24 research outputs found

    Efimov Physics in a three-component Fermi gas

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    This thesis reports on experiments studying the few-body physics of three distinguishable fermionic atoms with large scattering lengths. The experiments were performed with ultracold gases of fermionic 6Li atoms in three different hyperfine states. By tuning the strength of the interactions between the atoms with Feshbach resonances and measuring the rate constants for inelastic three-atom and atom-dimer collisions the intersections of two universal trimer states with the three-atom and atom-dimer continuum could be located. Subsequently, one of these Efimov states was directly observed with RF-association spectroscopy. Using this technique the binding energy of this Efimov state was measured as a function of the strength of the interparticle interactions. The experiments presented in this thesis provide a nearly complete understanding of the universal few-body physics of three-component Fermi gases of 6Li atoms. This understanding will be the foundation for future studies of the many-body physics of three-component Fermi gases

    Radio Frequency Association of Efimov Trimers

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    The quantum-mechanical three-body problem is one of the fundamental challenges of few-body physics. When the two-body interactions become resonant, an infinite series of universal three-body bound states is predicted to occur, whose properties are determined by the strength of the two-body interactions. We report on the association and direct observation of a trimer state consisting of three distinguishable fermions using radio-frequency (RF) spectroscopy. The measurements of its binding energy are consistent with theoretical predictions which include non-universal corrections.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Antiferromagnetic Heisenberg Spin Chain of a Few Cold Atoms in a One-Dimensional Trap

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    We report on the deterministic preparation of antiferromagnetic Heisenberg spin chains consisting of up to four fermionic atoms in a one-dimensional trap. These chains are stabilized by strong repulsive interactions between the two spin components without the need for an external periodic potential. We independently characterize the spin configuration of the chains by measuring the spin orientation of the outermost particle in the trap and by projecting the spatial wave function of one spin component on single-particle trap levels. Our results are in good agreement with a spin-chain model for fermionized particles and with numerically exact diagonalizations of the full few-fermion system

    Sound propagation and quantum limited damping in a two-dimensional Fermi gas

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    Strongly interacting two-dimensional Fermi systems are one of the great remaining challenges in many-body physics due to the interplay of strong local correlations and enhanced long-range fluctuations. Here, we probe the thermodynamic and transport properties of a 2D Fermi gas across the BEC-BCS crossover by studying the propagation and damping of sound modes. We excite particle currents by imprinting a phase step onto homogeneous Fermi gases trapped in a box potential and extract the speed of sound from the frequency of the resulting density oscillations. We measure the speed of sound across the BEC-BCS crossover and compare the resulting dynamic measurement of the equation of state both to a static measurement based on recording density profiles and to Quantum Monte Carlo calculations and find reasonable agreement between all three. We also measure the damping of the sound mode, which is determined by the shear and bulk viscosities as well as the thermal conductivity of the gas. We find that the damping is minimal in the strongly interacting regime and the diffusivity approaches the universal quantum bound ℏ/m\hbar/m of a perfect fluid