704 research outputs found

    Sport for everybody

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    The concept of development of physical culture of the population: the All-Russian day of running "Cross the nation" in 2014, the government of the Russian Federation revived the program "Ready for labor and defense", at the municipal level strategies for the development of physical culture and sportКонцепции развития физической культуры населения: Всероссийский день бега «Кросс нации», в 2014 году Постановлением Правительства Российской Федерации восстановлена программа «Готов к труду и обороне», на муниципальном уровне разрабатываются стратегии по развитию физической культуре и спорт

    Effect of precipitation under long-term aging at 650°C on the tensile strength of advanced 10%Cr heat-resistant steel

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    The aim of this paper is to examine the effect of long-term aging at 650°C on the tensile strength of advanced 10% Cr steel with low N and high B contents. Specific attention will be paid to the effect of changes in the microstructure and dispersion of the secondary phases on the strengt

    Harnessing the capabilities of spray granulation in the food industry for the production of functional foods

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    The article is the literature review of a current state of production technologies of powdery foodstuff, concentrates and multicomponent mixes. The need of the food industry for qualitative methods of processing of raw materials of different physical and chemical structure is noted. The authors give the reasons about need and possibility of a choice of granulation as a method of data processing of products. Physical and chemical features of granulation methods of disperse environments of various aggregate states based on the studied regularities and works of other authors are considered. The authors made the assumption of the application prospects of the method of liquid dispersion on the surface of particles in a suspended state for a granulation of foodstuff and they offered the alternative option. The possibility to use whey as binding element is considered. At the end of article authors draw the conclusion about the prospects of use of a method of dispersion of liquid on the surface of particles in a suspended state for a granulation of foodstuff


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    The article highlights the features of the district nurse. Her responsibilities and tasks. And concluded its role in the work on the station and in the clinic.У статті висвітлено особливості роботи дільничної медичної сестри, її обовʼязки та завдання, зроблено висновок про її роль у лікуванні та профілактиці гіпертонічної хвороби на дільниці та в поліклініці

    An effect of anti-stress feed additives on broiler productivity and meat quality

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    The paper presents the study on an impact of feed additives Peak anti-stress and SPAO (SPAO-complex) with different lithium content on meat productivity and meat quality of broiler chickens. The feed additives exert a pronounced metabolic effect, have adaptogen properties and allow forming a mechanism that facilitates compensation of the expenditure of the body, which significantly increases upon stress development. It was established that the average daily gain of the broiler chickens increased by 1.8% and 4.3% on the background of using SPAO-complex and Peak anti-stress, respectively, compared to the broiler chickens that did not receive the feed additives in the daily diet. It was shown that addition of feed additives with lithium into a diet led to an improvement of the indices of broiler meat productivity and meat quality: a level of yield of the carcasses of the 1st category increased up to 56.2–79.1%, high organoleptic indices of meat were ensured, the protein content in white and red chicken meat increased and functional-technological properties of minced meat improved. The use of feed additives ensured profitability of industrial poultry production; the highest indices of profitability were established upon introduction of the feed additive Peak anti-stress into a diet — up to 8.67 rubles per each ruble of expenses. The obtained results of the study should be taken into consideration in the technological processes when raising broiler chickens

    Chronic respiratory pathology and life quality of the adolescents living in industrial centers

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    At present the pathology of laryngeal and respiratory organs is known to prevail in the structure of the child and adolescent morbidity in the industrial centers of the northern and eastern regions of the country and their proportion reaches 70 %. The disease symptoms of the respiratory tracts (the obstacle nose, discomfort and throat tickling as well as the hoarseness) and especially their complications may lead to the decrease in the life quality of children and adolescents. Taking into account that at present time it is impossible to remove technogenic air pollution totally, the complex studies on revealing the unfavorable factors, which may influence the organisms of the children and adolescents, are known to be the prior task of the preventive medicine. The aim of the study was to examine the frequency chronic respiratory pathology and influence on the adolescents life quality of industrial centers of Irkutsk region with different levels of technogenic pollution. 410 adolescents (14-17 years) for a long time living in the regions with the different air pollution levels air with the developed oil-chemical and industries were examined. The differences in the structure of chronic respiratory pathology were revealed in the examined adolescents: under conditions of the air pollution with a complex of chemical compounds with a high Hasard Index (HI = 17) the respiratory diseases prevail, and with the medium level (HI = 3,6) the nasal diseases prevail. It was found that that about 12,6 % of the morbidity variability in the category of the respiratory organs, in particular the throat pathology in the teenagers may be correlated with the air pollution. The more significant factors of forming the chronic respiratory pathology were found to be the health state, characterized by the laboratory indices (common microbial number of the nasal cavity and the pharynx; activity of lysocyme); chemical inhalation exposure; the work of the parents under harmful conditions during the period before child birth. The study results may be considered as the basis for the optimization of the approaches to the diagnostics and prevention of the respiratory pathology of adolescents

