15,631 research outputs found

    The complex relationship between weather and dengue virus transmission in Thailand.

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    Using a novel analytical approach, weather dynamics and seasonal dengue virus transmission cycles were profiled for each Thailand province, 1983-2001, using monthly assessments of cases, temperature, humidity, and rainfall. We observed systematic differences in the structure of seasonal transmission cycles of different magnitude, the role of weather in regulating seasonal cycles, necessary versus optimal transmission "weather-space," basis of large epidemics, and predictive indicators that estimate risk. Larger epidemics begin earlier, develop faster, and are predicted at Onset change-point when case counts are low. Temperature defines a viable range for transmission; humidity amplifies the potential within that range. This duality is central to transmission. Eighty percent of 1.2 million severe dengue cases occurred when mean temperature was 27-29.5°C and mean humidity was > 75%. Interventions are most effective when applied early. Most cases occur near Peak, yet small reductions at Onset can substantially reduce epidemic magnitude. Monitoring the Quiet-Phase is fundamental in effectively targeting interventions pre-emptively

    Validity of a contact mat and accelerometric system to assess countermovement jump from flight time

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    Countermovement jump (CMJ) height is an important parameter in physical performance. This study compared CMJ height measured using ChronoJump contact mat (CJ) and Myotest accelerometer (MT) systems with a force platform (FP). Thirty recreationally active adults (32.1 ± 10.4 years, 75.9 ± 12.0 kg, 173.2 ± 6.3 cm) completed a CMJ protocol where height was simultaneously recorded using the three systems. CJ and MT measures were strongly and significant correlated (r = 0.65, 0.66, respectively; p  0.05), yet MT-derived measures were significantly different from those obtained using the FP (p < 0.05). Systematic bias was observed between FP and the CJ and between FP and MT. This study demonstrates the validity of CJ and MT systems for the assessment of CMJ height. Systematic bias and between-device differences in measurement should be considered when interpreting and comparing data from these devices

    Universality and universal finite-size scaling functions in four-dimensional Ising spin glasses

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    We study the four-dimensional Ising spin glass with Gaussian and bond-diluted bimodal distributed interactions via large-scale Monte Carlo simulations and show via an extensive finite-size scaling analysis that four-dimensional Ising spin glasses obey universality.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, 4 table

    Nano-Kelvin thermometry and temperature control: beyond the thermal noise limit

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    We demonstrate thermometry with a resolution of 80 nK/Hz\mathrm{nK} / \sqrt{\mathrm{Hz}} using an isotropic crystalline whispering-gallery mode resonator based on a dichroic dual-mode technique. We simultaneously excite two modes that have a mode frequency ratio very close to two (±0.3\pm0.3ppm). The wavelength- and temperature-dependence of the refractive index means that the frequency difference between these modes is an ultra-sensitive proxy of the resonator temperature. This approach to temperature sensing automatically suppresses sensitivity to thermal expansion and vibrationally induced changes of the resonator. We also demonstrate active suppression of temperature fluctuations in the resonator by controlling the intensity of the driving laser. The residual temperature fluctuations are shown to be below the limits set by fundamental thermodynamic fluctuations of the resonator material

    Low State, Phase-Resolved IR Spectroscopy of VV Puppis

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    We present phase-resolved low resolution JHKJHK and higher resolution KK-band spectroscopy of the polar VV Pup. All observations were obtained when VV Pup was in a low accretion state having a K magnitude near 15. The low resolution observations reveal cyclotron emission in the JJ band during some phases, consistent with an origin near the active 30.5 MG pole on the white dwarf. The secondary in VV Pup appears to be a normal M7V star and we find that the HH and KK band fluxes are entirely due to this star at all orbital phases during the low accretion state. We use our higher resolution Keck spectroscopy to produce the first KK-band radial velocity curve for VV Pup. Our orbital solution yields K2K_2=414±27\pm27 km sec−1^{-1} and leads to mass estimates of M1_1=0.73±\pm0.05 M⊙_{\odot} and M2_2=0.10±\pm0.02 M⊙_{\odot}. We find that the mass accretion rates during the normal low states of the polars VV Pup, EF Eri, and EQ Cet are near 10−13^{-13} M⊙_{\odot} yr−1^{-1}. The fact that \.M is not zero in low state polars indicates active secondary stars in these binary systems, including the sub-stellar donor star present in EF Eri.Comment: Accepted in Astronomical Journal 5 figure

    Automatic semigroups

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    AbstractThe area of automatic groups has been one in which significant advances have been made in recent years. While it is clear that the definition of an automatic group can easily be extended to that of an automatic semigroup, there does not seem to have been a systematic investigation of such structures. It is the purpose of this paper to make such a study.We show that certain results from the group-theoretic situation hold in this wider context, such as the solvability of the word problem in quadratic time, although others do not, such as finite presentability. There are also situations which arise in the general theory of semigroups which do not occur when considering groups; for example, we show that a semigroup S is automatic if and only if S with a zero adjoined is automatic, and also that S is automatic if and only if S with an identity adjoined is automatic. We use this last result to show that any finitely generated subsemigroup of a free semigroup is automatic

    Folklore Term Paper: Holidays of the Amish, May 23, 1950

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    A typed term paper completed at Franklin and Marshall College by Thomas M. Campbell, dated May 23, 1950. Within, Campbell recounts his interviews with farmers throughout Lancaster County, Pennsylvania on the various holidays the Amish community celebrates, detailing practices and rituals typically followed on a number of different occasions.https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/shoemaker_documents/1045/thumbnail.jp

    Moral wrongs, disadvantages, and disability: a critique of critical disability studies

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    Critical disability studies (CDS) has emerged as an approach to the study of disability over the last decade or so and has sought to present a challenge to the predominantly materialist line found in the more conventional disability studies approaches. In much the same way that the original development of the social model resulted in a necessary correction to the overly individualized accounts of disability that prevailed in much of the interpretive accounts which then dominated medical sociology, so too has CDS challenged the materialist line of disability studies. In this paper we review the ideas behind this development and analyse and critique some of its key ideas. The paper starts with a brief overview of the main theorists and approaches contained within CDS and then moves on to normative issues; namely, to the ethical and political applicability of CDS
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