97 research outputs found

    Em qual região do Brasil os corredores apresentam o melhor desempenho?

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    The increase in the number of running practitioners have being observed in last decades, as well as the number of running events, and the runners’ travelling around the country to take part in these events. The aim of the present study was to identify differences in performance among Brazilian road runners, by region of residence, as well as to investigate if the regions can be considered as predictor of runners’ performance of both sexes. The sample comprised 1158 road runners, of both sexes (39.6% women; 60.4% men), from all Brazilian regions. Data were collected through an online questionnaire, which provided information related to sex, age, body mass (kg), height (m), running volume/week (km), running pace (seg/km), and region of residence. The Kruskal-Wallis test (H), followed by the U-Man Whitney test (U), were computed to identify differences in the running pace between the Brazilian regions, by sex. Following, age-adjusted robust regression analyses was computed, to estimate the association between the region of residence and the performance, considering the South region as the reference one, with p<0.05. Statistically significant differences in the mean running pace were observed between women from the five regions (H=25.52; p <0.001), where those from the South region showed better performance than their peers from the Southeast (U=60.9; p=0.016), North (U=26.7; p=0.027), Midwest (U=25.3; p=0.004), and Northeast (U=93.9; p<0.001) regions. Except for the North region, female runners from the other Brazilian regions showed a decrease in performance when comparing against their peers from the South region. The highest reduction in the performance was observed in those athletes from the Midwest region (b =49.1; IC95%= 20.3 – 77.8). Among male runners, it was found an inverse and significant association between athletes from the Northeast region and the performance, with an increase of ≈17 seconds per kilometre (b=17.1; IC95%= 2.9 – 31.4). Road runners from the Brazilian South region showed the best performance, in both sexes. These results reinforce the relevance of the promotion of events and the supporting of the modality in all the regions.O crescimento no número de praticantes de corrida de rua tem sido evidenciado ao longo das últimas décadas, assim como o número de eventos da modalidade, e a mobilidade de corredores pelo país para participar destes eventos. A proposta do presente estudo foi verificar se há diferenças no desempenho de corredores de rua brasileiros, consoante região de residência, bem como investigar se a região pode ser considerada um preditor de performance em corredores de ambos os sexos. A amostra foi composta por 1158 corredores de rua, de ambos os sexos (39,6% mulheres; 60,4% homens), oriundos de todas as regiões do país. A obtenção dos dados ocorreu a partir do envio de um questionário online, onde foram obtidas informações a respeito do sexo, idade, massa corporal (kg), altura (m), volume de corrida/semana (km), ritmo de corrida (seg/km) e região de residência. Teste Kruskal-Wallis (H), seguido do teste U-man Whitney (U), foram computados para identificar diferenças no ritmo de corrida entre as regiões brasileiras, consoante sexo. Em seguida, realizou-se análise de regressão robusta, com ajuste para a idade, para verificar associação entre a região de residência com a performance, tendo a região Sul como referência, considerando p<0,05. Verificaram-se diferenças significativas na média do ritmo de corrida entre as mulheres das cinco regiões (H=25,52; p <0,001), sendo que aquelas oriundas da região Sul apresentaram melhor desempenho do que seus pares das regiões Sudeste (U=60,9; p=0,016), Norte (U=26,7; p=0,027), Centro-Oeste (U=25,3; p=0,004), Nordeste (U=93,9; p<0,001).  Exceção para a região Norte, corredoras residentes em outras regiões do país experimentam redução da performance comparativamente às da região Sul. A maior redução na performance foi verificada para atletas residentes na região centro-oeste (b=49,1; IC95%= 20,3 – 77,8). Para o sexo masculino, verificou-se associação significativa e inversa entre atletas residentes na região Nordeste e o desempenho, com aumento de ≈17 segundos por quilômetro (b=17,1; IC95%= 2,9 – 31,4). Corredores de rua residentes na região Sul do país apresentaram performance superior a seus pares, para ambos os sexos. Tais resultados podem reforçar a importância da realização de eventos e existência de apoio à modalidade nas demais regiões

    Is there stability in the performance of elite half-marathoners?

