943 research outputs found

    Verifications of LENR observations in nickel-copper alloy (constantan) and hydrogen experiments

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    Francesco Celani put on two apparently successful LENR demonstrations in August 2012. They involved nickel-hydrogen reactions using specially-prepared nickel-copper alloy (Constantan) wires and were based on earlier experiments by Celani. Both demonstrations were supported by National Instruments (NI) in the form of integrated software and instrumentation. Celani has shown a strong interest in having other investigators verify his LENR observations. To this end, he has provided samples of his treated Constantan wires to a number of other researchers for verification. NI continues to be supportive of Celani and others who are conducting Constantan based nickel-hydrogen LENR experiments. A systematic study is underway to identify the various experiments and associated results achieved by investigators who have received Celani's Constantan wires

    Biologging Physiological and Ecological Responses to Climatic Variation: New Tools for the Climate Change Era

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    In this mini-review, we discuss how biologging technology can be used to detect, understand, and forecast species' responses to climate change. We review studies of phenology, thermal biology, and microhabitat selection as examples to illustrate the utility of a biologging approach in terrestrial and aquatic species. These examples show that biologgers can be used to identify and predict behavioral and physiological responses to climatic variation and directional climate change, as well as to extreme weather events. While there is still considerable debate as to whether phenotypic plasticity is sufficient to facilitate species' responses to climate change or whether responses to short-term climate variability are predictive of climate change response, understanding the scope and nature of plasticity is an important step toward answering these questions. One advantage of the biologging approach is that it can facilitate the measurement of traits at the level of the individual, permitting research that investigates the degree to which physiology and behavior are plastic. As such, combining biologging with metrics of fitness can provide insight into how plasticity might confer population and species resilience to climate change. Increased use of biologgers in experimental manipulations will also yield important insight into how phenotypic flexibility allows some animals to mitigate the negative consequences of climate change. Although biologging studies to date have mostly functioned in measuring phenotypic responses to short-term climate variability, we argue that integrating biologging technology into long-term monitoring programs will be instrumental in documenting and understanding ecological responses to climate change

    Global Environmental Change: What Can Health Care Providers and the Environmental Health Community Do About It Now?

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    The debate about whether global environmental change is real is now over; in its wake is the realization that it is happening more rapidly than predicted. These changes constitute a profound challenge to human health, both as a direct threat and as a promoter of other risks. We call on health care providers to inform themselves about these issues and to become agents of change in their communities. It is our responsibility as clinicians to educate patients and their communities on the connections between regressive policies, unsustainable behaviors, global environmental changes, and threats to health and security. We call on professional organizations to assist in educating their members about these issues, in helping clinicians practice behavior change with their patients, and in adding their voices to this issue in our statehouses and Congress. We call for the development of carbon- and other environmental-labeling of consumer products so individuals can make informed choices; we also call for the rapid implementation of policies that provide tangible economic incentives for choosing environmentally sustainable products and services. We urge the environmental health community to take up the challenge of developing a global environmental health index that will incorporate human health into available “planetary health” metrics and that can be used as a policy tool to evaluate the impact of interventions and document spatial and temporal shifts in the healthfulness of local areas. Finally, we urge our political, business, public health, and academic leaders to heed these environmental warnings and quickly develop regulatory and policy solutions so that the health of populations and the integrity of their environments will be ensured for future generations

    Hybrid Particle-Continuum Simulations of Nonequilibrium Hypersonic Blunt-Body Flowfields

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/77319/1/AIAA-30216-565.pd


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    We propose a new approach to modeling the selection of leaders in Pashtun tribal society. Pashtuns are the largest tribal group in Afghanistan. In traditional Pashtun society, leadership is manifested as an informal power system where potential leaders gain and maintain their position by means of group consensus. Leadership power is spread over three areas of influence resulting in a triad of leadership roles. These leaders compete, vying for power and control based on public opinion. The addition of extremists into this system who utilize threats of harm to gain power disrupts the traditional system, altering the balance of power. In this research we implement a bounded confidence opinion dynamics model to describe the dynamics of Pashtun leadership selection and to describe the changes resulting from the addition of extremists to the system. Keywords

    Terrain Features and Architecture of Wolverine (Gulo gulo) Resting Burrows and Reproductive Dens on Arctic Tundra