    «Румянцевские чтения - 2012»: ежегодная научная конференция

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    On the history and development of the All-Russian Scientific Conference, established in 1981 by V.I. Lenin State Library of the USSR. There is the review on Rumyantsev Readings - 2012 dedicated to 150 anniversary of Moscow Public and Rumyantsev Museums opening.Об истории возникновения и развития Всероссийской научной конференции, учрежденной в 1981 г. Государственной библиотекой СССР им. В.И. Ленина. Представлен обзор Румянцевских чтений 2012 г., посвященных 150-летию открытия Московского публичного и Румянцевского музеев

    Всемирный библиотечный и информационный конгресс ИФЛА 2014 года

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    On the 80th General Conference and Assembly of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions - the World Library and Information Congress devoted to the theme "Libraries, Citizens, Societies: Confluence for Knowledge", held on 16-22 August, 2014 in Lyon.О состоявшейся в Лионе 16-22 августа 2014 г. 80-й Генеральной конференции и Ассамблее Международной федерации библиотечных ассоциаций и учреждений - Всемирном библиотечном и информационном конгрессе на тему «Библиотеки, граждане, общества: слияние для знания»

    Breeding of ornamental plants in Russia

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    The breeding of ornamental plants as a branch of crop production is an integral part of the set of measures aimed at obtaining a wide range of different plants with high decorative characteristics. The main objective of this branch is the creation of plants that are attractive to the consumer and commercially characterized by such valuable biological features as adaptability, resistance to diseases, pests, frost and others. Most ornamental plant varieties were bred by means of traditional breeding methods such as selection, distant hybridization, clone breeding, radiation and chemically induced mutagenesis. However, the use of traditional breeding tools is limited by the potential for intraspecific variability. The development of modern biotechnological and genetic approaches to the breeding of new varieties has made it possible to modify the plant genotype at a qualitatively new level. The present review covers the directions in and methodology of modern ornamental plant breeding in Russia, ways of mobilizing the genetic resources of the main ornamental crops such as rose, clematis, canna, chrysanthemum, pelargonia, iris, daylily, tulip, lilac, and rhododendron. Aslo, the review offers examples of ornamental plant breeding work uderway in the leading specialized scientific institutions such as the Russian State Agrarian University – the K.A. Timiryazev Moscow Agricultural Academy, I.V. Michurin Federal Research Centre, Nikitsky Botanical Gardens – National Scientific Center of the RAS, Subtropical Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Botanical Garden of the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Tobacco, Mahorka and Tobacco Products. The world and Russian flower and ornamental plants markets, the problem and methods of resolving the issue of quality import substitution, and prospects for the development of floriculture in Russia in the foreseeable future are also briefly considered

    Codification of Terminology: a Case Study of English Legal Terms

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    The present paper is devoted to the phenomenon of codification and the main inconsistencies between the theoretical requirements for a term and actual terminological units found in terminological dictionaries of law. The paper presents the analysis of terms used in the legal sphere. The objective of the research is to identify and classify the inconsistencies that have a direct impact on codification as the last stage of the creation of a terminological dictionary. Particular attention is paid to the study of the content plane of legal terms listed in English terminological dictionaries as well as their expression plane. The authors conclude that at both levels (those of the content plane and the expression plane) and at the level of functioning the inconsist- encies raise important issues concerning further development of both terminography as a field of science and the dictionary-making process taking place today