13 research outputs found


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    Pada peneltian ini digunakan sumber antosianin dari ekstrak ubi jalar ungu (Ipomoea batatas) (EUU) dengan matriks karagenan dan nano fiber selulosa (NFC) dari serat daun nanas (Ananas comosus). Bahan yang digunakan merupakan bahan alam yang dapat diperbaharui dan digunakan pada industri pangan. Salah satunya adalah industri kemasan untuk digunakan sebagai kemasan aktif dan kemasan pintar, yang dapat digunakan  untuk memonitor dan menginformasikan kepada konsumen terkait kondisi pangan secara langsung. Untuk mempersiapkan label indikator ini, matrik karagenan/NFC ditambahkan ekstrak zat warna dari ubi ungu dengan beberapa konsenstrasi (0%,1%,3%,5% v/v), kemudian dibentuk film dengan menggunakan metode casting. Beberapa karakterisasi dilakukan antara lain, uji stabilitas zat warna terhadap pH, morfologi  sifat mekanik dan respon warna label indikator  terhadap kerusakan pangan. Hasil yang didapatkan menunjukan label indicator tersebut sensitive terhadap perubahan pH. Perubahan warna label yaitu dari warna pink menjadi bening kehijauan. Dari hasil uji sifat mekanik label yang memilik nilai kuat tarik paling tinggi adalah label dengan penambahan ekstrak 1% yaitu sebesar 3,01 Mpa, sedangkan untuk label dengan penambahan ekstrak diatas 1% sifat mekaniknya cenderung menurun. Begitu juga dengan hasil elongasi dan WVTR, penambahan ekstrak menyebabkan label cenderung bersifat hidrofil, dan hal ini dibutuhkan dalam mekanisme perubahan warna label. Dari hasil ini mengindikasaikan bahwa penambahan EUU ke dalam matrik karagenan/NFC memiliki potensi untuk dijadikan idikator kolorimetrik deteksi kerusakan pangan

    Improving rice photosynthesis in suboptimal conditions

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    For plants grown in agriculture, productivity and yield are two consequential factors which must be maintained to ensure a continued supply of food for a burgeoning population. Rice is consumed in many regions in the world. The high-yielding rice genotypes cultivated today are the result of decades of breeding for shorter stems and leaves with more erect canopies that maximises grain number and weight. As we approach the theoretical upper limits of yield capacity set by the environment and crop genetics, increasing pressure has been placed on identifying the traits and mechanisms that would improve photosynthetic efficiency, both at the leaf and canopy levels. While rice is consumed in many locations of the world, it is mostly cultivated in tropical regions that are facing growing pressures both environmentally and economically. In Malaysia, rice is being cultivated in increasingly stressful environments, where the requirement for substantial amounts of nitrogen fertilisers is high. With the rising costs of fertiliser production and the increasing degradation of arable land, there is a need to select for more resilient rice varieties with improved photosynthetic efficiencies for cultivation in suboptimal conditions. Canopy architecture plays an important role in determining overall plant productivity. As an essential nutrient, nitrogen is critical in determining the structure of a plant canopy and thus changes in nitrogen concentrations may have a large impact on plant productivity. This has been demonstrated in the study below, on two popular Malaysian cultivars, MR219 and MR253, and an IRRI cultivar, IR64. These rice cultivars were grown in different nitrogen treatments and analysed for changes in canopy architecture using in-depth physiology measurements coupled with canopy reconstructions using a novel 3-dimensional image-based technique with ray tracing. This method allows for the capture of unique canopy traits and make predictions for whole plant canopy productivity, in terms of canopy photosynthesis and carbon gain. The IRRI cultivar, IR64, revealed the need for reevaluation while MR253 revealed the potential for increased photosynthetic efficiency in lower nitrogen conditions, with a lower susceptibility to nitrogen deficiency both in a controlled and field conditions


