36 research outputs found

    Future Availability of Non-renewable Metal Resources and the Influence of Environmental, Social, and Governance Conflicts on Metal Production

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    Metal mining provides the elements required for the provision of energy, communication, transport and more. The increasing uptake of green technology, such as electric vehicles and renewable energy, will also further increase metal demand. However, the production lifespan of an average mine is far shorter than the timescales of mineral deposit formation, suggesting that metal mining is unsustainable on human timescales. In addition, some research suggests that known primary metal supplies will be exhausted within about 50 years. Here we present an analysis of global metal reserves that suggests that primary metal supplies will not run out on this timescale. Instead, we find that global reserves for most metals have not significantly decreased relative to production over time. This is the result of the replenishment of exhausted reserves by the further delineation of known orebodies as mineral exploration progresses. We suggest that environmental, social, and governance factors are likely to be the main source of risk in metal and mineral supply over the coming decades, more so than direct reserve depletion. This could potentially lead to increases in resource conflict and decreases in the conversion of resources to reserves and production

    Charge and Current Sum Rules in Quantum Media Coupled to Radiation

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    This paper concerns the equilibrium bulk charge and current density correlation functions in quantum media, conductors and dielectrics, fully coupled to the radiation (the retarded regime). A sequence of static and time-dependent sum rules, which fix the values of certain moments of the charge and current density correlation functions, is obtained by using Rytov's fluctuational electrodynamics. A technique is developed to extract the classical and purely quantum-mechanical parts of these sum rules. The sum rules are critically tested in the classical limit and on the jellium model. A comparison is made with microscopic approaches to systems of particles interacting through Coulomb forces only (the non-retarded regime). In contrast with microscopic results, the current-current correlation function is found to be integrable in space, in both classical and quantum regimes.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur

    Search for neutral resonances decaying into a Z boson and a pair of b jets or τ leptons

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    A search is performed for a new resonance decaying into a lighter resonance and a Z boson. Two channels are studied, targeting the decay of the lighter resonance into either a pair of oppositely charged τ leptons or a bb‾ pair. The Z boson is identified via its decays to electrons or muons. The search exploits data collected by the CMS experiment at a centre-of-mass energy of 8 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.8 fb −1 . No significant deviations are observed from the standard model expectation and limits are set on production cross sections and parameters of two-Higgs-doublet models

    Search for R-parity violating decays of a top squark in proton–proton collisions at √s=8 TeV

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    The results of a search for a supersymmetric partner of the top quark (top squark), pair-produced in proton–proton collisions at View the MathML sources=8 TeV, are presented. The search, which focuses on R-parity violating, chargino-mediated decays of the top squark, is performed in final states with low missing transverse momentum, two oppositely charged electrons or muons, and at least five jets. The analysis uses a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.7 fb−1 collected with the CMS detector at the LHC in 2012. The data are found to be in agreement with the standard model expectation, and upper limits are placed on the top squark pair production cross section at 95% confidence level. Assuming a 100% branching fraction for the top squark decay chain, View the MathML sourcet˜→tχ˜1±,χ˜1±→ℓ±+jj, top squark masses less than 890 (1000) GeV for the electron (muon) channel are excluded for the first time in models with a single nonzero R-parity violating coupling View the MathML sourceλijk′(i,j,k≤2)(i,j,k≤2), where i,j,ki,j,k correspond to the three generations

    Future Global Mineral Resources

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    Some scientists and journalists, and many members of the general public, have been led to believe that the world is rapidly running out of the metals on which our modern society is based. Advocates of the peak metal concept have predicted for many decades that increasing consumption will soon lead to exhaustion of mineral resources. Yet, despite ever-increasing production and consumption, supplies of minerals have continued to meet the needs of industry and society, and lifetimes of reserves remain similar to what they were 30-40 years ago. In this volume, we discuss the reasons for this apparent paradox using our broad experience and expertise on both academic and industrial sides of the minerals sector. Many misconceptions arise from flawed estimates of the size of global mineral resources which stem from a lack of understanding of the critical difference between reserves and resources. Some authors use quoted reserves – the amount of metal proven to exist and to be economic for mining at present – when predicting imminent shortages. Resources – the amount that may be accessible in the upper few kilometres of the crust – are far larger. Over the last 150 years, improved technologies, economies of scale and increased efficiency have combined to reduce costs hence allowing lower grade ore to be mined economically. The net result is that the long-term inflation-adjusted price of most metals has decreased more or less in parallel with increasing production, a second apparent paradox that frequently is not well understood. Using copper as the principal example and other metals as appropriate, we summarise the latest research on ore deposits and the activities of the minerals industry. Following a description of the numerous geological processes that form ore deposits, we outline the scientific methods used by the minerals industry to explore for new deposits. We also discuss how resources are mined and how minerals are processed, as well as recent efforts to reduce related environmental impacts. Economic and societal factors influence supply, and these are as important as the actual presence of a resource. Finally, we discuss the critical roles that geoscientists will play in assuring continued supplies of minerals. These include the development of new concepts and techniques that will assist the discovery, mining, processing, remediation, and management of mineral resources. It is essential that researchers help to educate the general public about the need for continued exploration to find new resources to meet world growth in living standards. We demonstrate that global resources of copper, and probably of most other metals, are much larger than most currently available estimates, especially if increasing efficiencies and higher prices allow lower-grade ores to be mined. These observations indicate that supplies of important mineral commodities will remain adequate for the foreseeable futur

    'When the mobs are looking for witches to burn, nobody's safe': talking about the reactionary crowd

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    Previous research has successfully problematized the pathologizing discourses used to discredit crowd events. However, examples of reactionary crowds can operate rhetorically as an obstacle to a liberatory account of the crowd in history. The present paper presents an analysis of newspaper accounts of a series of 'anti-paedophile' crowd actions which took place in Britain in the Summer of 2000. Such accounts characteristically pathologized the crowd not only through use of particular terms and concepts, but also through anecdotes which served as evidence of diminished rationality. The paper analyses the rhetorical and ideological functions of these and other constructions identified in the texts, including those offered by participants themselves. A way of talking about the (reactionary) crowd is offered which distinguishes particular crowd ideologies from collective processes per se and which therefore avoids condemning collective action in itself