91 research outputs found

    Mating allocations in Nordic Red Dairy Cattle using genomic information

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    In this study, we compared mating allocations in Nordic Red Dairy Cattle using genomic information. We used linear programming to optimize different economic scores within each herd, considering genetic level, semen cost, the economic impact of recessive genetic defects, and genetic relationships. We selected 9,841 genotyped females born in Denmark, Finland, or Sweden in 2019 for mating allocations. We used 2 different pedigree relationship coefficients, the first tracing the pedigree 3 generations back from the parents of the potential mating and the second based on all available pedigree information. We used 3 different genomic relationship coefficients, 1 SNP-by-SNP genomic relationship and 2 based on shared genomic segments. We found high correlations (≥0.83) between the pedigree and genomic relationship measures. The mating results showed that it was possible to reduce the different genetic relationships between parents with minimal effect on genetic level. Including the cost of known recessive genetic defects eliminated expression of genetic defects. It was possible to reduce genomic relationships between parents with pedigree measures, but it was best done with genomic measures. Linear programming maximized the economic score for all herds studied within seconds, which means that it is suitable for implementation in mating software to be used by advisors and farmers

    Foreign bodies in the ears causing complications and requiring hospitalization in children 0-14 age: results from the ESFBI study

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    The occurrence of foreign bodies (FBs) in otorhinolaryngological practice is a common and serious problem among patients in paediatric age. The aim of this work is to characterize the risk of complications and prolonged hospitalization due to foreign bodies in ears in terms of the characteristics of the injured patients (age, gender), typology and features of the foreign bodies, the circumstances of the accident and the hospitalization's details

    The Multifunctional Host Defense Peptide SPLUNC1 Is Critical for Homeostasis of the Mammalian Upper Airway

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    Otitis media (OM) is a highly prevalent pediatric disease caused by normal flora of the nasopharynx that ascend the Eustachian tube and enter the middle ear. As OM is a disease of opportunity, it is critical to gain an increased understanding of immune system components that are operational in the upper airway and aid in prevention of this disease. SPLUNC1 is an antimicrobial host defense peptide that is hypothesized to contribute to the health of the airway both through bactericidal and non-bactericidal mechanisms. We used small interfering RNA (siRNA) technology to knock down expression of the chinchilla ortholog of human SPLUNC1 (cSPLUNC1) to begin to determine the role that this protein played in prevention of OM. We showed that knock down of cSPLUNC1 expression did not impact survival of nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae, a predominant causative agent of OM, in the chinchilla middle ear under the conditions tested. In contrast, expression of cSPLUNC1 was essential for maintenance of middle ear pressure and efficient mucociliary clearance, key defense mechanisms of the tubotympanum. Collectively, our data have provided the first in vivo evidence that cSPLUNC1 functions to maintain homeostasis of the upper airway and, thereby, is critical for protection of the middle ear

    Model-Checking Real-Time Control Programs:Verifying LEGO (R) MINDSTORMS (TM) systems using UPPAAL

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    The authors present a method for automatic verification of real time control programs running on LEGO(R) RCX TM bricks using the verification tool UPPAAL. The control programs, consisting of a number of tasks running concurrently, are automatically translated into the timed automata model of UPPAAL. The fixed scheduling algorithm used by the LEGO(R) RCX TM processor is modeled in UPPAAL, and supply of similar (sufficient) timed automata models for the environment allows analysis of the overall real time system using the tools of UPPAAL. To illustrate our techniques, we have constructed, modeled and verified a machine for sorting LEGO(R) bricks by color