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    This study aims to describe the implementation of fire prevention and control policies in the Administrative Cit y of South Jakarta. Fire prevention and control policies as stipulated in the DKI Jakarta Provincial Regulation No. 8 of 2008 is motivated by fire disaster events that often occur in DKI Jakarta. As of 2020, the most fire cases occurred in the Administrative City of South Jakarta. The theory used in this study is the theory of success factors for the implementation of Said Zainal Abidin's public policy (2019) with 4 aspects, namely policy conditions, supporting factors, environmental conditions, and related parties. The research method used is a qualitative method. The results of the study indicate that the implementation of fire prevention and control policies in the Administrative City of South Jakarta as stipulated in the DKI Jakarta Provincial Regulation No. 8 of 2008 has not been successful because the rational, logistical, constitutional, and operational have not been fulfilled. From the aspect of rational goals and accuracy strategies, the public is not fully aware of the fire hazard prevention policy and the planned strategy, namely socialization to the people in the Administrative City of South Jakarta has not been carried out evenly. Furthermore, the logistical aspect is not sufficient. From the main external factors namely the unfulfilled environmental conditions from constitutional and operational aspects. Penelitian ini menjelaskan tentang implementasi kebijakan penanggulangan dan pencegahan bahaya kebakaran di Kota Adminstrasi Jakarta Selatan. Kebijakan penanggulangan dan pencegahan bahaya kebakaran yang tertuang dalam Perda Provinsi DKI Jakarta nomor 8 tahun 2008 tersebut dilatarbelakangi dari peristiwa kebencanaan kebakaran yang seringkali terjadi di Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Per 2020, kasus kebakaran terbanyak terjadi di Kota Adminstrasi Jakarta Selatan. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori faktor keberhasilan implementasi kebijakan publik Said Zainal Abidin (2019) dengan 4 aspek yaitu kondisi kebijakan, faktor pendukung, kondisi lingkungan, dan pihak-pihak terkait. Metode  penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi kebijakan penanggulangan dan pencegahan bahaya kebakaran di Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan yang tertuang dalam Perda Provinsi DKI Jakarta nomor 8 Tahun 2008 belum berhasil karena belum terpenuhinya aspek tujuan bersifat rasional, logistik, konstitusional, operasional dan pihak-pihak terkait. Dari aspek tujuan bersifat rasional dan ketepatan strategi, masyarakat belum sepenuhnya mengetahui tentang kebijakan penanggulangan dan pencegahan bahaya kebakaran dan strategi yang sudah direncanakan yaitu sosialisasi ke masyarakat Kota Administrasi Jakarta Selatan belum dilakukan secara merata. Selanjutnya aspek logistik yang belum mencukupi. Dari faktor utama eksternal yaitu belum terpenuhinya kondisi lingkungna dari aspek konstitusional dan operasional

    Interactions between nitrogen nutrition, canopy architecture and photosynthesis in rice, assessed using high-resolution 3D reconstruction

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    Increasing nitrogen use efficiency is a key target for yield improvement programs. Here we identify features of rice canopy architecture during altered N availability and link them to photosynthetic productivity. Empirical mathematical modelling, high-resolution 3-dimensional (3D) reconstruction and gas exchange measurements were employed to investigate the effect of a mild N deficiency vs. surplus N application on canopy architecture, light and photosynthesis distribution throughout development. Three contrasting rice lines: two Malaysian rice varieties (MR219 and MR253) and a high-yielding indica cultivar (IR64) were cultivated. 3D reconstruction indicated key N-dependent differences in plant architecture and canopy light distribution including changes to leaf area index (LAI), tiller number, leaf angle and modelled light extinction coefficients. Measured leaf photosynthetic capacity did not differ substantially between the high and reduced N treatments; however, modelled canopy photosynthesis rate indicated a higher carbon gain per unit leaf area for the reduced N treatment but a higher carbon gain per unit ground area for the high N treatment. This is a result of altered canopy structure leading to increased light distribution under reduced N which partially offsets the reduced LAI. Within rice, altered N availability results in the development of full photosynthetically functional leaves, but leads to altered canopy architecture, light distribution and overall productivity suggested that N availability can be fine-tuned to optimize biomass production. We propose wider use of 3D reconstruction to assess canopy architecture and productivity under differing N availabilities for a range of species

    Exploring relationships between canopy architecture, light distribution and photosynthesis in contrasting rice genotypes using 3D canopy reconstruction

