770 research outputs found

    Linear-Space Approximate Distance Oracles for Planar, Bounded-Genus, and Minor-Free Graphs

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    A (1 + eps)-approximate distance oracle for a graph is a data structure that supports approximate point-to-point shortest-path-distance queries. The most relevant measures for a distance-oracle construction are: space, query time, and preprocessing time. There are strong distance-oracle constructions known for planar graphs (Thorup, JACM'04) and, subsequently, minor-excluded graphs (Abraham and Gavoille, PODC'06). However, these require Omega(eps^{-1} n lg n) space for n-node graphs. We argue that a very low space requirement is essential. Since modern computer architectures involve hierarchical memory (caches, primary memory, secondary memory), a high memory requirement in effect may greatly increase the actual running time. Moreover, we would like data structures that can be deployed on small mobile devices, such as handhelds, which have relatively small primary memory. In this paper, for planar graphs, bounded-genus graphs, and minor-excluded graphs we give distance-oracle constructions that require only O(n) space. The big O hides only a fixed constant, independent of \epsilon and independent of genus or size of an excluded minor. The preprocessing times for our distance oracle are also faster than those for the previously known constructions. For planar graphs, the preprocessing time is O(n lg^2 n). However, our constructions have slower query times. For planar graphs, the query time is O(eps^{-2} lg^2 n). For our linear-space results, we can in fact ensure, for any delta > 0, that the space required is only 1 + delta times the space required just to represent the graph itself

    Effects of vertical distribution of soil inorganic nitrogen on root growth and subsequent nitrogen uptake by field vegetable crops

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    Information is needed about root growth and N uptake of crops under different soil conditions to increase nitrogen use efficiency in horticultural production. The purpose of this study was to investigate if differences in vertical distribution of soil nitrogen (Ninorg) affected root growth and N uptake of a variety of horticultural crops. Two field experiments were performed each over 2 years with shallow or deep placement of soil Ninorg obtained by management of cover crops. Vegetable crops of leek, potato, Chinese cabbage, beetroot, summer squash and white cabbage reached root depths of 0.5, 0.7, 1.3, 1.9, 1.9 and more than 2.4 m, respectively, at harvest, and showed rates of root depth penetration from 0.2 to 1.5 mm day)1 C)1. Shallow placement of soil Ninorg resulted in greater N uptake in the shallow-rooted leek and potato. Deep placement of soil Ninorg resulted in greater rates of root depth penetration in the deep-rooted Chinese cabbage, summer squash and white cabbage, which increased their depth by 0.2–0.4 m. The root frequency was decreased in shallow soil layers (white cabbage) and increased in deep soil layers (Chinese cabbage, summer squash and white cabbage). The influence of vertical distribution of soil Ninorg on root distribution and capacity for depletion of soil Ninorg was much less than the effect of inherent differences between species. Thus, knowledge about differences in root growth between species should be used when designing crop rotations with high N use efficiency

    Modelling diverse root density dynamics and deep nitrogen uptake — a simple approach

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    We present a 2-D model for simulation of root density and plant nitrogen (N) uptake for crops grown in agricultural systems, based on a modification of the root density equation originally proposed by Gerwitz and Page in J Appl Ecol 11:773–781, (1974). A root system form parameter was introduced to describe the distribution of root length vertically and horizontally in the soil profile. The form parameter can vary from 0 where root density is evenly distributed through the soil profile, to 8 where practically all roots are found near the surface. The root model has other components describing root features, such as specific root length and plant N uptake kinetics. The same approach is used to distribute root length horizontally, allowing simulation of root growth and plant N uptake in row crops. The rooting depth penetration rate and depth distribution of root density were found to be the most important parameters controlling crop N uptake from deeper soil layers. The validity of the root distribution model was tested with field data for white cabbage, red beet, and leek. The model was able to simulate very different root distributions, but it was not able to simulate increasing root density with depth as seen in the experimental results for white cabbage. The model was able to simulate N depletion in different soil layers in two field studies. One included vegetable crops with very different rooting depths and the other compared effects of spring wheat and winter wheat. In both experiments variation in spring soil N availability and depth distribution was varied by the use of cover crops. This shows the model sensitivity to the form parameter value and the ability of the model to reproduce N depletion in soil layers. This work shows that the relatively simple root model developed, driven by degree days and simulated crop growth, can be used to simulate crop soil N uptake and depletion appropriately in low N input crop production systems, with a requirement of few measured parameters

