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    Metadata and Data for Root et al. Ecological Applications

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    Root et al. 2016 Ecological Applications Metadata 6 tables are associated with this study MothCommunities2012.csv and MothCommunities2013.csv include moth community data. Preliminary column names are self-evident and include the units. “richness” is the species richness of moths sampled, and the “totabund” is the total abundance of moths sampled. Following columns are for each moth species headed by their scientific names, and numbers represent the count sampled. MothSpeciesTraits.csv includes the characteristics of the moths. The first column, “Sci” is the scientific name of the moth with genus.species. “family” includes the family names, and “FamShort” is the abbreviated family name. “specialist” refers to whether the species specializes on one family of plants or many families of plants (then considered a “generalist”). “FineFeed” includes the family of plants for specialist feeders. “CoarseFeed” is the coarse feeding group and includes hardwoods, herbs, grasses, conifers, lichens and ferns. “Total” is the total abundance of that species in the dataset. “Control”, “light”, “moderate”, and “intensive” are the abundances in each treatment. PlantCommunity.csv includes the plant community data. “standyear” includes the name of the stand with a “.” separating it from the sampling year. Acronyms for each plant species are the headers for all other columns. Numbers represent the average cover in quadrats in each stand by year combination. PlantCategories.csv includes the category of plants used for analysis. The “Plants” column has the acronyms used in “PlantCommunity.csv”. The “Group” has the category for each plant, including Coni (conifer), Hdwd (hardwood), Fern, Forbes (herbaceous non-graminoids), and grass (graminoids). StandCovariates.csv has the characteristics of the stands. Column names should be self-evident and include corrdinates, elevation, area, aspect, slope, and blocks