4 research outputs found
Are the Requirements for Teacher’s Competence set by University Administration and Students Similar?
Kintant edukacinei paradigmai, kyla nauji iššūkiai ir aukštosios mokyklos dėstytojo veiklai bei kompetencijai. Tirta, kokie yra universitetų administracijos ir studentų reikalavimai dėstytojo kompetencijai ir ar tie reikalavimai panašūs. Atliktas tyrimas parodė, kad vis dėlto išlieka takoskyra tarp universitetų studentų ir universiteto administracijos keliamų reikalavimų dėstytojų kompetencijai. Pažymėtina, kad universiteto administracija kelia reikalavimus, kurie yra reglamentuoti Lietuvos Respublikos nacionaliniu lygiu, t. y. Aukštojo mokslo įstatymo nuostatomis, o mokslininkų išskirtos kompetencijų apibrėžtys išlieka kaip teorinis konstruktas, mokslo rezultatas. Studentų reikalavimuose išskiriamos tokios dėstytojų kompetencijos (pedagoginė, metamokymosi, techninė ir kt.), kurios sąveikauja su mokymo proceso rezultatyvumu ir kokybe.As the educational paradigm undergoes changes, new challenges for performance and competence of higher education institution teachers arise. The article deals with the requirements for teacher’s competence set by university administration and students, and whether these requirements are similar. In the beginning, definitions of teacher’s competence dealt with in scientists’ papers are reviewed, the structure of teacher’s competence is discussed. The article explores the requirements for teacher’s competence set by university administration and students. The research carried out shows that nevertheless there is a divide between requirements for teachers’ competence set by university students and university administration. It should be noted that university administration pose requirements which are regulated on the national level of the Republic of Lithuania, i.e. provisions of the Law on Higher Education and Studies of the Republic of Lithuania; whereas the definitions of competences investigated by scientists remain as a theoretical construct, a scientific outcome. The requirements set by students include these teachers’ competences (pedagogical, meta-learning, technical, etc.) which interact with the efficiency and quality of the teaching process
Values in General Education School: Teachers’ Approach
Moral values are characterized as meaning of human life and plenitude condition. The basis of moral values are always spiritual and ensuring human as individual united becoming. The influence of moral values to better pupil achievements and thinking are based on academic research. Attention is drawn, that values of educators are related not only with their own work but also with ability to create more humane relations and educational process – to work with all age group students and base communication in educational process on self-esteem and creativity.
The values of educators have an influence on student maturity – education based on moral values determine positive social behavior, allows the better understanding of behaviour impact on yourself and others, develop his ethic vocabulary. The research discovers that in modern school moral values are not frequent – they formed a quarter of all identified values. Values can be considered as aspect of organization of educational process, school management and work with parents. However by this way the attitude is expressed to school management and education based on humane relations, establishment of conditions is emphasized to correspond not only the need of educator but also the needs of other schools community members.
Discussing values, educators often express problems arising while organizing educational process. So it must be assumed that various pedagogical difficulties have influence on value education – giving a sense to student activities require considerable amount of effort. Therefore short-term goals are set and pupil moral position is understood in school. Little attention to spiritual learning perspectives.Straipsnyje aptariama vertybinio ugdymo svarba bendrojo ugdymo mokykloje, analizuojama, kokioms vertybėms edukacinėje praktikoje skiriama didžiausia reikšmė. Atsiremiant į tai, kad dorovinės vertybės laikomos būtina žmoniškumo prielaida, kad nepriklausomos Lietuvos švietimo sistema grindžiama dorovinėmis nuostatomis, straipsnyje analizuojamas pedagogų požiūris į dorovines vertybes bei jų formavimosi kontekstą