475 research outputs found

    Optimising image quality for medical imaging

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    OPTIMAX 2016 was held at the University of Salford in Greater Manchester. It is the fourth summer school of OPTIMAX with other renditions having been organized at the University of Salford (2013), ESTeSL, Lisbon (2014) and Hanze UAS, Groningen (2015). For OPTIMAX 2016, 72 people participated from eleven countries, comprising PhD, MSc and BSc students as well as tutors from the seven European partner universities. Professional mix was drawn from engineering, medical physics/ physics and radiography. OPTIMAX 2016 was partly funded by the partner universities and partly by the participants. Two students from South Africa and two from Brazil were invited by Hanze UAS (Groningen) and ESTeSL (Lisbon). One student from the United Kingdom was funded by the Nuffield Foundation. The summer school included lectures and group projects in which experimental research was conducted in five teams. Each team project focus varied and included: optimization of full spine curvature radiography in paediatrics; ultrasound assessment of muscle thickness and muscle cross-sectional area: a reliability study; the Influence of Source-to-Image Distance on Effective Dose and Image Quality for Mobile Chest X-rays; Impact of the anode heel effect on image quality and effective dose for AP Pelvis: A pilot study; and the impact of pitch values on Image Quality and radiation dose in an abdominal adult phantom using CT. OPTIMAX 2016 culminated in a poster session and a conference, in which the research teams presented their posters and oral presentations. This book comprises of two sections, the first four chapters concern generic background information which has value to summer school organization and also theory on which the research projects were built. The second section contains the research papers in written format. The research papers have been accepted for the ECR conference, Vienna, 2017 as either oral presentations or posters

    Development of a phantom to test fully automated breast density software – a work in progress

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    Objectives: Mammographic density (MD) is an independent risk factor for breast cancer and may have a future role for stratified screening. Automated software can estimate MD but the relationship between breast thickness reduction and MD is not fully understood. Our aim is to develop a deformable breast phantom to assess automated density software and the impact of breast thickness reduction on MD. Methods: Several different configurations of poly vinyl alcohol (PVAL) phantoms were created. Three methods were used to estimate their density. Raw image data of mammographic images were processed using Volpara to estimate volumetric breast density (VBD%); Hounsfield units (HU) were measured on CT images; and physical density (g/cm3) was calculated using a formula involving mass and volume. Phantom volume versus contact area and phantom volume versus phantom thickness was compared to values of real breasts. Results: Volpara recognized all deformable phantoms as female breasts. However, reducing the phantom thickness caused a change in phantom density and the phantoms were not able to tolerate same level of compression and thickness reduction experienced by female breasts during mammography. Conclusion: Our results are promising as all phantoms resulted in valid data for automated breast density measurement. Further work should be conducted on PVAL and other materials to produce deformable phantoms that mimic female breast structure and density with the ability of being compressed to the same level as female breasts. Advances in knowledge: We are the first group to have produced deformable phantoms that are recognized as breasts by Volpara software

    The impact of simulated motion blur on lesion detection performance in full field digital mammography

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    Objective: Motion blur is a known phenomenon in full-field digital mammography, but the impact on lesion detection is unknown. This is the first study to investigate detection performance with varying magnitudes of simulated motion blur. Method: Seven observers (15±5 years’ reporting experience) evaluated 248 cases (62 containing malignant masses, 62 containing malignant microcalcifications and 124 normal cases) for three conditions: no blurring (0 mm) and two magnitudes of simulated blurring (0.7 mm and 1.5 mm). Abnormal cases were biopsy proven. Mathematical simulation was used to provide a pixel shift in order to simulate motion blur. A free-response observer study was conducted to compare lesion detection performance for the three conditions. The equally weighted jackknife alternative free-response receiver operating characteristic (wJAFROC) was used as the figure of merit. Test alpha was set at 0.05 to control probability of Type I error. Results: wJAFROC analysis found a statistically significant difference in lesion detection performance for both masses (F(2,22) = 6.01, P=0.0084) and microcalcifications (F(2,49) = 23.14, P<0.0001). The figures of merit reduced as the magnitude of simulated blurring increased. Statistical differences were found between some of the pairs investigated for the detection of masses (0.0mm v 0.7mm, and 0.0mm v 1.5mm) and all pairs for microcalcifications (0.0 mm v 0.7 mm, 0.0 mm v 1.5 mm, and 0.7 mm v 1.5 mm). No difference was detected between 0.7 mm and 1.5 mm for masses. Conclusion: Mathematical simulation of motion blur caused a statistically significant reduction in lesion detection performance. These false negative decisions could have implications for clinical practice. Advances in knowledge: This research demonstrates for the first time that motion blur has a negative and statistically significant impact on lesion detection performance digital mammography