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    Burrowing species rely on subterranean and subnivean sites to fulfill important life-history and behavioral processes, including predator avoidance, thermoregulation, resting, and reproduction. For these species, burrow architecture can affect the quality and success of such processes, since characteristics like tunnel width and chamber depth influence access by predators, thermal insulation, and energy spent digging. Wolverines (Gulo gulo) living in Arctic tundra environments dig burrows in snow during winter for resting sites and reproductive dens, but there are few published descriptions of such burrows. We visited 114 resting burrows and describe associated architectural characteristics and non-snow structure. Additionally, we describe characteristics of 15 reproductive den sites that we visited during winter and summer. Although many resting burrows were solely excavated in snow, most incorporated terrain structures including cliffs, talus, river shelf ice, thermokarst caves, and stream cutbanks. Burrows typically consisted of a single tunnel leading to a single chamber, though some burrows had multiple entrances, branching tunnels, or both. Tunnels in resting burrows were shorter than those in reproductive dens, and resting chambers were typically located at the deepest part of the burrow. Reproductive dens were associated with snowdrift-forming terrain features such as streambeds, cutbanks on lake edges, thermokarst caves, and boulders. Understanding such characteristics of Arctic wolverine resting and reproductive structures is critical for assessing anthropogenic impacts as snowpack undergoes climate-driven shifts.Les espĂšces fouisseuses dĂ©pendent de lieux enfouis sous la terre et sous la neige pour satisfaire leurs importants processus de vie et de comportement, y compris l’évitement des prĂ©dateurs, la thermorĂ©gulation, le repos et la reproduction. Pour ces espĂšces, l’architecture des terriers peut avoir des effets sur la qualitĂ© et la rĂ©ussite des processus, car des caractĂ©ristiques comme la largeur des tunnels et la profondeur des chambres influencent l’accĂšs aux terriers par les prĂ©dateurs, l’isolation thermique et l’énergie dĂ©pensĂ©e pour creuser. L’hiver, les carcajous (Gulo gulo) qui vivent dans les environnements de la toundra de l’Arctique creusent des terriers dans la neige afin de s’en servir comme aires de repos et comme taniĂšres de reproduction. Cependant, peu de descriptions de tels terriers ont Ă©tĂ© publiĂ©es. Nous avons visitĂ© 114 terriers de repos, puis nous avons dĂ©crit leurs caractĂ©ristiques architecturales et les structures connexes n’étant pas recouvertes de neige. Par ailleurs, nous dĂ©crivons les caractĂ©ristiques de 15 taniĂšres de reproduction que nous avons visitĂ©es en hiver et en Ă©tĂ©. MĂȘme si de nombreux terriers de repos ont Ă©tĂ© uniquement creusĂ©s dans la neige, la plupart des terriers incorporaient des structures topographiques, dont des falaises, des talus, de la glace de banquise, des grottes thermokarstiques et des hautes berges de cours d’eau. En gĂ©nĂ©ral, les terriers Ă©taient composĂ©s d’un seul tunnel menant Ă  une seule chambre, bien que certains avaient plusieurs entrĂ©es, des galeries, ou les deux. Les tunnels des aires de repos Ă©taient moins longs que ceux des taniĂšres de reproduction, et les chambres de repos Ă©taient gĂ©nĂ©ralement situĂ©es dans la partie la plus profonde des terriers. Les taniĂšres de reproduction Ă©taient installĂ©es dans des caractĂ©ristiques topographiques oĂč s’amoncelle la neige, comme les lits de cours d’eau, les hautes berges de lacs, les grottes thermokarstiques et les rochers. Il est essentiel de comprendre les caractĂ©ristiques des structures de repos et de reproduction des carcajous de l’Arctique afin d’ĂȘtre en mesure d’évaluer les incidences anthropiques au moment oĂč le manteau neigeux subit des changements liĂ©s au climat

