322 research outputs found

    All-optical wavelength-tunable narrow-linewidth fiber laser

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    Parameter regulations of narrow-linewidth fiber lasers in frequency domain has drawn considerable interests for widespread applications in the light quantum computing, precise coherent detection, and generation of micro-waves. All-optical methods provide compact, precise and fast accesses to achieving these lasers with wavelength-tunability. Here, the optical-thermal effects of graphene is utilized to precisely control operations of free-running lasers with a tuning speed of 140 MHz/ms. Assisted by the single-longitude-mode operation and linewidth suppression of stimulated Brillouin backscattering, we obtain an optical-controllable ~750 Hz fiber laser with a wavelength-tuning range of 3.7 nm

    Transient Effectiveness Methods for the Dynamic Characterization of Heat Exchangers

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    This chapter introduces transient effectiveness methods for dynamic characterization of heat exchangers. The chapter provides a detailed description and review of the transient effectiveness methodology. In this chapter, all the transient effectiveness–related knowledge/works are summarized. The goal of this chapter is to provide a thorough understanding of the transient effectiveness for the reader and to provide guidance for utilizing this methodology in related heat exchanger transient characterization studies. Basically, there are three important applications for transient effectiveness methodology: (1) characterization of heat exchanger dynamic behaviors; (2) characterization of the transient response of closed-coupled cooling/heating systems with multiple heat exchanger units; and (3) development of compact transient heat exchanger models. This innovative modeling method can be used to assist in the development of physics-based predictive, capabilities, performance metrics, and design guidelines, which are important for the design and operation of highly reliable and energy efficient mechanical systems using heat exchangers

    Designing Asynchronous Online Discussion Environments: Recent Progress and Possible Future Directions

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    Asynchronous online discussion environments are important platforms to support learning. Research suggests, however, threaded forums, one of the most popular asynchronous discussion environments, do not often foster productive online discussions naturally. This paper explores how certain properties of threaded forums have affected or constrained the quality of discussions, and argues that developing alternative discussion environments is highly needed to offer better support for asynchronous online communication. Using the Productive Discussion Model developed by Gao, Wang & Sun (2009), we analyzed current work on four types of asynchronous discussion environments that have been developed and researched: constrained environments, visualized environments, anchored environments and combined environments. The paper has implications for developing future asynchronous discussion environments. More specifically, future work should aim at (a) exploring new environments that support varied goals of learning; (b) integrating emerging technologies to address the constraints of current environments; (c) designing multi-functional environments to facilitate complex learning, and (d) developing appropriate instructional activities and strategies for these environments

    A influência da motivação na aprendizagem do português língua estrangeira por falantes chineses

