33 research outputs found

    The productivity of 4th Generation KUB-2 Chicken

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    KUB-2 line of chicken has improved local chicken selected from the KUB-1 chicken line. KUB-2 was selected for more egg production and yellow shank. KUB-1 chicken has 64% various of black feather color, which sometimes tends to have unpreferred dark carcass. Yellow shank color has a positive correlation with the skin color of carcass. As many as 517 pullets of KUB-2 at 4th generation were divided into two groups of 194 pullets of KUB-2kk (yellow shank) and 323 pullets of KUB-2nk non-yellow shank). The chickens were raised intensively in the individual cages for the 24 weeks observation. Variables measured were age at first egg (AFE) bodyweight at first egg (BWFE), egg weight at first egg (EWFE), average egg weight (AEW), average egg production (AEP) during 24 weeks, feed conversion ratio (FCR) of 25-43 weeks of age, and mortality. The result showed that there was no statistically significant different (p>0.05) between KUB-2nk and KUB-2kk respectively for AFE of 156.2 d and 158.1 d, for BWFE of 1788 g and 1808 g, for EWFE of 31.32 g and 31.34 g, for AEP24 of 103.3 eggs or 61.5% and 101.9 eggs or 60.7%, and for FCR25-43 of 3.53 and 3.54. AEW increased with increasing age of hen, the mortality of the whole population was 0.98%

    Broodiness Trait of Chicken Through Molecular Investigation

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    Incubation behavior of Kampung chicken is associated with the cessation of egg laying, and intensity of broodiness trait depends on genetic and environmental factors such as breed, management system, type of cages and photo periodicity. In this review, broodiness trait was investigated through molecular analysis. The result of the study concluded that there are two hypothesis of genetic incubation behavior. Some authors agreed that the incubation behavior is controlled by a major gene sexlinked on the Z chromosome. The prolactin receptor (PRLR) gene is a candidate gene for broodiness trait on the Z chromosome. However, the expression of broodiness in White Leghorn and Bantam hens cannot be explained by differences in the amounts of PRLR mRNA in the transcription or gross structure of the PRLR gene. The other hypothesis concluded that the incubation behavior is controlled by a small number of dominant autosomal genes with no sex linkage. Prolactin promoter (PRLp) gene is the major gene autosomal as starting point to express prolactin gene on the 2 chromosome. Prolactin promoter gene could be represented by the broodiness bands. Genotype AA and AC is identified as the broody genotype and BB as the non broody genotype. Key words: Broodiness, prolactin receptor, prolactin promoter, Kampung chicke

    Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of SenSi-1 Agrinak chicken

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    One of local chicken breeds develop in Indonesian Research Institute for Animal Production (IRIAP) is local SenSi-1 Agrinak chicken. This new improved local-meat-type breed was released with Ministry Agriculture Decree Number 39/Kpts/PK.020/1/2017 on 20th January 2017. SenSi-1 Agrinak was originally selected from native Sentul chicken breed obtained from Ciamis district in West Java Province. Selection criteria were two feather colors of grey or black spotted white (pucak), which were applied to both males and females. Pea-comb type was also one criterion for males, applied at the age of 10 weeks. Live weight at the age of 10 weeks with the selection intensity of 25% was applied to each generation of males chicken. Selection proceeded for six generations. Selection program was carried out under standard feed formulae containing around 17% crude protein with 2850 kcal ME/ kg, and containing other nutrients following the ones recommended for modern chicken of White Leghorn. Observation was conducted on each of about 2000 young chickens of grey and of Pucak SenSi-1 Agrinak both males and females age of 10 and 84 weeks. Results showed that grey SenSi-1 Agrinak chicken in total population, had: i) Grey feather color distribution of 55.51% in males, and 60.77% in females; ii) Yellow shank color of 52.51% in males, and 33.33% in females; iii) Pea type comb of 90.98% in males, and 89.23% in females; iv). Ten weeks live weight of 886.38+142.93 g/bird in males, and 739.17+ 118.87 in females. Pucak SenSi-1 Agrinak chicken in total population, had: i) Pucak feather color of 75.65% in males, and 8330% in females; ii) Yellow shank color of 51.91% in males, and 36.59% in females; iii) Pea type comb of 91.55% in males, and 92.28% in females; iv) Ten weeks live weight of 908.76+ 130.98 g/bird in males, and 750.53+ 110.56 g/bird in females. Whilst for grey SenSi-1 Agrinak male chicken after selection had live weight at 10 weeks old of 1015+107 g/bird, and for Pucak SenSi-1 Agrinak male chicken was 1051+76 g/bird. This initial performance information for those two breeds of considerably improved local chicken can be used as the base of information for SenSi-1 Agrinak breed for male line of meat type of local chicken breeding

