18,408 research outputs found

    Joint Data compression and Computation offloading in Hierarchical Fog-Cloud Systems

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    Data compression has the potential to significantly improve the computation offloading performance in hierarchical fog-cloud systems. However, it remains unknown how to optimally determine the compression ratio jointly with the computation offloading decisions and the resource allocation. This joint optimization problem is studied in the current paper where we aim to minimize the maximum weighted energy and service delay cost (WEDC) of all users. First, we consider a scenario where data compression is performed only at the mobile users. We prove that the optimal offloading decisions have a threshold structure. Moreover, a novel three-step approach employing convexification techniques is developed to optimize the compression ratios and the resource allocation. Then, we address the more general design where data compression is performed at both the mobile users and the fog server. We propose three efficient algorithms to overcome the strong coupling between the offloading decisions and resource allocation. We show that the proposed optimal algorithm for data compression at only the mobile users can reduce the WEDC by a few hundred percent compared to computation offloading strategies that do not leverage data compression or use sub-optimal optimization approaches. Besides, the proposed algorithms for additional data compression at the fog server can further reduce the WEDC

    Spatial Economic Theory of Pollution Control under Stochastic Emissions

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    This paper examines the eectiveness of environmental policies in curtailing pollution of a rm which is operating in a space economy under stochastic emissions. We consider a general n-input planar space production-location model, in which the output is produced jointly with the byproduct pollution. Although production is nonstochastic, the resulting pollution emission is assumed to have a random component, and the polluting rm must make its production and location decisions before the uncertainty is resolved. We provide some propositions concerning the comparative statics of the polluting rm's location choices, urban pollution concentration, and the relative impact of regulation via emission taxes to that of emission standards.location theory, pollution control, emission uncertainty


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    Peran Kepala Sekolah dalam sebuah lembaga pendidikan menjadi salah satu faktor utama menuju jalan keberhasilan. oleh sebab itu kepala sekolah di tuntut untuk mampu mengatur seluruh aspek yang berkaitan dengan tatanan sekolah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran kepala sekolah dalam pembinaan sikap toleransi beragama di SMAN 1 Simpang Kanan Kab. Aceh Singkil. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif,  dengan observasi dan wawancara sebagai teknik pengumpulan data. Subjek penelitiannya adalah kepala sekolah. Data penelitian dianalisis  secara triangulasi menggunakan teori Miles dan Hubberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kepala sekolah telah menjalankan perannya sebagai manager yang memberikan wewenang dan keputusan untuk membuat program harian, bulanan, serta tahunan yang memuat implementasi sikap toleransi beragama. Sebagai Pemimpin kepala sekolah berperan sebagai penasehat, pada setiap upacara bendera dan mengadakan pertemuan rutin yang berkaitan dengan sikap toleransi beragama. sebagai pendidik kepala sekolah berperan menjadi suri tauladan yang baik bagi warga sekolahnya dengan tidak membeda-bedakan perbedaan agama pada warga sekolahnya.Sebagai administatorkepala sekolah berperan membuat kebijakan kepada warga sekolahnya dalam   yang non-muslim untuk tidak memakai jilbab tapi tetap berpakaian rapi dan sopan, serta melibatkan masyarakt untuk bekerja sama menjaga lingkungan yang kondusif.sebagai supervisor kepala sekolah mengawasi dan mengamati warga sekolah sekolahnya agar tidak terjadi sikap tidak saling menghargai perbedaan agama

    Regulatory Stewardship and Intermediation: Lessons from Human Rights Governance

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    The regulator-intermediary-target (RIT) framework exposes the potential for intermediaries to provide alternative channels for capture. In this article, I argue that the risk of capture can be mitigated through what I call regulatory stewardship—a novel conception of regulatory management that involves the intermediaries themselves monitoring the performance of one another. I explore regulatory stewardship by examining a new generation of human rights treaty innovation: the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture (OPCAT) and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). These instruments differentially formalize relations among intermediaries. I use their contrasting experiences to identify three factors central to effective regulatory stewardship: (1) the nature of the task environment; (2) the quality of rule frameworks; and (3) the approaches adopted by potential stewards in practice. This study argues for the importance of regulatory stewardship within RIT arrangements, particularly where targets are strongly motivated to resist implementation
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