671 research outputs found

    Droplet monitoring probe

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    A droplet monitoring system is disclosed for analysis of mixed-phase fluid flow in development of gas turbines. The system uses a probe comprising two electrical wires spaced a known distance apart and connected at one end to means for establishing a dc potential between the wires. A drop in the fluid stream momentarily contacting both wires simultaneously causes and electrical signal which is amplified, detected and counted

    Fundamental Design Principles of Linear Collider Damping Rings, with an Application to CLIC

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    Damping Rings for Linear Colliders have to produce very small normalised emittances at a high repetition rate. A previous paper presented analytical expressions for the equilibrium emittance of an arc cell as a function of the deflection angle per dipole. In addition, an expression for the lattice parameters providing the minimum emittance, and a strategy to stay close to this, were proposed. This analytical approach is extended to the detailed design of Damping Rings, taking into account the straight sections and the damping wigglers. Complete rings, including wiggler and injection insections, were modelled with the MAD [1] program, and their performance was found to be in good agreement with the analytical calculation. With such an approach it is shown that a Damping Ring corresponding to the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) parameters at 0.5 and 1 TeV centre-of-mass energy, and tunable for two different sets of emittance and injection repetition rate, can be designed using the same ring layout

    Peak or sustained antibiotic serum levels for optimal tissue penetration

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    A comparative study of the levels of netilmicin in bronchial secretions after intermittent and during continuous intravenous injections was performed. During the first 2 h, the areas under the drug concentration curves in the bolus injection experiment were greater in serum and in bronchial secretions (206 and 150% respectively) than those associated with the continuous infusion (P<0.001); however, during the 8 h experimental period, the areas under the curves were similar in serum and bronchial secretions with the two modes of administration. The percentages of penetration of netilmicin from the blood to the bronchial lumen were also similar with the two modes of administration (19%). After intramuscular administration of amikacin (7.5 and 12.5 mg/kg twice daily), the peak bronchial secretion levels of the drug were 4.4 and 10.1 mg/l respectively and the trough levels about 1 mg/l. During continuous iv injection of amikacin (7-12 mg/kg/8 h), the drug level in the bronchial secretions was only 2.0 mg/l and the percentage of penetration was 14.9% adequate anti-Pseudomonas activity in bronchial secretions was rarely achieved. It is therefore suggested that intermittent injections of aminoglycosides can result in at least transitory higher bronchial secretion levels than continuous injection: the intermittent schedule of antibiotic administration could therefore be recommended in the treatment of bronchopulmonary infections since it has been suggested that the concentration of antibiotic in bronchial secretions could be important in the outcome of these infection

    Treatment of streptococcal endocarditis with a single daily dose of ceftriaxone sodium for 4 weeks. Efficacy and outpatient treatment feasibility

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    OBJECTIVE--To evaluate the efficacy and safety of ceftriaxone sodium in the treatment of streptococcal endocarditis. DESIGN--An open, multicenter, noncomparative study with a follow-up of patients for 4 months to 5 years. SETTING--Internal medicine wards and outpatient clinics of hospitals of various sizes in three European countries. PATIENTS--Fifty-nine patients with defined criteria for streptococcal endocarditis. INTERVENTION--Ceftriaxone sodium administered at a once-daily dose of 2 g for 4 weeks. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Clinical outcome and microbiological cure rate. RESULTS--Among the 59 patients, 55 completed the treatment and were followed up for 4 months to 5 years. No patients showed evidence of relapse. Treatment was completely uneventful in 42 patients (71%). A cardiac valve was replaced in four patients (7%) receiving antimicrobial therapy and in six patients (10%) who had completed antimicrobial therapy. One of the 10 valves taken for culture at surgery was positive, but only for microorganisms that were different from the microorganism isolated before the treatment. The treatment had to be interrupted in four patients because of drug allergy. Other side effects were mild except for two cases of reversible neutropenia. The treatment was easy to administer: 27 patients (46%) had no permanent intravenous catheter at any time, seven patients (12%) had such a catheter for less than 4 days. Twenty-three patients (39%) were discharged from the hospital less than 2 weeks after admission. CONCLUSIONS.--Ceftriaxone sodium administered at a once-daily dose of 2 g appears to be an effective and safe treatment of streptococcal endocarditis. In hospitals, this agent may be more convenient to administer than penicillin G with or without aminoglycosides. Some patients may even be treated as outpatients

    Isochronous Optics and Related Measurements in EPA

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    The time structure of the CLIC (Compact Linear Collider) drive beam is obtained by the combination of electron bunch trains in rings using RF deflectors [1]. The rings must be isochronous, in order to preserve the bunch length and separation during the combination process (4-5 turns). A first isochronicity test has been performed in the CERN EPA (Electron Positron Accumulator) ring. The calculated isochronous lattice can be obtained by changing the strength of existing quadrupole families without hardware modifications. Measurements of the synchrotron frequency and of the beam's time structure have been made for both the normal and the isochronous lattices. Streak camera measurements of the bunch length have been used to tune the lattice around the isochronous point. The bunch length increases rapidly over a few turns in the normal case, while no appreciable bunch lengthening is observed over 50 turns in the isochronous case. A quantitative evaluation of the momentum compaction is obtained by measuring the bunch separation in a train when close to, and far from, the isochronous condition. Plans for future tests in the EPA ring are also outline

    Final-Focus Schemes for CLIC at 3 TeV

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    We discuss benefits and drawbacks of two different final-focus schemes for CLIC at 3 TeV centre-of-mass (c.m.) energy, by examining tolerances, tunability and potential background for a 3.3-km long baseline final-focus system and a shorter advanced design

    Overview of the CLIC Collimation design

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    The collimation system of the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) should simultaneously fulfill three different functions. It must (1) provide adequate halo collimation to render the detector background acceptable, (2) ensure collimator survival and machine protection against mis-steered beams, and (3) not significantly amplify incoming trajectory fluctuations via the collimator wake fields. We describe the present layout of CLIC post-linac collimation and characterize its potential performance