    Genotiping Gen Mx dengan SNP Analisis 7500 Fast Real Time PCR pada Ayam KUB

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    Teknologi molekuler saat ini cukup pesat perkembangannya dan didukung oleh peralatan yang semakin modern. Identifikasi mutasi satu titik (SNP analisis) dalam menentukan genotipe individu ternak yang biasanya dilakukan dengan pemotongan enzim untuk mengenali titik mutasi nukleotida, saat ini dapat dilakukan dengan real time PCR. Sebanyak 69 sampel DNA ayam KUB (Kampung Unggulan Badan Litbang Pertanian) yang terdiri atas 33 sampel DNA ayam jantan dan 36 sampel DNA ayam betina digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Applied biosystems 7500 fast real time PCR digunakan untuk tujuan mendeteksi genotipe ayam KUB yang tahan terhadap AI (homozigot A/A), bisa tahan dan bisa tidak (heterozigot A/G) dan tidak tahan AI (homozigot G/G). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa genotiping gen Mx pada ayam KUB menghasilkan frekuensi genotipe A/A, A/G dan G/G masing-masing sebanyak 34,78; 47,83 dan 17,39%. Frekuensi alel A sebesar 58,70% dan alel G sebesar 41,30%. Heterozigositas pengamatan (HO) dan heterozigositas harapan (HE) cukup tinggi masing-masing sebesar 0,4783 dan 0,4848. Hasil analisis chi-square pada sampel ayam KUB berdasarkan genotipe gen Mx masih berada pada keseimbangan Hardy-Weinberg (HWE/Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium)

    Manajemen Rantai Pasok Komoditas Telur Ayam Kampung

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    Secara umum penelitian ini bertujuan merumuskan kebijakan pengembangan manajemen rantai pasok komoditas telur ayam kampung secara terpadu. Secara rinci tujuan penelitian adalah 1) mendeskripsikan pelaku rantai pasok komoditas telur ayam kampung; 2) menganalisis kelembagaan manajemen rantai pasok komoditas telur ayam kampung; dan 3) menganalisis rantai nilai komoditas telur ayam kampung. Data yang digunakan bersumber dari hasil wawancara terstruktur dengan peternak ayam kampung petelur serta wawancara kelompok dengan para pelaku rantai pasok di Provinsi Jawa Barat, Jawa Timur, dan Kalimantan Selatan. Data kuantitatif dianalisis menggunakan analisis R/C ratio, margin tata niaga dan analisis rantai nilai, sementara informasi kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif dengan fokus pada kelembagaan manajemen rantai pasok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) terdapat delapan pelaku utama rantai pasok komoditas telur ayam kampung, yaitu pemerintah, industri perbibitan, peternak, kelompok peternak, asosiasi peternak, pedagang di sentra produksi, pedagang di sentra konsumsi, dan industri kue/roti; 2) kelembagaan yang paling strategis dalam keseluruhan rantai pasok komoditas telur ayam kampung adalah kelembagaan distribusi dan pemasaran; dan 3) industri kue/roti menerima nilai tambah terbesar per unit output, sedangkan pedagang besar di pusat produksi dan pedagang besar di pusat konsumsi menerima nilai terbesar secara agregat. Rekomendasi kebijakan yang dihasilkan adalah pengembangan agribisnis komoditas telur ayam kampung harus dilakukan secara terpadu dalam keseluruhan rantai pasok

    Genetic Diversity of Eight Native Indonesian Chicken Breeds on Microsatellite Markers

