54,772 research outputs found

    High-precision Measurements of Ionospheric TEC Gradients with the Very Large Array VHF System

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    We have used a relatively long, contiguous VHF observation of a bright cosmic radio source (Cygnus A) with the Very Large Array (VLA) to demonstrate the capability of this instrument to study the ionosphere. This interferometer, and others like it, can observe ionospheric total electron content (TEC) fluctuations on a much wider range of scales than is possible with many other instruments. We have shown that with a bright source, the VLA can measure differential TEC values between pairs of antennas (delta-TEC) with an precision of 0.0003 TECU. Here, we detail the data reduction and processing techniques used to achieve this level of precision. In addition, we demonstrate techniques for exploiting these high-precision delta-TEC measurements to compute the TEC gradient observed by the array as well as small-scale fluctuations within the TEC gradient surface. A companion paper details specialized spectral analysis techniques used to characterize the properties of wave-like fluctuations within this data.Comment: accepted for publication in Radio Scienc

    Preliminary comparison of 3.5-cm and 12.6-cm wavelength continuous wave observations of Mars

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    Radar observations of Mars at Goldstone in 1990 were conducted by transmitting pure sinusoidal signals at 3.5-cm wavelengths and receiving the Doppler-spread echoes from Mars at Earth. Radar transmissions were circularly polarized and the echoes recorded in two senses: depolarized and polarized. Latitudes of the subradar points are between 3.5 deg and 11.1 deg S; longitude coverage is discontinuous. The observed depolarized and polarized echo total cross-sections and their ratios for two wavelengths were compared and discussed

    Modeling the gravitational wave signature of neutron star black hole coalescences: PhenomNSBH

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    Accurate gravitational-wave (GW) signal models exist for black-hole binary (BBH) and neutron-star binary (BNS) systems, which are consistent with all of the published GW observations to date. Detections of a third class of compact-binary systems, neutron-star-black-hole (NSBH) binaries, have not yet been confirmed, but are eagerly awaited in the near future. For NSBH systems, GW models do not exist across the viable parameter space of signals. In this work we present the frequency-domain phenomenological model, PhenomNSBH, for GWs produced by NSBH systems with mass ratios from equal-mass up to 15, spin on the black hole up to a dimensionless spin of ∣χ∣=0.5|\chi|=0.5, and tidal deformabilities ranging from 0 (the BBH limit) to 5000. We extend previous work on a phenomenological amplitude model for NSBH systems to produce an amplitude model that is parameterized by a single tidal deformability parameter. This amplitude model is combined with an analytic phase model describing tidal corrections. The resulting approximant is accurate enough to be used to measure the properties of NSBH systems for signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) up to 50, and is compared to publicly-available NSBH numerical-relativity simulations and hybrid waveforms constructed from numerical-relativity simulations and tidal inspiral approximants. For most signals observed by second-generation ground-based detectors within this SNR limit, it will be difficult to use the GW signal alone to distinguish single NSBH systems from either BNSs or BBHs, and therefore to unambiguously identify an NSBH system

    Research Notes: Cotyledon Culture

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    A procedure for aseptically culturing immature soybean cotyledons has been developed to study the synthesis of seed storage proteins. Experiments were carried out so that one cotyledon from an embryo was compared to the second cotyledon. Cotyledons were normally incubated for 6 days at 25 C in light with gentle shaking
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