193 research outputs found

    Experiencing family incarceration during childhood: Implications for the next generation

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    The experience of parental incarceration has been linked to increased risk for developmental and health problems. For children, parental incarceration is associated with further cumulative risk for additional adverse exposures. Most studies on parental incarceration focus on global mental and physical health during childhood, but there is scant research on adults who experienced parental incarceration during childhood. Perinatal stress, especially pregnancy-specific stress, has been linked to pre-term delivery, post-natal depression and child neurological development. This study examines the association between parental incarceration during childhood and pregnancy-specific stress

    Implications of neglect and caregiving during childhood for maternal pregnancy spacing

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    Rapid repeat pregnancies (RRP) are associated with higher risk of adverse outcomes for maternal and child health. Previous research has identified numerous risk factors for RRP, but none have studied the link between maternal adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and RRP. Our study examines this association, as well as the potential factors that moderate the impact of ACEs in RRP. In a clinic-based sample of 111 women with high levels of childhood adversity on average, those who experienced childhood neglect had more RRP than those who did not. However, this was not true for women who experienced neglect and acted as caregivers during childhood. Further research is needed to explore this interaction and its implications for (1) treatment of childhood neglect and (2) prevention of RRP

    Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and maternal mental health

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    Admittance of newborns into a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is a common, though often unexpected, occurrence. Prior research on the psychological impacts of a NICU admittance for new mothers has utilized hospital samples for postpartum depressive symptomology. The current study draws upon a transition to motherhood survey conducted in 2016 of 127 women during pregnancy and following the birth of a first child. Though there were no significant differences in depression scores during pregnancy, multiple regression analyses indicate that women whose infants were admitted to a NICU following birth reported significantly higher postpartum depressive symptomology than women whose infants were not admitted to a NICU. These findings suggest implications for policies and practices that enhance maternal well-being following an infant's NICU admittance

    COG7 deficiency in Drosophila generates multifaceted developmental, behavioral and protein glycosylation phenotypes

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    Congenital disorders of glycosylation (CDG) comprise a family of human multisystemic diseases caused by recessive mutations in genes required for protein N-glycosylation. More than 100 distinct forms of CDGs have been identified and most of them cause severe neurological impairment. The Conserved Oligomeric Golgi (COG) complexmediates tethering of vesicles carrying glycosylation enzymes across the Golgi cisternae. Mutations affecting human COG1, COG2 and COG4-COG8 cause monogenic forms of inherited, autosomal recessive CDGs.We have generated a Drosophila COG7-CDG model that closely parallels the pathological characteristics of COG7-CDG patients, including pronounced neuromotor defects associated with altered N-glycome profiles. Consistent with these alterations, larval neuromuscular junctions of Cog7 mutants exhibit a significant reduction in bouton numbers. We demonstrate that the COG complex cooperates with Rab1 and Golgi phosphoprotein 3 to regulate Golgi trafficking and that overexpression of Rab1 can rescue the cytokinesis and locomotor defects associated with loss of Cog7. Our results suggest that the Drosophila COG7-CDG model can be used to test novel potential therapeutic strategies by modulating trafficking pathways

    Separation and identification of permethylated glycan isomers by reversed phase nanoLC-NSI-MSn [preprint]

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    High performance liquid chromatography has been employed for decades to enhance detection sensitivity and quantification of complex analytes within biological mixtures. Among these analytes, glycans released from glycoproteins and glycolipids have been characterized as underivatized or fluorescently tagged derivatives by HPLC coupled to various detection methods. These approaches have proven extremely useful for profiling the structural diversity of glycoprotein and glycolipid glycosylation but require the availability of glycan standards and secondary orthogonal degradation strategies to validate structural assignments. A robust method for HPLC separation of glycans as their permethylated derivatives, coupled with in-line MSn fragmentation to assign structural features independent of standards, would significantly enhance the depth of knowledge obtainable from biological samples. Here, we report an optimized workflow for LC-MS analysis of permethylated glycans that includes sample preparation, mobile phase optimization, and MSn method development to resolve structural isomers on-the-fly. We report baseline separation and MSn fragmentation of isomeric N- and O-glycan structures, aided by supplementing mobile phases with Li+, which simplifies adduct heterogeneity and facilitates cross-ring fragmentation to obtain valuable monosaccharide linkage information. Our workflow has been adapted from standard proteomics-based workflows and, therefore, provides opportunities for laboratories with expertise in proteomics to acquire glycomic data with minimal deviation from existing buffer systems, chromatography media, and instrument configurations. Furthermore, our workflow does not require a mass spectrometer with high-resolution/accurate mass capabilities. The rapidly evolving appreciation of the biological significance of glycans for human health and disease requires the implementation of high-throughput methods to identify and quantify glycans harvested from sample sets of sufficient size to achieve appropriately powered statistical significance. The LC-MSn approach we report generates glycan isomeric separations, robust structural characterization, and is amenable to auto-sampling with associated throughput enhancements

