44,453 research outputs found

    Design requirements and development of an airborne descent path definition algorithm for time navigation

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    The design requirements for a 4D path definition algorithm are described. These requirements were developed for the NASA ATOPS as an extension of the Local Flow Management/Profile Descent algorithm. They specify the processing flow, functional and data architectures, and system input requirements, and recommended the addition of a broad path revision (reinitialization) function capability. The document also summarizes algorithm design enhancements and the implementation status of the algorithm on an in-house PDP-11/70 computer. Finally, the requirements for the pilot-computer interfaces, the lateral path processor, and guidance and steering function are described

    Lower Bound on Entanglement of Formation for the Qubit-Qudit System

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    Wootters [PRL 80, 2245 (1998)] has derived a closed formula for the entanglement of formation (EOF) of an arbitrary mixed state in a system of two qubits. There is no known closed form expression for the EOF of an arbitrary mixed state in any system more complicated than two qubits. This paper, via a relatively straightforward generalization of Wootters' original derivation, obtains a closed form lower bound on the EOF of an arbitary mixed state of a system composed of a qubit and a qudit (a d-level quantum system, with d greater than or equal to 3). The derivation of the lower bound is detailed for a system composed of a qubit and a qutrit (d = 3); the generalization to d greater than 3 then follows readily.Comment: 14 pages, 0 Figures, 0 Table

    Andreev Reflection in Heavy-Fermion Superconductors and Order Parameter Symmetry in CeCoIn_5

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    Differential conductance spectra are obtained from nanoscale junctions on the heavy-fermion superconductor CeCoIn5_5 along three major crystallographic orientations. Consistency and reproducibility of characteristic features among the junctions ensure their spectroscopic nature. All junctions show a similar conductance asymmetry and Andreev reflection-like conductance with reduced signal (~ 10%-13%), both commonly observed in heavy-fermion superconductor junctions. Analysis using the extended Blonder-Tinkham-Klapwijk model indicates that our data provide the first spectroscopic evidence for dx2−y2d_{x^2-y^2} symmetry. To quantify our conductance spectra, we propose a model by considering the general phenomenology in heavy fermions, the two-fluid behavior, and an energy-dependent density of states. Our model fits to the experimental data remarkably well and should invigorate further investigations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; Phys. Rev. Lett., published versio

    Local flow management/profile descent algorithm. Fuel-efficient, time-controlled profiles for the NASA TSRV airplane

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    The Local Flow Management/Profile Descent (LFM/PD) algorithm designed for the NASA Transport System Research Vehicle program is described. The algorithm provides fuel-efficient altitude and airspeed profiles consistent with ATC restrictions in a time-based metering environment over a fixed ground track. The model design constraints include accommodation of both published profile descent procedures and unpublished profile descents, incorporation of fuel efficiency as a flight profile criterion, operation within the performance capabilities of the Boeing 737-100 airplane with JT8D-7 engines, and conformity to standard air traffic navigation and control procedures. Holding and path stretching capabilities are included for long delay situations

    Bose-Einstein condensation in a circular waveguide

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    We have produced Bose-Einstein condensates in a ring-shaped magnetic waveguide. The few-millimeter diameter non-zero bias ring is formed from a time-averaged quadrupole ring. Condensates which propagate around the ring make several revolutions within the time it takes for them to expand to fill the ring. The ring shape is ideally suited for studies of vorticity in a multiply-connected geometry and is promising as a rotation sensor.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Derivation and Improvements of the Quantum Canonical Ensemble from a Regularized Microcanonical Ensemble

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    We develop a regularization of the quantum microcanonical ensemble, called a Gaussian ensemble, which can be used for derivation of the canonical ensemble from microcanonical principles. The derivation differs from the usual methods by giving an explanation for the, at the first sight unreasonable, effectiveness of the canonical ensemble when applied to certain small, isolated, systems. This method also allows a direct identification between the parameters of the microcanonical and the canonical ensemble and it yields simple indicators and rigorous bounds for the effectiveness of the approximation. Finally, we derive an asymptotic expansion of the microcanonical corrections to the canonical ensemble for those systems, which are near, but not quite, at the thermodynamical limit and show how and why the canonical ensemble can be applied also for systems with exponentially increasing density of states. The aim throughout the paper is to keep mathematical rigour intact while attempting to produce results both physically and practically interesting.Comment: 17 pages, latex2e with iopar

    Self-gravitating astrophysical mass with singular central density vibrating in fundamental mode

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    The fluid-dynamical model of a self-gravitating mass of viscous liquid with singular density at the center vibrating in fundamental mode is considered in juxtaposition with that for Kelvin fundamental mode in a homogeneous heavy mass of incompressible inviscid liquid. Particular attention is given to the difference between spectral formulae for the frequency and lifetime of ff-mode in the singular and homogeneous models. The newly obtained results are discussed in the context of theoretical asteroseismology of pre-white dwarf stage of red giants and stellar cocoons -- spherical gas-dust clouds with dense star-forming core at the center.Comment: Mod. Phys. Lett. A, Vol. 24, No. 40 (2009) pp. 3257-327

    Lens Galaxy Properties of SBS1520+530: Insights from Keck Spectroscopy and AO Imaging

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    We report on an investigation of the SBS 1520+530 gravitational lens system and its environment using archival HST imaging, Keck spectroscopic data, and Keck adaptive-optics imaging. The AO imaging has allowed us to fix the lens galaxy properties with a high degree of precision when performing the lens modeling, and the data indicate that the lens has an elliptical morphology and perhaps a disk. The new spectroscopic data suggest that previous determinations of the lens redshift may be incorrect, and we report an updated, though inconclusive, value z_lens = 0.761. We have also spectroscopically confirmed the existence of several galaxy groups at approximately the redshift of the lens system. We create new models of the lens system that explicitly account for the environment of the lens, and we also include improved constraints on the lensing galaxy from our adaptive-optics imaging. Lens models created with these new data can be well-fit with a steeper than isothermal mass slope (alpha = 2.29, with the density proportional to r^-alpha) if H_0 is fixed at 72 km/s/Mpc; isothermal models require H_0 ~ 50 km/s/Mpc. The steepened profile may indicate that the lens is in a transient perturbed state caused by interactions with a nearby galaxy.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Ap
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