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    Indonesia has diversity in native chickens based on phenotypes. This diversity is utilized for economic purposes such as meat, eggs, fancy, crowing, and fighting. This study aimed to determine the genetic structure of eight native Indonesian chicken breeds with microsatellite markers, the genetic distance, and inbreeding coefficient of each breed of chicken used for crossbreeding programs to obtain a positive heterosis effect for selection programs. The samples used were Arab, Merawang, Pelung, Sentul, Cemani, KUB, Black Kedu and White Kedu. Broiler chickens (Cobb) were used as the outgroup in this study. A total of 192 DNA samples from eight breeds were used in this study. A total of 24 microsatellite markers were used in this study to observe the genetic diversity of 8 native breeds. The POPGENE, Cervus, and FSTAT were used to generate the observed number of alleles, the effective number of alleles, observed heterozygosity value, expected heterozygosity value, the heterozygote deficit within the breed (FIS), gene flow (Nm), Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, Polymorphism Information Content (PIC), and UPGMA tree. The principal component analysis (PCA) was performed using adegenet package of R software. Bayesian clustering assignments were analyzed using the STRUCTURE program. This study revealed a very close genetic relationship between seven native chickens and broilers. We also found Arab chickens separated from other Indonesian native chickens and no inbreeding in eight native Indonesian chicken breeds. In conclusion, we found two clusters among eight native Indonesian chicken breeds. Twenty microsatellite markers have a high PIC value in this study

    Crossbreeding between male pelung and female selected native chicken at second generation (G2)

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      The experiment aimed to produce native chicken with faster growth rate that is to achieve body weight of more than 1 kg at 3 months of age. Three hundreds and thirty three crossbreeds (PK) day old chicken from the results of artificial insemination between male Pelung and second generation of selection of female native chicken, were used in this experiment. One hundred and eighty purebreds native chickens were also used as control population. They were put in grower cages with density of 10 birds per cage and each cage was treated as a single unit of replication. Feeds during experiment were given and divided into 3 phases that is Starter Feeds I (Protein 21% and Energy 3000 kcal/kg) for chicken between 0-21 days of age, Starter Feeds II (Protein 19% and Energy 2900 kcal/kg) for chicken between 22-42 days and Grower Feeds (Protein 17% and Energy 2900 kcal/kg) for chicken between 43-84 days. Variables which were recorded were weekly body weight until 12 weeks of age, feed consumption, feed conversion, mortality, carcass weight and simple economic ratio (B/C ratio). The results of the experiment showed that body weight at 12 weeks of crossbred (PK) was significantly higher than the pure native chicken (1000 vs 923 g) (P0.05). Feed consumption was not significantly different (3037 vs 3036 g/bird/12 weeks), but the feed conversion of the crossbred was significantly better than the purebred (3.09 vs 3.4) (P0.05). Carcass weight and carcass components were not significantly different between the two breeds, but they were different between sexes (P0.05). Simple economic calculation showed that crossbreeds produced higher profit than purebreds with the benefit cost ratio were 1.31 for crossbred (PK) and 1.2 for purebred native chicken. The mortality rate during the experiment was low, that is 5.5% for crossbred and 6.36% for purebred.   Key words: Crossbreeding, male Pelung, female native chicke

    Molecular Characterization of Indonesian Indigenous Chickens based on Mitochondrial DNA Displacement (D)-loop Sequences

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    The Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) displacement (D)-loop sequences were used to study the genetic diversity and relationship of Indonesian indigenous chickens. A total of 483 individuals belonging to 15 population breeds and 43 individuals belonging to 6 populations of jungle fowl (2 populations of Gallus gallus and 4 populations of Gallus varius) were sampled. The hypervariable I (HVI) segment of the D-loop was PCR amplified and subsequently sequenced. The sequences of the first 397 nucleotides were used for analysis. Sixty nine haplotypes were identified from 54 polymorphic sites with polymorphism between nucleotides 167 and 397 contributing to 94.5% of the sequence variation. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that Indonesian indigenous chickens can be grouped into five distinct clades (clade I, II, IIIc, IIId, and IV) of the previously identified seven clades (clade I, II, IIIa, IIIb, IIIc, IIId, and IV) in Asian indigenous chickens. Fifty haplotypes belong to clade II, seven haplotypes are in clade IV, six are in clade IIId, three are in clade I and one haploype is in clade IIIc. There was no breed-specific clade. Analysis of Molecular Variance (AMOVA) based on partial D-loop sequences of Indonesian chicken indicates that 67.85% of the total sequence variation between haplotypes was present within the population and 32.15% between populations. One of the haplotypes (represented by PLC4) was shared by all populations, suggesting that these populations may share the same maternal ancestor. These results show a high mitochondrial D-loop diversity and indicate multiple maternal origins for Indonesian indigenous chickens. Key words: Indonesian indigenous chicken, mitochondrial DNA, D-loop, haplotype, phylogenetic analysis and clad

    Growth response of improved native breeds of chicken to diets differed in energy and protein content

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    The aim of doing this experiment was to observe the growth response of improved native breeds of chicken under diets differed in energy and protein content. Three groups of improved native breeds, obtained from mating of ♂KUB to ♀KUB (Line 1), of ♂SenSi to ♀KUB (Line 2) and of ♂Gaok x ♀KUB (Line 3), were subjected to three experimental diets, differed in metabolizable energy (ME) and crude protein (CP) content. The experimental diets consisted of Diet 1 (2,800 kcal ME/ kg with 17,81% CP), Diet 2 (2,950 kcal ME/ kg with 18,61% CP) and  Diet 3 (3,100 kcal ME/ kg with 19,25% CP). The experiment was designed as factorial 3 x 3 with 7 replications of each treatment combination, consisted of 5 birds per treatment combination. The chickens were raised up to 10 weeks of age. Results of the experiment showed that Line 2 (♂SenSi mated to ♀KUB) had highest body weight at 10 weeks of age (P0.05), lowest feed conversion ratio (FCR) and highest European Production Efficiency Factor (EPEF), compared to other two lines. The appropriate diet for Line 2 was Diet 2. It could be concluded the crossbred line that was resulted from crossing of ♂SenSi to ♀KUB (Line 2), had potential to be used as improved native chicken for the industry in Indonesia supported by appropriate diet containing 2,950 kcal ME/kg with 18.61% crude protein

    Analysis of genetic relationship among Indonesian native chicken breeds based on 335 D-loop sequences

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    The Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) D-loop segment was PCR amplified and subsequently sequenced for a total of 335 individuals from Indonesian native chicken. The individuals were drawn from sixteen populations of native chicken and three individuals of green jungle fowls (Gallus varius). Indonesian native chicken populations were: Pelung Sembawa, PL (n = 18), Pelung Cianjur, PLC (n = 29) and Arab Silver, ARS (n=30), Cemani, CM (n = 32), Gaok, GA (n = 7), Kedu Hitam, KDH (n = 11), Wareng, T TW (n = 10), Cemani, CMP (n = 2), Kedu, KD (n=26), Kedu Putih, KDP (n = 15), Sentul Jatiwangi, STJ (n = 27), Ayam Kate, KT (n = 29), Ayam Sentul, STC (n = 15), Arab Golden, ARG (n = 26), Ayam Merawang, MR (n = 28), Kedu Putih Jatiwangi, KDPJ (n=6) and Kapas, KPS (n = 21). Green jungle fowls were: two individuals from Flores island (FL5 and FL57) and one individual (BD42) from Sumbawa island. The sequences of the first 530 nucleotides were used for analysis. Eighty two haplotypes were identified from 78 polymorphic sites for the 335 individuals. Seventy nine haplotypes were identified in native chicken from 57 polymorphic sites while three were of jungle fowls. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that Indonesian native chicken can be grouped into five clades (Clade I, II, IIIc, IIId and IV) of the previously identified seven clades (Clade I, II, IIIa, IIIb, IIIc, IIId and IV) in Asian domestic chicken. Haplotypes CM10 and CM32 fall to a different category while STC12 is also on its own. Interestingly STC12 clusters together with Gallus gallus gallus (GenBank accession No. SULANDARI et al. Analysis of genetic relationship among Indonesian native chicken breeds based on 335 D-loop sequences 296 AB007720). When CM10 (same as CM14), CM32 and STC12 were removed, 77 haplotypes of domestic chicken were identified from 53 polymorphic sites. All the green jungle fowls are clustered to one clade of their own. The clades of domestic chicken are: Clade I which has three haplotypes, Clade II has 52 haplotypes, Clade IIIc has one haplotype (represented by ARS30), Clade IIId has nine haplotypes while Clade IV has eleven haplotypes. The phylogenetic relationship between chicken populations has no link to the geographic locations. Analysis of molecular variance showed that the genetic variation within populations was 67.42% while 32.58% accounted for the genetic differentiation between populations. Key Words: Native Chiken, Green Jungle Fowls, D-Loop DNA Mitochondria, HV-1, Clade, Haplotype, Phylogenetic, Genetic Variatio