26 research outputs found

    Gambaran Makroskopik Dan Mikroskopik Otak Besar Pada Hewan Coba Postmortem

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    : Most brain cells belong to pyramidal cells which are very sensitive toward conditions that cause cell death. This study was aimed to obtain macroscopic and microscopic postmortem changes of the brain according to time variations up to 48 hours. This study was conducted at Histology Laboratorium, Medical Faculty of Sam Ratulangi University, Manado. Two domestic pigs weighing 20 kg were used as models. Macroscopic and microscopic observations were done at certain interval times. The results showed that at 16 hours postmortem, the brain looked pale, its consistency became softer and watery, and the inner part would crumble under touch. At 44 hours postmortem most of the brain became watery which was complete at 48 hours postmortem. Microscopic observations were done on brain samples at time intervals, as follows: 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours, 5 hours, 6 hours, 9 hours, 10 hours, 12 hours, 14 hours, 16 hours, 18 hours, 20 hours, 22 hours, and 24 hours postmortem. The earliest microscopic change was observed at 3 hours postmortem as the enlargement of clear zones around the pyramidal cells. At 7 hours postmortem, the pyramidal cells became flattened, darker, and shorter. At 18 hours postmortem, the pyramidal cells underwent fragmentation, and at 24 hours postmortem they became lysis leaving empty spaces. Conclusion: All parts of the brain became watery at 48 hours postmortem. The microscopic changes were the enlargemnet of clear zones around the pyramidal cells, the cells became darker, flattened, and shorter, underwent fragmentation and lysis leaving empty spaces

    Pengaruh Senam Poco-poco Terhadap Kadar Trigliserida Darah

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    : A common form of dyslipidemia is often associated with cardiovascular disease which is hypertriglyceridemia. Triglycerides in the body is mainly used as energy storage for a variety of metabolic processes. Poco-poco gymnastics from North Sulawesi. The purpose of this study is to find out the influence of poco-poco gymnastics to triglyceride blood levels. Methods: This study is experimental using one group pre and post test design, the subjects were 25 female students year 2013 Science and Mathematic Faculty of Pharmacyof Sam Ratulangi University Manado who met the inclusion criterias. Data was analyzed using paired t test. Results: Based on the research that has done from 25 subjects it was obtained that there was a decrease in mean triglyceride levels before and after poco-poco gymnastics for four weeks. However, this decrease was not significant (p=0,366). Conclusion: There was a decrease in triglyceride levels after poco-poco exercises for four weeks but this is not significant

    Gambaran Makroskopik Dan Mikroskopik Ureter Pada Hewan Coba Postmortem

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    : Postmortem changes provide a lot of valuable information about the time, causes, and mechanisms of death. This study was aimed to obtain an overview of the macroscopic and microscopic postmortem changes of ureter at several time intervals during 48 hours postmortem. This was a descriptive study using pigs as samples. The results showed that macroscopic postmortem changes of ureters began to appear at 5 hours postmortem marked by changes in color, consistency, and length of the ureters. Meanwhile, the microscopic postmortem changes of the ureters began to appear at 4 hours postmortem characterized by congestion, however, the transitional epithelial cell could be identified. At 5 hours postmortem, a number of transitional cells showed pycnotic nuclei. At 15 hous postmortem, the transitional layer began to detach from the lamina propria; cells with pycnotic nuclei increased in number. At 30 hours postmortem, the transitional layer was detached from the lamina propria and in general the structure of ureter layers could not be identified. Conclusion: Macroscopic changes in color, consistency and length of ureter could be observed the earliest at 5 hours postmortem Microscopic changes could be identified at 4 hours postmortem characterized by congestion, however, the transitional cells could be idemtified. At 5 hours postmortem, the early necrosis of transitional cells occured. At 30 hours postmortem the structure of ureter layers could not be identified

    Pengaruh Latihan Zumba Terhadap Kadar Kolesterol High Density Lipoprotein Darah

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    : High density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) is a heterogeneous class of lipoproteins with density 1063 - 1:21 g / mL. HDL cholesterol has protective properties to heart because it is able to bind cholesterol and carry it to the liver for excretion. High levels of HDL in the body will increase the protection against coronary heart disease. One way to increase HDL cholesterol levels is by doing physical activity. This study have a purpose to find out the influence of zumba exercise on hemoglobin levels. Methods: This study is experimental with one group pre and post test design, that criteria includes are normal Body Mass Index, sedentary people, not consuming HDL booster supplements and not have bone abnormalities. Subjects were a total of 20 female students class of 2013 at the Medical Faculty of Nursing Science of Sam Ratulangi University. Subjects participated in exercise program three times per week for 2 weeks total exercise with duration of one hour. The HDL levels were examined before and after zumba exercise during two weeks. Data was analyzed by paired t test using SPSS. Result: Based on the research that has done from 20 subjects were obtained result in increase on HDL levels after zumba exercise for two weeks. Conclusion: Zumba exercise can increase cholesterol high density lipoprotein levels

    Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan Terhadap Tingakat Pengetahuan Siswa Tentang Cara Pencegahan Penyakit Hiv/aids Di SMA Negeri 1 Manado

