34 research outputs found

    Systematic review of therapeutic outcomes of multidrug resistant tuberculosis and their predictors in adults receiving integrated treatment of tuberculosis and human immuno-deficiency virus in low- and middle-income countries: a study protocol

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    Background Programs that integrate tuberculosis (TB) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) treatment aim to provide efficient treatment services and maximize successful treatment outcomes through the delivery of both TB and HIV treatment by one provider at the same time and location. However, multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is more difficult to treat as compared to drug-sensitive TB, and in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), the potential of programs integrating TB/HIV treatment to sustain favourable MDR-TB treatment outcomes is poorly elucidated. The objective of this review is to perform a systematic collection, critical appraisal and synthesis of existing evidence on therapeutic outcomes of MDR-TB and their predictors among adults receiving integrated treatment for TB/HIV in LMICs

    Uniting behind a common goal: Collaboration between traditional healers and allopathic health care workers to improve rural snakebite care

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    Snakebite envenoming is an acute medical emergency which affects hundreds of thousands of people worldwide, primarily in remote rural areas of low-and middle income countries in the Global South. A considerable proportion of snakebite patients turn to traditional healers (THs) for help, driven by a number of push and pull factors. These include socio-cultural factors, geographical proximity, and the absence or inaccessibility of overstretched and often costly allopathic healthcare services. Although traditional healers and allopathic healthcare staff share a common focus-the recovery and well-being of their patients-both systems operate largely in parallel to each other with collaborations being an exception rather than the rule. This is to the detriment of snakebite patients, who frequently find themselves being caught-up in the dualism between the two separate systems. Given the right circumstances, snakebite patients could benefit from elements of care from both modalities. Here, we have reviewed the role of THs in snakebite care and explored how their integration into the formal healthcare system could improve the implementation and outcome of care. The effective recruitment of THs to aid in disease control and treatment efforts in diseases other than snakebite underscores the potential benefits of this strategy. Carefully devised proof-of concept studies are needed to test our hypothesis that collaborations between the formal healthcare sector and THs are feasible and improve outcomes in snakebite care

    Seroprevalence of Hepatitis B and C Infections in Mokolo District Hospital, Northern Cameroon: The Value of a Screening Campaign

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    Background: Infections due to the hepatitis B (HBV) and hepatitis C (HCV) viruses constitute a global public health problem. Although screening of these infections remains a pivotal tool for timely detection and management of carriers, this preventive measure has been neglected in Africa. Objective: The current study determined the prevalence of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and anti-HCV as well as their risk factors through a screening campaign organized in a rural setting in northern Cameroon. Methods: A cross-sectional analytical study was conducted during a screening campaign for viral hepatitis organized at the Mokolo District Hospital, Cameroon, from January 19, 2017 to February 27, 2017. Sociodemographic data from all consenting participants was collected and examined for signs of chronic liver disease. Participants were then screened for HBsAg and anti-HCV using a rapid diagnostic test (ACON®). Results: Of the 364 participants enrolled, 28.6% tested positive for HBsAg and 2.2% for anti-HCV. All HBsAg-positive and anti-HCV-positive individuals were asymptomatic and unaware of their infection status prior to testing. None of the socio-demographic factors assessed was associated with a positive HbsAg status. Conclusion: HBV and HCV infections are endemic in this rural health district. Participants who tested positive were apparently healthy and completely unaware of their infection status. Transmission of the hepatitis virus may be a public health concern in this district. It is recommended that community health education activities on preventive measures for HBV and HCV infections, regular screening for disease surveillance, and close follow-up of disease progression in these asymptomatic individuals be conducted

    Livestock herding and Fulani ethnicity are a combined risk factor for development of early adverse reactions to antivenom treatment: Findings from a cross-sectional study in Nigeria