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the performance stability of elite half-marathoners of both sexes. The study was composed of 24 elite athletes (12 female and 12 male), ranked among the Senior World TOP20 half-marathoners, who completed a half-marathon race for at least three consecutive years. Tracking was tested using autocorrelations and Kappa Cohen. Autocorrelation revealed a significant association, but a decrease in correlation among the years in both sexes. The overall weighted kappa showed lower stability in performance for both sexes (K ​= ​0.191 and K ​= ​-0.245) than for males. These findings suggest that both female and male elite half-marathoners showed low stability in performance during three events. Besides that, athletes with a better performance tended to present the highest performance stability. It is recommended that coaches track the developmental trajectories of the athletes to comprised the changes in performance across the years, as to provide environmental characteristics that can influence performance. Keywords: Elite athletes; Endurance; Running; Trackin

    The Matthew Effect in Running: An Analysis of Elite Endurance Athletes Over 23 Years

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    Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate the frequency of countries represented in the TOP20 long-distance elite runners ranking during 1997–2020, taking into account the countries’ Human Development Index (HDI), and to verify if the Matthew effect can be observed regarding countries’ representativeness in the raking alongside the years. Methods The sample comprised 1852 professional runner athletes, ranked in the Senior World TOP20 half-marathon (403 female and 487 male) and marathon (480 female and 482 male) races, between the years 1997–2020. Information about the countries’ HDI was included, and categorized as “low HDI”, “medium HDI”, “high HDI”, and “very-high HDI”. Athletes were categorized according to their ranking positions (1st–3rd; 4th–10th; > 10th), and the number of athletes per country/year was summed and categorized as “total number of athletes 1997–2000”; “total number of athletes 2001–2010”; and “total number of athletes 2011–2020”. The Chi-square test and Spearman correlation were used to verify potential associations and relationships between variables. Results Most of the athletes were from countries with medium HDI, followed by low HDI and very-high HDI. Chi-square test results showed significant differences among females (χ2 = 15.52; P = 0.017) and males (χ2 = 9.03; P = 0.014), in half-marathon and marathon, respectively. No significant association was verified between HDI and the total number of athletes, but the association was found for the number of athletes alongside the years (1997–2000 to 2001–2010: r = 0.60; P < 0.001; 2001–2010 to –2011–2020: r = 0.29; P < 0.001). Conclusion Most of the athletes were from countries with medium HDI, followed by those with low HDI and very-high HDI. The Matthew effect was observed, but a generalization of the results should not be done

    Local de nascimento dos atletas brasileiros de Tóquio 2020 e variáveis dos estados relacionados a chance de ser medalhista

