84 research outputs found

    Ellipsometry studies of the self-assembly of nonionic surfactants at the silica–water interface: Equilibrium aspects

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    The nature of layers of a series of poly(ethy1ene glycol) monoalkyl ethers (C,,Em) adsorbed on silica surfaces has been systematically investigated by means of null ellipsometry. The results show that adsorption remains low until a well-defined concentration ((=0.6-0.9)cmc) is exceeded. Then, as surfactants in the interfacial region start to self-absemble, it increases abruptly and plateau adsorption is generally observed prior to the cmc. The normal extension of the interfacial aggregates is relatively constant from intermediate to high surface coverage. Increasing the ethylene oxide to hydrocarbon ratio results in a decreased adsorption. The mean optical thickness, on the other hand, is relatively independent of the number of ethylene oxide groups in the surfactant but almost linearly dependent on the length of the hydrocarbon tail. The values obtained for these parameters suggest that the adsorbed layer is built up of discrete surface aggregates, or micelles, with dimensions resembling those observed in bulk solution. A more refined optical model of the adsorbed layer confirms the notion of surface micelles growing with increasing hydrocarbon content. It also points out that the extension of the surface micelles is slightly larger than the measured mean optical thickness. In addition to studies of neat C S , surfactants, we also examine the adsorption of mixed surfactant systems. Changes observed in adsorption on altering the bulk ratio of two surfactants are well correlated to the bulk micellar surfactant ratio calculated by ideal solution theory

    Methodology of the SORENTO clinical trial:a prospective, randomised, active-controlled phase 3 trial assessing the efficacy and safety of high exposure octreotide subcutaneous depot (CAM2029) in patients with GEP-NET

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    Background: The current standard of care (SoC) for the initial treatment of unresectable or metastatic well-differentiated gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumours (GEP-NET) requires initiation of first-generation somatostatin receptor ligand (SRL) therapy, octreotide and lanreotide, which provide safe and efficacious tumour/symptom control in most patients. However, disease progression can occur with SoC SRL treatment and the optimal dose response of SRL remains unknown. Octreotide subcutaneous depot (CAM2029) is a novel, long-acting, high-exposure formulation that has shown greater bioavailability and improved administration than octreotide long-acting release (LAR) with a well-tolerated safety profile. Retrospective data have highlighted a potential benefit of high-exposure SRL for improved disease control in patients who did not adequately respond to the current SoC SRL treatment. This trial will investigate the efficacy and tolerability of CAM2029 compared to the current SoC, including octreotide LAR and lanreotide autogel (ATG). Methods: SORENTO is a prospective, multicentre, randomised, active-controlled, open-label phase 3 trial aiming to demonstrate superiority of treatment with 20 mg octreotide subcutaneous depot (CAM2029) every 2 weeks (Q2W) compared to treatment with the Investigator’s choice of SRL therapy at standard doses for tumour control (octreotide LAR 30 mg or lanreotide ATG 120 mg every 4 weeks [Q4W]) as assessed by progression-free survival (PFS) in approximately 300 patients with unresectable/metastatic and well-differentiated GEP-NET. Upon confirmation of disease progression (determined by a Blinded Independent Review Committee [BIRC] and defined as per RECIST 1.1), patients may enter an open-label extension treatment period with once weekly dosing, to investigate the effects of higher frequency dosing. Overall survival follow-up will end a maximum of 2 years after primary analysis. The primary endpoint will be analysed after 194 confirmed PFS events. Discussion: This is the first trial investigating the efficacy of CAM2029 versus SoC SRL therapy using a head-to-head, superiority trial design. It is expected to be the first trial to investigate the efficacy of increased dosing frequency of a high-exposure SRL. A BIRC will limit bias and measurement variability and ensure high-quality efficacy data. Additionally, inclusion of patients with well-differentiated Grade 3 NET may elucidate treatment strategies for this rarely investigated patient population. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT05050942. Registered on 21st September 2021.</p

    Methodology of the SORENTO clinical trial:a prospective, randomised, active-controlled phase 3 trial assessing the efficacy and safety of high exposure octreotide subcutaneous depot (CAM2029) in patients with GEP-NET