    Partner congruence on fertility intentions and values: Implications for birth outcomes

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    In heterosexual couples, both partners’ intentions to have a baby (or not) are associated with the likelihood of a subsequent birth, yet most studies only measure women’s intentions. Therefore, little is known about the potential association of couple agreement or disagreement on intentions or on such values as importance of parenthood, career, and leisure and the implications for childbearing. The goal of this article is to assess whether couple-level agreement or disagreement in fertility intentions and values are associated with the likelihood of a subsequent birth. Guided by the Theory of Conjunctural Action, we use couple data from two waves of the U.S. National Survey of Fertility Barriers for our analysis. Based on logistic regression analysis, we find that if either partner intends a child, the odds of having a baby within 3 years are higher than if neither partner intends and that the odds are substantially higher when both partners intend a child. Couples in whom both partners and couples in whom only the woman has a high value on career success are less likely to have a baby. Our findings suggest that agreement on fertility intentions is associated with considerably higher birth probability and that values about life domains matter as well. Couple disagreement on intentions and values are related in different ways to birth outcomes depending on which partner holds which value as important. Using data from both partners allows us to examine the patterns of couple agreement, values, and gendered influences related to birth outcomes

    Auswirkungen von BewirtschaftungsmaĂźnahmen auf die Treibhausgasemissionen eines kleiĂĽberdeckten Niedermoores

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    Für die klassische landwirtschaftliche Nutzung von Moorflächen ist die Entwässerung unerlässlich, verursacht aber Emissionen der Treibhausgase (THG) Kohlendioxid (CO2) und Lachgas (N2O). THG-Emissionen aus "echten" Torfböden sind hinsichtlich der Auswirkungen von Hydrologie und Bewirtschaftung gut untersucht, aber es gibt wenig Daten zu THG-Emissionen von überdeckten organischen Böden. Die Mineralbodenhorizonte können entweder anthropogen Ursprungs sein oder sind, z.B. durch die Ablagerung von fluviatilen oder marinen Sedimenten natürlich entstanden. Überdeckte Moorstandorte sind in Nordwestdeutschland und anderen Regionen mit intensiv genutzten Torfgebieten oder (ehemaliger) Überflutungsdynamik weit verbreitet. Hier wollen wir die Auswirkungen der Bewirtschaftung, des Wasserstandes und der Eigenschaften der Kleiauflage auf die Emissionen von CO2, N2O und Methan (CH4) quantifizieren. Das Untersuchungsgebiet wird als Intensivgrünland genutzt (4 bis 5 Schnitte pro Jahr, N-Düngung von 112 bis 157 kg/ha a) und künstlich entwässert. Der Niedermoortorf mit einer Mächtigkeit von 0,6 bis 1,50 m ist mit Klei überdeckt. Es wurden sechs Messstandorte ausgewählt, welche für das Gebiet typische Bedingungen repräsentieren. Die Standorte unterscheiden sich im Gehalt des organischen Bodenkohlenstoffes (SOC) der Kleiauflage (4 – 1 % SOC), im Auftreten eines Pflughorizontes sowie der Entwässerung und der Bewirtschaftung. Wir verwenden manuelle Hauben zur Messung von CO2-, CH4- und N2O-Flüssen. Ganztägige CO2-Messkampagnen mit transparenten und nicht-transparenten Hauben finden je nach Jahreszeit jede dritte oder vierte Woche statt. Gasproben für die Messung der CH4 und N2O-Flüsse werden alle zwei Wochen und zusätzlich am ersten, dritten und siebten Tag nach Düngeranwendung genommen und gaschromatographisch analysiert. Erste Ergebnisse zeigen aufgrund des niedrigen Grundwasserspiegels sehr geringe CH4-Flüsse. Kumulierte N2O-Emissionen spiegeln vor allem die unterschiedlichen Düngergaben wieder, obwohl es im bisherigen Messzeitraum selten N2O-Peaks direkt nach der Düngerapplikation gab. Dies ist wahrscheinlich durch die geringe Bodenfeuchte zu erklären. Hochgerechnet von den Daten der ersten sechs Monaten zeigte sich, dass die N2O-Emissionen des kleiüberdeckten Niedermoores gleiche Größenordnungen wie die Emissionen von „echten“ Torfböden mit vergleichbarer N-Düngung erreichen. Die Ergebnisse der CO2-Messungen des ersten Jahres werden ebenfalls präsentiert werden

