13 research outputs found

    Arbitrary Form Plasmonic Structures: Optical Realization, Numerical Analysis and Demonstration Applications

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    Surface plasmon resonance has attracted more and more attention thanks to its wide range of applications in numerous fields (physics, chemistry, biology, etc.). In this chapter, we present different aspects, from theoretical calculation and experimental fabrication to applications demonstration, related to arbitrary shape plasmonic nanostructures. First, numerical calculations based on finite-difference time-domain method were realized to investigate the plasmonic properties of gold nanostructures having various size and shapes. Then the direct laser writing method was demonstrated as an excellent tool for fabrication on demand of arbitrary nanostructures. Plasmonic structures were obtained indirectly by a standard lift-off method from a polymeric template and directly by tightly focusing a continuous-wave laser beam onto a metallic thin film. Finally, demonstration of various applications of fabricated plasmonic structures, namely plasmonic-based data storage, color nanoprinter, tunable filters, and plasmonic-magneto-optics sensors will be shown


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    During the dry season (April 2014 and March 2015), the program of cooperation in science and technology between Vietnam and the United States and the independent project VAST-DLT.06/15-16 have conducted two surveys aiming to investigate deposition and sptial and temporal distribution of suspended sediment concentration under the domination by hydrodynamic processes such as wave, current, river flow. In addition, we also investigated the effect of tidal current in relationship with concentration of suspended sediment. Three 12-hour continuous monitoring stations of suspended sediment factors, water level and current are located on the topset at a depth of 8 m, the foreset at a depth of 15 m and the bottomset at a depth of 25 m, with a distance between the two stations about 3 km. In which, the concentrations of suspended sediment (SSCs) in the range of particle sizes from 1.25 μm to 250 μm and particle diameter are measured by LISST-25x (Suspended Sediment Sensor), water level, velocity and current direction are measured by the ADCP. Results of data analysis show that the distributions of particle diameter of suspended sediment over time on the topset, the foreset and the bottomset are different and do not change much under tidal phases. Meanwhile, the concentrations of suspended sediment (SSCs) correlate with velocity and fluctuate under tidal phases. Suspended sediment is deposited at tidal transition and reactivates when current velocities increase in flood and ebb tide phases. The survey data show that the increase of current velocity during flood tide phase causes re-suspension of bottom sediments and increases the concentration of suspended sediment. At flood tide phase corresponding to strong velocity, suspended sediment moves faster and vice versa at ebb tide phase, smaller current velocity makes the movement speed of suspended sediment slow.Trong mùa khô (tháng 4 năm 2014 và tháng 3 năm 2015), chương trình hợp tác khoa học và công nghệ giữa Việt Nam và Hoa Kỳ, và đề tài độc lập mã số VAST-ĐLT.06/15-16 đã thực hiện 2 chuyến khảo sát nhằm mục đích điều tra sự lắng đọng và phân bố theo không gian, thời gian của hàm lượng trầm tích lơ lửng dưới sự chi phối chủ yếu bởi các quá trình thủy động lực như sóng, dòng chảy, lưu lượng nước sông. Ngoài ra, chúng tôi còn khảo sát ảnh hưởng của dòng triều trong mối tương quan với hàm lượng trầm tích lơ lửng. Ba trạm đo liên tục trong 12 giờ các yếu tố trầm tích lơ lửng, mực nước và dòng chảy được đặt trên thềm châu thổ (topset) ở độ sâu 8 m, sườn châu thổ (foreset) ở độ sâu 15 m và chân châu thổ (bottomset) ở độ sâu 25 m, các trạm được đặt cách nhau 3 km. Trong đó, nồng độ trầm tích lơ lửng (SSCs) trong giới hạn kích thước hạt từ 1,25 µm đến 250 µm và đường kính hạt được đo bằng máy LISST-25X (Suspended Sediment Sensor), mực nước, vận tốc và hướng dòng chảy được đo bằng máy ADCP. Kết quả phân tích số liệu cho thấy phân bố đường kính hạt của trầm tích lơ lửng theo thời gian trên thềm châu thổ, sườn châu thổ, chân châu thổ là khác nhau và chúng không biến động nhiều theo pha triều. Trong khi đó, hàm lượng trầm tích lơ lửng (SSCs) tương quan với vận tốc dòng chảy và dao động theo pha triều. Trầm tích lơ lửng lắng đọng vào lúc thuỷ triều chuyển trạng thái (từ triều rút sang triều dâng hoặc ngược lại) và được tái hoạt động trở lại khi tốc độ dòng chảy tăng trong pha triều lên và pha triều xuống. Các số liệu khảo sát cho thấy rằng sự tăng của tốc độ dòng chảy trong pha triều lên đã gây ra sự tái lơ lửng của trầm tích đáy và làm tăng hàm lượng trầm tích lơ lửng. Tại các pha triều lên ứng với vận tốc dòng chảy lớn, trầm tích lơ lửng được dịch chuyển nhanh hơn và ngược lại tại pha triều xuống, tốc độ dòng chảy thấp hơn đã làm tốc độ dịch chuyển của trầm tích chậm lại

