10 research outputs found

    Protokoli u klasifikaciji krezubosti

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    This paper shall discuss the importance of protocol application in modern dentistry. Literature data that include recommendations and consensuses in dental practice point out to their presence in available literature, printed papers, reviewed journals and supplements in the form of expert group conclusions. It should be noted that the protocols most commonly rely on valid postulates of different branches of medicine, supported by specific conditions of the environment in which they are implemented. Additionally, in our settings, applicable dentistry protocols are the result of requirements that institutions and practices should fulfill according to renewable accreditation, as well as following recommendations given in the good clinical practice guidelines with different binding obligations levels. Certain protocols offer therapeutic modalities categorized into classes intended to help users to select appropriate treatments. The second part of this paper shall address one such protocol which classifies partially edentulous patients. The emphasis is on the partial edentulism classification recommended by The American College of Prosthodontists (ACP), which relies on four diagnostic criteria essential for therapeutic decision. Edentulous areas location and extent, abutment teeth health, occlusion model, and residual ridge characteristics represent the parameters which have defined the four classes of partial edentulism of different complexity. In this way, comprehensive approach to the clinical status of the patients has, for the first time been offered to the dental practitioners assuring, among others, higher uniformity of professional attitudes in selection of therapeutic modalities.U radu se diskutuje o značaju primene protokola u savremenoj stomatologiji. Literaturni podaci koji obuhvataju preporuke i konsenzuse u stomatoloÅ”koj praksi govore o njihovoj prisutnosti u dostupnim knjigama, Å”tampanim radovima u recenziranim časopisima, i dodacima časopisa kao zaključci ekspertskih grupa. Treba primetiti da su protokoli najčeŔće oslonjeni na validne postulate različitih medicinskih grana, pomognuti specifičnim uslovima sredine u koju se implementiraju. Dodatno, u naÅ”im uslovima, protokoli u stomatologiji su rezultat zahteva koje institucije i prakse moraju da ispunjavaju shodno obnovljivoj akreditaciji, kao i poÅ”tovanja preporuka koje su date u vodičima dobre kliničke prakse različitog nivoa obaveznosti. Pojedini protokoli nude terapijske modalitete koji se kategorizuju u klase, pomažući korisnicima u izboru pravog tretmana. O jednom od takvih protokola koji klasifikuje krezube pacijente govori drugi deo rada. Akcenat je na primeni klasifikacije krezubosti koju je preporučio Američki koledž protetičara, a koja se oslanja na četiri dijagnostička kriterijuma, bitna za terapijsku odluku. Lokalizacija i veličina bezubih polja, stanje zdravlja zuba nosača, model okluzije i karakteristike rezidualnog grebena su parametri koji su definisali četiri klase krezubosti različite složenosti. Tako je, prvi put, stomatoloÅ”koj praksi ponuđen ozbiljan, sveobuhvatni pristup kliničkom statusu bolesnika, koji obezbeđuje, između ostalog, i uniformnije stručne stavove u izboru terapijskih modaliteta

