58 research outputs found

    SoundCompass: a distributed MEMS microphone array-based sensor for sound source localization

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    Sound source localization is a well-researched subject with applications ranging from localizing sniper fire in urban battlefields to cataloging wildlife in rural areas. One critical application is the localization of noise pollution sources in urban environments, due to an increasing body of evidence linking noise pollution to adverse effects on human health. Current noise mapping techniques often fail to accurately identify noise pollution sources, because they rely on the interpolation of a limited number of scattered sound sensors. Aiming to produce accurate noise pollution maps, we developed the SoundCompass, a low-cost sound sensor capable of measuring local noise levels and sound field directionality. Our first prototype is composed of a sensor array of 52 Microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) microphones, an inertial measuring unit and a low-power field-programmable gate array (FPGA). This article presents the SoundCompass's hardware and firmware design together with a data fusion technique that exploits the sensing capabilities of the SoundCompass in a wireless sensor network to localize noise pollution sources. Live tests produced a sound source localization accuracy of a few centimeters in a 25-m2 anechoic chamber, while simulation results accurately located up to five broadband sound sources in a 10,000-m2 open field

    A biologically plausible model for corner-based object recognition from color images

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    Dit proefschrift beschrijft onderzoek aan objectherkenning door kunstmatige visuele systemen. Op het eerste gezicht lijkt het construeren van een dergelijk systeem een triviaal probleem: immers, deze vaardigheid beheersen wij mensen zodanig goed dat ze als vanzelfsprekend wordt gezien. Toch is het menselijke visuele systeem superieur als het wordt vergeleken met de huidige kunstmatige visuele systemen, dit ondanks jarenlang onderzoek door vele wetenschappers. ... Zie: Samenvatting

    Análise da (in) constitucionalidade de dispositivos do pacote anticrime (Lei 13.964/19)

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    This study examines the reformulations inserted in the Code of Criminal Procedure and in the Law of Criminal Executions with the advent of law 13.964/19, analyzing the points of discussion regarding the (in)constitutionality of some of these provisions, demonstrating the correctness and inconsistencies of the changes stipulated by the law. The anti-crime law introduced the figure of the guarantor judge, whose efficacy has been suspended by a decision of the Federal Supreme Court. Regarding the Law of Criminal Executions, it is worth highlighting the new methodologies for regime progression, inserting differentiated treatment for certain crimes, as well as the collection of biological material, in counterpoint to the principle of non-autoincriminationO presente estudo examina as reformulações inseridas no Código de Processo Penal e na Lei de Execuções Penais com o advento da lei 13.964/19, analisando os pontos de discussão quanto à (in)constitucionalidade de alguns desses dispositivos, demonstrando os acertos e as incoerências das alterações estipuladas pela lei. Com a lei anticrime foi introduzida a figura do juiz das garantias, que se encontra com eficácia suspensa por decisão do Supremo Tribunal Federal. No que tange à Lei de Execuções Penais, merece destaque as novas metodologias de progressão de regime, inserindo tratamento diferenciado para determinados delitos, bem como a coleta de material biológico, em contraponto ao princípio da não-autoincriminaçã

    Effect of the reaction mixture on the structure and permeability of macroporous SiO[2], obtained by sol gel by method

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    In this paper, a number of porous silicone monoliths were synthesized under various conditions and their composition, structure, permeability coefficients k, and porosity were studied. The effect of the introduction of ethyl alcohol in the reaction mixture on the properties of the obtained silica was revealed