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    Background: The current standard of care (SoC) for the initial treatment of unresectable or metastatic well-differentiated gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumours (GEP-NET) requires initiation of first-generation somatostatin receptor ligand (SRL) therapy, octreotide and lanreotide, which provide safe and efficacious tumour/symptom control in most patients. However, disease progression can occur with SoC SRL treatment and the optimal dose response of SRL remains unknown. Octreotide subcutaneous depot (CAM2029) is a novel, long-acting, high-exposure formulation that has shown greater bioavailability and improved administration than octreotide long-acting release (LAR) with a well-tolerated safety profile. Retrospective data have highlighted a potential benefit of high-exposure SRL for improved disease control in patients who did not adequately respond to the current SoC SRL treatment. This trial will investigate the efficacy and tolerability of CAM2029 compared to the current SoC, including octreotide LAR and lanreotide autogel (ATG). Methods: SORENTO is a prospective, multicentre, randomised, active-controlled, open-label phase 3 trial aiming to demonstrate superiority of treatment with 20 mg octreotide subcutaneous depot (CAM2029) every 2 weeks (Q2W) compared to treatment with the Investigator’s choice of SRL therapy at standard doses for tumour control (octreotide LAR 30 mg or lanreotide ATG 120 mg every 4 weeks [Q4W]) as assessed by progression-free survival (PFS) in approximately 300 patients with unresectable/metastatic and well-differentiated GEP-NET. Upon confirmation of disease progression (determined by a Blinded Independent Review Committee [BIRC] and defined as per RECIST 1.1), patients may enter an open-label extension treatment period with once weekly dosing, to investigate the effects of higher frequency dosing. Overall survival follow-up will end a maximum of 2 years after primary analysis. The primary endpoint will be analysed after 194 confirmed PFS events. Discussion: This is the first trial investigating the efficacy of CAM2029 versus SoC SRL therapy using a head-to-head, superiority trial design. It is expected to be the first trial to investigate the efficacy of increased dosing frequency of a high-exposure SRL. A BIRC will limit bias and measurement variability and ensure high-quality efficacy data. Additionally, inclusion of patients with well-differentiated Grade 3 NET may elucidate treatment strategies for this rarely investigated patient population. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT05050942. Registered on 21st September 2021.</p


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    Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka vad som karaktäriserar personer som döms för narkotikabrott på internet och hur rättssystemet beskriver de dömdas sociala situation och motiv. Uppsatsen använder en mixed-methods metodologi med både kvantitativ och kvalitativ analys. Det empiriska materialet utgörs av dokument i form av domar och förundersökningsprotokoll. Den kvantitativa analysen har bland annat undersökt 222 dömda personers demografi, tidigare brottslighet och vilka påföljder de dömts till. Den kvalitativa analysen har undersökt hur de dömdas sociala situation och motiv beskrivits av rättsväsendet. Pierre Bourdieus teori om olika kapitalformer utgör uppsatsens teoretiska utgångspunkt. Narkotikamarknader kan betraktas som olika fält som i olika utsträckning kräver symboliskt kapital. Utmärkande för narkotikamarknaden på internet är att de inte kräver symboliskt kapital. Resultatet för både den kvantitativa och kvalitativa analysen visar att de dömda köparna är en heterogen grupp utifrån rättsväsendet beskrivningar. De dömda har en stor spridning gällande bland annat ålder, geografi och valet av substanser. En del av de dömda beskrivs som vanliga människor med ordnade sociala förhållanden. Andra dömda beskrivs ha stora problem gällande psykisk ohälsa, missbruk och kriminalitet. Beskrivningarna av motiven till att köpa narkotika på internet är att få tillgång till substanser av viss kvalité, kvantitet, pris eller typ. Men också att få annan typ av relation mellan köpare och säljare av narkotika som inte baseras på personliga kontakter.The purpose of the thesis is to investigate the characteristics of persons who are sentenced for purchasing illicit drugs on the internet, and how the legal system describes the social situation and motives of the convicted persons. The thesis uses a mixed-method methodology with both quantitative and qualitative analysis. The empirical material consists of documents in the form of judgments and preliminary investigation protocols. The quantitative analysis has examined the demography, previous criminal records and the sanctions of 222 convicted persons. The qualitative analysis has examined how the social situation and motives of the convicted persons are described by the judicial system. Pierre Bourdieu's theory of capital forms constitutes the theoretical starting point of the essay. Drug markets can be regarded as fields which, to varying degrees, require symbolic capital. The characteristic of the drug markets on the internet is that they do not require symbolic capital. The result of both the quantitative and qualitative analysis is that the convicted buyers are described as a heterogeneous group in the documents of the legal system. The convicted are a diverse group regarding age, geography and choice substances. Some of the convicted are described as ordinary people with organized social conditions. Others convicted are described as having major problems with mental illness, drug abuse and crime. The descriptions of the motives for purchasing drugs on the internet are to access substances of a certain quality, quantity, price or type. But also, to access a different kind of relationship between the buyer and the seller of drugs