    A New Way to Estimate the Potential Unmet Need for Infertility Services Among Women in the United States

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    Background: Fewer than 50% of women who meet the medical/behavioral criteria for infertility receive medical services. Estimating the number of women who both meet the medical/behavioral criteria for infertility and who have pro-conception attitudes will allow for better estimates of the potential need and unmet need for infertility services in the United States. Methods: The National Survey of Fertility Barriers was administered by telephone to a probability sample of 4,712 women in the United States. The sample for this analysis was 292 women who reported an experience of infertility within 3 years of the time of the interview. Infertile women were asked if they were trying to conceive at the time of their infertility experience and if they wanted to have a child to determine who could be considered in need of services. Results: Among U.S. women who have met medical criteria for infertility within the past three years, 15.9% report that they were neither trying to have a child nor wanted to have a child and can be classified as not in need of treatment. Of the 84.9% of infertile women in need of treatment, 58.1% did not even talk to a doctor about ways to become pregnant. Discussion: Even after taking into account that not all infertile women are in need of treatment, there is still a large unmet need for infertility treatment in the United States. Conclusion: Studies of the incidence of infertility should include measures of both trying to have a child and wanting to have a child

    A New Way to Estimate the Potential Unmet Need for Infertility Services Among Women in the United States

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    Background: Fewer than 50% of women who meet the medical/behavioral criteria for infertility receive medical services. Estimating the number of women who both meet the medical/behavioral criteria for infertility and who have pro-conception attitudes will allow for better estimates of the potential need and unmet need for infertility services in the United States. Methods: The National Survey of Fertility Barriers was administered by telephone to a probability sample of 4,712 women in the United States. The sample for this analysis was 292 women who reported an experience of infertility within 3 years of the time of the interview. Infertile women were asked if they were trying to conceive at the time of their infertility experience and if they wanted to have a child to determine who could be considered in need of services. Results: Among U.S. women who have met medical criteria for infertility within the past three years, 15.9% report that they were neither trying to have a child nor wanted to have a child and can be classified as not in need of treatment. Of the 84.9% of infertile women in need of treatment, 58.1% did not even talk to a doctor about ways to become pregnant. Discussion: Even after taking into account that not all infertile women are in need of treatment, there is still a large unmet need for infertility treatment in the United States. Conclusion: Studies of the incidence of infertility should include measures of both trying to have a child and wanting to have a child

    Is a dyadic stressor experienced as equally distressing by both partners? The case of perceived fertility problems

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    Using data from a population survey, this article explores whether perceptions of having a fertility problem among 926 U.S. couples in heterosexual relationships (women aged 25–45 and male partners) are associated with distress. Most couples did not perceive a fertility problem (58%). In almost a third (30%) of the couples, only women perceived a fertility problem; in 4%, only the men; and in nearly a fifth (19%), both perceived a problem. Adjusted for characteristics associated with fertility problems and depressive symptoms, those who perceived a problem exhibited significantly more depressive symptoms than those who did not. Fertility problems are sometimes experienced as individual because in some couples only one partner perceives a problem or has higher distress in response to their own rather than to their partners’ perceived problems. For women, fertility problems are experienced as a couple phenomenon because women were more distressed when both partners perceive a problem. The perception of fertility problems is gendered in that women were more likely to perceive a problem than men. Furthermore, men are most distressed when they perceive a problem and their partner does not
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