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    The purpose of this study was to describe the birthplace of Brazilian Tokyo 2020 Olympic athletes, and to investigate the states-related variables associated with winning an Olympic medal. Data were collected based on the Brazilian Olympic Committee official list of athletes competing at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games and from ESTADIC research (2016) and Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). Binary Logistic Regression was used with the purpose to estimate the chances of the states have athletes who won an Olympic medal. All the analysis was performed in JAMOVA, considering p&lt;0.05. Sample comprised 303 athletes, from the five Brazilian regions. The model comparisons indicated that the second model was the best to explain the chances of the state have an athlete who won an Olympic medal (Model 2 versus Model 1: c² = 21.41; p&lt;0.001; Model 3 versus Model 2: c² = 2.77; p = 0.429). So, age (OR= 0.91; CI95% = -0.15 – -0.2) and to be part in team sports (OR= 4.36; CI95% = 0.80 – 2.15) are associated with chances to winning an Olympic medal. The most of Brazilian Olympic athletes in Tokyo 2020 were born in Southeast region, especially in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro states. The best model to explain associations with chances to winning a medal was composed to meso-level variables, and it was not found significant association between the macro-level characteristics investigated with the chances to be a medalist.El objetivo de este estudio fue describir el lugar de nacimiento de los atletas olímpicos brasileños en Tokio 2020 e investigar las variables de los estados asociados con la obtención de medalla olímpica. Los datos se recopilaron con base en la lista oficial del Comité Olímpico Brasileño, la encuesta ESTADIC (2016) y del Instituto Brasileño de Geografía y Estadística (IBGE). Regresión logística binaria fue utilizado para estimar las posibilidades de que los estados tengan atletas medallista olímpico. Los análisis se realizaron con el software JAMOVA, considerando p&lt;0.05. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 303 deportistas, de las cinco regiones brasileñas, distribuidos en 21 estados y el Distrito Federal. El segundo modelo fue lo que mejor explicó las posibilidades de que el estado tenga medallista olímpico (Modelo 2 versus Modelo 1: c²=21,41; p&lt;0,001; Modelo 3 versus Modelo 2: c²=2,77; p=0,429). Así, la edad (OR=0,91; IC del 95%=-0,15 - -0,2) y la práctica de deportes de equipo (OR=4,36; IC del 95%=0,80 - 2,15) se asocian con las posibilidades de ganar medalla olímpica. La mayoría de los deportistas brasileños en Tokio 2020 nacieron en la región Sudeste, principalmente en los estados de São Paulo y Río de Janeiro. El mejor modelo para explicar las asociaciones con las posibilidades de ser medallista se fue composto de variables de nivel meso, y no se encontró asociación significativa entre las características de nivel macro investigadas y las posibilidades de ser medallista.O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever o local de nascimento dos atletas olímpicos brasileiros de Tóquio 2020 e investigar as variáveis ??dos estados associadas à conquista de medalha olímpica. Os dados foram obtidos a partir da lista oficial do Comitê Olímpico Brasileiro de atletas selecionados para os Jogos Olímpicos de Tóquio 2020, através da pesquisa ESTADIC (2016) e Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE). Regressão Logística Binária foi utilizada para estimar as chances de os estados terem atletas que conquistaram medalha olímpica. As análises foram realizadas no Software JAMOVA, considerando p&lt;0,05. A amostra foi composta por 303 atletas, das cinco regiões brasileiras. O segundo modelo foi o que melhor explicou as chances de o estado ter um atleta medalhista olímpico (Modelo 2 versus Modelo 1: c² = 21,41; p &lt;0,001; Modelo 3 versus Modelo 2: c² = 2,77; p = 0,429). Assim, idade (OR = 0,91; IC95% = -0,15 - -0,2) e prática de esportes coletivos (OR = 4,36; IC95% = 0,80 – 2,15) foram associados às chances de conquista de medalha olímpica. A maioria dos atletas brasileiros em Tóquio 2020 nasceram na região Sudeste, principalmente nos estados de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro. O melhor modelo para explicar as associações com chances de ser medalhista foi composto por variáveis ??de nível meso, e não foi encontrada associação significativa entre características de nível macro investigadas com chances de ser medalhista olímpico

    Physical (in)activity, and its predictors, among Brazilian adolescents: a multilevel analysis

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    Background: Physical activity is a multifactorial trait, determined by both individual and environmental characteristics, it seems relevant to understand the determinants related to youth guidelines accomplishment. The present study aimed to verify the differences between the Brazilian federative units regarding to the prevalence of youth physical activity guidelines accomplishment and to investigate the determinants related to the inter-individual differences in this accomplishment. Methods: Sample comes from the 2015 Brazilian National School Health Survey (PeNSE), comprising 99,570 adolescents (51,527 girls, 13-17y), enrolled in 3039 schools. Adolescents reported the time they spend in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity daily, and they were categorized as active or inactive, if the guidelines were achieved, or not, respectively, and multilevel statistical analyses were used, including both child and school-level variables. Multilevel Binomial model was computed in the SuperMix software. Results: The majority of the adolescents did not comply with the physical activity guidelines daily, where Bahian children complied the least, while those from Amazonas, Tocantins, and Mato Grosso do Sul complied the most. Boys (OR: 2.305; 95%CI: 2.277-2.334), older adolescents (OR: 1.044; 95%CI: 1.036-1.051), and those who spent more time in active travelling to/from school (OR: 1.001; 95%CI: 1.001-1.001) complied more the physical activity guidelines. At the school level, adolescents from larger schools (OR: 0.957; 95%CI: 0.928-0.986) tended to comply less with the guidelines. Conclusion: Significant differences between Brazilian federative units in youth daily physical activity guidelines compliance were observed, highlighting the role of individual but also environmental constraints in the Brazilian adolescents' engagement in physical activity. Keywords: Adolescents; Guidelines compliance; Physical activity; School

