšiluka, kojim bi se višegeneracijske veze koje sami stanari ponosno ističu, dodatno podržale."...when I don't know what to do, I come here and I know I will find someone." COMMON ROOM - The intersection of the street of the Omladinskog pokreta and the Pariske komune is a public space with an undefined urban identity, whose position, size and environment make it impossible to clearly define this space as a square . However, what is recognized as the greatest quality of this urban pocket is precisely this frequency and daily use by local residents. In order for this place to become a recognizable micro-ambiance of the entire neighborhood, and since it is still a residential area, the solution was conceived as an open-air living room. The living room in the apartment is a common space for all members of the household, a space that serves for gatherings, meetings, conversations, rest, visits, celebrations. The living room also implies a certain level of comfort, which would allow flexibility in accepting different functions in different time periods and groups of users of different ages. The living room is also a representative space of an apartment, that is, of a family. "It's the heart of our neighborhood and there's always something going on there." The intersection, where the proposed location is located, is interpreted by the project as a place of meeting, staying and gathering of the entire neighborhood, which would further support the multigenerational ties that the tenants themselves proudly emphasize