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    The arrangement of leaf material is critical in determining the light environment, and subsequently the photosynthetic productivity of complex crop canopies. However, links between specific canopy architectural traits and photosynthetic productivity across a wide genetic background are poorly understood for field grown crops. The architecture of five genetically diverse rice varieties - four parental founders of a multi-parent advanced generation intercross (MAGIC) population plus a high yielding Philippine variety (IR64) - was captured at two different growth stages using a method for digital plant reconstruction based on stereocameras. Ray tracing was employed to explore the effects of canopy architecture on the resulting light environment in high-resolution, whilst gas exchange measurements were combined with an empirical model of photosynthesis to calculate an estimated carbon gain and total light interception. To further test the impact of different dynamic light patterns on photosynthetic properties, an empirical model of photosynthetic acclimation was employed to predict the optimal light-saturated photosynthesis rate (Pmax) throughout canopy depth, hypothesising that light is the sole determinant of productivity in these conditions. First we show that a plant type with steeper leaf angles allows more efficient penetration of light into lower canopy layers and this, in turn, leads to a greater photosynthetic potential. Second the predicted optimal Pmax responds in a manner that is consistent with fractional interception and leaf area index across this germplasm. However measured Pmax, especially in lower layers, was consistently higher than the optimal Pmax indicating factors other than light determine photosynthesis profiles. Lastly, varieties with more upright architecture exhibit higher maximum quantum yield of photosynthesis indicating a canopy-level impact on photosynthetic efficiency

    Improving rice photosynthesis in suboptimal conditions

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    For plants grown in agriculture, productivity and yield are two consequential factors which must be maintained to ensure a continued supply of food for a burgeoning population. Rice is consumed in many regions in the world. The high-yielding rice genotypes cultivated today are the result of decades of breeding for shorter stems and leaves with more erect canopies that maximises grain number and weight. As we approach the theoretical upper limits of yield capacity set by the environment and crop genetics, increasing pressure has been placed on identifying the traits and mechanisms that would improve photosynthetic efficiency, both at the leaf and canopy levels. While rice is consumed in many locations of the world, it is mostly cultivated in tropical regions that are facing growing pressures both environmentally and economically. In Malaysia, rice is being cultivated in increasingly stressful environments, where the requirement for substantial amounts of nitrogen fertilisers is high. With the rising costs of fertiliser production and the increasing degradation of arable land, there is a need to select for more resilient rice varieties with improved photosynthetic efficiencies for cultivation in suboptimal conditions. Canopy architecture plays an important role in determining overall plant productivity. As an essential nutrient, nitrogen is critical in determining the structure of a plant canopy and thus changes in nitrogen concentrations may have a large impact on plant productivity. This has been demonstrated in the study below, on two popular Malaysian cultivars, MR219 and MR253, and an IRRI cultivar, IR64. These rice cultivars were grown in different nitrogen treatments and analysed for changes in canopy architecture using in-depth physiology measurements coupled with canopy reconstructions using a novel 3-dimensional image-based technique with ray tracing. This method allows for the capture of unique canopy traits and make predictions for whole plant canopy productivity, in terms of canopy photosynthesis and carbon gain. The IRRI cultivar, IR64, revealed the need for reevaluation while MR253 revealed the potential for increased photosynthetic efficiency in lower nitrogen conditions, with a lower susceptibility to nitrogen deficiency both in a controlled and field conditions

    Exploring relationships between canopy architecture, light distribution and photosynthesis in contrasting rice genotypes using 3D canopy reconstruction

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    The arrangement of leaf material is critical in determining the light environment, and subsequently the photosynthetic productivity of complex crop canopies. However, links between specific canopy architectural traits and photosynthetic productivity across a wide genetic background are poorly understood for field grown crops. The architecture of five genetically diverse rice varieties - four parental founders of a multi-parent advanced generation intercross (MAGIC) population plus a high yielding Philippine variety (IR64) - was captured at two different growth stages using a method for digital plant reconstruction based on stereocameras. Ray tracing was employed to explore the effects of canopy architecture on the resulting light environment in high-resolution, whilst gas exchange measurements were combined with an empirical model of photosynthesis to calculate an estimated carbon gain and total light interception. To further test the impact of different dynamic light patterns on photosynthetic properties, an empirical model of photosynthetic acclimation was employed to predict the optimal light-saturated photosynthesis rate (Pmax) throughout canopy depth, hypothesising that light is the sole determinant of productivity in these conditions. First we show that a plant type with steeper leaf angles allows more efficient penetration of light into lower canopy layers and this, in turn, leads to a greater photosynthetic potential. Second the predicted optimal Pmax responds in a manner that is consistent with fractional interception and leaf area index across this germplasm. However measured Pmax, especially in lower layers, was consistently higher than the optimal Pmax indicating factors other than light determine photosynthesis profiles. Lastly, varieties with more upright architecture exhibit higher maximum quantum yield of photosynthesis indicating a canopy-level impact on photosynthetic efficiency