5 research outputs found

    Pharmacokinetics of a long-acting subcutaneous eprinomectin injection in semi-domesticated reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) - a pilot study

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    Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus) are exposed to the pathogenic parasitic nematode Elaphostrongylus rangiferi during grazing. The severity of disease is dose-dependent. Prophylactic anthelmintic treatment is needed to improve animal health and reindeer herding sustainability. Herds are traditionally only gathered once during the summer, requiring a drug with a persistent effect. In this study we investigated the suitability of long-acting eprinomectin, given as a single subcutaneous injection at 1mg/kg bodyweight in adult reindeer and calves. Plasma and faeces concentrations were determined using ultra-high performance liquid chromatography high resolution mass spectrometry (UHPLC-HRMS). Plasma concentrations remained above the presumed effect level of 2ng/mL for 80 days, demonstrating the drug's potential. Pharmacokinetic parameters were compared to other species using allometric scaling. Calves and adults had slightly different profiles. No viable faecal nematode eggs were detected during treatment. Eprinomectin was measurable in the reindeer faeces up to 100 days, which is of environmental concern

    No evidence of optimal foraging in chick-raising black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) in the Southern Barents Sea

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    The black-legged kittiwake (Rissa Tridactyla) situation is getting more serious as the population numbers have declined over the last decades, and this well-known species is now considered endangered (EN) in the Norwegian redlist 2010. This study investigates the differences between adult and chick diet considering prey selection to be an important point. Earlier chick diet has been considered a proxy for adult diet, but the optimal-foraging theory suggests that this may not be accurate. Knowing the composition of both adult and chick diet is important for further preservation of the species. Studies of differences between self-feeding and chick provisioning have been carried out on several occasions, and the theory has been confirmed in several species such as the common guillemot (Uria aalge) and cape petrel (Daption capense), but never in kittiwakes. The water offloading method was used to sample stomach samples that were compared to regurgitated samples that indicate chick diet. Differences in diet were based on frequency of occurrence, and differences in total fish length of prey animals. Knowing the true diet of adult kittiwakes has important implications on how to manage the Norwegian populations. This study showed no signs of optimal foraging for kittiwakes during the 2012 breeding season. The main prey for both adults and chicks was capelin

    No evidence of optimal foraging in chick-raising black-legged kittiwakes (Rissa tridactyla) in the Southern Barents Sea

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    The black-legged kittiwake (Rissa Tridactyla) situation is getting more serious as the population numbers have declined over the last decades, and this well-known species is now considered endangered (EN) in the Norwegian redlist 2010. This study investigates the differences between adult and chick diet considering prey selection to be an important point. Earlier chick diet has been considered a proxy for adult diet, but the optimal-foraging theory suggests that this may not be accurate. Knowing the composition of both adult and chick diet is important for further preservation of the species. Studies of differences between self-feeding and chick provisioning have been carried out on several occasions, and the theory has been confirmed in several species such as the common guillemot (Uria aalge) and cape petrel (Daption capense), but never in kittiwakes. The water offloading method was used to sample stomach samples that were compared to regurgitated samples that indicate chick diet. Differences in diet were based on frequency of occurrence, and differences in total fish length of prey animals. Knowing the true diet of adult kittiwakes has important implications on how to manage the Norwegian populations. This study showed no signs of optimal foraging for kittiwakes during the 2012 breeding season. The main prey for both adults and chicks was capelin

    Hverdagsmestring i skolen

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    Sammendrag Tittel: Hverdagsmestring i skolen Problemstilling: Hvilke faktorer fører til en meningsfull hverdag i skole for unge voksne og hvordan kan frafall forebygges. Bakgrunn: Frafall i skolen er et samfunnsproblem hvor det ikke er en klar løsning på hvordan man forhindrer frafall blant unge voksne i skolen. Ergoterapeuter tilbyr et unikt perspektiv på aktivitet, hverdag og deltakelse. Dette unike perspektivet gjør at vi ser det som hensiktsmessig å undersøke om ergoterapeuter burde settes inn i skolesystemet. I denne oppgaven ønsker vi å undersøke årsaker til frafall, samt forebyggende tiltak for å forhindre frafall i skolen. Videre vil vi forsøke å finne tiltak som kan bidra til å gi unge voksne en følelse av mening i deres skolehverdag. Metode: Oppgaven presenterer resultater fra et systematisk litteratursøk i tråd med Scoping Review, for å finne et svar på problemstillingen. I tillegg har det blitt gjennomført intervjuer med ungdomsveiledere fra NAV og unge voksne i Norge. Denne oppgaven er en kvalitativ studie basert på teoretiske ideer, en rapport, seks forskningsartikler og intervjuer gjort med ungdomsveiledere og unge voksne. Resultat: Resultatene fra litteratursøket ble delt inn i 3 kategorier; Sosiale omgivelser, aktivitetstilbud og personlige faktorer. Kategorien sosiale omgivelser tar for seg sosiale relasjoner til eleven og den sosioøkonomiske statusen til familien. Videre tar kategorien aktivitetstilbud for seg viktigheten av tilrettelegging av aktiviteter i skolehverdagen og informasjon om studieretninger i forkant av valg av studieretning. Til slutt ser personlige faktorer på selvtillit, motivasjon, og mestring i aktiviteter som en grunnmur for å opprettholde psykiske helse hos elevene. Resultatene fra intervjuene ble delt inn i andre kategorier på bakgrunn av svarene som ble gitt. Konklusjon: Årsakene for frafall i skolen er sammensatte. Med bakgrunn i dette ser vi at individuell tilrettelegging er hensiktsmessig for å hidnre frafall i skolen. Videre er viser noen faktorer seg å være mer vanlige enn andre, eksempelvis; sosiale relasjoner, psykisk helse og dårlig tilrettelegging fra skolen sin side. Vi foreslår at et økt aktivitetsfokus i skolen ville være hensiktsmessig, i tillegg til nyskapende tenkning, både i forhold til skolesystemet og tilrettelegging for deltakelse. Til slutt ser vi det som viktig at ergoterapeuter blir en del av skolesystemet på bakgrunn av det unike aktivitetsperspektivet. Nøkkelord: Frafall, utdanning, hverdag, ungdom, unge voksne og ergoterap

    Black-legged Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla adults and chicks share the same diet in the southern Barents Sea

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    The Black-legged Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla population is declining throughout its North Atlantic range. In Norway, the species is classified as Endangered on the Norwegian Red List. Studies of diet are one important requirement for effective management of any species. Because it is easier to sample, chick diet has often been considered a proxy for adult diet in many seabird studies, but the optimal-foraging theory predicts that this may not be accurate. This study found, however, contrary to the theory, no significant differences in either prey composition or prey size in the diets of adult kittiwakes and their chicks in a north Norwegian colony during the 2012 breeding season. The main prey for both adults and chicks was capelin Mallotus villosus. Fewer samples were obtained from birds without chicks than from birds with chicks; this was considered to be a consequence of the former digesting their meals at sea before returning to the colony. Differences in diet of surface feeders can, however, be both seasonal and geographically dependent, and a similar study on kittiwakes in a different location or in a different breeding season may show a quality difference in diet between adults and chicks