    Etika i marketing u estetskoj stomatologiji

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    Contemporary dentistry is, first of all, characterized by diverse accelerated development, owing to improvements of information and other technologies, as well as the development of dental materials (shape-memory biomaterials, nanomaterials, biomaterials for application in tissue engineering, etc.). Expert doctrinaire attitudes move from the direction of operative interventions, whereby disease and acute symptoms are primarily treated, towards the strengthening of oral health by minimally invasive procedures. A particular place in patientsā€™ total rehabilitation belongs to numerous esthetic procedures which, to a large extent, make up a wants-based service, led by the patientsā€™ needs and affinities. This paper deals with differences between cosmetic and esthetic dentistry. The complexity of esthetic dentistry, which favors therapy with the change of function parameters in care for the patient, is emphasized. On the other hand, more attention is paid to the need to know and respect ethical and marketing principles that follow any activity of dentists, starting from the first contact with the patient, the selection of certified materials, to the implementation of the appropriate treatment plan. Well-directed communication and comprehensive awareness of the patient, the use of the visual analog scale, consideration of realistic resources in therapy, and the acceptance of de Bono model of adopted parallel thinking are determinants which help dentists define a problem adequately, find quality solutions, open alternative solutions, and reduce the potential risks in patientsā€™ therapy.DanaÅ”nju stomatologiju karakteriÅ”e ubrzani razvoj zahvaljujući unapređenju informacionih i drugih tehnologija, kao i razvoju dentalnih materijala (biomaterijali sa memorisanim oblikom, nanomaterijali, biomaterijali za primenu u tkivnom inženjeringu i dr.). Stručni doktrinarni stavovi kreću se iz pravca operativnih intervencija, kojima se primarno saniraju bolest i akutni simptomi, ka jačanju oralnog zdravlja malo invazivnim postupcima. Posebno mesto u sveukupnoj rehabilitaciji bolesnika pripada brojnim estetskim procedurama, koje u velikoj meri čine praksu vođenu potrebama i afi- nitetima bolesnika. U radu se diskutuje o razlikama u poimanju kozmetske i estetske stomatologije. NaglaÅ”ena je složenost estetske stomatologije, koja daje prednost terapiji sa promenom funkcijskih parametara u zbrinjavanju bolesnika. S druge strane, akcenat se stavlja na potrebu poznavanja i poÅ”tovanja etičkih i marketinÅ”kih načela koja prate svaku aktivnost lekara, počev od prvog kontakta sa bolesnikom, odabira sertifikovanog materijala do realizacije odgovarajućeg terapijskog plana. Dobro usmerena komunikacija i sveobuhvatna informisanost bolesnika, upotreba VAS skale, kao i sagledavanje realnih resursa u terapiji odrednice su koje pomažu stomatologu da definiÅ”e problem na pravi način, iznađe kvalitetna reÅ”enja, otvori alternativne solucije i smanji moguće rizike u terapiji bolesnika

    Nusproizvodi agro-industrije kao izvor održivih sastojaka za proizvodnju funkcionalne hrane i nutraceutika

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    The disposal of waste generated in the agri-food industry is one of the greatest challenges in achieving sustainable development. Although agri-food residues are a potential source of bioactive compounds with proven health benefits, they are largely unused and disposed of as organic waste. The recovery of bioactive compounds from agri-food waste to obtain products with high biological value, such as functional foods and nutraceuticals, is an idea that stems from the concept of bioeconomy and combines environmental issues with economically viable production. Some of the main agri-food wastes in Serbia that have the potential to be recycled into value-added products are apple, plum, grape, tomato, and beet pomace, and oilseed cakes. Bioactive compounds isolated from these wastes include polyphenols, fibers, essential fatty acids, minerals, various volatiles and pigments. This article focuses on the most common food wastes and the potential reuse of these undervalued material to produce value-added products such as functional foods, nutraceuticals or food additives.Odlaganje otpada koji nastaje u prehrambenoj industriji jedan je od najvećih izazova u postizanju održivog razvoja. Iako su nusproizvodi koji nastaju u prehrambenoj industriji potencijalni izvor bioaktivnih jedinjenja sa dokazanim pozitivnim zdravstvenim efektima, oni se uglavnom odlažu kao organski otpad. IskoriŔćenje bioaktivnih jedinjenja iz ovih nusproizvoda u cilju dobijanja proizvoda sa dodatom nutritivnom i bioloÅ”kom vrednoŔću, kao Å”to su funkcionalna hrana i nutraceutici, ideja je koja proizilazi iz koncepta bioekonomije i kombinuje ekoloÅ”ki aspekt sa ekonomski održivom proizvodnjom. Neki od glavnih nusproizvoda koji se generiÅ”u u Srbiji sa potencijalom da se iskoriste u proizvodnji proizvoda sa dodatom vrednoŔću su trop jabuke, trop Å”ljive, komina grožđa, trop paradajza, uljane pogače i dr. Bioaktivna jedinjenja izolovana iz ovih otpada uključuju polifenole, peptide, vlakna, esencijalne masne kiseline, minerale, različite isparljive materije i pigmente. Ovaj članak se fokusira na najčeŔće otpade prehrambene industrije i potencijalnu ponovnu upotrebu ovog joÅ” uvek neiskoriŔćenog otpadnog materijala za proizvodnju proizvoda sa dodatom vrednoŔću kao Å”to su funkcionalna hrana, nutraceutici ili aditivi