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    : HIV/AIDS is a big problem that threatening Indonesia and many country in the world. AIDS(Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) can be defined as a collection of symptoms or disease caused by decreased immunity due to infection by the HIV virus (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). AIDS is the final stage of HIV infection. The symptoms are fever, rash, diarrhea, or cough. After the acute infection, begins the HIV infection asymptomatic (without symptoms). This asymptomatic period usually lasts for 8-10 years. The purpose of this study was to determine The Effect of Health Education on knowlegde level students about HIV/AIDS prevention. This research was conducted using the method of one-group pretest-posttest, the selection of sample by random sampling. The sample was 100 respondents. Then, the data obtained were processed using SPSS version 16.00 and analyzed using statistical tests Paired Sample T-Test with a significance level (α) of 0.05. The results showed that health education either 100 or 100%. The Conclusions of this study have a significant effect of health education on the student's level of knowledge about how HIV/AIDS disease prevention with the value P = 0.000

    Pengaruh Senam Poco-poco Terhadap Kadar Kolesterol High Density Lipoprotein Darah

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    : High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) is denser than other types of cholesterol. Blood HDL cholesterol protects the inner wall (endothelium) of blood vessels. Exercise such as Poco-poco dance can increase the HDL cholesterol level. This study aimed to obtainthe the effect of Poco-poco dance on blood HDL cholesterol level. This was an experimental study with one group pre and post test design. Subjects were 25 Pharmacy female students, Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, Sam Ratulangi University. Subjects were selected by purposive sampling method. Data were analyzed by using paired T test. The results showed that the average of blood HDL cholesterol level of subjects before training was 57,76 mg/dL and increased to 58,44 mg/dL after 4 weeks of training. The statistical analysis showed a p value >0.05. Conclusion: There was no statistically significant increase in HDL cholesterol level after 4 weeks of Poco-poco dance

    Pengaruh Senam Poco-poco Terhadap Kadar Kolesterol Low Density Lipoprotein Darah

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    : High level of plasma LDL-cholesterol concentrations is one of the cause of atherosclerosis that may result in cardiovascular diseases (CVD), such as coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke. Exercise can improve plasma LDL-cholesterol concentrations. A type of exercise, poco-poco, is categorized to the aerobic gymnastics. This study aimed to know the influence of poco-poco to plasma LDL-cholesterol concentrations. This was an experimental study with one group prestest-posttest design. Samples were 25 female students of 2013 batch Pharmacy study program of Sam Ratulangi University Manado that were chosen with purposive sampling. Samples did poco-poco gymnasticss three times a week for four consecutive weeks. The results showed that after four weeks of poco-poco there was an increase of the average of plasma LDL-cholesterol concentrations for 1.120 mg/dl, but this increase was not statistically significant (p > 0.05). Conclusion: There was no significant influence of doing poco-poco for four weeks to plasma LDL-cholesterol concentrations

    Hubungan Lingkar Lengan Atas Dengan Obesitas Pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Uuniversitas Sam Ratulangi

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    : Obesity is defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation which detrimental to health. In 2014, more than 1.9 billion adults are overweight and over 600 million of them are obese. Various methods of anthropometry can be used to determine the occurrence of obesity, these methods include measurement of body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, hip circumference, arm circumference and neck circumference, body mass index mostly used as an indicator of obesity to estimate the body fat composition. Based on research conducted by Lu et al in China, upper arm circumference has been one of the indicators to identify overweight and obesity in children aged 7-12 years. Objective: To determine the relation between upper arms circumference with obesity of students in Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sam Ratulangi. Method: This research is descriptive analytic observational study conducted in February 2016. The samples were students of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Sam Ratulangi, class 2013, 2014, 2015, who were eligible. The data was obtained by the measurement of upper arm circumference, weight, and height that used in the method of body mass index. Result: The samples in this research were 63 people consisting of 35 men and 28 women with an average age is 19 years old. On BMI measurements obtained an average male\u27s BMI is 29.8 kg/m2 and women\u27s BMI is 28.6 kg/m2. On the measurements of upper arm, the average male\u27s upper arm is 33,6cm and women\u27s upper arm is 30,7cm. Spearman correlation values between the Upper Arm Circumference and BMI for the all sample is 0,711. Conclusion: There is strong correlations between the Upper Arm Circumference (MUAC) with obesity that were measured with Body Mass Index (BMI)

    Gambaran Makroskopik Dan Mikroskopik Pankreas Pada Hewan Coba Postmortem

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    : Medicolegal examination is beneficial in police investigation inter alia to determine the time of death and causes as well as mechanisms of death. Postmortem macroscopic and microscopic changes could be alternatives to estimate the time of death. This study was aimed to obtain the microscopic and macroscopic postmortem changes in pancreas based on the variation of time up to 48 hours. This was a descriptive observational study using two domestic pigs as animal model. Pancreas samples were obtained at time intervals as follows: 0 hour, 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, 4 hours, 5 hours, 6 hours, 8 hours, 10 hours, 12 hours, 14 hours, 16 hours, 18 hours, 20 hours, 22 hours, 24 hours, 26 hours, 28 hours, 30 hours, 33 hours, 36 hours, 39 hours, 42 hours, and 48 hours postmortem. The macroscopic examination showed changes in its consistency at 8 hours postmortem, followed by changes in color, consistency, and length during 39 hours postmortem. Microscopic changes of pancreas occurred at 2 hours postmortem as congestion of the acini. At 5 hours postmortem, the acinar cells were difficult to be identified; most of their nuclei were distributed out of the cells. At 8 hours postmortem the structures of acini could not be identified and the cells had undergone karyolysis. At 10 hours postmortem the structures of all acini could not be identified. Conclusion: Postmortem macroscopic changes of pancreas began at 8 hours postmortem meanwhile microscopic changes began at 2 hours postmortem as acinar congestion. At 8 hours postmortem most acini's structures could not be identified and their cells' nuclei underwent karyolysis