    Infrared Properties of Close Pairs of Galaxies

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    We discuss spectroscopy and infrared photometry for a complete sample of ~ 800 galaxies in close pairs objectively selected from the CfA2 redshift survey. We use 2MASS to compare near infrared color-color diagrams for our sample with the Nearby Field Galaxy Sample and with a set of IRAS flux-limited pairs from Surace et al. We construct a basic statistical model to explore the physical sources of the substantial differences among these samples. The model explains the spread of near infrared colors and is consistent with a picture where central star formation is triggered by the galaxy-galaxy interaction before a merger occurs. For 160 galaxies we report new, deep JHK photometry within our spectroscopic aperture and we use the combined spectroscopic and photometric data to explore the physical conditions in the central bursts. We find a set of objects with H-K >= 0.45 and with a large F(FIR)/F(H). We interpret the very red H-K colors as evidence for 600-1000 K dust within compact star-forming regions, perhaps similar to super-star clusters identified in individual well-studied interacting galaxies. The galaxies in our sample are candidate ``hidden'' bursts or, possibly, ``hidden'' AGN. Over the entire pair sample, both spectroscopic and photometric data show that the specific star formation rate decreases with the projected separation of the pair. The data suggest that the near infrared color-color diagram is also a function of the projected separation; all of the objects with central near infrared colors indicative of bursts of star formation lie at small projected separation.Comment: 32 pages of text, 18 figures, accepted for publication (Astronomical Journal

    Ibrutinib Unmasks Critical Role of Bruton Tyrosine Kinase in Primary CNS Lymphoma.

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    Bruton tyrosine kinase (BTK) links the B-cell antigen receptor (BCR) and Toll-like receptors with NF-ÎșB. The role of BTK in primary central nervous system (CNS) lymphoma (PCNSL) is unknown. We performed a phase I clinical trial with ibrutinib, the first-in-class BTK inhibitor, for patients with relapsed or refractory CNS lymphoma. Clinical responses to ibrutinib occurred in 10 of 13 (77%) patients with PCNSL, including five complete responses. The only PCNSL with complete ibrutinib resistance harbored a mutation within the coiled-coil domain of CARD11, a known ibrutinib resistance mechanism. Incomplete tumor responses were associated with mutations in the B-cell antigen receptor-associated protein CD79B

    A Social Model for Health Promotion for an Aging Population: Initial Evidence on the Experience Corps Model

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    This report evaluates whether a program for older volunteers, designed for both generativity and health promotion, leads to short-term improvements in multiple behavioral risk factors and positive effects on intermediary risk factors for disability and other morbidities. The Experience CorpsÂź places older volunteers in public elementary schools in roles designed to meet schools\u27 needs and increase the social, physical, and cognitive activity of the volunteers. This article reports on a pilot randomized trial in Baltimore, Maryland. The 128 volunteers were 60-86 years old; 95% were African American. At follow-up of 4-8 months, physical activity, strength, people one could turn to for help, and cognitive activity increased significantly, and walking speed decreased significantly less, in participants compared to controls. In this pilot trial, physical, cognitive, and social activity increased, suggesting the potential for the Experience Corps to improve health for an aging population and simultaneously improve educational outcomes for children

    Infrared Spectroscopy of Symbiotic Stars. IV. V2116 Ophiuchi/GX 1+4, The Neutron Star Symbiotic

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    We have computed, based on 17 infrared radial velocities, the first set of orbital elements for the M giant in the symbiotic binary V2116 Ophiuchi. The giant's companion is a neutron star, the bright X-ray source GX 1+4. We find an orbital period of 1161 days by far the longest of any known X-ray binary. The orbit has a modest eccentricity of 0.10 with an orbital circularization time of less than 10^6 years. The large mass function of the orbit significantly restricts the mass of the M giant. Adopting a neutron-star mass of 1.35M(Sun), the maximum mass of the M giant is 1.22M(Sun), making it the less massive star. Derived abundances indicate a slightly subsolar metallicity. Carbon and nitrogen are in the expected ratio resulting from the red-giant first dredge-up phase. The lack of O-17 suggests that the M-giant has a mass less than 1.3M(Sun), consistent with our maximum mass. The red giant radius is 103R(Sun), much smaller than the estimated Roche lobe radius. Thus, the mass loss of the red giant is via a stellar wind. Although the M giant companion to the neutron star has a mass similar to the late-type star in low-mass X-ray binaries, its near-solar abundances and apparent runaway velocity are not fully consistent with the properties of this class of stars.Comment: In press to The Astrophysical Journal (10 April 2006 issue). 23 page
