569 research outputs found

    Measurements of the scattering characteristics of sediment suspensions with different mineralogical compositions

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    Acoustic studies of suspended sediments often assume the dominant mineral in suspension is quartz, the density and intrinsic scattering properties of which are implemented when inverting acoustic backscatter data collected at sea. However, compositional analysis studies of suspended and sea-bed particulate material show a wide range of mineral species contribute to the inorganic fraction of sediments in the marine environment. Whilst no theoretical framework exists to predict the acoustic properties of irregularly shaped sediment grains, the density, compressional, and shear wave velocities of common marine mineral species can vary by up to a factor of two. In this study, we present and compare measurements of the intrinsic scattering parameters, namely the normalized total scattering cross section, χ, and the backscatter form function, f, obtained from homogenous suspensions of irregularly shaped sand sized grains of both magnetite and quartz. Our preliminary measurements suggest that in the geometric scattering regime, χ is enhanced for magnetite sands by ~ 100 % relative to quartz. Similarly, measurements of the form function for magnetite sands are enhanced by ~ 33 % relative to quartz in the geometric regime, though no measurable difference was observed in the Rayleigh regime. The implications of these results for acoustic backscatter data collected at sea are discussed

    Measurements of the backscattering characteristics of suspensions having a broad particle size distribution

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    Acoustic backscatter systems (ABS) can be used to non-intrusively measure profiles of both the concentration and particle size of suspended sediments in the marine environment. Inversion of ABS measurements into sediment size and concentration requires knowledge of two scattering parameters, namely the total normalised scattering cross-section, &chi;, and the form function, f. &chi; quantifies the acoustical scattering by a given particle over all angles, relative to its cross sectional area, and represents attenuation due to particle scattering losses. f describes the backscattering characteristics of a particle relative to its geometrical size. In recent years, a number of studies have presented measurements of f and &chi; for populations of sediments sieved over narrow size ranges, thereby essentially providing values for nominally a single particle size in suspension. In the present study, we extend these works by looking at the impact that a broad particle size distribution has on the form of f and &chi;. Here we model and measure the average form function for a broad size distribution (&sigma; = ±0.35a0, where &sigma; is the standard deviation about the mean particle radius, a0) of suspended glass spheres, whose scattering characteristics are well documented. The model is in close agreement with the provisional measurements, and suggests that for populations of suspended glass spheres with broad size distributions, the form function increases by about 40% in the Rayleigh regime (&lambda; >> 2&pi;a0, where &lambda; is the wavelength of the sound in water), whilst decreasing by a factor of around 25% in the geometric regime (&lambda; << 2&pi;a0), relative to that obtained for populations with a nominally single size in suspension. The output from this work has direct implications for the calculation of particle size and concentration profiles, obtained from acoustic backscatter data collected on suspensions of marine sediments at sea

    Acoustic measurements of boundary layer flux profiles over a sandy rippled bed under regular waves

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    The study of boundary layer sediment transport processes requires contemporaneous measurements of the bedforms, the flow and the sediment movement. Obtaining these three parameters, at the required temporal-spatial resolutions, has been traditionally difficult, especially within a few centimetres of the bed. To circumvent some of the deployment of an acoustic backscatter system, ABS, an acoustic ripple profiler, ARP, and an acoustic Doppler velocity profiler, ADVP, to measure sediment entrainment processes above a rippled bed under regular waves. High resolution acoustic observations of the suspend sediment concentration, flow and bedforms have been collected. Here we report on some of the initial results obtained from this study

    Field deployment and evaluation of a prototype autonomous two dimensional acoustic backscatter instrument: The Bedform And Suspended Sediment Imager (BASSI)