    Dijetarne intervencije kod gojaznosti: pregledni rad

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    The World Health Organization highlights that in 2022 around 890 million adults and 160 million children and adolescents globally were obese, indicating a significant public health concern. Obesity results from an energy imbalance, where calorie intake exceeds calorie expenditure, leading to an increase in the size of fat cells and subsequently to metabolic dysfunction and inflammation. Management of obesity involves lifestyle adjustments, including dietary modifications and increased physical activity, with calorie-restricted diets and meal replacements often recommended to achieve weight loss and lower overall energy intake. Weight loss programs include a low-carbohydrate, low-fat, or high-protein diet. In addition, the influence of the Mediterranean diet and dietary fiber on regulating body weight has been increasingly studied in recent years. Dietary products for weight control, including meal replacements, are regulated and offer options for people who want to lose weight. More personalized nutrition approaches are emerging that focus on individual needs, genetic factors and gut microbiota composition to optimize health outcomes. Although personalized nutrition promises to explain how nutrition-related health problems may be solved, further research should investigate health outcomes in individuals living with obesity.Prema podacima Svetske zdravstvene organizacije, 2022. godine je oko 890 miliona odraslih i 160 miliona dece i adolescenata Å”irom sveta bilo gojazno, Å”to daje povoda za značajnu zabrinutost za javno zdravlje. Gojaznost nastaje usled prekomernog unosa i smanjene potroÅ”nje kalorija tokom dužeg vremenskog perioda, a manifestuje se uvećanjem masnog tkiva, telesne težine i pojavom metaboličkih poremećaja. Tretman gojaznosti podrazumeva promene u načinu ishrane i stilu života. Dijete sa ograničenim unosom kalorija i zamene za obroke se često preporučuju za postizanje gubitka telesne težine i smanjenje ukupnog unosa energije. Dijete obuhvataju ishranu sa niskim sadržajem ugljenih hidrata, dijetu sa niskim sadržajem masti ili visokoproteinsku dijetu. Pored toga, poslednjih godina se sve viÅ”e ispituje uticaj mediteranske ishrane i dijetetskih vlakana u regulaciji telesne težine. Dijetetski proizvodi namenjeni regulaciji telesne težine dizajnirani su da zamene obroke i nude opcije za pojedince koji žele da redukuju telesnu masu. Pojavljuju se personalizovani pristupi ishrani koji se fokusiraju na individualne potrebe, genetske faktore i sastav crevne mikrobiote kako bi se optimizovali zdravstveni ishodi. Iako personalizovana ishrana ima sve veću primenu u nutritivnoj terapiji, potrebna su dalja istraživanja kako bi se bolje razumela njena efikasnost kod pacijenata sa gojaznoŔću

    Ethics and marketing in esthetic dentistry

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    Contemporary dentistry is, first of all, characterized by diverse accelerated development, owing to improvements of information and other technologies, as well as the development of dental materials (shape-memory biomaterials, nanomaterials, biomaterials for application in tissue engineering, etc.). Expert doctrinaire attitudes move from the direction of operative interventions, whereby disease and acute symptoms are primarily treated, towards the strengthening of oral health by minimally invasive procedures. A particular place in patientsā€™ total rehabilitation belongs to numerous esthetic procedures which, to a large extent, make up a wants-based service, led by the patientsā€™ needs and affinities. This paper deals with differences between cosmetic and esthetic dentistry. The complexity of esthetic dentistry, which favors therapy with the change of function parameters in care for the patient, is emphasized. On the other hand, more attention is paid to the need to know and respect ethical and marketing principles that follow any activity of dentists, starting from the first contact with the patient, the selection of certified materials, to the implementation of the appropriate treatment plan. Well-directed communication and comprehensive awareness of the patient, the use of the visual analog scale, consideration of realistic resources in therapy, and the acceptance of de Bono model of adopted parallel thinking are determinants which help dentists define a problem adequately, find quality solutions, open alternative solutions, and reduce the potential risks in patientsā€™ therapy

