974 research outputs found

    Mathematical resolution of complex chromatographic measurements

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    Hvordan kan det digitale bibliotek styrke studerendes employability?

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    I uddannelsespolitikken er der for tiden en stærk ambition om at øge kvaliteten af uddannelserne og skabe en bedre forbindelse til jobmarkedet. De studerendes faglighed skal styrkes, og den skal lettere kunne omsættes til et fremtidigt virke på arbejdsmarkedet. Et nyt DEFF-projekt om employability skal understøtte denne udvikling og sørge for, at der er de kompetencer på uddannelsesbibliotekerne, så medarbejdere her kan bakke proaktivt op om denne målsætning

    How can the digital library contribute to employability?

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    The DEFF project, E-learning, Information literacy and Library services, supports the education policy ambition of enhancing links between education and employment. The project consortium includes libraries from all Danish universities, university colleges and one business academy. Timeframe for the project is 2014-16.The project understands employability as:In close cooperation with study programmes libraries will strengthen students’ abilityto perform independently and critically in a professional context by being able to identify, collect, evaluate, organize and present information via digital platforms.A partnership is made between the digital library (partner libraries involved) and the virtual learning environment (educational institutions), based on the above definition of employability. This is done within the framework of Learning Management Systems (LMS) and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). The libraries and academic programmes will collaborate to create e-learning objects based on the relevant digital library systems and information resources.Departments from three Danish universities will contribute by strengthening the project participants’ skills in e-didactics and the development of e-learning objects (SDUUP, University of Southern Denmark), developing a range of flexible concepts for the integration of the virtual library into learning environments (IVA, Copenhagen University) and evaluating the project’s activities (E-Learning Lab, Aalborg University).Sustainable results include the training of library staff to work together with academic programmes via the virtual learning environments, the development of flexible concepts for integrating the virtual library with study environments and knowledge on how inputs, created by the project for each study programme, should function

    Mediated intimacy in families: understanding the relation between children and parents

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    Mediating intimacy between children and their parents is still limited investigated and at the same time, we find that, emerging technologies are about to change and affect the way we interact with each other. In this paper, we report from an empirical study where we investigated the social interaction phenomena that unfold between children and their parents. We used cultural probes and contextual interviews to investigate the intimate acts between children and parents in three families. Our findings show that the intimate act between children and parents share a number of similarities with other types of intimate relations such as strong-tie intimacy (couples cohabiting). However, we also identified several issues of intimacy unique to the special relation between children and their parents. These unique acts of intimacy propose challenges when designing technologies for mediated intimacy in families. Author Keywords Children, parents, cultural probes, mediated intimac
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