158 research outputs found

    Parameters of walking and jogging in healthy young adults

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    The purposes of this study were to a) investigate the average heart rate (HR), speed, stride length, and stride rate during moderate intensity walking and jogging in healthy young adults, b) cross validate the walking stride length calculation based on 42% of height and c) provide reliability information for measurement of walking and jogging steps, speed, stride length, and stride rate. Participants (N=130) wore two Yamax SW-200 pedometers and a Polar A-1 HR monitor while performing walking and jogging trials. The correlation between estimated (0.71 ± 0.04 m·stride-1) and actual stride length (0.78 ± 0.05 m·stride-1) was moderate (r = .46). However, a significant difference was observed between the two measurements (t(115) = -14.24, p < .001). The reliability results for speed, stride length, and stride rate showed that two or fewer trials were enough to achieve reliable estimates. In conclusion, when instructed to walk at a moderate pace, healthy young adults tend to walk at an average pace that is greater than that recommended for meeting current public health recommendations (80 m·min-1). Similarly, when instructed to jog at a comfortable pace, healthy young adults tend to jog at a speed greater than that corresponding to vigorous intensity physical activity (134 m·min-1). The results of the reliability analysis indicate that in healthy young adults, to measure typical walking and jogging patterns using a pedometer, only two trials for walking and one trial for jogging are necessary to achieve reliable estimates. Stride rate calculations requires the combination of two trials and one pedometer for both walking and jogging

    A Sociedade de Confiança:

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    The Bourgeois Virtues:

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    Análise de Risco em Estações Elevatórias de Abastecimento de Água

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    O presente trabalho descreve e, na medida do possível, justifica, as atividades desenvolvidas pelo seu autor no decorrer do Estágio Curricular que efetuou na Águas do Douro e Paiva (AdDP). Todas estas atividades tiveram como objetivo contribuir para a implementação, na AdDP, da metodologia de Gestão de Ativos preconizada pela Associação Portuguesa de Distribuição e Drenagem de Águas (APDA). Seguidamente serão enumeradas, e muito brevemente caracterizadas, as principais atividades efetuadas, todas elas relativas a Estações Elevatórias de Abastecimento de Água (EEAA): a. Criação de Fichas de Informação (fichas de cadastro e inventário), de acordo com as indicações do Guia APDA. b. Visitas de inspeção às vinte e cinco EEAA da AdDP. Estas inspeções foram efetuadas de acordo com o preconizado nas Fichas de Avaliação do Grupo Águas de Portugal, o que permitiu atribuir, a cada uma das EEAA, uma “nota de inspeção”. c. Análise de Risco de Falha de todas as EEAA da AdDP (entendendo-se por “falha” a não satisfação de critérios de qualidade exigidos aos serviços concessionados à AdDP).This report describes and, as far as possible, justifies the activities developed by the author during the Curricular Internship that he carried out in Águas do Douro e Paiva (AdDP). The goal of these activities was to contribute to the implementation, at AdDP, of the Asset Management methodology recommended by the Portuguese Association of Water Distribution and Drainage (APDA). The main activities carried out, all related to Water Supply Pump Stations, will be listed and are very briefly characterized below: a. Creation of Information Sheets (registration and inventory forms), according to the APDA Guide. b. Inspection visits at ADDP's twenty-five Water Supply Pump Stations. These inspections were carried out in agreement with the recommendations of the Assessment Sheets of Águas de Portugal Group, which enabled each of the EEAA to be assigned an "inspection note". c. Failure Risk Analysis of all Pump Stations (word "failure" is used when the pump station does not meet to the quality criteria required for the services licensed to AdDP)

    Patrons de passades en profunditat: anàlisi observacional dels tornejos sènior de la UEFA i la FIFA