    Exercise-Associated Hyponatremia in Marathon Runners

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    Exercise-associated hyponatremia (EAH) was first described as water intoxication by Noakes et al. in 1985 and has become an important topic linked to several pathological conditions. However, despite progressive research, neurological disorders and even deaths due to hyponatremic encephalopathy continue to occur. Therefore, and due to the growing popularity of exercise-associated hyponatremia, this topic is of great importance for marathon runners and all professionals involved in runners’ training (e.g., coaches, medical staff, nutritionists, and trainers). The present narrative review sought to evaluate the prevalence of EAH among marathon runners and to identify associated etiological and risk factors. Furthermore, the aim was to derive preventive and therapeutic action plans for marathon runners based on current evidence. The search was conducted on PubMed, Scopus and Google Scholar using a predefined search algorithm by aggregating multiple terms (marathon run; exercise; sport; EAH; electrolyte disorder; fluid balance; dehydration; sodium concentration; hyponatremia). By this criterion, 135 articles were considered for the present study. Our results revealed that a complex interaction of different factors could cause EAH, which can be differentiated into event-related (high temperatures) and person-related (female sex) risk factors. There is variation in the reported prevalence of EAH, and two major studies indicated an incidence ranging from 7 to 15% for symptomatic and asymptomatic EAH. Athletes and coaches must be aware of EAH and its related problems and take appropriate measures for both training and competition. Coaches need to educate their athletes about the early symptoms of EAH to intervene at the earliest possible stage. In addition, individual hydration strategies need to be developed for the daily training routine, ideally in regard to sweat rate and salt losses via sweat. Future studies need to investigate the correlation between the risk factors of EAH and specific subgroups of marathon runners

    Cycling is the most important predictive split discipline in professional Ironman® 70.3 triathletes

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    Introduction: Our study examined 16,611 records of professional triathletes from 163 Ironman® 70.3 races across 97 countries (2004-2020). The aim was to identify the most predictive discipline—swim, bike, or run—for overall race time. Methods: We used correlation matrices to compare the dependent variable “finish time” with independent variables “swim time,” “bike time,” and “run time.” This analysis was conducted separately for male and female athletes. Additionally, univariate and multiple linear regression models assessed the strength of these associations. Results: The results indicated that “bike time” had the strongest correlation with finish time (0.85), followed by “run time” (0.75 for females, 0.82 for males) and “swim time” (0.46 for females, 0.63 for males). Regression models confirmed “bike time” as the strongest predictor of overall race time (R² = 0.8), with “run time” and “swim time” being less predictive. Discussion. The study concludes that in Ironman 70.3 races, “bike time” is the most significant predictor of overall race performance for both sexes, suggesting a focus on cycling in training and competition strategies. It also highlights a smaller performance gap between genders in swimming than in cycling or running

    The frequency and performance trends of European countries in the U18 and U20 rankings for 1500 m and 3000 m between 2009-2020

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    We purpose to determine the nationality of the European middle-distance athletes under 18 years (U18) and under 20 years (U20) during the last decade, to verify the participation trend for each country, and to assess whether the place of competition can be associated with the athletes ranking position. The sample comprised 902 European male runners, ranked among the best finishers from 2009 to 2020. The athletes were divided into two categories (nU18_{U18} ​= ​266; and nU20_{U20} ​= ​636) of two distances (n1500 ​m_{1 500 ​m} ​= ​397; n3000 ​m_{3 000 ​m} ​= ​505). The Mantel test was used for participation trend and the Chi-square test (χ2^{2}) was used to verify differences between the ranking position and the place of competition. For both distances, the highest number of athletes were from Spain (n = 127), followed by Turkey (n = 62) and Great Britain (n = 50). No significant trends were shown for most of the countries, in both distances. A positive trend was shown for Slovenia (i.e., 3000 ​m) over the years. A non-significant association was verified between the countries and the ranking position, as non-significant differences were proved for the place of competition. This information may be useful to guide athlete development programs in each country