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    Uppsatsens syfte är att undersöka vad som karaktäriserar personer som döms för narkotikabrott på internet och hur rättssystemet beskriver de dömdas sociala situation och motiv. Uppsatsen använder en mixed-methods metodologi med både kvantitativ och kvalitativ analys. Det empiriska materialet utgörs av dokument i form av domar och förundersökningsprotokoll. Den kvantitativa analysen har bland annat undersökt 222 dömda personers demografi, tidigare brottslighet och vilka påföljder de dömts till. Den kvalitativa analysen har undersökt hur de dömdas sociala situation och motiv beskrivits av rättsväsendet. Pierre Bourdieus teori om olika kapitalformer utgör uppsatsens teoretiska utgångspunkt. Narkotikamarknader kan betraktas som olika fält som i olika utsträckning kräver symboliskt kapital. Utmärkande för narkotikamarknaden på internet är att de inte kräver symboliskt kapital. Resultatet för både den kvantitativa och kvalitativa analysen visar att de dömda köparna är en heterogen grupp utifrån rättsväsendet beskrivningar. De dömda har en stor spridning gällande bland annat ålder, geografi och valet av substanser. En del av de dömda beskrivs som vanliga människor med ordnade sociala förhållanden. Andra dömda beskrivs ha stora problem gällande psykisk ohälsa, missbruk och kriminalitet. Beskrivningarna av motiven till att köpa narkotika på internet är att få tillgång till substanser av viss kvalité, kvantitet, pris eller typ. Men också att få annan typ av relation mellan köpare och säljare av narkotika som inte baseras på personliga kontakter.The purpose of the thesis is to investigate the characteristics of persons who are sentenced for purchasing illicit drugs on the internet, and how the legal system describes the social situation and motives of the convicted persons. The thesis uses a mixed-method methodology with both quantitative and qualitative analysis. The empirical material consists of documents in the form of judgments and preliminary investigation protocols. The quantitative analysis has examined the demography, previous criminal records and the sanctions of 222 convicted persons. The qualitative analysis has examined how the social situation and motives of the convicted persons are described by the judicial system. Pierre Bourdieu's theory of capital forms constitutes the theoretical starting point of the essay. Drug markets can be regarded as fields which, to varying degrees, require symbolic capital. The characteristic of the drug markets on the internet is that they do not require symbolic capital. The result of both the quantitative and qualitative analysis is that the convicted buyers are described as a heterogeneous group in the documents of the legal system. The convicted are a diverse group regarding age, geography and choice substances. Some of the convicted are described as ordinary people with organized social conditions. Others convicted are described as having major problems with mental illness, drug abuse and crime. The descriptions of the motives for purchasing drugs on the internet are to access substances of a certain quality, quantity, price or type. But also, to access a different kind of relationship between the buyer and the seller of drugs

    Periodic minimal surface structures in bicontinuous lipid-water phases and nanoparticles