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Português Língua Não MaternaO português é uma das línguas mais faladas no mundo. Na China, o número de pessoas que o aprendem está a aumentar de dia para dia. Até 2020, 55 faculdades e universidades na China já oferecem programas de língua portuguesa (Zhang Siwen, 2020). À medida que a investigação sobre a aquisição de uma segunda língua se desenvolve, é dada atenção aos fatores associados à aquisição de uma segunda língua. Há muitos fatores que influenciam a aquisição de uma segunda língua, entre os quais a "motivação" é considerada uma componente importante e duradoura da aquisição eficaz de uma segunda língua (Feng & Zhang, 2015). Existem muitos estudos sobre a motivação numa segunda língua. Por exemplo, Zhan Suxian e Bai Yuanyuan (2017) analisaram o estudo da motivação dos estudantes universitários chineses para aprender inglês e a sua correlação com as suas notas através de um inquérito por questionário. Mitchell Fryer e Peter Roger (2018) realizaram um estudo de investigação sobre as experiências de estudo no estrangeiro de oito estudantes universitários japoneses. Mas muito poucos estudos foram efetuados em estudantes chineses que aprendem português. Assim, este estudo tem como objetivo construir um instrumento que avalie a motivação dos alunos chineses que aprendem português e estudar o impacto da motivação na sua aprendizagem do português. Este estudo baseia-se na teoria do "Auto-Sistema Motivacional na L2" de Dörnyei (2005) e utiliza testes de vocabulário, questionários e aná lise de dados para investigar a motivação dos estudantes chineses que aprendem português e a sua relação com o desempenho académico. O estudo foi realizado com 30 estudantes chineses a aprender português, divididos em dois grupos de 15 participantes cada, consoante tivessem estado ou não num país de língua portuguesa. O questionário e o teste de vocabulário foram preenchidos através da plataforma Gorilla, e os dados foram analisados e processados através do software Jamovi. O estudo não encontrou efeitos de imersão num país de língua portuguesa sobre a motivação, nem uma correlação significativa entre motivação e proficiência. No entanto, os dois fatores, a imersão num país de língua portuguesa e o tempo total passado a aprender português, estão correlacionados com a proficiência. Estudar no estrangeiro pode facilitar a aquisição da língua e os alunos devem ser encorajados a estudar ou a viver no país de língua-alvo, se for caso disso. Além disso, os professores devem concentrar-se na criação de um ambiente de aprendizagem e de alguma imersão no ambiente linguístico na sala de aula doméstica, para que as competências linguísticas possam ser efetivamente melhoradas.Portuguese is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. In China, the number of people learning Portuguese is also increasing. By 2020, 55 colleges and universities in China already offer Portuguese language programs (Zhang Siwen, 2020). With the development of second language acquisition research, people begin to pay attention to the factors related to second language acquisition. There are many factors affecting second language acquisition, among which "learning motivation" is considered to be an important part of the lasting motivation for the effective implementation of second language acquisition (Feng & Zhang, 2015). There are a lot of research results on second language motivation. For example, Zhan Suxian and Bai Yuanyuan (2017) analyzed the study of Chinese college students' motivation to learn English and its correlation with their scores through a questionnaire survey. Mitchell Fryer and Peter Roger (2018) investigated and studied the overseas study experiences of eight Japanese university students. However, the review found that there were very few studies on Chinese students learning Portuguese. Therefore, this study aims to construct a tool to assess the motivation of Chinese students in learning Portuguese and investigate the influence of motivation on Portuguese learning. Based on the theory of "L2 Motivational Self system" proposed by Dö rnyei (2005), this paper mainly adopts vocabulary test, questionnaire, data analysis and other methods to investigate and study Chinese students learning Portuguese, so as to understand the situation of students' learning motivation and the relationship between them and their academic performance. The subjects of this study were 30 Chinese students learning Portuguese, who were divided into two groups according to whether they had been to a Portuguese-speaking country, with 15 participants in each group. The Gorilla platform was used to complete questionnaires and vocabulary tests, and the data was analyzed and processed using Jamovi software. The study found that immersion in Portuguese-speaking countries had no effect on learning motivation, and there was no significant correlation between learning motivation and proficiency. However, both immersion in a Portuguese-speaking country and the total time spent learning Portuguese have an impact on proficiency. Studying abroad can promote learners to master the language, and learners should be appropriately encouraged to study or live in the target language country. In addition, teachers should pay attention to creating a learning atmosphere and creating some immersive language environment in domestic classrooms, so as to effectively improve their language ability.葡萄牙语是世界最广泛的语种之一。在中国,学习葡萄牙语的人数也日渐增多。截 止到 2020 年,中国已经有 55 所高校开设了葡萄牙语专业(张思雯,2020)。随着二语 习得研究的发展,人们开始重视第二语言习得的相关因素。影响二语习得的因素有很多, 其中“学习动机”被认为是二语习得有效进行的持久动力,是重要组成部分(冯建新&张 红梅,2015)。有关二语动机的研究成果颇多。比如,詹素贤、白媛媛(2017)通过调 查问卷调查分析了中国大学生英语学习动机及其与成绩的相关性研究。Mitchell Fryer 和 Peter Roger(2018) 对八名日本大学生的海外学习经历进行调查研究。但梳理发现,研究 对象为学习葡萄牙语的中国学生的相关研究非常少。因此,本研究旨在构建一个评估中 国学生学习葡萄牙语动机的工具,并研究学习动机对葡萄牙语学习的影响。 本文基于 Dörnyei(2005) 的“二语动机自我系统”理论,主要采用词汇测试、调查问 卷、数据分析等方法对学习葡萄牙语的中国学生进行调查研究,了解学生学习动机的情 况及与学习成绩之间的关系。本次研究的对象是 30 名学习葡萄牙语的中国学生,根据 是否去过葡萄牙语国家分为两组,每组各有 15 名参与者。并通过 Gorilla 平台完成调查 问卷和词汇测试,利用 Jamovi 软件对数据进行分析处理。 研究发现沉浸在葡萄牙语国家对学习动机没有影响,且学习动机对熟练程度没有明 显相关性。但是,沉浸在葡萄牙语国家和学习葡萄牙语的总时间这两个因素对熟练程度 均有影响。出国学习可以促进学习者掌握语言,应适当地鼓励学习者去目的语国家学习 或者生活,除此之外,教师应注重营造学习氛围,在国内课堂打造一些沉浸的语言环境, 使得语言能力可以有效的提高

