94 research outputs found

    Noticing Musical Becomings: Deleuzian and Guattarian Approaches to Ethnographic Studies of Musicking

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    In this article, we expand conceptually upon approaches in cultural musicology and ethnomusicology that conceive of music in terms of shifting textual signs and performances of cultural meaning.1 Our aim is to propose some new ways of considering music in terms of relational events, doing, and becoming. We ask: what if music does more than symbolically mediate and represent worlds? What if music constantly comes into being and does things as part of intrinsically messy realities that consist of relations between a variety of processes and things: vibrations, sounds, sensations and feelings, human bodies and minds, non–human entities, words and meanings, spaces, movements and materialities, (re)arrangements of social organization and power, and more? How might our conceptions of music, on the one hand, and our methodological stances, on the other, reconfigure if we harness this kind of relational and inherently heterogeneous occurring as a starting point? Our questions are inspired by the process thinking of French philosophers Gilles Deleuze and FĂ©lix Guattari and by the work of latter–day theorists who develop this thinking, such as Rosi Braidotti, Claire Colebrook, Rebecca Coleman, Elizabeth Grosz, and Brian Massumi. Deleuze and Guattari’s work can be regarded as an effort to contest transcendent ways of thinking. Deleuze and Guattari pursue this aim by aspiring to an ontology that is not grounded upon being but upon the processuality or primary dynamism of reality. In his early sole–authored work Difference and Repetition, Deleuze equates being with becoming by stating that identities only emerge from repetition as difference: “Returning is thus the only identity . . . ; the identity of difference, the identical which belongs to the different, or turns around the different” (1994, 41). This to say that things—whether human subjects, philosophical ideas, or musical formations—are not founded on an essence. Their being, or identity, consists in their processual, and thereby inevitably varying, situationally actualizing, open–ended existence. Being is the effect of (the return of) difference rather than difference being the effect of being (see, for e.g., Deleuze 1994, 41, 55). The order between being and becoming gets overturned. Better put, the category of being loses explanatory power and dissolves into becoming. It is, indeed, becoming that will figure and be elaborated as the guiding concept of our theoretical reflections in this article, illuminated by examples drawn from our recent ethnographic work.</p

    Paraneoplastiset neurologiset sairaudet

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    Vertaisarvioitu.Paraneoplastiset neurologiset sairaudet johtuvat syövÀn aiheuttamasta immunologisesta prosessista. MikÀ tahansa hermoston osa saattaa vaurioitua. Diagnoosi ei yleensÀ ole vaikea, jos potilaalla on paraneoplastiselle sairaudelle tyypillinen oirekuva ja kliinikko osaa epÀillÀ sairautta. On tÀrkeÀÀ pÀÀstÀ nopeaan diagnoosiin, koska hoitamattomana sairaus aiheuttaa usein pysyvÀn neurologisen vaurion. Osa potilaista hyötyy immunosuppressiivisista tai immunomodulatorisista hoidoista. Olemassa oleva syöpÀsairaus on kuitenkin jatkuvan immunogeenisuuden lÀhde, ja sen toteaminen ja hoitaminen voivat lopettaa neurologisen oirekuvan etenemisen. Jos oireiston takana olevaa syöpÀsairautta ei löydetÀ eikÀ hoideta, neurologinen oireisto yleensÀ etenee ja saattaa johtaa potilaan menehtymiseen ennen syöpÀsairauden toteamista.Peer reviewe

    Paraneoplastinen neurologinen sairaus syövÀn ensi-ilmentymÀnÀ

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    SyövÀn aiheuttama paraneoplastinen neurologinen sairaus saattaa johtaa potilaan kuolemaan jopa ennen syöpÀsairauden toteamista. Kuvaamme tÀssÀ kaksi potilasta, joilla todettiin vasta-ainepositiivinen limbinen enkefaliitti. Molemmat menehtyivÀt tautiin. EnsimmÀisen potilaan kasvain löytyi vasta ruumiinavauksessa, ja toisen potilaan merkittÀvÀ neurologinen oireisto johti kuolemaan, vaikka syöpÀsairaus aluksi vaikuttikin parantuneelta.publishedVersio

    Early Svecofennian rift-related magmatism: Geochemistry, U-Pb-Hf zircon isotope data and tectonic setting of the Au-hosting UunimÀki gabbro, SW Finland

