187 research outputs found

    Bryostatin-1: a promising compound for neurological disorders

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    The central nervous system (CNS) is the most complex system in human body, and there is often a lack of effective treatment strategies for the disorders related with CNS. Natural compounds with multiple pharmacological activities may offer better options because they have broad cellular targets and potentially produce synergic and integrative effects. Bryostatin-1 is one of such promising compounds, a macrolide separated from marine invertebrates. Bryostatin-1 has been shown to produce various biological activities through binding with protein kinase C (PKC). In this review, we mainly summarize the pharmacological effects of bryostatin-1 in the treatment of multiple neurological diseases in preclinical studies and clinical trials. Bryostatin-1 is shown to have great therapeutic potential for Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, fragile X syndrome, stroke, traumatic brain injury, and depression. It exhibits significant rescuing effects on the deficits of spatial learning, cognitive function, memory and other neurological functions caused by diseases, producing good neuroprotective effects. The promising neuropharmacological activities of bryostatin-1 suggest that it is a potential candidate for the treatment of related neurological disorders although there are still some issues needed to be addressed before its application in clinic


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    In the title compound, C25H23N3O5S, the central 1,3,4-oxadiazole ring makes dihedral angles of 35.05 (7), 23.68 (7) and 82.55 (8)°, with the three benzene rings. In the crystal structure, the packing is stabilized by weak non-classical inter­molecular C—H⋯O hydrogen bonds, which link the mol­ecules into an infinite network

    Spectroscopic visualization of flat bands in magic-angle twisted monolayer-bilayer graphene: localization-delocalization coexisting electronic states

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    Recent transport studies have demonstrated the great potential of twisted monolayer-bilayer graphene (tMBG) as a new platform to host moir\'e flat bands with a higher tunability than twisted bilayer graphene (tBG). However, a direct visualization of the flat bands in tMBG and its comparison with the ones in tBG remain unexplored. Here, via fabricating on a single sample with exactly the same twist angle of ~1.13{\deg}, we present a direct comparative study between tMBG and tBG using scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy. We observe a sharp density of states peak near the Fermi energy in tunneling spectroscopy, confirming unambiguously the existence of flat electronic bands in tMBG. The bandwidth of this flat-band peak is found to be slightly narrower than that of the tBG, validating previous theoretical predictions. Remarkably, by measuring spatially resolved spectroscopy, combined with continuum model calculation, we show that the flat-band states in tMBG exhibit a unique layer-resolved localization-delocalization coexisting feature, which offers an unprecedented possibility to utilize their cooperation on exploring novel correlation phenomena. Our work provides important microscopic insight of flat-band states for better understanding the emergent physics in graphene moir\'e systems.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Ghrelin Receptor Is Required for the Effect of Nesfatin-1 on Glucose Metabolism

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    Studies of nesfatin-1 in glucose metabolism have become a topic of interest recently, however, the specific receptor for nesfatin-1 has not yet been identified. Some studies hinted at a connection between nesfatin-1 and the ghrelin receptor, growth hormone secretagogue receptor. Therefore, we aimed to study the role of GHSR in the glycemic effects of nesfatin-1 as well as its downstream pathways. We employed C57/BL6 mice (wild type and GHSR knockout mice) eating a normal chow diet and a high fat diet in this study, and the experimental technique included western blot, real-time PCR, immunofluorescence and ELISA. We found that in mice fed a normal chow diet (NCD), nesfatin-1 improved glucose tolerance, up-regulated AKT kinase (AKT) mRNA levels and phosphorylation and GLUT4 membrane translocation in skeletal muscle. These effects were blocked by co-injection of GHSR antagonist [D-Lys3]-GHRP-6 and were attenuated in GHSR knockout mice. In mice fed high-fat diet (HFD), nesfatin-1 not only exerted the effects observed in NCD mice, but also suppressed appetite and raised AKT levels in liver tissues that also required GHSR. Peripheral nesfatin-1 suppressed c-fos expression of GHSR immunoreactive neurons induced by fasting in hypothalamic nuclei, indicating that nesfatin-1 inhibited the activation of central GHSR. We concluded that the effects of nesfatin-1 on food intake and glucose metabolism were GHSR-dependent, and that the glycemic effect was associated with AKT and GLUT4. This study should stimulate further exploration of the nesfatin-1 receptor

    The LAMOST Survey of Background Quasars in the Vicinity of the Andromeda and Triangulum Galaxies -- II. Results from the Commissioning Observations and the Pilot Surveys

