20 research outputs found

    Potentiel en biogaz des résidus agropastoraux et des excréments humains du bassin versant du fleuve Sassandra (Côte d’Ivoire)

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    La potentialité en biogaz des excréments humains et des résidus agropastoraux du bassin versant du fleuve Sassandra (BVS) a été évaluée à partir des statistiques agricoles et de la population, ainsi que des indicesde productivité de biogaz. Egalement, la mise en oeuvre des technologies de production de biogaz dans ledit bassin a été analysée. Le BVS renferme un potentiel énergétique total de 604,2 x 106 m3 de biogaz. Ce potentiel est supérieur aux besoins énergétiques annuels du monde rural en Côte d’Ivoire (1 800 GWh). Cependant, celui-ci est inégalement réparti entre les localités. En considérant les différents résidus, la contribution desrésidus agricoles (541 x 106 m3) est plus importante par rapport à celle des déchets d’élevages (45,7 x 106 m3) et celle des excréments humains (17,5 x 106 m3). La complexité de gestion des digesteurs utilisant des résidus agricoles solides ne permet pas de les conseiller pour les productions domestiques de biogaz. Toutefois, des unités industrielles peuvent être installées à Soubré, Daloa et Issia où des quantités élevées de résidus agricoles sont générées. Par ailleurs, de petites unités décentralisées de production de biogaz peuvent être installées dansles petites localités pour exploiter les résidus d’élevages.Mots clés: Agriculture, biogaz, élevage, production, résidus, Sassandra

    Dosage du glyphosate par HPLC après extraction et dérivation à l’O-phthaldialdehyde (OPA)

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    Le glyphosate, premier herbicide utilisé au monde est une molécule difficile à quantifier par la chromatographie en phase liquide à haute performance (HPLC), eu égard à l’absence de chromophore dans sa structure. La chimie analytique est donc à la recherche perpétuelle de méthodes de détermination du glyphosate par HPLC. Ce travail avait pour but de développer une méthode de quantification du glyphosate du sol par HPLC avec un détecteur UV. L’extraction du glyphosate a été réalisée avec 0,1 M de H3PO4, puis la dérivation a été faite avec du O-phthaldialdehyde -2-mercaptoéthanol et la détection a été réalisée à 205 nm. Le taux de recouvrement a été de 88,16%, la limite de détection (LD) a valu 0,009 mg/kg et la limite de quantification (LQ) a été de 0,027 mg/kg. Les coefficients de variation de la répétabilité et de la reproductibilité ont été respectivement 1,1% et 2,9%. Cette méthode mérite une attention particulière car sa LQ est inférieure aux plus sévères limites maximales de résidus du glyphosate du Codex Alimentarius (0,05 mg/kg) et de l’Agence Américaine pour la Protection Environnementale (0,1 mg/kg). En outre, le temps de rétention (4,568 min) est court et permet par conséquent une économie de solvant.Mots clés : Glyphosate, HPLC, O-phthaldialdehyde, 2-mercaptoéthanol, sol

    Hubungan Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) Dengan Kadar Apolipoprotein B (ApoB) Pada Remaja Overweight Dan Obes

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    : Childhood obesity is one of the serious public health problems. Data from the World Health Organization in 2013 showed that about 42 million children were categorized as overweight and obese. Obesity is correlated with cardiovascular diseases. Apolipoprotein B is one of the solid predictors to diagnose cardiovascular disease in developing countries. This study aimed to determine the correlation between body mass index and Apolipoprotein B levels in overweight and obese adolescents. This was an analytical observational study with a cross sectional design. This study was participated by 23 overweight and obese adolescents. The results showed that the mean level of BMI in overweight and obese adolescents was 32 (SD±4.235) kg/m2, ApoB was 94,13 mg/dL (SD±19.770). The Spearman\u27s rank correlation test showed a significance level (P) = 0.587 and the correlations value (r) = 0,120 between body mass index and Apolipoprotein B levels. Conclusion: There was no significant correlation between BMI and ApoB in overweight and obese adolescents. Albeit, some of the overweight and obese adolescents have moderate risk to suffer from cardiovascular diseases in the future

    Perbandingan Kadar Magnesium Serum Sebelum Dan Sesudah Aktivitas Fisik Intensitas Berat

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    : Magnesium is an important cation in catalyzing more than 300 enzymatic reactions in the human body. As a multifunction mineral, magnesium has some major implications in physical activity. This study aimed to compare the serum magnesium level before and after vigorous intensity exercise. This was an experimental study with pretest and post-test design. Sample was collected using simple random sampling method. Twenty one male students of Faculty of Medicine Sam Ratulangi University participated in this study. Samples were designated to play futsal for 2 x 20 minutes, with 10 minutes break and no substitution. The results showed that the mean serum magnesium level before vigorous intensity exercise was 2.2029 mg/dL and after exercise was 2.0067 mg/dL. Analysis using paired sample t-test showed significant result (p=0.000). Conclusion: There was a significant differencce between serum magnesium level before and after vigorous intensity exercise

    Gambaran Kadar Kolesterol Total Darah Pada Pekerja Kantor

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    : Cholesterol is a major component of brain and nerve cells and also as the resources for a number of important compunds in the body. The intensity of a person\u27s activity affect the levels of cholesterol in the body. Physical inactivity is one of the risk factors for lipid accumulation in the body which can cause a strain in the heart and blood vessels. This study aimed to determine the total cholesterol levels in office workers. The design of this study was a descriptive analysis with a cross sectional study. Samples were 52 people taken with total sampling method. The result showed the respondents with normal cholesterol levels were the same number as respondents with high cholesterol levels (50,00%; 26 people). The mean cholesterol levels of 52 samples was 198 mg/dL, the median was 201 mg/dL, the modus was 214 mg/dL, the minimal dan maximal were 143 mg/dL and 273 mg/dL, and the strandard deviation was 29,22. Conclusion: The number of respondents with normal cholesterol levels and with high cholesterol levels are equal

    Gambaran Kadar Albumin Serum Pada Vegetarian Lacto-ovo

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    : Vegetarian lacto-ovo is one of three large groups of vegetarians, where this type eating vegetable foodstuffs and abstained all kinds of meat, but still consumes milk and eggs. Vegetarian diet which regularly planned well, provide many health benefits. On the other hand, vegetarian potentially at risk of suffering from various diseases macro and micro nutrient deficiencies, for example, is protein. Albumin, which is one of the three major groups of plasma protein, globulin and fibrinogen in addition, contributes up to 80% of the osmotic pressure of plasma. Albumin can be obtained from meat, eggs, soy beans, nuts, and seeds. The levels of serum albumin is an important prognostic indicators because there is a correlation between the levels of serum albumin with increased risk of morbidity and mortality. Methods: The purpose of this study is to describe serum albumin levels in lacto-ovo vegetarians. This cross-sectional study was conducted in September 2015- January 2016. Sampling using total sampling method performed at the University of Klabat Airmadidi, with 25 respondents. Results: From the results of laboratory tests, 20 subjects (80%) with normal serum albumin levels, and 5 subjects (20%) with high levels of serum albumin. Conclusion: Based on the results, we can conclude that serum albumin levels in lacto-ovo vegetarian mostly normal