    Relationship between running performance and weather in elite marathoners competing in the New York City Marathon

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    It is well known that weather and pacing have an influence on elite marathon performance. However, there is limited knowledge about the effect of weather on running speed in elite marathoners. The aim of the present cross-sectional study was to investigate potential associations between running speed and weather variables in elite runners competing in the ‘New York City Marathon’ between 1999 and 2019. Data from all official female and male finishers with name, sex, age, calendar year, split times at 5 km, 10 km, 15 km, 20 km, 25 km, 30 km, 35 km, 40 km and finish and hourly values for temperature (°Celsius), barometric pressure (hPa), humidity (%) and sunshine duration (min) between 09:00 a.m. and 04:00 p.m. were obtained from official websites. A total of 560,731 marathon runners' records were available for analysis (342,799 men and 217,932 women). Pearson and Spearman correlation analyses were performed between the average running speed and the weather variables (temperature, pressure, humidity and sunshine). Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regressions were also performed. The runner´s records were classified into four performance groups (all runners, top 100, top 10 and top 3) for comparison. Differences in running speed between the four performance groups were statistically significant (p < 0.05) for both men and women. Pearson (linear) correlation indicated a weak and positive association with humidity in the top 10 (r = 0.16) and top 3 (r = 0.13) performance groups that the running speed of the elite runners was positively correlated with humidity. Regarding sunshine duration, there was a weak and positive correlation with the running speed of the elite groups (r = 0.16 in the top 10 and r = 0.2 in the top 3). Spearman correlation (non-linear) identified a weak but negative correlation coefficient with temperature in all runners’ groups. Also, non-linear positive correlation coefficients with humidity and sunshine can be observed in the Spearman matrixes. A Multivariate Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression analysis showed no predictive power of weather factors. For elite runners competing in the ‘New York City Marathon’ between 1999 and 2019, the main findings were that elite runners became faster with increasing humidity and sunshine duration while overall runners became slower with increasing temperature, increasing humidity and sunshine duration. Weather factors affected running speed and results but did not provide a significant predictive influence on performance

    Ultra-Cycling- Past, Present, Future: A Narrative Review

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    BACKGROUND Ultra-endurance events are gaining popularity in multiple exercise disciplines, including cycling. With increasing numbers of ultra-cycling events, aspects influencing participation and performance are of interest to the cycling community. MAIN BODY The aim of this narrative review was, therefore, to assess the types of races offered, the characteristics of the cyclists, the fluid and energy balance during the race, the body mass changes after the race, and the parameters that may enhance performance based on existing literature. A literature search was conducted in PubMed, Scopus, and Google Scholar using the search terms 'ultracycling', 'ultra cycling', 'ultra-cycling', 'ultra-endurance biking', 'ultra-bikers' and 'prolonged cycling'. The search yielded 948 results, of which 111 were relevant for this review. The studies were classified according to their research focus and the results were summarized. The results demonstrated changes in physiological parameters, immunological and oxidative processes, as well as in fluid and energy balance. While the individual race with the most published studies was the Race Across America, most races were conducted in Europe, and a trend for an increase in European participants in international races was observed. Performance seems to be affected by characteristics such as age and sex but not by anthropometric parameters such as skin fold thickness. The optimum age for the top performance was around 40 years. Most participants in ultra-cycling events were male, but the number of female athletes has been increasing over the past years. Female athletes are understudied due to their later entry and less prominent participation in ultra-cycling races. A post-race energy deficit after ultra-cycling events was observed. CONCLUSION Future studies need to investigate the causes for the observed optimum race age around 40 years of age as well as the optimum nutritional supply to close the observed energy gap under consideration of the individual race lengths and conditions. Another research gap to be filled by future studies is the development of strategies to tackle inflammatory processes during the race that may persist in the post-race period