    Shape optimization for 3D forging process

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    This study focuses on shape optimization for 3D forging process. The problems to be solved consist in searching the optimal shape of the initial work piece or of the preform tool in order to minimize an objective function F which represents a measure of non-quality defined by the designer. These are often multi optima problems in which the necessary time for a cost function evaluation is very long (about a day or more). This work aims at developping an optimization module that permits to localize the global optimum within a reasonable cost (less than 50 calculations of objective function per optimization). The process simulation is carried out using the FORGE3® finite element software. The axisymmetric initial shape of the workpiece or die is parameterized using quadratic segments or Bspline curves. Several objective functions are considered, like the forging energy, the forging force or a surface defect criterion. The gradient of these objective functions is obtained by the adjoint-state method and semi-analytical differentiation. In this work, this gradient calculation (initiated in M. Laroussi's thesis) has been extended to another type of parameter "the parameters that control the shape of tool preform". Different optimization algorithms are tested for 3D applications: a standard BFGS algorithm, a moving asymptote algorithm, an evolution strategies algorithm enhanced with a response surface method based on Kriging and two new hybrid evolutionary algorithms proposed during this work. This hybrid approach consists in coupling a genetic algorithm to a response surface method that uses gradient information to dramatically reduce the number of problem simulations. All studied algorithms are compared for two 3D industrial tests, using rather coarse meshes. They make it possible to improve the initial design and to decrease the total forming energy and/or a surface defect criterion. Numerical results show the feasibility of such approaches, i.e. the achieving of satisfactory solutions within a limited number of 3D simulations, less than fifty.Ce travail de thèse a pour but l'optimisation de forme en forgeage 3D. Les problèmes à résoudre consistent à chercher la forme optimale du lopin initial ou des outils de préforme afin de minimiser une fonction coût F qui représente une mesure de non-qualité définie par les industriels. Ce sont souvent des problèmes multi optima, et le temps nécessaire pour une évaluation de la fonction coût est très élevé (de l'ordre de la journée). L'objectif de cette thèse est de construire un module d'optimisation automatique qui permet de localiser l'extremum global à un coût raisonnable (moins de 50 calculs de la fonction coût à chaque optimisation). La simulation du procédé est effectuée avec le logiciel éléments finis FORGE3®. Les formes axisymétrique des pièces initiales ou des outils de préforme (dans le cadre du forgeage multi-passes) sont paramétrées en utilisant des polygônes quadratiques ou des courbes Bsplines. Différentes fonctions coûts sont considérées, comme l'énergie totale de forgeage ou la mesure non-qualité de la surface (défaut de repli). Le gradient de ces fonctions coûts est obtenu par la méthode de l'Etat Adjoint combinée avec la méthode de différentiation semi-analytique. Dans ce travail, afin d'aborder une famille de procédés de forgeage plus vaste, ce calcul du gradient (initié dans la thèse de M. Laroussi) a été étendu aux paramètres de forme des outils de préformes dans le cadre du forgeage multi passes.Différents algorithmes d'optimisation ont été étudiés : un algorithme BFGS standard, un algorithme de type asymptotes mobiles, une stratégie d'évolution couplée avec une surface de réponse basée sur le Krigeage et deux nouveaux algorithmes hybrides proposés dans le cadre de ce travail. Cette approche hybride consiste à coupler un algorithme génétique avec une méthode de surface de réponse pour réduire le nombre d'évaluations de la fonction coût. Tous les algorithmes étudiés sont comparés sur deux problèmes caractéristiques de forgeage 3D, respectivement l'optimisation de la géométrie de la préforme et celle des outils de préforme. Les résultats obtenus montrent la faisabilité de l'optimisation de forme en forgeage 3D, c'est-à-dire l'obtention de résultats satisfaisant en moins de 50 simulations 3D et la robustesse des algorithmes à base de méta-modèle

