1,015 research outputs found

    Normal stresses, contraction, and stiffening in sheared elastic networks

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    When elastic solids are sheared, a nonlinear effect named after Poynting gives rise to normal stresses or changes in volume. We provide a novel relation between the Poynting effect and the microscopic Gr\"uneisen parameter, which quantifies how stretching shifts vibrational modes. By applying this relation to random spring networks, a minimal model for, e.g., biopolymer gels and solid foams, we find that networks contract or develop tension because they vibrate faster when stretched. The amplitude of the Poynting effect is sensitive to the network's linear elastic moduli, which can be tuned via its preparation protocol and connectivity. Finally, we show that the Poynting effect can be used to predict the finite strain scale where the material stiffens under shear.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Force balance in canonical ensembles of static granular packings

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    We investigate the role of local force balance in the transition from a microcanonical ensemble of static granular packings, characterized by an invariant stress, to a canonical ensemble. Packings in two dimensions admit a reciprocal tiling, and a collective effect of force balance is that the area of this tiling is also invariant in a microcanonical ensemble. We present analytical relations between stress, tiling area and tiling area fluctuations, and show that a canonical ensemble can be characterized by an intensive thermodynamic parameter conjugate to one or the other. We test the equivalence of different ensembles through the first canonical simulations of the force network ensemble, a model system.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, submitted to JSTA

    Beyond linear elasticity: Jammed solids at finite shear strain and rate

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    The shear response of soft solids can be modeled with linear elasticity, provided the forcing is slow and weak. Both of these approximations must break down when the material loses rigidity, such as in foams and emulsions at their (un)jamming point -- suggesting that the window of linear elastic response near jamming is exceedingly narrow. Yet precisely when and how this breakdown occurs remains unclear. To answer these questions, we perform computer simulations of stress relaxation and shear startup experiments in athermal soft sphere packings, the canonical model for jamming. By systematically varying the strain amplitude, strain rate, distance to jamming, and system size, we identify characteristic strain and time scales that quantify how and when the window of linear elasticity closes, and relate these scales to changes in the microscopic contact network. Our findings indicate that the mechanical response of jammed solids are generically nonlinear and rate-dependent on experimentally accessible strain and time scales.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    The Convenient Alliance: President Reagan and Pope John Paul II, Cold Warriors

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    Historians and non-scholars alike have long regarded the work of President Reagan and Pope John Paul II to be a tremendous force in helping to end the Cold War. In 1992, Time Magazine cited the relationship as a “Holy Alliance”, a political partnering of two men who, after surviving separate assassination attempts merely six weeks apart, saw their role in global politics as a divine signal to promote the free world and take down communism internationally. By the time the President and the Pope first met at the Vatican in 1982, the two were privately discussing Cold War politics. They agreed that communism was a threat to human rights and global stability, and that it should be confronted. John Paul II and Reagan were clearly aligned in their abhorrence for communism, but they had differing primary goals; the Pope strived to introduce democracy to his native Poland, and Reagan was occupied with the disintegration of the Soviet Union. Thus, the two world leaders were able to team up not out of necessity, but out of mutual benefit. It was an alliance of convenience, with two governing organizations able to use one another’s global power and influences to promote their own political goals. Indeed, the President and the Pope shared Cold War information, but never intimately planned or initiated policy to jointly bring about democratic reform throughout the globe. My research project concentrates on the Washington-Vatican relationship during the Reagan years and how the partnership helped defeat communism, with particular attention paid to the Pope’s native Poland. I also explore the role the alliance has formed in the years since Reagan left office, presenting ideas that may counter what many people have assumed about the relationship between President Reagan and Pope John Paul II

    Contact Changes of Sheared Systems: Scaling, Correlations, and Mechanisms

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    We probe the onset and effect of contact changes in 2D soft harmonic particle packings which are sheared quasistatically under controlled strain. First, we show that in the majority of cases, the first contact changes correspond to the creation or breaking of contacts on a single particle, with contact breaking overwhelmingly likely for low pressures and/or small systems, and contact making and breaking equally likely for large pressures and in the thermodynamic limit. The statistics of the corresponding strains are near-Poissonian. The mean characteristic strains exhibit scaling with the number of particles N and pressure P, and reveal the existence of finite size effects akin to those seen for linear response quantities. Second, we show that linear response accurately predicts the strains of the first contact changes, which allows us to study the scaling of the characteristic strains of making and breaking contacts separately. Both of these show finite size scaling, and we formulate scaling arguments that are consistent with the observed behavior. Third, we probe the effect of the first contact change on the shear modulus G, and show in detail how the variation of G remains smooth and bounded in the large system size limit: even though contact changes occur then at vanishingly small strains, their cumulative effect, even at a fixed value of the strain, are limited, so that effectively, linear response remains well-defined. Fourth, we explore multiple contact changes under shear, and find strong and surprising correlations between alternating making and breaking events. Fifth, we show that by making a link with extremal statistics, our data is consistent with a very slow crossover to self averaging with system size, so that the thermodynamic limit is reached much more slowly than expected based on finite size scaling of elastic quantities or contact breaking strains

    Softening and Yielding of Soft Glassy Materials

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    Solids deform and fluids flow, but soft glassy materials, such as emulsions, foams, suspensions, and pastes, exhibit an intricate mix of solid and liquid-like behavior. While much progress has been made to understand their elastic (small strain) and flow (infinite strain) properties, such understanding is lacking for the softening and yielding phenomena that connect these asymptotic regimes. Here we present a comprehensive framework for softening and yielding of soft glassy materials, based on extensive numerical simulations of oscillatory rheological tests, and show that two distinct scenarios unfold depending on the material's packing density. For dense systems, there is a single, pressure-independent strain where the elastic modulus drops and the particle motion becomes diffusive. In contrast, for weakly jammed systems, a two-step process arises: at an intermediate softening strain, the elastic and loss moduli both drop down and then reach a new plateau value, whereas the particle motion becomes diffusive at the distinctly larger yield strain. We show that softening is associated with an extensive number of microscopic contact changes leading to a non-analytic rheological signature. Moreover, the scaling of the softening strain with pressure suggest the existence of a novel pressure scale above which softening and yielding coincide, and we verify the existence of this crossover scale numerically. Our findings thus evidence the existence of two distinct classes of soft glassy materials -- jamming dominated and dense -- and show how these can be distinguished by their rheological fingerprint.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figures, to appear in Soft Matte
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