230 research outputs found

    Snowpack control over the thermal offset of air and soil temperatures in eastern North Dakota

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    [1] The close relationship between air and ground temperatures has been used to reconstruct paleoclimate conditions from ground temperatures. Unfortunately, the presence of snow decouples air and ground temperatures and obscures their relationship. The objective of this paper is to investigate the role that snowpack conditions play in affecting the relationship between air and soil temperatures. The annual thermal offset between mean annual soil and air temperatures is examined over a 12 year period (1990–2002) at Fargo, ND, using observed soil temperatures along with simulations from a physically based snowpack model. Early season snow cover does not necessarily lead to large thermal offsets. These snowpacks, while low in density, also tended to be shallow and therefore do not provide much thermal insulation. Winter snowpacks explain a greater portion of the annual thermal offset. While denser than fall snowpacks, the extra depth and longer persistence leads to superior insulation of the ground

    A Synoptic Climatology of Derecho Producing Mesoscale Convective Systems in the North-Central Plains

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    Synoptic-scale environments favourable for producing derechos, or widespread convectively induced windstorms, in the North-Central Plains are examined with the goal of providing pattern-recognition:diagnosis techniques. Fifteen derechos were identified across the North-Central Plains region during 1986–1995. The synoptic environment at the initiation, mid-point and decay of each derecho was then evaluated using surface, upper-air and National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR):National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis datasets. Results suggest that the synoptic environment is critical in maintaining derecho producing mesoscale convective systems (DMCSs). The synoptic environment in place downstream of the MCS initiation region determines the movement and potential strength of the system. Circulation around surface low pressure increased the instability gradient and maximized leading edge convergence in the initiation region of nearly all events regardless of DMCS location or movement. Other commonalities in the environments of these events include the presence of a weak thermal boundary, high convective instability and a layer of dry low-to-mid-tropospheric air. Of the two corridors sampled, northeastward moving derechos tend to initiate east of synoptic-scale troughs, while southeastward moving derechos form on the northeast periphery of a synoptic-scale ridge. Other differences between these two DMCS events are also discussed

    Atmospheric circulation patterns, cloud-to-ground lightning, and locally intense convective rainfall associated with debris flow initiation in the Dolomite Alps of northeastern Italy

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    The Dolomite Alps of northeastern Italy experience debris flows with great frequency during the summer months. An ample supply of unconsolidated material on steep slopes and a summer season climate regime characterized by recurrent thunderstorms combine to produce an abundance of these destructive hydro-geologic events. In the past, debris flow events have been studied primarily in the context of their geologic and geomorphic characteristics. The atmospheric contribution to these mass-wasting events has been limited to recording rainfall and developing intensity thresholds for debris mobilization. This study aims to expand the examination of atmospheric processes that preceded both locally intense convective rainfall (LICR) and debris flows in the Dolomite region. 500 hPa pressure level plots of geopotential heights were constructed for a period of 3 days prior to debris flow events to gain insight into the synoptic-scale processes which provide an environment conducive to LICR in the Dolomites. Cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning flash data recorded at the meso-scale were incorporated to assess the convective environment proximal to debris flow source regions. Twelve events were analyzed and from this analysis three common synoptic-scale circulation patterns were identified. Evaluation of CG flashes at smaller spatial and temporal scales illustrated that convective processes vary in their production of CF flashes (total number) and the spatial distribution of flashes can also be quite different between events over longer periods. During the 60 min interval immediately preceding debris flow a majority of cases exhibited spatial and temporal colocation of LICR and CG flashes. Also a number of CG flash parameters were found to be significantly correlated to rainfall intensity prior to debris flow initiation

    Spatial and Temporal Variations of Surface Characteristics on the Greenland Ice Sheet as Derived from Passive Microwave Observations

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    The primary goals of this research were to identify and begin to comprehend the spatial and temporal variations in surface characteristics of the Greenland ice sheet using passive microwave observations, physically-based models of the snowpack and field observations of snowpack and firn properties

    A Scalable Safety Critical Control Framework for Nonlinear Systems

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    There are two main approaches to safety-critical control. The first one relies on computation of control invariant sets and is presented in the first part of this work. The second approach draws from the topic of optimal control and relies on the ability to realize Model-Predictive-Controllers online to guarantee the safety of a system. In the second approach, safety is ensured at a planning stage by solving the control problem subject for some explicitly defined constraints on the state and control input. Both approaches have distinct advantages but also major drawbacks that hinder their practical effectiveness, namely scalability for the first one and computational complexity for the second. We therefore present an approach that draws from the advantages of both approaches to deliver efficient and scalable methods of ensuring safety for nonlinear dynamical systems. In particular, we show that identifying a backup control law that stabilizes the system is in fact sufficient to exploit some of the set-invariance conditions presented in the first part of this work. Indeed, one only needs to be able to numerically integrate the closed-loop dynamics of the system over a finite horizon under this backup law to compute all the information necessary for evaluating the regulation map and enforcing safety. The effect of relaxing the stabilization requirements of the backup law is also studied, and weaker but more practical safety guarantees are brought forward. We then explore the relationship between the optimality of the backup law and how conservative the resulting safety filter is. Finally, methods of selecting a safe input with varying levels of trade-off between conservatism and computational complexity are proposed and illustrated on multiple robotic systems, namely: a two-wheeled inverted pendulum (Segway), an industrial manipulator, a quadrotor, and a lower body exoskeleton