    HST Imaging Polarimetry of the Gravitational Lens FSC10214+4724

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    We present imaging polarimetry of the extremely luminous, redshift 2.3 IRAS source FSC10214+4724. The observations were obtained with HST's Faint Object Camera in the F437M filter, which is free of strong emission lines. The 0.7 arcsec long arc is unresolved to 0.04 arcsec FWHM in the transverse direction, and has an integrated polarization of 28 +/- 3 percent, in good agreement with ground-based observations. The polarization position angle varies along the arc by up to 35 deg. The overall position angle is 62 +/- 3 deg east of north. No counterimage is detected to B = 27.5 mag (3σ3\sigma), giving an observed arc to counterimage flux ratio greater than 250, considerably greater than the flux ratio of 100 measured previously in the I-band. This implies that the configuration of the object in the source plane at the B-band is different from that at I-band, and/or that the lensing galaxy is dusty.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomical Journal, February 199

    Variable Stars in the Globular Cluster M5. Application of the Image Subtraction Method

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    We present VV-band light curves of 61 variables from the core of the globular cluster M5 obtained using a newly developed image subtraction method (ISM). Four of these variables were previously unknown. Only 26 variables were found in the same field using photometry obtained with DoPHOT software. Fourier parameters of the ISM light curves have relative errors up to 20 times smaller than parameters measured from DoPHOT photometry. We conclude that the new method is very promising for searching for variable stars in the cores of the globular clusters and gives very accurate relative photometry with quality comparable to photometry obtained by HST. We also show that the variable V104 is not an eclipsing star as has been suggested, but is an RRc star showing non-radial pulsations.Comment: submitted to MNRAS, 9 pages, 4 figure

    RR Lyrae Variables in the Globular Cluster M55. The First Evidence for Non Radial Pulsations in RR Lyr Stars

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    We present the results of a photometric study of RR Lyrae variables in the field of the globular cluster M55. We have discovered nine new RR Lyrae stars, increasing the number of known variables in this cluster to 15 objects. Five of the newly discovered variables belong to Bailey type RRc and two to type RRab. Two background RRab stars are probable members of the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy. Fourier decomposition of the light curves was used to derive basic properties of the present sample of RR Lyrae variables. From an analysis of the RRc variables we obtain a mean mass of M=0.53±0.03MM=0.53\pm0.03 M_\odot, luminosity logL=1.75±0.01\log L=1.75\pm0.01, effective temperature Teff=7193±27T_{eff}=7193\pm27 K, and helium abundance Y=0.27±0.01Y=0.27\pm0.01. Based on the BVB-V colors, periods and metallicities of the RRab stars we estimate the value of the color excess for M55 to be equal to E(BV)=0.11±0.03E(B-V)=0.11\pm0.03. Using this value we derive the colors of the blue and red edges of the instability strip in M55. The blue edge lies at (BV)0=0.20(B-V)_0=0.20 mag and the red edge lies at (BV)0=0.38(B-V)_0=0.38 mag. We estimate the values of the visual apparent and dereddened distance moduli to be 13.65±0.1113.65\pm0.11 and 13.31±0.1113.31\pm0.11, respectively. The light curves of three of the RRc variables exhibit changes in amplitude of over 0.1 mag on the time scale of less than a week, rather short for the Blazhko effect, but with no evidence for another radial pulsational frequency. However we do detect other periodicities which are clearly visible in the light curve after removing variations with the first overtone radial frequency. This is strong evidence for the presence of non-radial pulsations, a behavior common for δ\delta Scuti stars but not yet observed among RR Lyr variables.Comment: submitted to Astronomical Journal, 33 pages with 11 figure

    The bright Gamma-Ray Burst of February 10, 2000: a case study of an optically dark GRB