    Dynamic Approximate All-Pairs Shortest Paths: Breaking the O(mn) Barrier and Derandomization

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    We study dynamic (1+ϵ)(1+\epsilon)-approximation algorithms for the all-pairs shortest paths problem in unweighted undirected nn-node mm-edge graphs under edge deletions. The fastest algorithm for this problem is a randomized algorithm with a total update time of O~(mn/ϵ)\tilde O(mn/\epsilon) and constant query time by Roditty and Zwick [FOCS 2004]. The fastest deterministic algorithm is from a 1981 paper by Even and Shiloach [JACM 1981]; it has a total update time of O(mn2)O(mn^2) and constant query time. We improve these results as follows: (1) We present an algorithm with a total update time of O~(n5/2/ϵ)\tilde O(n^{5/2}/\epsilon) and constant query time that has an additive error of 22 in addition to the 1+ϵ1+\epsilon multiplicative error. This beats the previous O~(mn/ϵ)\tilde O(mn/\epsilon) time when m=Ω(n3/2)m=\Omega(n^{3/2}). Note that the additive error is unavoidable since, even in the static case, an O(n3δ)O(n^{3-\delta})-time (a so-called truly subcubic) combinatorial algorithm with 1+ϵ1+\epsilon multiplicative error cannot have an additive error less than 2ϵ2-\epsilon, unless we make a major breakthrough for Boolean matrix multiplication [Dor et al. FOCS 1996] and many other long-standing problems [Vassilevska Williams and Williams FOCS 2010]. The algorithm can also be turned into a (2+ϵ)(2+\epsilon)-approximation algorithm (without an additive error) with the same time guarantees, improving the recent (3+ϵ)(3+\epsilon)-approximation algorithm with O~(n5/2+O(log(1/ϵ)/logn))\tilde O(n^{5/2+O(\sqrt{\log{(1/\epsilon)}/\log n})}) running time of Bernstein and Roditty [SODA 2011] in terms of both approximation and time guarantees. (2) We present a deterministic algorithm with a total update time of O~(mn/ϵ)\tilde O(mn/\epsilon) and a query time of O(loglogn)O(\log\log n). The algorithm has a multiplicative error of 1+ϵ1+\epsilon and gives the first improved deterministic algorithm since 1981. It also answers an open question raised by Bernstein [STOC 2013].Comment: A preliminary version was presented at the 2013 IEEE 54th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS 2013

    Electric routing and concurrent flow cutting

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    We investigate an oblivious routing scheme, amenable to distributed computation and resilient to graph changes, based on electrical flow. Our main technical contribution is a new rounding method which we use to obtain a bound on the L1->L1 operator norm of the inverse graph Laplacian. We show how this norm reflects both latency and congestion of electric routing.Comment: 21 pages, 0 figures. To be published in Springer LNCS Book No. 5878, Proceedings of The 20th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC'09

    Catch Crops in Organic Farming Systems without Livestock Husbandry - Model Simulations

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    During the last years, an increasing number of stockless farms in Europe converted to organic farming practice without re-establishing a livestock. Due to the lack of animal manure as a nutrient input, the relocation and the external input of nutrients is limited in those organic cropping systems. The introduction of a one-year green manure fallow in a 4-year crop rotation, including clover-grass mixtures as a green manure crop is the classical strategy to solve at least some of the problems related to the missing livestock. The development of new crop rotations, including an extended use of catch crops and annual green manure (legumes) may be another possibility avoiding the economical loss during the fallow year. Modelling of the C and N turnover in the soil-plant-atmosphere system using the soil-plant-atmosphere model DAISY is one of the tools used for the development of new organic crop rotations. In this paper, we will present simulations based on a field experiment with incorporation of different catch crops. An important factor for the development of new crop rotations for stockless organic farming systems is the expected N mineralisation and immobilisation after incorporation of the plant materials. Therefore, special emphasise will be put on the simulation of N-mineralisation/-immobilisation and of soil microbial biomass N. Furthermore, particulate organic matter C and N as an indicator of remaining plant material under decomposition will be investigated