    Crystal engineering of molecular to nonmolecular metal malonates in the presence of piperazine: Role of metal ions in tuning architectures

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    Growth of transition metal malonate (mal) based solids from aqueous solution is investigated in the presence of piperazine (pip). Reaction under ambient conditions favored the growth of [{M(mal)2(H2O)2}{H2pip}] (M: Ni, 1; M: Co, 2), [{Cu(mal)2(H2O)2}{H2pip}].2H2O (3), and, [Zn(mal)(pip)(H2O)] (4). While 1-3 are molecular solids, 4 is a 2-D coordination polymer. In the case of cobalt, higher acidic condition favored the formation of a molecular organic-inorganic salt, [(H2pip){CoCl4}] (5). The same reaction under a different crystallization condition, i.e., lesser polar solvent and slightly higher temperature (solvothermal) led to a 2-D coordination polymer [{Co(mal)(H2O)(Hpip)}]Cl (6). A retrosynthesis approach has been employed to interpret the crystallization reaction and compare the supramolecular reactivity of aggregating metal tectons in engineering the molecules to form either a molecular solid or coordination polymer

    Characterization and Symmetry Study of Objective Feet and Leg Joint Measurements in Five Separate Lines of Maternal Gilts

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    This study involves the initial measurement and joint description of five maternal gilt lines for the validation of objectively measured feet and leg joint angles in regards to sow longevity. The initial measurement was used to characterize all gilts used in the study based on age and line as well as to study the symmetry between the left and right sides of the animals’ body. Significant differences (P \u3c 0.05) between lines were identified in both pasterns. Results suggest (P \u3c 0.05) that the knee and the hock angles increase with age. Symmetry difference, difference between right and left, (P \u3c 0.05) was observed in the knee. These measurements will be used in association with production records through the animals’ first parity to validate past joint measurements from sows that have remained in their respective herds longer than their contemporaries and to identify a range of acceptable joint angles that allow an animal to remain in the herd for a long production life

    The Future of the Joint Warfighting Headquarters: An Alternative Approach to the Joint Task Force

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    The US military must create standing, numbered, and regionally aligned Joint warfighting headquarters— American Expeditionary Forces (AEFs)—around a command council and a staff organized into Joint centers and cells. Calls for standing Joint force headquarters are not new, but the demonstrated military effectiveness of the Joint Task Force (JTF) model coupled with increasing service-specific resource requirements and tightening fiscal constraints have resulted in little evolution in joint force headquarters construction since the end of World War II. Analysis of the historical record has shown that joint warfighting is best conducted with a Joint warfighting command subordinate to the geographic combatant commands. However, the Joint Task Force model is problematic because the ad-hoc, post-crisis activation of JTFs, along with their antiquated command and control structure, inherently puts the United States at a strategic and operational disadvantage. In the future, the US military will primarily maintain its competitive advantage, especially in great-power competition, by being a superior and sustainable joint force sooner than its adversaries. The proposed AEFs draw on generations of hard-earned experience to maintain and grow American supremacy in Joint warfighting in an increasingly dangerous world.https://press.armywarcollege.edu/monographs/1949/thumbnail.jp

    A method of measuring fingertip loading during keyboard use

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    A single keycap on a standard alphanumeric computer keyboard was instrumented with a piezoelectric load cell and the fingertip motion was recorded with a high-speed video motion analysis system. Contact force histories between the fingertip and the keycap were recorded while four subjects typed a standard text for five minutes. Each keystroke force history is characterized by three distinct phases: (I) keyswitch compression, (II) finger impact and (III) fingertip pulp compression and release. Each keystroke force history contained two relative maxima, one in phase II and one in phase III. The subject mean peak forces ranged from 1.6 to 5.3 N and the subject mean peak fingertip velocities ranged from 0.3 to 0.7 m/s. Motion analyses and force measurements suggest a ballistic model of finger motion during typing.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/31426/1/0000344.pd

    A Scalable Safety Critical Control Framework for Nonlinear Systems

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    There are two main approaches to safety-critical control. The first one relies on computation of control invariant sets and is presented in the first part of this work. The second approach draws from the topic of optimal control and relies on the ability to realize Model-Predictive-Controllers online to guarantee the safety of a system. In the second approach, safety is ensured at a planning stage by solving the control problem subject for some explicitly defined constraints on the state and control input. Both approaches have distinct advantages but also major drawbacks that hinder their practical effectiveness, namely scalability for the first one and computational complexity for the second. We therefore present an approach that draws from the advantages of both approaches to deliver efficient and scalable methods of ensuring safety for nonlinear dynamical systems. In particular, we show that identifying a backup control law that stabilizes the system is in fact sufficient to exploit some of the set-invariance conditions presented in the first part of this work. Indeed, one only needs to be able to numerically integrate the closed-loop dynamics of the system over a finite horizon under this backup law to compute all the information necessary for evaluating the regulation map and enforcing safety. The effect of relaxing the stabilization requirements of the backup law is also studied, and weaker but more practical safety guarantees are brought forward. We then explore the relationship between the optimality of the backup law and how conservative the resulting safety filter is. Finally, methods of selecting a safe input with varying levels of trade-off between conservatism and computational complexity are proposed and illustrated on multiple robotic systems, namely: a two-wheeled inverted pendulum (Segway), an industrial manipulator, a quadrotor, and a lower body exoskeleton
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