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    The accumulated evidence for the existence of periodic minimal surface (PMS) bilayer structure of the bicontinuous cubic phases in lipidwater systems is summarized. There are three fundamental PMS: the G, D, and P types. These three and no others have been observed in lipid-water systems. Due to the so-called Bonnet relation, the PMS structures are isometric conjugates to one another at coexistence, which determines the cubic axis ratio and water content at equilibrium. A number of lipid systems exhibiting coexisting cubic phases have been examined in relation to fulfilling the Bonnet relation. In all cases with known unit cell dimensions, the phases are Bonnet-related. This is regarded as strong evidence for their PMS structure. The phase transitions in relation to swelling and water content also fulfill the Bonnet relations. Aside from bulk phases with PMS structure, it has also been shown possible to produce nanoparticles with internal PMS structure. New developments enable the manufacturing of such particles with uniform size and internal structure, of interest in practical applications such as in vivo delivery of drugs. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Between street and digital capital? A qualitative study of judicial sentencing of persons convicted of online drug dealing in Sweden

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    Purpose Drug sales facilitated through digital communication on the surface web and on darknet cryptomarkets have increased during the past two decades. This has resulted in an increase in drug law enforcement efforts to combat these markets and a subsequent increase in judicial sentencing of people selling drugs online. The aim of this study was to analyze how Swedish courts describe sentenced sellers and how the courts apply case law. Design/methodology/approach The empirical material consists of 71 sentencing documents produced by Swedish courts in cases of online drug selling between January 1, 2010 and January 1, 2020. In total, 99 sentenced persons occur in the documents. Using a qualitative research design, the authors analyzed the material through thematic text analysis. Findings Overall, in their descriptions of online drug sale operations, the courts’ characterizations of the concepts of street capital and digital capital show a dichotomy. These forms of capital are situationally described as both aggravating and mitigating aspects in the application of case law, indicating that it may be fruitful to view both street and digital capital as resources used on contemporary drug markets in general. Originality/value Very little research exists into how judicial systems describe and perceive the developing phenomenon of online drug sales. Using a relatively large sample from a decade of sentencing, the authors provide an analysis of how Swedish courts view and valuate capital forms in the online drugs trade

    Framgångsrik underhållsbehandling - sett ur ett brukarperspektiv

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    Syftet med uppsatsen är att belysa brukares syn på en framgångsrik underhållsbehandling utifrån deras egna betraktelsesätt, uppfattningar och berättelser. Vi har utifrån ett brukarperspektiv undersökt anledningarna till varför en del opiatmissbrukare som erhåller underhållsbehandling lyckas bibehålla sin drogfrihet. I vår analys har vi valt att använda Aaron Antonovskys teori om känsla av sammanhang (KASAM) som teoretisk bas. KASAM omfattar termerna begriplighet, hanterbarhet samt meningsfullhet och som i kombination med erhållandet av underhållsbehandling tros ha inverkan på resultaten att hålla sig drogfri. Arbetet redogör för vad underhållbehandling innebär samt dess historiska drag då underhållsbehandling som metod i Sverige anses kontroversiell. Arbetet redogör för vad heroin, heroinmissbruk, Metadon, Subutex och Suboxone är och vad dessa har för farmakologiska egenskaper. Metoden vi använt oss av är kvalitativa intervjuer för att på ett mer djupgående sätt komma åt de framgångsfaktorer som kan ligga till grund för bibehållande av drogfrihet. Resultatet tyder på att upplevelsen av livet som meningsfullt samt förmågan att hantera de problem man ställs inför i drogfriheten har varit central för intervjupersonernas bibehållande av drogfrihet

    Interfacial dynamics and structure of surfactant layers

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    The present article provides current opinion on studies of the interfacial dynamics, adsorption, and structure of surfactant layers. The physical principles and applications of physicochemical methods such as tensiometry, ellipsometry, photon correlation spectroscopy, and neutron reflectivity techniques, as well as relevant theoretical aspects related to the adsorption and desorption kinetics, interfacial structure development, wetting enhancement, and the effect of adsorbed surfactant films of the interfacial dynamics, are covered in detail. In order to make the text as self-contained as possible, essential mathematical derivations are given demonstrating how raw data, such as ellipsometric angles or neutron reflectivity, are transformed into sought layer characteristics, such as thickness or density. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved