213 research outputs found

    Over Darwin en DNA, over schoonheid in vergankelijkheid

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    Oratie uitgesproken door Prof.dr. M. Tijsterman bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van hoogleraar op het gebied van Genoomstabiliteit aan de Universiteit Leiden op vrijdag 5 februari 2016Oratie uitgesproken door Prof.dr. M. Tijsterman bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van hoogleraar op het gebied van Genoomstabiliteit aan de Universiteit Leiden op vrijdag 5 februari 201

    Preservation of lagging strand integrity at sites of stalled replication by pol α-primase and 9-1-1 complex

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    Plant science

    Translesion synthesis polymerases are dispensable for C. elegans reproduction but suppress genome scarring by polymerase theta-mediated end joining

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    Author summaryResearch in the fields of DNA repair and mutagenesis has led to enormous insight into the mechanisms responsible for maintaining genetic integrity. However, which processes drive de novo mutations and will thus contribute to inherited diseases are still unclear. One process thought to underlie spontaneous mutagenesis is replication of damaged DNA by specialised so-called "Translesion synthesis" polymerases, which have the ability to replicate across damaged bases, but are not very accurate. To address the impact of TLS or the lack thereof on genome integrity, we have knocked out all TLS enzymes that are encoded by the C. elegans genome, individually and in combination, and monitored mutation accumulation during prolonged culturing of these animals without external sources of DNA damage. We found that TLS is not the major driver of spontaneous mutagenesis in this organism, however, it protects the genome from harmful small deletions that result from mutagenic repair of DNA breaks. We also found that, contrary to what was expected, TLS activity is not essential for reproduction in a multicellular organism with the tissue complexity and genome size of C. elegans.Bases within DNA are frequently damaged, producing obstacles to efficient and accurate DNA replication by replicative polymerases. Translesion synthesis (TLS) polymerases, via their ability to catalyze nucleotide additions to growing DNA chains across DNA lesions, promote replication of damaged DNA, thus preventing checkpoint activation, genome instability and cell death. In this study, we used C. elegans to determine the contribution of TLS activity on long-term stability of an animal genome. We monitored and compared the types of mutations that accumulate in REV1, REV3, POLH1 and POLK deficient animals that were grown under unchallenged conditions. We also addressed redundancies in TLS activity by combining all deficiencies. Remarkably, animals that are deficient for all Y-family polymerases as well as animals that have lost all TLS activity are viable and produce progeny, demonstrating that TLS is not essential for animal life. Whole genome sequencing analyses, however, reveal that TLS is needed to prevent genomic scars from accumulating. These scars, which are the product of polymerase theta-mediated end joining (TMEJ), are found overrepresented at guanine bases, consistent with TLS suppressing DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) from occurring at replication-blocking guanine adducts. We found that in C. elegans, TLS across spontaneous damage is predominantly error free and anti-clastogenic, and thus ensures preservation of genetic information.Genome Instability and Cance

    Small tandem DNA duplications result from CST-guided Pol alpha-primase action at DNA break termini

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    Error-prone repair of DNA double-strand breaks have been implied to cause cancer-associated genome alterations, but the mechanism of their formation remains unclear. Here the authors find that DNA polymerase alpha primase plays part in tandem duplication formation at CRISPR/Cas9-induced complementary 3 ' ssDNA protrusions.Small tandem duplications of DNA occur frequently in the human genome and are implicated in the aetiology of certain human cancers. Recent studies have suggested that DNA double-strand breaks are causal to this mutational class, but the underlying mechanism remains elusive. Here, we identify a crucial role for DNA polymerase alpha (Pol alpha)-primase in tandem duplication formation at breaks having complementary 3 ' ssDNA protrusions. By including so-called primase deserts in CRISPR/Cas9-induced DNA break configurations, we reveal that fill-in synthesis preferentially starts at the 3 ' tip, and find this activity to be dependent on 53BP1, and the CTC1-STN1-TEN1 (CST) and Shieldin complexes. This axis generates near-blunt ends specifically at DNA breaks with 3 ' overhangs, which are subsequently repaired by non-homologous end-joining. Our study provides a mechanistic explanation for a mutational signature abundantly observed in the genomes of species and cancer cells.Genome Instability and Cance

    Gene targeting in polymerase theta-deficient Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation has been for decades the preferred tool to generate transgenic plants. During this process, a T-DNA carrying transgenes is transferred from the bacterium to plant cells, where it randomly integrates into the genome via polymerase theta (Pol theta)-mediated end joining (TMEJ). Targeting of the T-DNA to a specific genomic locus via homologous recombination (HR) is also possible, but such gene targeting (GT) events occur at low frequency and are almost invariably accompanied by random integration events. An additional complexity is that the product of recombination between T-DNA and target locus may not only map to the target locus (true GT), but also to random positions in the genome (ectopic GT). In this study, we have investigated how TMEJ functionality affects the biology of GT in plants, by using Arabidopsis thaliana mutated for the TEBICHI gene, which encodes for Pol theta. Whereas in TMEJ-proficient plants we predominantly found GT events accompanied by random T-DNA integrations, GT events obtained in the teb mutant background lacked additional T-DNA copies, corroborating the essential role of Pol theta in T-DNA integration. Pol theta deficiency also prevented ectopic GT events, suggesting that the sequence of events leading up to this outcome requires TMEJ. Our findings provide insights that can be used for the development of strategies to obtain high-quality GT events in crop plants.Genome Instability and Cance

