446 research outputs found

    Grit and Different Aspects of Well-being: Direct and Indirect Effects via Sense of Coherence and Authenticity

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    Grit, the “passion and perseverance for long-term goals” (Duckworth, Peterson, Matthews & Kelly, 2007, p. 1087) is strongly related to success in goal attainment even under challenging circumstances. The current thesis investigated how grit relates to three aspects of well-being: psychological well-being (PWB), life satisfaction, and harmony in life. This relationship is approached through the organismic valuing theory, which proposes that people are naturally motivated to grow towards their highest potential; grit is proposed as being akin to such growth motivation. In two studies (Study 1 with 196 university students, and Study 2 with 396 non-students), structural equation modeling was employed to test for direct and indirect effects between grit and well-being. Sense of coherence (SOC) and authenticity were used as mediators, and gender as a moderator. As expected, grit was highly positively related to all well-being factors, and SOC and authenticity were highly significant mediators (partial for PWB and full for life satisfaction and harmony). This suggests that being gritty about one’s goal pursuits requires both a sense that the world is coherent and an authentic connection with the self in order for it to fully benefit well-being. Two gender-moderated differences were found: in both studies, men showed a stronger direct effect between grit and well-being (in Study 1, between grit and harmony; in Study 2, between grit and PWB) even after the mediators were controlled for. Therefore, some preliminary indications of gender differences between grit and well-being were found

    Magneettistimulaatio liikkuvilla kestomagneeteilla

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    Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a noninvasive method used to stimulate small regions of the brain. It has clinical applications for both therapeutic and diagnostic purposes. Traditionally TMS is conducted with an electromagnetic coil. The changing electric current gives rise to a changing magnetic field, which induces an electric field in the brain. In this study, we employ moving permanent magnets to induce an electric field. Using permanent magnets for TMS could potentially remove two disadvantages of the electromagnet-based systems: acoustic noise, and heating of the coil. The electric field from moving magnets was calculated using the spherical head model. The calculations were verified experimentally by measuring the induced electric field with a triangular detector loop. In those experiments, the magnets were dropped past the detector loop. A prototype was built with 32 magnets (20 × 20 × 20 mm, grade N52), that were rotated on a circular track at the radius of 40 cm. The rotation rate was 507 revolutions per minute. The magnets were placed on a disk in such a pattern that the rate of change of the magnetic field would be maximal at the center point. The closest point of measurement was at 16.3 mm distance from the magnets’ surface, and the peak of the induced electric field was 2.17 ± 0.10 V/m. At 20.0 mm distance, the peak of the induced electric field was 1.72 ± 0.08 V/m. These fields are not yet strong enough to trigger action potentials in the nerve cells, but they may have some applications nevertheless. For future research, we propose some improvements with which the field strength could be increased.Transkraniaalinen magneettistimulaatio (TMS) on ei-invasiivinen menetelmä, jolla voidaan stimuloida pieniä aivoalueita. Sitä voidaan käyttää kliinisesti sekä diagnosointiin että terapiaan. Perinteisesti TMS:ään käytetään sähkömagneettista kelaa. Muuttuva sähkövirta synnyttää muuttuvan magneettikentän, joka indusoi aivoihin sähkökentän. Tässä tutkimuksessa käytämme liikkuvia kestomagneetteja indusoimaan sähkökentän. Kestomagneeteilla tehtävällä aivostimulaatiolla voitaisiin mahdollisesti päästä eroon kahdesta sähkömagneetteihin perustuvan TMS:n ongelmasta: häiritsevästä äänestä ja kelan kuumenemisesta. Liikkuvien magneettien tuottama sähkökenttä laskettiin käyttäen pallomallia. Laskennan tulokset tarkistettiin kokeellisesti, mittaamalla indusoitunut sähkökenttä kolmion muotoisella virtasilmukalla. Näissä kokeissa magneetti pudotettiin virtasilmukan ohitse. Tutkimuksen seuraavassa vaiheessa rakennettiin prototyyppi, jossa käytettiin 32 magneettia (20 × 20 × 20 mm, luokka N52), joita pyöritettiin ympyräradalla 40 cm:n säteellä. Kierrosnopeus oli 507 kierrosta minuutissa. Magneetit aseteltiin levylle siten, että magneettikentän muutosnopeus olisi mahdollisimman suuri levyn keskipisteessä. Lähin mittauspiste oli 16.3 mm etäisyydellä magneettien pinnasta, ja indusoituneen sähkökentän huippuarvo oli 2.17 ± 0.10 V/m. Mentäessä 20.0 mm etäisyydelle, huipun suuruus oli 1.72 ± 0.08 V/m. Nämä kentät eivät ole vielä tarpeeksi suuria aiheuttaakseen aktiopotentiaaleja hermosoluissa. Niillä saattaa siitä huolimatta olla joitakin sovelluksia. Myöhempää tutkimusta varten ehdotamme parannuksia, joilla kentän suuruutta voitaisiin kasvattaa

    The Role of User Support Services in Modern Auditing

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    Do the existing ways of providing user support apply to auditors or is there something that is unique or different with the auditors\u27 need for user support? The auditing context has some special characteristics that may be analyzed to answer this question. The purpose of this paper is to present a theoretical model that illustrates how computerized decision aids affect user support services in modern auditing. Little is known about the auditors\u27 perceived need for user support and the support services made available to them by the audit firms. Some previous studies on the use of software applications in auditing have suggested that the use will increase in the future, however, there has not been any evidence of that happening. Maybe this is an indication that the lack of efficient user support is hindering the spread of the use of decision aids in audit firm

    Tuloksia sipulikärpäsen (Hylemyia antiqua meig.) ja kuutäpläkärpästen (Eumerus strigatus fall. ja E. Tuberculatus rond.) torjuntakokeista

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    vokKirjasto Aj-kControl of maggots of the onion fly (Hylemyia antiqua meg.) and the small narcissus flies (Eumerus strigatus fall. and E. Tüberculatus rond.

    The effect of insecticidal seed treatment on germination and emergence of seedlings of Swede, turnip and winter turnip rape

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    vokKirjasto Aj-kLantun, nauriin ja rypsin siementen käsittelyn vaikutus itämiseen ja taimettumisee

    The treatment of seeds of Swede, turnip, and turnip rape in the control of flea beetles (Phyllotreta spp.) and cabbage root flies (hylemyia brassicae bouché and H. Floralis fall.)

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    vokKirjasto Aj-kLantun, nauriin ja rypsin siementen käsittely kirppojen (Phyllotreta Spp.) ja kaalikärpästoukkien (Hylemyia Brassicae bouché ja H. Floralis Fall.) torjunnassa

    Torjunta-aineet maa- ja metsätaloudessa 1953-1987

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    Prövning av bekämpningsmedel mot skadedjur 1975

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    Tuhoeläinten tarjunta-aineiden koetulokset 1975

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    Tuhoeläinten torjunta-aineiden tehokkuus- ja käyttökelpoisuustutkimukset 1974

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    Nimekkeen selvennys: Tuhoeläinosasto 532-2 Torjunta-ainelain edellyttämät tehtävät Tutkimustuloksia vuodelta 1974.vokKirjasto Aj-