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    BACKGROUND: Adverse reactions to antivenom considerably complicate the clinical management of snakebite envenomed patients because it necessitates a temporary suspension of life-saving antivenom, increases costs and can compromise patient outcomes. This study sought to explore the association between cattle-herding occupation and ethnic group and the occurrence of early adverse reactions to antivenom. METHODS: This cross-sectional study was conducted between the 25th April and 11th July 2011 at the Kaltungo General Hospital in north east Nigeria. The exposure variable of cattle-herding occupation showed a strong correlation with the ethnic group variable, thus these were combined into a new variable with three categories (Fulani and herder, either Fulani or herder, and neither Fulani nor herder). The outcome variable was the occurrence of early adverse reactions, defined as any new symptoms occurring within 6 hours of antivenom administration. Odds Ratios were estimated using multivariable logistic regression models controlling for potential confounders. RESULTS: Among 231 envenomed snakebite victims, the overall incidence of early adverse reactions was 11.9% (95% confidence intervals: 8.0–16.9%). Patients who were Fulani and herders had a higher incidence of early adverse reactions compared to patients who were neither Fulani nor herders (20% vs 5.7%). After adjusting for age and gender, victims who were Fulani and herders were 5.9 times more likely to have an early adverse reaction, compared to victims who were neither Fulani nor herders (95% CI: 1.88–18.59; p = 0.002). INTERPRETATION: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to provide evidence of higher odds of early adverse reactions among patients from a particular occupation and/or ethnic group. We recommend that snake envenomed patients of Fulani origin be especially closely monitored for adverse reactions, that hospitals receiving these patients be appropriately resourced to manage both envenoming and adverse reactions and that premedication with adrenaline should be considered. Our findings provide an argument for speculation on the influence of immunological or lifestyle-related differences on the occurrence of early adverse reactions to antivenom

    Motorbike-handlebar hernia - a rare traumatic abdominal wall hernia: a case report and review of the literature

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    Abstract Background Handlebar hernias are very rare and arise following a sudden force from a handle-like object impacting a focal area of the abdomen, which results in a disruption of the underlying abdominal muscle and fascia without necessarily disrupting the overlying skin. Other than a reducible swelling on the abdominal wall, the physical examination of such patients is usually unremarkable and the diagnosis could easily be missed. Case presentation An 8-year-old Cameroonian boy with no significant past history presented to our emergency service with a tender left flank swelling following a road traffic accident. He was knocked down by a motorbike with resulting impact of the handlebar on his abdomen. A handlebar hernia was diagnosed on the basis of a reducible abdominal swelling with a positive cough impulse. A herniorrhaphy was done the following day after resuscitation and his postoperative period was uneventful. Conclusions Handlebar hernias, although rare, should be suspected when patients present with an abdominal swelling following blunt abdominal trauma involving a handlebar-like object. A good history and physical examination are usually enough to pose an early diagnosis of handlebar hernia. Management typically involves surgical intervention to prevent complications. The timing and surgical approach should be decided on a case-by-case basis

    Shortcomings in snake bite management in rural Cameroon: a case report

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    Abstract Background Snake bites are an important public health problem in developing countries with most bites occurring in rural areas. Severe envenomation often occurs in children and following bites to the face. Prompt administration of potent anti-venom remains the mainstay of management. However in Cameroon, the use of anti-venoms is limited by non-availability, high cost (where available) and poor mastery of treatment guidelines. Case presentation We present a 10-year-old muslim Cameroonian child from an enclaved rural area, brought to the hospital 12 h after a snake bite to the face, with signs of severe envenomation. Despite the suboptimal anti-venom dose administered to this patient due to a stock out of this medication, supportive therapy was beneficial in ensuring a positive outcome and satisfactory recovery. Conclusion This highlights snake bites as a public health problem due to the lack of snake anti-venoms in peripheral health facilities, rendering them unable to appropriately manage these cases. National health policies should encourage constant peripheral availability of anti-venoms and the institution of an intervention package for snake bite management, comprising: treatment protocol, staff training, monitoring of compliance and community education to help reduce the mortality and morbidity from snake bites

    Risk factors and complications of lower limb cellulitis in Africa: a systematic review.