    Helicase Q promotes homology-driven DNA double-strand break repair and prevents tandem duplications

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    DNA double-strand breaks are a major threat to cellular survival and genetic integrity. In addition to high fidelity repair, three intrinsically mutagenic DNA break repair routes have been described, i.e. single-strand annealing (SSA), polymerase theta-mediated end-joining (TMEJ) and residual ill-defined microhomology-mediated end-joining (MMEJ) activity. Here, we identify C. elegans Helicase Q (HELQ-1) as being essential for MMEJ as well as for SSA. We also find HELQ-1 to be crucial for the synthesis-dependent strand annealing (SDSA) mode of homologous recombination (HR). Loss of HELQ-1 leads to increased genome instability: patchwork insertions arise at deletion junctions due to abortive rounds of polymerase theta activity, and tandem duplications spontaneously accumulate in genomes of helq-1 mutant animals as a result of TMEJ of abrogated HR intermediates. Our work thus implicates HELQ activity for all DSB repair modes guided by complementary base pairs and provides mechanistic insight into mutational signatures common in HR-defective cancers.Microhomology-mediated end-joining (MMEJ) is a poorly defined mutagenic DNA break repair pathway. Here the authors show that the helicase HELQ is essential for polymerase theta-independent MMEJ, single-strand annealing and homologous recombination through synthesis dependent strand annealing in C. elegans.Genome Instability and Cance

    Inactivation of Pol θ and C-NHEJ eliminates off-target integration of exogenous DNA

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    Off-target or random integration of exogenous DNA hampers precise genomic engineering and presents a safety risk in clinical gene therapy strategies. Genetic definition of random integration has been lacking for decades. Here, we show that the A-family DNA polymerase θ (Pol θ) promotes random integration, while canonical non-homologous DNA end joining plays a secondary role; cells double deficient for polymerase θ and canonical non-homologous DNA end joining are devoid of any integration events, demonstrating that these two mechanisms define random integration. In contrast, homologous recombination is not reduced in these cells and gene targeting is improved to 100% efficiency. Such complete reversal of integration outcome, from predominately random integration to exclusively gene targeting, provides a rational way forward to improve the efficacy and safety of DNA delivery and gene correction approaches

    A fitness assay for comparing RNAi effects across multiple C. elegans genotypes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>RNAi technology by feeding of <it>E. coli </it>containing dsRNA in <it>C. elegans </it>has significantly contributed to further our understanding of many different fields, including genetics, molecular biology, developmental biology and functional genomics. Most of this research has been carried out in a single genotype or genetic background. However, RNAi effects in one genotype do not reveal the allelic effects that segregate in natural populations and contribute to phenotypic variation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we present a method that allows for rapidly comparing RNAi effects among diverse genotypes at an improved high throughput rate. It is based on assessing the fitness of a population of worms by measuring the rate at which <it>E. coli </it>is consumed. Critically, we demonstrate the analytical power of this method by QTL mapping the loss of RNAi sensitivity (in the germline) in a recombinant inbred population derived from a cross between Bristol and a natural isolate from Hawaii. Hawaii has lost RNAi sensitivity in the germline. We found that polymorphisms in <it>ppw-1 </it>contribute to this loss of RNAi sensitivity, but that other loci are also likely to be important.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In summary, we have established a fast method that improves the throughput of RNAi in liquid, that generates quantitative data, that is easy to implement in most laboratories, and importantly that enables QTL mapping using RNAi.</p

    Alternative initiation and splicing in dicer gene expression in human breast cells

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    INTRODUCTION: Dicer is a ribonuclease that mediates RNA interference both at the transcriptional and the post-transcriptional levels. Human dicer gene expression is regulated in different tissues. Dicer is responsible for the synthesis of microRNAs and short temporal (st)RNAs that regulate the expression of many genes. Thus, understanding the control of the expression of the dicer gene is essential for the appreciation of double-stranded (ds)RNA-mediated pathways of gene expression. Human dicer mRNA has many upstream open reading frames (uORFs) at the 5'-leader sequences (the nucleotide sequence between the 5'-end and the start codon of the major ORF), and we studied whether these elements at the 5'-leader sequences regulate the expression of the dicer gene. METHOD: We determined the 5'-leader sequences of the dicer mRNAs in human breast cells by 5'-RACE and S1-nuclease protection analysis. We have analyzed the functions of the 5'-leader variants by reporter gene expression in vitro and in vivo. RESULTS: We found that the dicer transcripts in human breast cells vary in the sequence of their 5'-leader sequences, and that alternative promoter selection along with alternative splicing of the 5'-terminal exons apparently generate these variations. The breast cell has at least two predominant forms of dicer mRNAs, one of which has an additional 110 nucleotides at the 5'-end. Sequence comparison revealed that the first 80 nucleotides of these mRNA isoforms are encoded by a new exon located approximately 16 kb upstream of the reported start site. There are 30 extra nucleotides added to the previously reported exon 1. The human breast cells studied predominantly express two 5'-leader variants of dicer mRNAs, one with the exons 2 and 3 (long form) and the other without them (short form). By reporter gene expression analysis we found that the exon 2 and 3 sequences at the 5'-leader sequences are greatly inhibitory for the translation of the mRNA into protein. CONCLUSION: Dicer gene expression in human breast cells is regulated by alternative promoter selection to alter the length and composition of the 5'-leader sequence of its mRNA. Furthermore, alternative splicing of its exon 2 and 3 sequences of their pre-mRNA creates a more translationally competent mRNA in these cells