723 research outputs found

    Topical issues of development of modern means of monitoring and control results trainings

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    The article substantiates the topical issues of the development of co-temporary means of monitoring and quality control of education in High schoolОбоснованы актуальные вопросы разработки современных средств мониторинга и контроля качества обучения в вуз

    Features of formation of students’ cultural speech behavior in studying process

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    The paper considers the topicality of formation of students’ cultural speech behavior in the process of studying and the essence of the concept «culture of speech behavior». Analysis of contemporary psychology and pedagogy research on the stated problem is given.Раскрыты актуальность формирования культуры речевого поведения студентов в процессе обучения, сущность понятия «культура речевого поведения». Приведен анализ современных психолого-педагогических исследований по заявленной проблеме. Указано на объективно существующее противоречие, лежащее в основе развития процесса формирования культуры речевого поведения студентов в процессе обучения

    An effect of anti-stress feed additives on broiler productivity and meat quality

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    The paper presents the study on an impact of feed additives Peak anti-stress and SPAO (SPAO-complex) with different lithium content on meat productivity and meat quality of broiler chickens. The feed additives exert a pronounced metabolic effect, have adaptogen properties and allow forming a mechanism that facilitates compensation of the expenditure of the body, which significantly increases upon stress development. It was established that the average daily gain of the broiler chickens increased by 1.8% and 4.3% on the background of using SPAO-complex and Peak anti-stress, respectively, compared to the broiler chickens that did not receive the feed additives in the daily diet. It was shown that addition of feed additives with lithium into a diet led to an improvement of the indices of broiler meat productivity and meat quality: a level of yield of the carcasses of the 1st category increased up to 56.2–79.1%, high organoleptic indices of meat were ensured, the protein content in white and red chicken meat increased and functional-technological properties of minced meat improved. The use of feed additives ensured profitability of industrial poultry production; the highest indices of profitability were established upon introduction of the feed additive Peak anti-stress into a diet — up to 8.67 rubles per each ruble of expenses. The obtained results of the study should be taken into consideration in the technological processes when raising broiler chickens

    Cancel Culture in Constructing National Identity of the Caspian Macro-region Countries (on the Example of Textbooks in Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan)

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    The process of the formation of independent states on the territories of post-Soviet republics raised the problem of the construction of their national identities. This process was propelled by the rejection of Soviet identity and the cultural legacy of the Soviet era. This rejection necessitated a reinterpretation of the historical past of the nations and a revision of the pantheon of national heroes. To achieve this goal, the mechanism of cancel culture was used, which aimed at rejecting the values of a certain culture and constructing a new worldview. In this research, we are interested in the Caspian macro-region, which is an object of interest both geopolitically and economically not only for the five international actors (Russia, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Iran, Azerbaijan) having access to the water area but also for more distant states (China, Turkey, the USA, and leading European countries) fighting for influence in the Caspian basin. In the Caspian region there is heightened tension, manifested in ethnic conflicts (Armenian-Azerbaijani, Kazakhstan, Iran, etc.), therefore the study of the process of national identity construction in each subject individually and in the whole region is not only a matter of scientific interest but also a strategic task to ensure both Caspian and Russian security. The main purpose of the article is to analyze the mechanisms of constructing a new national identity of the Caspian countries through the cancel culture, reconsidering their experience and historical development. This process can be seen most clearly in the example of changes in the educational systems of the Caspian region countries. To conduct a comparative analysis, we took history and local history textbooks from secondary schools and institutions of higher education in the republics of Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. This research was limited to the study of textbooks published in the Russian language. The selection was made by random sampling. A series of research projects on the construction of national identity in the post-Soviet space through the mechanism of cancel culture starts with this article presenting the results of the study of two countries in the Caspian Sea region — Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan

    Всемирный библиотечный и информационный конгресс ИФЛА 2014 года

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    On the 80th General Conference and Assembly of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions - the World Library and Information Congress devoted to the theme "Libraries, Citizens, Societies: Confluence for Knowledge", held on 16-22 August, 2014 in Lyon.О состоявшейся в Лионе 16-22 августа 2014 г. 80-й Генеральной конференции и Ассамблее Международной федерации библиотечных ассоциаций и учреждений - Всемирном библиотечном и информационном конгрессе на тему «Библиотеки, граждане, общества: слияние для знания»

    Material Origin in Folklore Texts of Predominantly Historical Themes

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    The article deals with the issues of architectonics of folklore texts of historical content: Russian and Ukrainian historical songs, historical ballads, dooms and epics. The relevance of the study is due to the search for a synchronous typological similarity between folklore texts of different ethnic, generic, genre, and poetic nature. Special attention is paid to three aspects of the organization of the song plot: its compositional layering, the combination of several principles in it; the plot meaning of allomotives, explicating the material principle; their styling. The definitions of the material and spiritual principles are given. The objective existence of typological similarities at the level of the allomotive organization of Russian and Ukrainian texts related to the classical, traditional and stage-by-stage types of creativity in the field of historical song folklore is shown. It is shown that this similarity can be explained by the reflection in the texts of vital, everyday empiricism and can acquire different stylistic incarnations: reduced everyday, ascertaining, idealizing. The question is raised about the reasons for the axiological differences in the Russian and Ukrainian folklore traditions. It is proved that the explication of the material principle can have different meanings in the organization of the song plot: optional, meaningful within a fragment of the text, plot-forming

    Библиотека как феномен культуры в трансформирующемся обществе»: Международная научная конференция «Румянцевские чтения - 2014»

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    On the Annual International Research Conference «Rumyantsev Readings», held at the Russian State Library on 15-16 April, 2014.О состоявшейся в Российской государственной библиотеке 15-16 апреля 2014 г. ежегодной Международной научной конференции «Румянцевские чтения»

    Совет сотрудничества: вектор развития

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    The article is devoted to the Session of Cooperation Council of Three National Libraries of Russia. There were summarized the results of joint work in 2013, and was emphasized intensification of the general activities of libraries in formation of legal and regulatory basis of library workСтатья посвящена заседанию Совета сотрудничества трех национальных библиотек России. Подведены итоги совместной работы в 2013 г., отмечена активизация общей деятельности библиотек в формировании нормативно-правовой базы библиотечной работы

    Method for Deriving Carboxymethyl Cellulose

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    Chemical conversions proceeding in solid substances under mechanical effects are of great practical importance. At solid-phase mechanochemical interaction of powder cellulose and rice husks with a carboxymethylation agent, i.e. sodium monochloracetate, one obtained a product, the composition and properties of which are similar to commercial carboxymethyl cellulose. The given products were synthesized using laboratory microgrinder of a planetary type MA-1. Carboxymethyl cellulose obtained from powder cellulose is water-soluble product. Solubility of carboxymethyl cellulose synthesized from rice husks is about 80-95%. Viscosity of 5% aqueous solutions of the products from powder cellulose is about 2-5 mPa⋅s and viscosity of 10% aqueous solutions of the products from rice husks is about 4-6 mPa⋅s. It corresponds to viscosity of 1% solution of the commercial carboxymethyl cellulose. Carboxymethyl cellulose, obtained from powder cellulose and rice husks, represents a cheap product for petroleum, gas and building branches. Application of efficient and ecologically convenient solid-phase mechanochemical technology of carboxymethylation cellulose-containing products allows using accessible cellulose-containing scraps as raw material without their preliminary preparation and clearing. One can use carboxymethyl cellulose obtained by the solid-phase technology developed to control viscosity of water-based drilling fluids. Solubility and viscosity of these products depend on parameters of the processing and are compared to similar properties of commercial carboxymethyl cellulose