    Sparse Fault-Tolerant BFS Trees

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    This paper addresses the problem of designing a sparse {\em fault-tolerant} BFS tree, or {\em FT-BFS tree} for short, namely, a sparse subgraph TT of the given network GG such that subsequent to the failure of a single edge or vertex, the surviving part TT' of TT still contains a BFS spanning tree for (the surviving part of) GG. Our main results are as follows. We present an algorithm that for every nn-vertex graph GG and source node ss constructs a (single edge failure) FT-BFS tree rooted at ss with O(n \cdot \min\{\Depth(s), \sqrt{n}\}) edges, where \Depth(s) is the depth of the BFS tree rooted at ss. This result is complemented by a matching lower bound, showing that there exist nn-vertex graphs with a source node ss for which any edge (or vertex) FT-BFS tree rooted at ss has Ω(n3/2)\Omega(n^{3/2}) edges. We then consider {\em fault-tolerant multi-source BFS trees}, or {\em FT-MBFS trees} for short, aiming to provide (following a failure) a BFS tree rooted at each source sSs\in S for some subset of sources SVS\subseteq V. Again, tight bounds are provided, showing that there exists a poly-time algorithm that for every nn-vertex graph and source set SVS \subseteq V of size σ\sigma constructs a (single failure) FT-MBFS tree T(S)T^*(S) from each source siSs_i \in S, with O(σn3/2)O(\sqrt{\sigma} \cdot n^{3/2}) edges, and on the other hand there exist nn-vertex graphs with source sets SVS \subseteq V of cardinality σ\sigma, on which any FT-MBFS tree from SS has Ω(σn3/2)\Omega(\sqrt{\sigma}\cdot n^{3/2}) edges. Finally, we propose an O(logn)O(\log n) approximation algorithm for constructing FT-BFS and FT-MBFS structures. The latter is complemented by a hardness result stating that there exists no Ω(logn)\Omega(\log n) approximation algorithm for these problems under standard complexity assumptions

    One Table to Count Them All: Parallel Frequency Estimation on Single-Board Computers

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    Sketches are probabilistic data structures that can provide approximate results within mathematically proven error bounds while using orders of magnitude less memory than traditional approaches. They are tailored for streaming data analysis on architectures even with limited memory such as single-board computers that are widely exploited for IoT and edge computing. Since these devices offer multiple cores, with efficient parallel sketching schemes, they are able to manage high volumes of data streams. However, since their caches are relatively small, a careful parallelization is required. In this work, we focus on the frequency estimation problem and evaluate the performance of a high-end server, a 4-core Raspberry Pi and an 8-core Odroid. As a sketch, we employed the widely used Count-Min Sketch. To hash the stream in parallel and in a cache-friendly way, we applied a novel tabulation approach and rearranged the auxiliary tables into a single one. To parallelize the process with performance, we modified the workflow and applied a form of buffering between hash computations and sketch updates. Today, many single-board computers have heterogeneous processors in which slow and fast cores are equipped together. To utilize all these cores to their full potential, we proposed a dynamic load-balancing mechanism which significantly increased the performance of frequency estimation.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, 3 algorithms, 1 table, submitted to EuroPar'1

    Dynamic tree shortcut with constant degree

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    LNCS v.9188 entitled: Computing and Combinatorics: 21st International Conference, COCOON 2015, Beijing, China, August 4-6, 2015, ProceedingsGiven a rooted tree with n nodes, the tree shortcut problem is to add a set of shortcut edges to the tree such that the shortest path from each node to any of its ancestors is of length O(log n) and the degree increment of each node is constant. We consider in this paper the dynamic version of the problem, which supports node insertion and deletion. For insertion, a node can be inserted as a leaf node or an internal node by sub-dividing an existing edge. For deletion, a leaf node can be deleted, or an internal node can be merged with its single child. We propose an algorithm that maintains a set of shortcut edges in O(log n) time for an insertion or deletion.postprin