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    The gamma-ray burst GRB000210 had the highest gamma-ray peak flux of any event localized by BeppoSAX as yet but it did not have a detected optical afterglow. It is therefore one of the events recently classified as dark GRBs or GHOST (GRB Hiding Optical Source Transient), whose origin is still unclear. Chandra observations allowed us to localize this GRB within ~1" and a radio transient was detected with the VLA. We identify the likely (P=0.01) host galaxy of this burst at z=0.846. The X-ray spectrum of the afterglow shows intrinsic absorption N_H=5x10**21 cm-2. The amount of dust needed to absorb the optical flux of this object is consistent with the above HI column density, given a dust-to-gas ratio similar to that of our Galaxy. We do not find evidence for a partially ionized absorber expected if the absorption takes place in a Giant Molecular Cloud. We therefore conclude that either the gas is local to the GRB, but is condensed in small-scale high-density (n>~10**9 cm-3) clouds, or that the GRB is located in a dusty, gas-rich region of the galaxy. Finally, if GRB000210 lies at z>5, its X-ray absorbing medium would have to be substantially different from that observed in GRBs with optical afterglows.Comment: 29 pages, 7 fig.s, some revisions, ApJ, in pres

    The Calar Alto Deep Imaging Survey: K-band Galaxy Number Counts

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    We present K-band number counts for the faint galaxies in the Calar Alto Deep Imaging Survey (CADIS). We covered 4 CADIS fields, a total area of 0.2deg^2, in the broad band filters B, R and K. We detect about 4000 galaxies in the K-band images, with a completeness limit of K=19.75mag, and derive the K-band galaxy number counts in the range of 14.25 < K < 19.75mag. This is the largest medium deep K-band survey to date in this magnitude range. The B- and R-band number counts are also derived, down to completeness limits of B=24.75mag and R=23.25mag. The K-selected galaxies in this magnitude range are of particular interest, since some medium deep near-infrared surveys have identified breaks of both the slope of the K-band number counts and the mean B-K color at K=17\sim18mag. There is, however, a significant disagreement in the K-band number counts among the existing surveys. Our large near-infrared selected galaxy sample allows us to establish the presence of a clear break in the slope at K=17.0mag from dlogN/dm = 0.64 at brighter magnitudes to dlogN/dm = 0.36 at the fainter end. We construct no-evolution and passive evolution models, and find that the passive evolution model can simultaneously fit the B-, R- and K-band number counts well. The B-K colors show a clear trend to bluer colors for K > 18mag. We also find that most of the K=18-20mag galaxies have a B-K color bluer than the prediction of a no-evolution model for an L_* Sbc galaxy, implying either significant evolution, even for massive galaxies, or the existence of an extra population of small galaxies.Comment: Accepted for A&A, 10 pages, 7 figure

    Vegetation and peat characteristics of restiad bogs on Chatham Island (Rekohu), New Zealand

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    Restiad bogs dominated by Sporadanthus traversii on Chatham Island, New Zealand, were sampled to correlate vegetation patterns and peat properties, and to compare with restiad systems dominated by Sporadanthus ferrugineus and Empodisma minus in the Waikato region, North Island, New Zealand. Classification and ordination resulted in five groups that reflected a disturbance gradient. The largest S. traversii group, which comprised plots from central, relatively intact bogs, had the lowest levels of total nitrogen (mean 1.20 mg cm-3), total phosphorus (mean 0.057 mg cm-3), total potassium (mean 0.083 mg cm-3), and available phosphorus (mean 18.6 μg cm-3). Modification by drainage, stock, and fires resulted in a decline of S. traversii and an increase of Gleichenia dicarpa fern cover, together with elevated peat nutrient levels and higher bulk density. Compared with peat dominated by Sporadanthus ferrugineus or Empodisma minus in relatively unmodified Waikato restiad bogs, Chatham Island peat under S. traversii has significantly higher total potassium, total nitrogen, available phosphorus, bulk density, and von Post decomposition indices, and significantly lower pH. Sporadanthus traversii and Empodisma minus have similar ecological roles in restiad bog development, occupying a relatively wide nutrient range, and regenerating readily from seed after fire. Despite differences in root morphology, S. traversii and E. minus are the major peat formers in raised restiad bogs on Chatham Island and in Waikato, respectively, and could be regarded as ecological equivalents