    Sensitivity analysis and optimization algorithms for 3D forging process design

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    http://link.aip.org/link/?APCPCS/712/2026/1International audienceThis paper presents several approaches for preform shape optimization in 3D forging. The process simulation is carried out using the FORGE3(R) finite element software, and the optimization problem regards the shape of initial axisymmetrical preforms. Several objective functions are considered, like the forging energy, the forging force or a surface defect criterion. Both deterministic and stochastic optimization algorithms are tested for 3D applications. The deterministic approach uses the sensitivity analysis that provides the gradient of the objective function. It is obtained by the adjoint-state method and semi-analytical differentiation. The study of stochastic approaches aims at comparing genetic algorithms and evolution strategies. Numerical results show the feasibility of such approaches, i.e. the achieving of satisfactory solutions within a limited number of 3D simulations, less than fifty. For a more industrial problem, the forging of a gear, encouraging optimization results are obtaine

    Algorithmes hybrides pour l'optimisation globale : Application en forgeage

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    International audienceOn introduit deux algorithmes hybrides d'optimisation évolutionnaire basés sur le principe d'approximation du critère en se servant d'un nombre limité d'évaluations exactes de la fonction et de son gradient. Le premier algorithme utilise un ansatz discontinu avec classification de la génération courante. Le second utilise l'interpolation de Liszka-Orkisz et garde mémoire des évaluations exactes des générations précédentes. Ces deux méthodes sont appliquées à un problème 3D d'optimisation de forme en forgeage, avec un critère combinant l'énergie totale de forgeage et une fonction de mesure de défaut. On présente des resultants numériques qui illustrent l'efficacité de ces algorithmes

    Optimization of forging processes using Finite Element simulations

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    International audienceDuring the last decades, simulation software based on the Finite Element Method (FEM) has significantly contributed to the design of feasible forming processes. Coupling FEM to mathematical optimization algorithms offers a promising opportunity to design optimal metal forming processes rather than just feasible ones. In this paper Sequential Approximate Optimization (SAO) for optimizing forging processes is discussed. The algorithm incorporates time-consuming nonlinear FEM simulations. Three variants of the SAO algorithm-which differ by their sequential improvement strategies-have been investigated and compared to other optimization algorithms by application to two forging processes. The other algorithms taken into account are two iterative algorithms (BFGS and SCPIP) and a Metamodel Assisted Evolutionary Strategy (MAES). It is essential for sequential approximate optimization algorithms to implement an improvement strategy that uses as much information obtained during previous iterations as possible. If such a sequential improvement strategy is used, SAO provides a very efficient algorithm to optimize forging processes using time-consuming FEM simulations

    Development and validation of a rapid, simple, and reliable UPLC-MS/MS method for the quantification of vancomycin in human plasma

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    Vancomycin is a critical antibiotic frequently utilized in clinical settings, with therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) strongly advised to optimize treatment efficacy and mitigate the risk of adverse effects. However, current methods for measuring vancomycin levels in human plasma are hindered by long analysis times and complicated sample preparations. Thus, this study developed and validated a novel UPLC-MS/MS method for a rapid (with a running time of 3.5 min) and simple analysis of plasma vancomycin. To quantify vancomycin concentration in human plasma, we have developed and validated the UPLC-MS/MS method with high sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy, meeting the strict criteria according to the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) guidelines for validation biological analysis methods. Vancomycin and atenolol (internal standard) underwent positive electrospray ionization (ESI+) and detection in multi-reaction monitoring (MRM) mode. The selected MRM transitions were m/z 725.66→144.16 for vancomycin and m/z 267.29→189.96 for atenolol. Plasma samples were precipitated using a simple mixture containing acetonitrile, methanol, and formic acid as a pH adjuster. The separation was performed using the Poroshell 120 Phenyl Hexyl Column (4.6 × 150 mm, 2.7 μm) maintained at 25 °C for 3.5 min. Isocratic elution with a mobile phase (methanol and 0.1% formic acid in a 40:60 v/v ratio) at a flow rate of 0.5 mL/min was employed. The method showed linearity (0.1–75 μg/mL) with a coefficient of determination above 0.9994 and a lower limit of quantification at 0.1 μg/mL. Precision, both intraday and interday, was below 10%, and accuracy ranged from 91.70% to 111.57%. System suitability, selectivity, stability, carryover, dilution, recovery, and matrix effect validation results all met acceptable criteria. The established UPLC-MS/MS method is expected to be a rapid, simple, and reliable tool for drug monitoring and pharmacokinetic studies, enhancing patient care during vancomycin administration