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    We present new quasars discovered in the vicinity of the Andromeda and Triangulum galaxies with the LAMOST during the 2010 and 2011 observational seasons. Quasar candidates are selected based on the available SDSS, KPNO 4 m telescope, XSTPS optical, and WISE near infrared photometric data. We present 509 new quasars discovered in a stripe of ~135 sq. deg from M31 to M33 along the Giant Stellar Stream in the 2011 pilot survey datasets, and also 17 new quasars discovered in an area of ~100 sq. deg that covers the central region and the southeastern halo of M31 in the 2010 commissioning datasets. These 526 new quasars have i magnitudes ranging from 15.5 to 20.0, redshifts from 0.1 to 3.2. They represent a significant increase of the number of identified quasars in the vicinity of M31 and M33. There are now 26, 62 and 139 known quasars in this region of the sky with i magnitudes brighter than 17.0, 17.5 and 18.0 respectively, of which 5, 20 and 75 are newly-discovered. These bright quasars provide an invaluable collection with which to probe the kinematics and chemistry of the ISM/IGM in the Local Group of galaxies. A total of 93 quasars are now known with locations within 2.5 deg of M31, of which 73 are newly discovered. Tens of quasars are now known to be located behind the Giant Stellar Stream, and hundreds behind the extended halo and its associated substructures of M31. The much enlarged sample of known quasars in the vicinity of M31 and M33 can potentially be utilized to construct a perfect astrometric reference frame to measure the minute PMs of M31 and M33, along with the PMs of substructures associated with the Local Group of galaxies. Those PMs are some of the most fundamental properties of the Local Group.Comment: 26 pages, 6 figures, AJ accepte

    Suppress HBV by therapeutic vaccine

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    乙肝预防性疫苗显著减少了乙肝新发感染,但目前全球仍有约2.5亿慢性乙肝感染者,若未得到有效治疗,可能发展为肝癌、肝硬化等终末期肝病并导致死亡。夏宁邵教授团队研究发展了一种新型的B细胞表位嵌合型类病毒颗粒乙肝治疗性疫苗(治疗性蛋白),在多种模型中证实了其对慢性乙肝感染的治疗潜力,为研发治疗慢性乙肝的原创药物提供了新思路。 我校博士后张天英、博士生郭雪染和博士生巫洋涛为该论文共同第一作者,夏宁邵教授、袁权副教授、张军教授为该论文的共同通讯作者。【Abstract】Objective: This study aimed to develop a novel therapeutic vaccine based on a unique B cell epitope and investigate its therapeutic potential against chronic hepatitis B (CHB) in animal models. Methods: A series of peptides and carrier proteins were evaluated in HBV-tolerant mice to obtain an optimized therapeutic molecule. The immunogenicity,therapeutic efficacy and mechanism of the candidate were investigated systematically. Results: Among the HBsAg-aa119-125-containing peptides evaluated in this study, HBsAg-aa113-135 (SEQ13) exhibited the most striking therapeutic effects. A novel immuno-enhanced virus-like particle carrier (CR-T3) derived from the roundleaf bat HBV core antigen (RBHBcAg) was created and used to display SEQ13, forming candidate molecule CR-T3-SEQ13. Multiple copies of SEQ13 displayed on the surface of this particulate antigen promote the induction of a potent anti-HBs antibody response in mice, rabbits and cynomolgus monkeys. Sera and purified polyclonal IgG from the immunized animals neutralized HBV infection in vitro and mediated efficient HBV/HBsAg clearance in the mice. CR-T3-SEQ13-based vaccination induced long-term suppression of HBsAg and HBV DNA in HBV transgenic mice and eradicated the virus completely in hydrodynamic-based HBV carrier mice. The suppressive effects on HBsAg were strongly correlated with the anti-HBs level after vaccination, suggesting that the main mechanism of CR-T3-SEQ13 vaccination therapy was the induction of a SEQ13-specific antibody response that mediated HBV/HBsAg clearance. Conclusions: The novel particulate protein CR-T3-SEQ13 suppressed HBsAg effectively through induction of a humoral immune response in HBV-tolerant mice. This B cell epitope-based therapeutic vaccine may provide a novel immunotherapeutic agent against chronic HBV infection in humans.This work was supported by the National Scientific and Technological Major project (2017ZX10202203-001), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31730029, 81672023, 81871316 and 81702006) and the Xiamen University President Fund Project (20720160063). 该研究获得了“艾滋病和病毒性肝炎等重大传染病防治”科技重大专项、国家自然科学基金等资助

    Genomewide association study of leprosy.

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    BACKGROUND: The narrow host range of Mycobacterium leprae and the fact that it is refractory to growth in culture has limited research on and the biologic understanding of leprosy. Host genetic factors are thought to influence susceptibility to infection as well as disease progression. METHODS: We performed a two-stage genomewide association study by genotyping 706 patients and 1225 controls using the Human610-Quad BeadChip (Illumina). We then tested three independent replication sets for an association between the presence of leprosy and 93 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that were most strongly associated with the disease in the genomewide association study. Together, these replication sets comprised 3254 patients and 5955 controls. We also carried out tests of heterogeneity of the associations (or lack thereof) between these 93 SNPs and disease, stratified according to clinical subtype (multibacillary vs. paucibacillary). RESULTS: We observed a significant association (P<1.00x10(-10)) between SNPs in the genes CCDC122, C13orf31, NOD2, TNFSF15, HLA-DR, and RIPK2 and a trend toward an association (P=5.10x10(-5)) with a SNP in LRRK2. The associations between the SNPs in C13orf31, LRRK2, NOD2, and RIPK2 and multibacillary leprosy were stronger than the associations between these SNPs and paucibacillary leprosy. CONCLUSIONS: Variants of genes in the NOD2-mediated signaling pathway (which regulates the innate immune response) are associated with susceptibility to infection with M. leprae

    Integrated systems for biopolymers and bioenergy production from organic waste and by-products: a review of microbial processes

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