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    To summarise available data on the risk factors, complications and the factors associated with complications of lower limb cellulitis in Africa. We did electronic searches on PubMed, EMBASE, Scopus and African Journals Online from 1 January 1986 to 30 October 2017, extracted and summarised data on the risk factors, complications and the factors associated with the complications of lower limb cellulitis from eligible literature. A total of seven studies were retained for final review after the search and screening processes. Local risk factors of cellulitis reported were: disruption of the skin barrier, neglected wounds, toe-web intertrigo, leg ulcers, use of depigmentation drugs and leg oedema. Obesity was the only reported general risk factor of cellulitis. Five studies reported on the complications of cellulitis which included: abscess formation, necrotising fasciitis, bullae, haemorrhagic lesions, necrosis, phlebitis and amputations. Nicotine addiction, chronic use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, delay in the initiation of antibiotic treatment and elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate were risk factors of complications of lower limb cellulitis identified from three studies. This review highlights the important role of local risk factors in the pathogenesis of lower limb cellulitis in Africa. The association between voluntary skin depigmentation and lower limb cellulitis should alert public health authorities and the general population to the health risks associated with this practice. The identification and improved management of the risk factors of lower limb cellulitis and its complications could go a long way in decreasing the morbidity and health costs incurred by lower limb cellulitis in Africa

    Ambiguous presentation of an intra-abdominal testicular seminoma in a 40-year-old man: a case report

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    Abstract Background Cryptorchidism is the most common congenital malformation of the male genitourinary tract. The cryptorchid testis is most often located in the inguinal canal; however, intra-abdominal locations are not rare. The risk of malignancy in an undescended testis is 10% with the highest risk in an intra-abdominal testis. Case presentation Here we describe a case of a 40-year-old fertile man of Fulbe origin who presented with a non-tender lower abdominal mass of 2 months’ duration. A scrotal examination revealed just one testis in the right scrotum, with the contralateral scrotum and inguinal canal being empty. An exploratory laparotomy followed by tumor excision and histopathology revealed a testicular seminoma. Conclusion This case report highlights the need for routine scrotal examination in all men presenting with an abdominal mass so as to rule out the possibility of an intra-abdominal seminoma

    Delayed diagnosis of transanal prolapse of an ileo-colic intussusception in a 10-month-old infant in rural Cameroon: a case report

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    Abstract Background Transanal protrusion of intussusception is a complication of intussusception which involves the exteriorization of the apex of the intussusceptum through the anus. However, it is rarely reported and its confusion with rectal prolapse often leads to a diagnostic delay. Case presentation A 10-month-old female with no significant past history from a rural area in the Extreme North region of Cameroon  was referred from a local health centre to our emergency deparment for an irreducible mass. It was reported that the child had spent 5 days at home on over-the-counter medication, then 3 days at a health centre where she was being treated for a respiratory tract infection and a rectal prolapse. On arrival at our hospital, she was conscious and moderately dehydrated. Cardiopulmonary examination revealed generalized coarse crackles over both lung fields. Her abdomen was tender, with a left upper quadrant mass, absent bowel sounds and a dark anal mass. In view of these, diagnoses of bronchopneumonia, intestinal obstruction and a probable rectal prolapse were made. An exploratory laparotomy was carried out after resuscitation with per-operative findings of a prolapsed ileo- colic intussusception and a necrosed intussusceptum. The necrosed portion was resected and an end-to-end ileo-transverse anastomosis was carried out. The immediate post- operative period was uneventful, but the patient died 3 days after the surgery, from an overwhelming sepsis. Conclusions Transanal protrusion of intussusception requires timely surgical intervention to prevent mortality. The similarity in presentation to rectal prolapse coupled with inadequate knowledge on the condition by primary healthcare personnel causes a delay in the diagnosis and an increased mortality. A high index of suspicion is essential for an early diagnosis and an improved referral system for timely and definitive treatment