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    The processes of sediment entrainment, transport and deposition over bedforms are highly dynamic and temporally and spatially variable. However, most measurements of these processes tend to be collected in a vertical line at one spatial location above the bed; one dimensional in the vertical, 1D-V. Such measurements capture the temporal signature, and, to a lesser degree, the spatial variability when bedforms migrate, and they have contributed greatly to our understanding of sediment transport processes. It is generally acknowledged, however, that such 1D-V systems provide a limited description of the spatially three dimensional processes occurring at the turbulent and intra-wave time scales. It would undoubtedly facilitate the interpretation of fundamental sediment processes above bedforms if other spatial dimensions could be simultaneously interrogated. To this end a multi-frequency acoustic array has been developed to measure suspended sediments and bedforms over a horizontal transect of the bed in the vertical, providing two dimensional observations in the vertical and horizontal, 2D-HV. This new acoustic instrument, the BASSI; Bedform And Suspended Sediment Imager, has been deployed in the River Dee tidal estuary in the UK. The design of the BASSI and results from the deployment are presented and its performance assessed against more conventional instrumentation. Measurements and images of 2D-HV suspended sediments and bedforms are provided to illustrate the capability and future use of the BASSI for the investigation of sediment transport processes

    Acoustic scattering characteristics and inversions for suspended concentration and particle size above mixed sand and mud beds

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    The majority of reported field studies, using acoustic backscattering, for the measurement of nearbed suspended sediment processes, have been focussed on field sites with sand size fractions and unimodal size distributions. However, in many sedimentary environments, and particularly for estuaries and rivers, sands and muds coexist in the bed sediment substrate, forming a size regime that is often bimodal in nature. To examine the interaction of sound in these more complex sedimentary environments a numerical study is presented based on observations of sediment size distributions measured in the Dee estuary, UK. The work explores the interpretation of the backscatter signal from a mixed sediment composition in suspension, with mud-sand fractions varying with height above the bed. Consideration is given to the acoustical scattering properties and the inversion of the backscatter signal to extract information on the suspension. In common with most field deployments, the scenarios presented here use local bed sediments for the acoustic inversion of the backscattered signal. The results indicate that in general it is expected that particle size and concentration will diverge from what is actually in suspension, with the former being overestimated and the latter underestimated

    An examination of point-particle Lagrangian simulations for assessing time-resolved hydroacoustic particle flux measurements in sediment-laden flows

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    Accurate modelling and prediction of sediment transport in aquatic environments is essential for sustainable coastal and riverine management. Current capabilities rely on physical process-based numerical models and fine-scale sedi�ment flux measurements. High-resolution hydroacoustic instrumentation has emerged as a promising tool for such measurements. However, challenges arise due to the inherent complexity of ultrasound scattering processes. This study introduces a numerical modelling using a point-particle approach to simulate the echoes backscattered by such instrumentation in sediment-laden flow conditions. The model considers geometric, statistical, particle cloud, and flow-induced effects on sediment velocity, concentration, and flux estimates using an acoustic concentration and velocity profiler as a reference. The model performance is assessed here under unidirectional constant flow condi�tions in terms of velocity, concentration, and time-resolved sediment flux estimates for a large range of the particles’ advection speed and sampled volume sizes. Application to the estimation of the measurement accuracy of sediment flux in these flows is also considered, with a final error on the flux seen to be partially controlled by the residence time of particles within the sampled volumes. The proposed model provides insights into scattering processes and offers a tool for investigating robust sediment flux estimation techniques in various flow conditions

    Three-dimensional modelling of suspended sediment transport in the far wake of tidal stream turbines

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    A three-dimensional tidal turbine simulation based on an oceanographic numerical model has been tested for suspended sediment calculation, particularly in the wake of a standalone tidal turbine. The results suggest a need for further improvement of the model in order to obtain correct predictions of suspension strength of the wake and suspended sediment concentration under the influence of a turbine (compared to measured data). Due to the wide use of FVCOM in coastal applications where turbines are commonly installed, it proves necessary to address this issue. Two approaches with respect to modifying bed shear stress and turbulent mixing calculations in the presence of a turbine are proposed and tested in this research. Using data collected in the laboratory as reference, the turbulent mixing enhancement approach is shown to be effective. A series of tests are carried out to identify the impact of the turbine on suspended sediment transport in its vicinity. The results suggest that the impact is highly dependent upon the sediment grain size