    Protocols in classification of partially edentulous patients

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    This paper shall discuss the importance of protocol application in modern dentistry. Literature data that include recommendations and consensuses in dental practice point out to their presence in available literature, printed papers, reviewed journals and supplements in the form of expert group conclusions. It should be noted that the protocols most commonly rely on valid postulates of different branches of medicine, supported by specific conditions of the environment in which they are implemented. Additionally, in our settings, applicable dentistry protocols are the result of requirements that institutions and practices should fulfil according to renewable accreditation, as well as following recommendations given in the good clinical practice guidelines with different binding obligations levels. Certain protocols offer therapeutic modalities categorized into classes intended to help users to select appropriate treatments. The second part of this paper shall address one such protocol which classifies partially edentulous patients. The emphasis is on the partial edentulism classification recommended by The American College of Prosthodontists (ACP), which relies on four diagnostic criteria essential for therapeutic decision. Edentulous areas location and extent, abutment teeth health, occlusion model, and residual ridge characteristics represent the parameters which have defined the four classes of partial edentulism of different complexity. In this way, comprehensive approach to the clinical status of the patients has, for the first time been offered to the dental practitioners assuring, among others, higher uniformity of professional attitudes in selection of therapeutic modalities

    Electrooxidation of polar benzotriazole - The impact of supporting electrolyte

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    Polar benzotriazoles are heterocyclic compounds widely used in industry, and as such are easily released into the environment. These compounds show harmful and toxic effects on plants and some aquatic organisms, biodegrade quite slowly, and some, depending on the structure, have the ability to bioaccumulate. They can only be partially removed by conventional wastewater treatment, and are therefore found in a variety of waters, as well as solid waste. In this paper, synthetic wastewater containing polar benzotriazole was treated by an electrooxidation process. The efficiency of the treatment was tested depending on various parameters, such as: anode material (mixed metal oxide - MMO and boron-doped diamond - BDD), applied current density (10 and 20 mA/cm2), type of supporting electrolyte (NaCl, Na2CO3, Na2SO4, H2SO4) and treatment time (0.5 - 2.5 h). Obtained results showed the treatment was more effective at higher current density and by using BDD anode. Also, the efficiency of the treatment increases with the prolongation of the electrolysis time. After 2.5 h of treatment, 97.9% of benzotriazole was removed, in the presence of sulfuric acid as supporting electrolyte

    Nutritional Value, Phytochemical Composition and Biological Activities of Lycium barbarum L. fruits from Serbia

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    Cultivation of goji berries (GB), fruits of Lycium barbarum L. (Solanaceae), is expanding worldwide, including in Europe. In this study, a comparative analysis of the nutritional value, chemical composition and in vitro biological activities of GB from different locations in Serbia was performed. Proximate compositions were evaluated according to standard methods. Minerals were assessed by inductively coupled plasma techniques, while fatty acids, sterols, and phenolic profiles were analyzed by gas- and liquid chromatography-based techniques coupled with flame-ionization, mass spectrometry, or diode array detection. The total content of phenolics, flavonoids, carotenoids, and polysaccharides was assessed using spectrophotometric methods. Methanol extracts from GB were examined for their antioxidant, enzyme inhibitory (Ī±-amylase, Ī±-glucosidase, acetylcholinesterase and tyrosinase) and antibacterial activities. Despite significant variations among samples from different locations, the results confirmed that GB are a valuable source of dietary fiber and protein and are characterized by favorable fatty acid profiles. Phytochemical analysis revealed that Ī²-sitosterol, Ī”5-avenasterol, and 24-methyldesmosterol are the predominant sterols and caffeic acid, gallic acid, quercetin and rutin are the main phenols. All GB samples showed both antioxidant and mild antimicrobial activity. A dose-dependent anti-enzymatic activity (IC50 ranging 1.68ā€“6.88 mg/mL) was demonstrated. The results support further promotion of GB cultivation in Serbia and further investigations on their potential applications in various industries