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    L’objectiu d’aquest estudi va ser identificar les variables d’interacció, de comportament i estructurals més freqüents que induïen tres tipus de passades en profunditat que generaven opcions de marcar gols en futbol d’elit. Seguint criteris d’inclusió estrictes (tots i cadascun dels tipus de passades que alteren l’última línia defensiva del contrari), es van seleccionar 134 seqüències d’atac de la UEFA Euro 2016, la FIFA Copa Confederacions 2017 i la FIFA Copa Mundial 2018. Es va utilitzar l’instrument observacional PePas, que integra criteris previs validats, per analitzar les passades en profunditat. A més, es va dur a terme el test z de proporcions per comprovar si les proporcions de comportaments tàctics i tècnics diferien dels altres (α = .05). Els resultats van mostrar que controlar la pilota i córrer amb la pilota van ser els comportaments més freqüents abans de la passada en profunditat curta precedida d’una acció individual i que la passada curta va ser el comportament més freqüent que va precedir la passada en profunditat curta precedida d’una acció col·lectiva. Tots els comportaments tecnicotàctics es van produir en un context d’interacció sense pressió i principalment a les zones centrals del camp. A més, el control de la pilota va ser significativament diferent d’altres categories en la passada en profunditat llarga precedida d’una acció individual. Suggerim que els entrenadors considerin replicar escenaris sense pressió a la defensa i incloure activitats que potenciïn comportaments tecnicotàctics com córrer amb la pilota i un intercanvi ràpid de passades amb un toc o dos.Els autors expressen el seu agraïment al patrocini del subprojecte del Govern d’Espanya Enfocament de mètode mixt en l’anàlisi de rendiment (en entrenament i competició) en l’esport d’elit i acadèmia [PGC2018-098742-B-C33] (2019-2021) [del Ministeri de Ciència, Innovació i Universitats (MCIU), l’Agència Estatal d’Investigació (AEI) i el Fons Europeu de Desenvolupament Regional (FEDER)], que forma part del projecte coordinat New approach of research in physical activity and sport from mixed methods perspective (NARPAS_MM) [SPGC201800X098742CV0

    The Validity Of 7-Site Skinfold Measurements Taken By Exercise Science Students

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 6(1) : 20-28, 2013. Skinfold (SKF) measurement is arguably the most ubiquitous method of estimating percent body fat (%BF) because of cost, ease, and feasibility. However, it is unknown how accurately novice exercise science students measure SKF thickness. Thus, the purpose of this study was to determine the validity with which exercise science students in an Exercise Physiology course measured skinfold thickness and estimated percent body fat (%BF) when compared to a skilled technician. Twenty-three novice undergraduate students were afforded both verbal measurement instruction and visual measurement demonstration and, subsequently, assessed SKF thicknesses of a male and female testee. %BF was calculated using measurements obtained by the skilled technician and students. Comparisons were made between measurements taken by the skilled technician and students using error, absolute error, and one sample t-tests. For the female testee, average error ranged from -0.5 mm to -4.8 mm for the 7-sites, 1.7±15.4 mm for the sum of 7-sites, and -3.7±2.6% for %BF. The average absolute error ranged from 1.2 mm to 4.9 mm for the 7-sites, 23.3±12.7 mm for the sum of 7-sites, and 3.9±2.2% for %BF. For the male testee, average error ranged from 0.0 mm to 0.9 mm for the 7-sites, 2.9±8.5 mm for the sum of 7-sites, and 0.5±1.4% for %BF. The average absolute error ranged from 0.6 mm to 1.1 mm for the 7-sites, 4.8±7.5 mm for the sum of 7-sites, and 0.8±1.2% for BF%. The one sample t-tests revealed no significant differences in the sum of 7-sites and %BF for the male model (p\u3e0.05), but significant differences were found for the female model (p\u3c0.05). From a practical perspective, when novice exercise science students were provided both verbal and visual instructions of SKF measurement technique, students were able to accurately assess %BF of a male testee as compared to the skilled technician. With respect to the female testee, however, students underestimated the sum of the 7 SKF sites by ~ 20 mm when compared to the skilled technician. Additional tutelage and practice may be necessary when teaching SKF measurement of females and/or individuals with higher %BF to novice undergraduate exercise science students