    SEA: A Scalable Entity Alignment System

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    Entity alignment (EA) aims to find equivalent entities in different knowledge graphs (KGs). State-of-the-art EA approaches generally use Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to encode entities. However, most of them train the models and evaluate the results in a fullbatch fashion, which prohibits EA from being scalable on largescale datasets. To enhance the usability of GNN-based EA models in real-world applications, we present SEA, a scalable entity alignment system that enables to (i) train large-scale GNNs for EA, (ii) speed up the normalization and the evaluation process, and (iii) report clear results for users to estimate different models and parameter settings. SEA can be run on a computer with merely one graphic card. Moreover, SEA encompasses six state-of-the-art EA models and provides access for users to quickly establish and evaluate their own models. Thus, SEA allows users to perform EA without being involved in tedious implementations, such as negative sampling and GPU-accelerated evaluation. With SEA, users can gain a clear view of the model performance. In the demonstration, we show that SEA is user-friendly and is of high scalability even on computers with limited computational resources.Comment: SIGIR'23 Demo Trac

    Prompting-to-distill semantic knowledge for few-shot learning.

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    Recognizing visual patterns in low-data regime necessitates deep neural networks to glean generalized representations from limited training samples. In this paper, we propose a novel few-shot classification method, namely ProDFSL, leveraging multi-modal knowledge and attention mechanism. We are inspired by recent advances of large language models and the great potential they have shown across a wide range of downstream tasks, and tailor it to benefit the remote sensing community. We utilize ChatGPT to produce class-specific textual inputs for enabling CLIP with rich semantic information. To promote the adaptation of CLIP in remote sensing domain, we introduce a Cross-modal Knowledge Generation Module, which dynamically generates a group of soft prompts conditioned on the few-shot visual samples and further uses a shallow Transformer to model the dependencies between language sequences. Fusing the semantic information with few-shot visual samples, we build representative class prototypes, which are conducive to both inductive and transductive inference. In extensive experiments on standard benchmarks, our ProDFSL consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art in few-shot learning

    Experimental investigation of the effects of drilling fluid activity on the hydration behavior of shale reservoirs in Northwestern Hunan, China

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    The interaction between drilling fluid and shale has a significant impact on wellbore stability during shale oil and gas drilling operations. This paper investigates the effects of the drilling fluid activity on the surface and osmotic hydration characteristics of shale. Experiments were conducted to measure the influence of drilling fluid activity on surface wettability by monitoring the evolution of fluid-shale contact angles. The relationship between drilling fluid activity and shale swelling ratio was determined to investigate the osmotic hydration behavior. The results indicate that, with increasing drilling fluid activity, the fluid–shale contact angles gradually increase—the higher the activity, the faster the adsorption rate; and the stronger the inhibition ability, the weaker the surface hydration action. The surface adsorption rate of the shale with a KCl drilling fluid was found to be the highest. Regarding the osmotic hydration action on the shale, the negative extreme swelling ratio (b) of the shale was found to be: bKCl \u3c bCTAB \u3c bSDBS. Moreover, based on the relationship between the shale swelling ratio and drilling fluid activity, shale hydration can be divided into complete dehydration, weak dehydration, surface hydration, and osmotic hydration, which contributes to the choice of drilling fluids to improve wellbore stability