4 research outputs found

    Dépenses culture-médias des ménages en France au milieu des années 2000 : une transformation structurelle

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    L’analyse des dépenses que les ménages français consacrent aux biens et aux services culturels et de communication permet de prendre la mesure des évolutions au cours des années 2000. Si elles ont diminué en 2006 par rapport à 2001 et ne représentent plus que 4 % du budget disponible contre 4,5 % cinq ans plus tôt, la structure des dépenses culture-médias s’est considérablement transformée. La numérisation des biens culturels a amplifié la transition vers une industrie de services. L’analyse confirme l’influence de l’âge, du niveau d’études, de la catégorie socioprofessionnelle et de la taille de la commune de résidence dans la part des dépenses qu’un ménage français consacre aux dépenses culturelles. Une approche typologique des dépenses identifie trois univers de consommation culturelle : la culture « traditionnelle », la culture de l’écran et la culture « jeune »

    With or Without Interviewer : A Replication of ESS on the ELIPSS Panel

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    The European Social Survey (ESS) is an academically driven cross-national survey conducted every two years across Europe, to which France has participated since the first round in 2002. The ESS measures the attitudes, beliefs and behaviour patterns of various populations in more than thirty countries. One of its main goals aims to provide analysis elements on how Europe’s social, political and moral fabric is changing. In the ESS, data are collected via face-to-face interviews. In France, the fieldwork of the 7th round led to a survey replication on the panel ELIPSS (Longitudinal Internet Studies for Social Sciences). Every month the panel members answer a 30 minutes self-administered questionnaire developed by researchers and selected by a scientific and technical committee. In order to answer the surveys, they are provided with a touch-screen tablet and a 3G Internet subscription. In the ELIPSS panel, members are randomly selected by the French census bureau (INSEE). Traditionally, this is also the same for the ESS, but it was different for the 7th round. This time, the fieldwork institute in charge of data collection has proposed its own sampling methodology. One can find significant differences in methodologies between these two surveys, from the sampling procedure to the data collection collect method and analysis tools. In 2017, we focused on the results comparison between the two devices; this year, we intend to focus on the different ways to set up a survey. In particular, we want to aim at the importance of the gender within the interviewer-respondent relationship. The replication of a face-to-face survey into an auto-administered panel makes it possible to study the effects resulting from being surveyed by a person of the same or the opposite gender. Consequently, it asks the question : to what extent auto-administered surveys could provide an access to objective measurement