5 research outputs found

    The writing on the wall : (accessing) children's meanings of land in the Outer Hebrides at the beginning of the 21st century

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    In 1990 the United Nations Convention of the rights of the child recognised children as\ud a minority group, social actors with a right to be heard. In parallel, interest in children's\ud voices increased within academia. This research adds to current work within children's\ud geographies, through an exploratory case study in the Outer Hebrides, Scotland, with a\ud group of participants (6 to 12 years old). Based on a series of workshops, participants\ud were invited to become artists-in-residence on the theme of land within their everyday\ud lives.\ud This thesis set two substantive questions: what are participants' meanings of land in the\ud Outer Hebrides and how do these meanings relate to current theories around human's\ud relationship with land? Findings showed that meanings of land were not uniform though\ud meanings embodied movement through daily lives, creating a sense of self and\ud 'belonging' Participants were not controlled excessively by adult narratives of strangerdanger\ud but by the physical topography, which mirrored many inhabitants' experiences.\ud Participant's meanings of land are understood through two theories of human's\ud relationship with land. First, Ingold's phenomenological concept of landscape as\ud dwelling, recognising the influence of past generations (walking the land tending sheep),\ud and more 'modem' activities, (watching soap operas at home). Second, Massey's concept\ud of progressive sense of place, recognising the influence of wider social forces and\ud explains an everyday land inhabited by a Bengal tiger.\ud This research has a number of original contributions. First, this research increases\ud knowledge on an under researched part of the Sconish Islands around inhabitants\ud everyday lives and land. Second, a third, and methodological, research question explored\ud the debate: is doing research with children different from doing research with adults?\ud Here I argue that pre-labelling any participants by social identities contradicts the\ud bonom-up approach of participatory methodologies, as identities are multiple and are\ud something we 'do' not 'have'. This final issues aims to address the narrow readership\ud within children's geographies and persuade all researchers to no longer view the 'child' as\ud 'other' to the adult and outside mainstream social research

    Veterans and their families

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    This briefing paper reports on the outcomes of a range of activities undertaken with a number of veterans, veterans’ families, and third and public sector organisations located in Scotland. Our aim was to explore the resettlement experiences of veterans and their families. This work culminated in a workshop with over 30 veterans in June 2011, organised in conjunction with Veterans’ Scotland.1 Participants represented a diverse range of veterans of all ages, services, jobs and experiences, including those who served in conflict and peacekeeping zones from Malaya to the Balkans, the Falklands, Northern Ireland, Iraq and Afghanistan sometime between 1950 to 2010. Some participants had been deployed to a zone of conflict and experienced battle or guerrilla and civil conflicts. Others served in technical and logistical jobs in specialist trades and jobs

    PK-konepajan prosessijohtamisen kehittäminen hyödyntäen ISO 9001:2015 ja ISO 14001:2015 -standardeja

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    Opinnäytetyö tehtiin Nomet Oy:n johtamisjärjestelmän kehittämistä varten. Tavoite oli kuvata perusteellisesti Nomet Oy:n johtamisjärjestelmän prosessijohtamisen nykytila ja löytää kehityskohteita. Prosessijohtamisen kuvaamisessa hyödynnettiin ISO 9001:2015 ja ISO 14001:2015 -standardien vaatimuksia, koska Nomet Oy on päivittämässä nykyisen johtamisjärjestelmän vastaamaan näiden standardien uusia versioita. Prosessijohtamisen nykytilan tutkiminen aloitettiin Nomet Oy:n strategian sekä laatu- ja ympäristöpolitiikan tarkastelulla. Tehtiin analyysi Nomet Oy:n toimintaympäristöstä, jotta nähtiin, onko strategiassa korjattavaa. Seuraavaksi tunnistettiin Nomet Oy:n avainprosessit ja laadittiin prosessikartta. Prosessien omistajia haastattelemalla kerättiin aineistoa prosessien kuvauksia varten. Prosessien kuvaukset laadittiin tarkasti saadun aineiston pohjalta. Kuvaukset sisälsivät kaavion prosessin osista sekä työnkulkukaavion. Prosessikarttaa ja prosessikuvauksia arvioitiin, ja löytyneet puutteet ja kehitysideat kirjattiin ylös. Kriteerinä arvioinneille käytettiin ISO 9001:2015 ja ISO 14001:2015 -standardien vaatimuksia. Kehitystutkimuksen tuloksena syntyi ISO 9001:2015 ja ISO 14001:2015 -standardien vaatimusten mukainen prosessikartta ja prosessikuvaukset, sekä arviot ja kehitysideat. Tuloksia hyödyntäen Nomet Oy voi luoda rungon johtamisjärjestelmänsä päivitykselle vastaamaan uusia ISO 9001:2015 ja ISO 14001:2015 -standardeja.The thesis aimed to develop the management system at Nomet Oy. The goal was to fully describe the current state of process management in their management system and to find development targets. Requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 standards were used to illustrate process management, because Nomet Oy is updating the current management system to meet the new versions of these standards. The study of the current state of process management started by examining Nomet Oy's strategy and quality and environmental policy. An analysis of Nomet Oy's operating environment was conducted to see if the strategy had to be corrected. Next, the key processes of Nomet Oy were identified and a process map was developed. By interviewing the process owners, data for process descriptions was collected. The descriptions of the processes were made accurately on the basis of the material obtained. The descriptions included a schematic representation of the elements of the process and the workflow diagram. The process map and process descriptions were evaluated. The found shortcomings and development ideas were recorded. The ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 standards were used as criteria for evaluation. As a result of the development study, the process map and process descriptions according to the ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001: 2015 standards as well as estimates and devel-opment ideas were completed. Nomet Oy can create the basis for updating its manage-ment system to meet the new ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 standards using the results.Liitteessä 1 ja 5 sekä kappaleessa 6.1 on esitetty yrityksen liikesalaisuuksiin liittyviä tietoja. Nämä liitteet ja kappale ovat siksi jouduttu poistamaan perustuen lakiin (621/1999) 24§ kohdat 17 ja 20 yrityksen liike‐ tai ammattisalaisuus. Salassapitoaika viisi (5) vuotta, salassapito päättyy 8.9.2022