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    We characterise the geochemistry, zircon Lu-Hf composition, age and the structure of the Uunimaki gabbro (UGB) in south-western Finland to improve the understanding of i) the early Svecofennian (1.92-1.89 Ga) crustal evolution of the central Fennoscandian Shield, ii) the potential role of rift-related magmatism for the build-up of the Paleoproterozoic accretionary orogens and iii) evaluate, which geological features provide the primary control over the localization of an orogenic gold mineralisation. The zircon U-Pb geochronology defines an age of 1891 +/- 5 Ma for the UGB, which is slightly older than most mafic intrusions in south-western Finland. The obtained chondritic initial zircon eHf values with E-MORB type geochemical affinity suggest a sub continental lithospheric mantle source for the UGB. The overall geochemistry indicates that the UGB magma as well as other E-MORB type rocks in the Pirkanmaa and Hame belts were formed in a rift-related environment in a fore-arc region at 1.89 Ga, predated by arc-type magmatism at similar to ~1.90 Ga and back-arc magmatism at similar to ~1.92 Ga in the Tampere belt. Slab retreat due to roll-back is suggested to cause the extension and related magmatism in the forearc region. Moreover, the timing and compositional and isotopic changes of early-orogenic magmatism are broadly compatible with intervals of extension and contraction, i.e., a tectonic switching model, and may provide a perspective to rapid build-up of Paleoproterozoic crust. Structural characterisation provides a framework where gold mineralisations are preferentially located within the high-strain north-eastern domain of the UGB, within fracture networks adjoining the high-strain zones. Our results indicate that neither the geochemical composition nor age of the intermediate-mafic intrusive host rocks play a major role in controlling the formation of gold mineralisation. By contrast, the localization of orogenic gold is controlled by localised structures (shear zones, fractures), and the variation in lithological composition of the intrusive host may contribute to the style of the mineralisation.</p


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    The UunimÀki gabbro was studied by zircon U-Pb geochronology which yielded an age of ~1.89 Ga, making it one of the oldest plutonic rocks in the HÀme Belt. Geochemical analysis of the gabbro reveals that it lacks several characteristics for typical subduction zone rocks: (i) it does not have a negative Ta-Nb anomaly compared to average NMORB-composition, (ii) it shows a rather unfractionated REE pattern, (iii) it lacks clear enrichment of fluid-mobile elements (e.g. Ba, Rb, Th, Pb). Structurally, the UunimÀki gabbro is located at the intersection of several regional features: (i) steep NE-plunging folds, (ii) a ENE-WSW-trending deformation zone immediately to the north and (iii) a large N-S-trending deformation zone to the west. The gabbro itself has been deformed under both brittle and ductile conditions by primarily NW-SE-trending faults and shears.</p


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    Shear zones of various ages and orientations are common in Southern Finland. In the study area, E-W and N-S trending shear zones are the dominant structural feature. Mylonitic foliations were identified from the most intensely sheared rocks. Ductile shearing has mainly been of dip-slip type. Structural mapping revealed several larger map-scale folds, which appear to be relatively continuous across the study area from SE to NW. In the central area, folding interfered with the shear zones causing a complex crustal structure such as associated with the UunimÀki mineralization. Aeromagnetic and lithological maps, field observations, stereographic projections and oriented thin sections were used to determine the structural features of the study area.</p


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    Field work was conducted in the Kullaa area in SW Finland to study the tectonic evolution and structural setting of the gold mineralisations in the area. Our structural data and interpretation recognises the structural complexity associated with the mineralised zone. We suggest that the NE-SW trending faults in association with the second-order structures related to the NW-SE trending Kynsikangas shear zone have controlled the precipitation of the gold-bearing fluids.</p

    Previous radiotherapy improves treatment responses and causes a trend toward longer time to progression among patients with immune checkpoint inhibitor-related adverse events

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    Background: Immune-related adverse events (irAEs) are frequently encountered by patients during immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) treatment and are associated with better treatment outcomes. The sequencing of radiotherapy (RT) and ICIs is widely used in current clinical practice, but its effect on survival has remained unclear. Methods: In a real-world multicenter study including 521 patients who received ICI treatment for metastatic or locally advanced cancer, RT schedules and timing, irAEs, time to progression, overall survival, and treatment responses were retrospectively reviewed. Results: Patients who received previous RT and developed irAE (RT +/AE +) had the best overall response rate (ORR 44.0%). The ORR was 40.1% in the RT −/AE + group, 26.7% in the RT −/AE − group and 18.3% in the RT + /AE − group (p < 0.001). There was a significantly longer time to progression (TTP) in the RT + /AE + group compared to the RT −/AE − and RT + /AE − groups (log rank p = 0.001 and p < 0.001, respectively), but the trend toward longer TTP in the RT + /AE + group did not reach statistical significance in pairwise comparison to that in the RT −/AE + group. Preceding RT timing and intent had no statistically significant effect on TTP. In a multivariate model, ECOG = 0 and occurrence of irAEs remained independent positive prognostic factors for TTP (HR 0.737; 95% CI 0.582–0.935; p = 0.012, and HR 0.620; 95% CI 0.499–0.769; p < 0.001, respectively). Conclusions: Better ORR and a trend toward longer TTP were demonstrated for patients with RT preceding ICI treatment and development of irAEs, which suggests that RT may boost the therapeutic effect of immunotherapy in patients with metastatic cancers.Peer reviewe
