94 research outputs found

    ISTmobil: Customer Needs Orientated, Individual Mobility Services in Suburban Areas (Individual Mobility as a Service)

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    January 2014, challenges concerning urban mobility worldwide and strategies for cities to shape urban mobility better are identified (Arthur D. Little, UITP (2014)). The study indicates that in most cities the potential of urban mobility measures is not achieved and most cities are still badly equipped to cope with the challenges ahead. According to the Arthur D. Little study developements toward individualization and sustainability will require mobility services portfolio extension as well as business model transformation (Arthur D. Little, UITP (2014)). So the developement of urban mobility systems that are able to respond to this challenges is one of the greatest challenges facing cities today. Connection ISTmobil and Urban Mobility Initially the concept of ISTmobil was developed for rural or sub-urban areas. These areas are often characterized by marginal public transport supply. In some cases inhabitants and visitors depend on the private car and have no other choice. One aspect which is linked to this problem is the high rate of motorization within the communities. Looking at the initial situation and the urbanisation trend, which forces people from rural areas to commute in urban areas, there is also a connection to the topic urban mobility. In order to strengthen the use of public transport systems and at the same time mitigating commuting flows of motorised individual transport in the cities the ISTmobil system was developed. Therefore a special offer for commuters, the so called „Pendlerabo“, was developed. The ISTmobil concept The underlying idea behind the concept ISTmobil is the creation of micro public transport systems for rural and suburban areas which are cross-linked to exisiting public transport supply. Moreover, it should be possible to travel in a region or in near future in the whole country with one card and one booking number. A „One-stop shop“ supply of complete mobility services would ease the usage of the mobility services. Another important aspect is to foster cooperations and increase coordination of the different mobility services, which leads to the pooling of regional transport providers

    Less sensitive oxygen-rich organic peroxides containing geminal hydroperoxy groups

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    Tetranitratoethane (C2H2N4O12), which has an oxygen content of 70.1% was synthesized by nitration of monomeric glyoxal using N2O5 and purified by sublimation. Single crystals could be grown from CH2Cl2/pentane and were used to determine the structure by X-ray diffraction. Several energetic parameters and values were also established

    Less sensitive oxygen-rich organic peroxides containing geminal hydroperoxy groups

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    Tetranitratoethane (C2H2N4O12), which has an oxygen content of 70.1% was synthesized by nitration of monomeric glyoxal using N2O5 and purified by sublimation. Single crystals could be grown from CH2Cl2/pentane and were used to determine the structure by X-ray diffraction. Several energetic parameters and values were also established

    IGCT Switching Behaviour Under Resonant Operating Conditions

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    In the area of medium voltage DC-DC conversion, LLC Series Resonant Converter (LLC-SRC) presentsitself as an attractive topology for implementation of the DC transformer. Employing Integrated Gate Commutated Thyristor (IGCT) as a switching element one can obtain very low conduction losses with this design, while considerably lowering the switching losses. Low current turn-off of the switch previously flooded with the high quasi sinusoidal load current is explored throughout this paper. Conclusions are supported by Technology Computer Aided Design (TCAD) simulations and by waveforms obtained from a dedicated test setup designed to emulate the conduction and switching conditions present in LLC-SRC

    Recent Advancements in IGCT Technologies for High Power Electronics Applications

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    Keywords «IGCT», «Power semiconductor device», «High power discrete device», «Bipolar device», «Industrial application». Abstract In this paper, we review the progress made recently for further developing the Integrated Gate Commutated Thyristor (IGCT) device concept for high power electronics applications. A wide range of newly introduced IGCT technologies are discussed and recent prototype experimental results as well as novel structures and future trends of the IGCT technology are presented. This will provide system designers with a comprehensive overview of the potentials possible with this device concept

    Primnoidae (Cnidaria: Octocorallia) of the SW Indian Ocean: new species, genus revisions and systematics

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    The Indian Ocean is one of the least-studied areas of the world’s largest biome, the deep sea. On an expedition to five seamounts along the SW Indian Ocean Ridge in 2011, thousands of specimens from deep-sea habitats were procured. We propose five new species of Primnoidae, a predominantly deep-sea octocoral family. The new species include three from the genus Narella, and one new species each from Primnoa and Primnoeides; the latter genus is revised and we propose Digitogorgia as its junior synonym. We support the new species placement within Primnoidae through taxonomic descriptions and the most comprehensive molecular phylogenetic analysis of any deep-sea coral family (81 species across 29 genera). We also present a rare example of polar submergence (from the Antarctic shelf into deeper more Northern waters)

    In Vitro and In Vivo Studies Identify Important Features of Dengue Virus pr-E Protein Interactions

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    Flaviviruses bud into the endoplasmic reticulum and are transported through the secretory pathway, where the mildly acidic environment triggers particle rearrangement and allows furin processing of the prM protein to pr and M. The peripheral pr peptide remains bound to virus at low pH and inhibits virus-membrane interaction. Upon exocytosis, the release of pr at neutral pH completes virus maturation to an infectious particle. Together this evidence suggests that pr may shield the flavivirus fusion protein E from the low pH environment of the exocytic pathway. Here we developed an in vitro system to reconstitute the interaction of dengue virus (DENV) pr with soluble truncated E proteins. At low pH recombinant pr bound to both monomeric and dimeric forms of E and blocked their membrane insertion. Exogenous pr interacted with mature infectious DENV and specifically inhibited virus fusion and infection. Alanine substitution of E H244, a highly conserved histidine residue in the pr-E interface, blocked pr-E interaction and reduced release of DENV virus-like particles. Folding, membrane insertion and trimerization of the H244A mutant E protein were preserved, and particle release could be partially rescued by neutralization of the low pH of the secretory pathway. Thus, pr acts to silence flavivirus fusion activity during virus secretion, and this function can be separated from the chaperone activity of prM. The sequence conservation of key residues involved in the flavivirus pr-E interaction suggests that this protein-protein interface may be a useful target for broad-spectrum inhibitors
